• Published 28th Apr 2018
  • 2,015 Views, 27 Comments

The Villain Adventures of Mick, Mark, Max and Michelle - Wild Wire

4 Brony friends get sucked into Equestria as 4 major villains.

  • ...

Lost and Lost

Welcome back to the Villain Adventures of Mick, Mark, Max and Michelle.

----------<3rd person, the entrance of the Castle of the Two Sisters>----------

"Alright guys, we better get going now, I don't want to be in this dirty castle any longer than I need to." Michelle informs the group. And so they prepare to walk through the front doors, all filled with excitement as going through here will truly begin their journey. And so it was then they walked through...

And the lost woods theme from ocarina of time starts playing. Everyone turns to Mick who is holding an old radio.

"What? It fits!" Mick tells the group.

"Well that's true I guess, but what if a monster hears us?" Mark says to Mick.

Mick turns down the radio so slowly it's almost painful.

"Just turn it off!" Mark shouts.


And so they started to walk, until they found the bridge, which isn't even that far I mean you can literally see it from the entrance of the castle. They all stopped.

"I don't trust this thing, it's like a thousand years old. It might break." Max says.

"I'll go then to test it." Michelle volunteers.

"Actually," Mark starts. "Can't Mick just lift us all up and float there?" Mark asks them. As soon as he says this a super small yacht with four wooden chairs melted into the sides appears about a foot off the ground and floats there. Another flash and Mick is wearing a pirate hat and life vest.

"Excellent idea co-captain!" Mick says while placing a tiny sailor hat on Mark's head. Max chuckles a bit at seeing Sombra with a white sailors cap.

And so everyone sits in a chair and Mick activates the ridiculously weak thrusters on the back. Going about 2 feet per second floating over the cliff, everyone just waits while listening to Michelle hum the Green Hill Zone theme, both the main notes and the back notes with her two voices. Max is refusing to look down and is freaking out on the inside.

About a minute later they reach the other side, float over land and the boat suddenly drops like a brick. Mark and Michelle glare at Mick while Max stops freaking out from his fear of heights. They all get off the boat and when they turn back around the boat is just a cardboard cutout of a stock image yacht. Mick pulls of his vest and decides to eat it.

"This tastes like Bananas!" Mick tells them. He then eats his pirate hat which he says tastes like m&ms. Mark looks up to his hat and thinks 'why not'. He takes a bite and his eyes widen at the taste of marshmallows. Less than a second later the hat has been devoured. Mark likes marshmallows.

And now they venture off into the forest itself, following the path after the bridge. They keep walking, hoping to run into the river. At this point they are completely surrounded by trees in all directions.

"Are we lost?" Max asks worriedly. Mark just shrugged.

About 3 minutes later Michelle suddenly says "Well, I think we are definitely lost."


Mark, Max and Michelle all shout "TIMBERWOLVES!"

"Actually that was just my stomach." Informed Mick.


"Okay that one was NOT my stomach." Mick said slightly louder.

A single timberwolf jumps out of the bushes and lands in front of the group, so they all prepare.

Suddenly a green line starts moving from its eyes and the timberwolf starts to freak out. Mick, Mark and Michelle look at where the line is headed to see Max with his mouth wide open, draining the timberwolf's magic, causing the timberwolf to fall apart. Everyone just continues to stare at Max even after he finished. Then Max grew a bit.

"...Okay." Mark starts. "That's convenient."

"Yeah..." Michelle replies.

And so they continued walking, and walking... and then they found the river!

Said river was not going crazy but it was still to fast to walk through.

"So Mick, you helped cross the bridge and Max got rid of that timberwolf, I guess it's my turn to help?" Michelle asks.

"I guess." Was Marks simple reply.

"But how?" Max asks Michelle.

Michelle proceeded to shape shift into Carrie from Super Paper Mario.

"Hop on!" She said in a textbox. Mick replies that the textbox it cool before he just floats over the river, Mark goes into cloud form and floats across too, so Max steps on the living platform.

"I honestly forgot Mark can do that." Michelle says in a textbox above her.

And so they all cross the river...

"And now there is MORE walking." Max says.

"I think I'm gonna stay in cloud form, this is kind of comfortable." Mark tells them.

A little bit later and they find the same cliff where the mane 6 fell.

"My turn." Mark says seriously.

"By the powers of me, I bring you... STAIRS!" He says as a staircase made of dark crystals rises from the ground.

Mick applauds and Max looks impressed.

"Show off."

"What was that Michelle?" Mark asks.


After climbing the staircase they walk for about 5 more minutes until they can see a bit of light from ahead. They all quicken their pace as if the light will disappear any moment.

Finally they leave the Everfree Forest.

Not too far away they see Ponyville.

"This will be fun!" Mick shouts.

And so concludes chapter 3 of the Villain Adventures of Mick, Mark, Max and Michelle.

What will happen next time?
Will they scare all the ponies?
Will they possibly meet Pinkie?
Will Ponyville EXPLODE???

Find out next time!