• Published 28th Apr 2018
  • 2,015 Views, 27 Comments

The Villain Adventures of Mick, Mark, Max and Michelle - Wild Wire

4 Brony friends get sucked into Equestria as 4 major villains.

  • ...

If you don't succeed, fry again

Welcome back to the Villain Adventures of Mick, Mark, Max and Michelle.

----------<3rd person, castle of friendship>----------

"How did this happen?" Twilight asked Spike, clearly wanting to know why there's a ball pit of balled up towels.

Spike looked up to the mish mash of creatures known as Mick, who is currently on the ceiling mouthing the name 'Discord'.

"Uhhhh maybe Discord stopped by." Spike nervously said. Mick gave a thumbs up.

"Really?" Twilight asked him.

"Uh yeah probably, who else would make a ball pit of towels?" Spike asked rhetorically.

"Yeah, but I meant WHY would Discord stop by? It doesn't make any sense!" Twilight asked yet another question.

Spike looked back up, shocked to see Mick descending from the ceiling slowly.

"Oh but where's the fun in making sense?" Mick said, acting like the real Discord.

"GAH!" Twilight shouted, clearly surprised.

"Remember when I said that Twilight? In fact I think it was the very first words you heard me say. Then after that I told that riddle! Remember?" Mick said from right above.

"Uhhhh yeah Discord. Wait why are you here again?" Twilight asked.

"No real reason." Mick replied, lazily floating around the room, poking the walls as if he's observing the material.

"Right, okay." Twilight said watching 'Discord'

"Why do you keep poking the walls?" Twilight asked.

"Well this castle is made of crystal, yes? Mick asked.

"Yes?" Twilight responded.

"And it grew from the ground, yeeeees?" Mick also asked, holding a big rubber band with the word 'yes' written on it and literally stretching the word out.


"And it grew here right where the chest landed, yesssssssssssssssss? He asked, ending it with a snake hiss.

"Yes! Where are you going with this?" Twilight asked getting slightly annoyed.

"This castle is shaped like a tree, and it grew from the ground. Does this mean the castle is an actual tree? And if it is, then was the chest the seed or did it just CONTAIN the seed? Also, where did all this material come from? I'm able to make things by changing air into something else, because air is something. You can't get something from nothing and you can't turn something into nothing, that something has to come from somewhere. So where did all this crystal come from? The ground? Does this mean there's a giant hole under the castle where the crystal used to be? Will it collapse? And back to the question of is it an actual tree, does it need anything? Does it feed off of harmony or something? Is that how it grew in less than 10 seconds?" Mick said.

"Wow, that's a lot to think about." Twilight said.

"Yeah Mi- I mean, Discord, that's a lot to just drop on us." Spike said, hoping that Twilight didn't notice the slight slip up.

Good thing Twilight was too busy thinking about what Mick said to notice.

"Well this has been fun, giving you questions you mostly can't answer, that should annoy you for a while. Ciao." Mick said.

Mick then proceeded to put on a red cap with wings and flew into the painting of Canterlot castle on the wall that definitely wasn't there before.

"Well, that happened." Spike says.

"Wait, I got distracted, what did he just say?" Twilight asked Spike.

----------<Canterlot castle, the dinner table>----------

"-And that's how my day was so far sister." Celestia told Luna.

"That is a lot, sister." Luna said.

"I kno-" thud.

Both princesses looked to the side to see Discord with a winged red cap on the ground.

"Hello Discord." Celestia said. Discord shot up.

"Whoops." 'Discord' said.

"What is it Discord?" Luna asked calmly.

"Didn't actually mean to teleport here, gotta blast!" He said, suddenly having Jimmy Neutron hair.

He created a yellow cannon and climbed in... And kept going until he was no longer visible, the cannon then folded itself into a yellow origami bird and flew off.

"Well that happened." Luna simply stated.

"Indeed." Celestia replied.

"I wonder if Discord felt the strange magic from our old castle a few days ago too." Luna said.

"Knowing Discord, he probably caused it." Celestia told Luna.


----------<back at the friendship castle>----------

"Woah, what's going on here?" Mick asked Spike.

"GAH! Can you not do that? You didn't even make any noise when you came in." Spike yelled.

"Sorry." Mick replied.

Mick looked around the room, books and equipment all over the place. Absolute chaos.

Mike liked it.

"Ever since you left, Twilight has been trying to figure out if the castle was really a tree or not. By the way, Mark, Max and Michelle are all in my room playing go fish, I left after Michelle kept winning and saw this mess, I've been make sure Twilight's okay since I came out here." Spike explained.

"Okay, thanks Spike."

"Thanks for what?"

"Being a good friend."

And with that, Mick left to play some go fish, planning on using an actual fishing rod and turning the cards into fish every time he needed to draw from the deck.

After playing for a while, Mick, Mark, Max and Michelle went to the next room over.

"I'm tired, I'm gonna go to sleep." Michelle said.

"How are you not hungry?" Mark and Max asked simultaneously.

"Maybe because I have good friends and I feed off of emotions?" Michelle rhetorically asked.

"I'm not hungry either, probably on a count of the fact that I'm an immortal chaos spirit." Mick said.

"Well I'm gonna get some food for me and Max." Mark said, entering shadow form to sneak to the kitchen.

One of the machines Twilight was using slightly detected his magic, but the machine only tells what type of magic is there in numbers, and since it doesn't have a number for dark magic the machine overheated and shut off, causing everything else connected to shut off.

"NOOOO! All my work!" Twilight shouted. "You know what? I'm going to avoid this castle and its questions as much as I -" yawn "- can... Staring tomorrow."

When Mark got back to the room with food, he found Mick and Michelle already asleep. And so Mark and Max ate and joined their friends into the realms of sleep. Again dreamless.

This concludes chapter 6 of the Villain Adventures of Mick, Mark, Max and Michelle.

What will happen next time?
Will they accidentally cause Twilight more annoyance?
Will Mick create some nukes?
Will Spike finally beat Michelle at go fish?

Find out next time!