• Member Since 8th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 1st, 2023

The PatioHeater

I'm a writer for all sorts of things, pony or otherwise. Like what you read? Follow me on Patreon!


This story is a sequel to My Little Rainbows

Rainbow Dash is a complex character, her past as mysterious as her future, made who she is by those she left behind and those who follow her still.
However there are a few ponies who are more important to her development than most, those that made her the mare she is today.
That's right, it's that cliche, her family.

This is a rewrite of my first My Little Rainbows. While it follows a similar timeline it deviates somewhat with more and better ideas, also it is written so much better, so much so I believe it deserves to be republished under a new story. Plus I just want to give the original watchers some closure after nearly five years.
It isn't even close to canon anymore as so much has happened since I planned this, hence the AU tag.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 10 )

Man , I’m so glad you’re doing this.

I’m going to have to get used to the changes.


Wait, are you here from the first version? NICE!

There's not that many changes, just mostly filled plot holes and better bits. Also it's actually finished (almost)!

Just need to upload and format.


I only just realised what day it is.

I’m assuming those annotations are on purpose?


It was my plan to release the new version on april fools, hence the completion of the cliff hanger in the first version being what it is. I just thought it would be funny.
However everything written here is genuine and written for the story. My annotations and little funny sounding bits are there purely because I found it funny. I stopped taking it all so seriously. I was just having fun writing!
I think it's better for it.

So this is the story you want it to be! It actually finishes what I started! I am amazed at myself!


As long as it means you actually finished it.

I don’t give a fuck either.

I gave it a like and I shall give it a read.

I like stories about the main sixes childhoods. My stories about their childhoods are not for the faint of heart.

“Hook-a-duck!” They both shouted as loud as their mouths and wings could go.

y’know, this statement stumped me until i read it over completely five times.

I need to stop reading to sleep.

You know what?


Is the a sequel or a rewrite?(no, I haven't read the story yet)

Rewrite. Don't bother with the first as it's just awful and follows more or less the same timeline and plot points. Stick with this one if you wanted to, especially as I won't be finishing the story with the first.

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