• Published 1st Apr 2018
  • 320 Views, 10 Comments

My Little Rainbows 2: Rainbow Harder - The PatioHeater

A rewrite of my first My Little Rainbows, only so SO much better. Essentially it's just Rainbow Dash's childhood. You'll laugh, you'll cry, it will change your life.

  • ...

11 Years

Rainbow had insisted on walking them to school on their first day at Cloudsdale High. At first they were happy to share the experience with their beloved mother, but as soon as they arrived and saw no other parents they regretted everything.
“Thanks mum. See ya later!” Swirl said happily just before they got through the gate.
“Yeah. See ya,” Dash said quickly as she felt the judgement from others boring into her.
“Don't be stupid! I'm walking you to the door, sillies,” Rainbow trotted with a bounce in her step, passing her daughters and going through the gate.
Dash and Swirl watched in disbelief as their mother was about to ruin their school lives before they even started. They followed at a distance, only it was no use as there was no question about who they were, what being nearly identical to each other. Giggles and whispers ensued.
Eyes were drawn to the family. All staring and judging, only not in ridicule, for the most part anyway, but in slight mesmerisation. Never before had they seen such brightly coloured ponies.
They reached the door with a small crowd watching after them. Rainbow turned with a smile and a swish of her mane. Several hormone filled colts blushed and had the need to get away quickly. “This brings back so many memories,” Rainbow said with the air of nostalgia. “Just over there I caught the headmaster dealing drugs to children. Good times.”
“Yeah. Great,” Dash groaned in pain. “We'd better get inside. We're gonna be late.”
“Pfft, no you're not. You're just embarassed, aren't you?”
The pair blushed. Somehow their mother pointing it out only made it worse.
Rainbow chuckled. “I did it on purpose.”
A bell rang, and ponies slowly began to meander into the building.
“I guess we were just in time. Well, I'll say goodbye. A hug is probably out of the question, isn't it?”
Dash and Swirl laughed a little. “Yeah. Probs. See ya!”
“Yeah. See you after.”
The two walked past their mother, but with insane reflexes she grabbed their waists and hugged them tight. No amount of squirming could get them free. “Hugs are always on the table.”
Rainbow dropped them after just long enough for most of the school to see them get hugged by their mother and left giggling.
Dash and Swirl shared a look of hope. Hope for their reputations not being tattered beyond redemption. One couple of older colts helped them a little.
“Did you see that mare?”
“Yeah. She was well fit.”
They bumped hooves and kept going.
Dash and Swirl shrugged their shoulder. Their mum was fit? It wasn't something they had thought of, but maybe if ponies only noticed how attractive their mother was they wouldn't notice how embarassing she was.

In their first form period, right after doing the register, Dash saw someone who caught her eye and wouldn't let go.
It was a griffin. The first one she had ever seen. Half lion, half eagle, all badass. She knew she was going to be friends with her. At first chance she got she went to introduce herself.
“Hi. I'm Dash.”
“Gilda. Now Buzz off, dweeb!” Gilda waved her off with her claw.
“Who's the dweeb you... dork!”
Gilda scoffed. “Dork? What, you're mother make your insults for ya?”
Dash scowled, unsure if that was an insult. “No?”
“Heh. You go sit down again. I ain't got time with losers.”
“Who you calling loser?!” Dash squared up. “I never lose. Ever,” she said with a viscious poke at the griffin's chest.
“Oh yeah? Well you look a little scrawny to me.” Gilda stood up, taller than Dash. “Think you're better than me? Check this out.” She flexed her arm, popping a bicep that wasn't particularly impressive.
“What about this?” Dash resonded in kind, showing her own biceps off. Equally unimpressive.
“Bring it on, then, dork!” Gilda slammed her elbow on the desk. “Let's see you lose to an arm wrestle. Whatever arms are.”
Dash took the challenge.
The first bell rang and they had to go to class, meaning Dash and Gilda couldn't finish their

Jesus FUCK this is boring. Like, I don't know. It's just... bland. Boring. Uninteresting. I'm not gonna waste time with this shit.

Here's the jist.

Gilda and Dash earn respect for each other and then form a strong bond of friendship once they realise they are incredibly similar and equally physically impressive. As a result of this, Dash becomes part of the classic trope of bad boyz and jockey culture in a vaguely american/english school system. Throw in some slags and bitches and you've got her clique pretty nailed down.

Swirl and Ticker get into a fight with Hoops. Not bad for their first day. It didn't last long enough for a victor to be declared, but a teacher intervened and, seeing there was preexisting beef, decided not to punish but rather advise on their separation where possible.

At the end of the day Rainbow comes pick them up. Further embarassment happens, as does some weird looks from teenagers.

That's it. Like I said. Boring. Anyway just skip to the next one. Probably going to be a little bit better.

Actually hang on a minute. I forgot about something mildly important. Technically this happens before the above but whatever, this chapter is a dud anyway.

Dash held Fluttershy, teary eyed and not wanting to let go. Fluttershy was exactly the same.
“Do you have to go?” Dash said in a teary whisper.
Fluttershy nodded. “I'm so sorry. I wish I didn't but I'm only thirteen so I have to do what my parents say.”
“I'll never forget the well documented time I spent with you. We were inseparable. I don't think there was a single time we weren't together. Do you-you remember-” Her tears took over.
Fluttershy nodded. “I do. It was such a good time.”
Everyone around them nodded, crying themselves at the memory they shared, one that would forever stick with them, one that really helped define and flesh out their characters and molded them into who they are today. Truly an emotional rollercoaster, it would be a shame to not know what they were talking about.
Rainbow took her violin and started playing an emotional tune, similar to that at the end of that sinking ship movie that had taken Equestria by storm some years back.
Fluttershy's mum placed her hoof on her daughter's shoulder. “It's time,” she said solemnly.
Dash took a second to soak up as much of her best friend as she could before letting go, and when she did it was like losing a part of herself.
“I'll never forget you,” She said tearily. “I'll probably forget you though,” she added to Zephyr, who was also there.
Fluttershy boarded the cart to Ponyville and it drifted off slowly. She looked back. Tears in her eyes but a soft, warm smile, full of memories that she would call upon when times ahead looked bleak. Memories that would shed light on a dark world and bring warmth into her heart.
The Rainbow family and Ticker, who was also there, looked back in kind. Dash held tight by her side the book she was given as a gift, a book of their time together, with only a few pages left to fill of her own, as there was that much to right about. A whole bleedin' book of times and adventures together that don't need to be written because it is so strongly implied from the, what, two times I've mentioned Fluttershy?