• Published 4th May 2018
  • 763 Views, 25 Comments

Equestria V.S Tartarus: Battle Of The Century - Whooves235

Equestria has bean at peace for eleven years, now with the return of Tirek and Princess Cinch the Main 6 will have to do evrything thay can to save there home

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Chapter 11: The End Game Pt 2

"My name is Twilight Sparkle... and Equestria has lost."

The sky was dark gray, and all of Tartarus was breaking loose. Fluttershy was battling a brainwashed Discord, Pinkie out of all ponies was dealing with Flam, Applejack and Rainbow were battling Wallflower Blush and Lightning Dust, Rarity… Was gone, and Cadence had just fallen. This was truly a dark day for Equestria.

"Hahahaha," Tirek laughed, "I can feel my powers flowing through me!" Then as if by magic Tirek started growing and soon he was as large as the Castle of The Two Sisters itself.

"Master," Cinch said, "please I beg of you, return to me what was rightfully mine, and I will owe you my life."

"You have done well Cinch," Tirek said. "Very well." He snapped his fingers and using his magic Cinch’s horn grew back.

"Thank you, sir," Cinch said.

"Tell me, how long until my army arrives?" Tirek said.

"Your army is scheduled to arrive in fifteen minutes, sir. They should be ready for action in another five," Cinch said.

"Good, good," Tirek said, then looked at Twilight who was standing there just staring.

"I have failed Equestria," Twilight whispered softly.

"Hehe," Tirek said, then looked around and noticed that two of his elements and new lieutenants were missing.

“Cinch!” he barked. Cinch immediately turned around and snapped to attention.

“Yes, Tirek?” she asked, a hint of trepidation in her voice. Normally the boss wasn’t this harsh on her when things were going this well.

“Where. Are Chrysalis. And Garble?” he demanded. “I will not have my crowning moment of glory ruined because some insolent traitors decided to jump ship!”

“Er, yes sir. Let me check the reports.” Cinch began frantically flipping through the papers in her bag. She was sure they hadn’t jumped ship, not when they were so close to victory. She knew they had a deployment order somewhere else, she just had to… Aha! “Here it is, sir. It looks like they were scheduled to lead the attack on Ponyville today.”

“Ah, good. That’s… Good.” Tirek visibly relaxed. “With the Elements of Harmony incomplete, there’s nothing left in Equestria that can stop their opposites.”

Cinch was silent for a moment.

“Yes, sir,” she finally responded.

Ponyville Hospital

"Starlight, we need more medics!" Nurse Redheart frantically shouted.

"I'm coming," Starlight said.

Starlight knew this was a dark day for Equestria. While she wished she could have gone with her friends to stop Tirek she knew she had to protect the people. The ground shook and a loud boom could be heard.

"What was that?" Spike said

"I have no idea," Starlight said

"Starlight come quick!" Nurse Tenderheart said

Starlight raced to the front desk as fast as she could. "What is it?"

"I just got a call from the mayor, she said that Queen Chrysalis and her changelings, as well as a dragon, are out on their way here," Nurse Tenderheart said.

"Spike!" Starlight said.

"What is it?"

"We need to go now.”

"But all the ponies here need our help," Spike said.

"Chrysalis and Garble are on there way here, and if we are still here they will kill everyone in this hospital," Starlight said.

"Then where do we go?" Spike said.

"Twilight's Castle is far enough from Ponyville, we can go there," Starlight said.

"Won't Chrysalis and Garble just follow us there?" Spike said.

"I'm counting on it!"

Ponyville Streets

Spike and Starlight were running, running faster then they had ever run before, and they had one goal: get Garble and Chrysalis as far from Ponyville as possible.

"Look, Twilight's Castle is just up ahead!" Spike said.

Then a green energy beam and a fire blast shot in front of Spike and Starlight, stopping them in their tracks.

"Well Well Well," Garble said, "if it isn't Spiky Wiky."

"Garble, why are you doing this?" Spike said. "What did the ponies do to you to want to team up with Tirek?"

"Ever since I met you, Spike, us dragons have gotten softer and softer on ponies. I used to be able to kill ponies for fun, now if I do it I will be arrested!" Garble shouted angrily. "And then you went ahead and took MY GIRL!"

"She was never yours to begin with!" Spike said.

Across from Spike, Starlight and Chrysalis where having a similar conversation.

"So, we meet again, Starlight Glimmer!" Chrysalis said. "But this time your friends can't save you now!"

"Is this really what you want Chrysalis?!" Starlight said. "You realize you are making a big mistake!"

"Tirek has promised me something I long for, and that something is your death!" Chrysalis said.

"And when you kill me, what will you have then?" Starlight said.

"What are you talking about?" Chrysalis asked skeptically.

"Once Tirek controls Equestria, how much love do you think there will be for you and your followers to eat?" Starlight said.

The Chrysalis thought for a moment and realized what Starlight meant.

"Exactly," Starlight said. "None, and when he figures that out you know he will destroy you!"

Then Starlight heard Spike shout. Before she could react Spike came flying into her, knocking her over.
"Agh Spike what the hell did you say to him?" Starlight said.

"You do not want to know," Spike said.

"I'm going to kill you both!" He sucked in his chest and his throat began to glow, then he let out a giant fireball at Starlight and Spike.

"NOOOO!" Then Chrysalis jumped into the way of the blast getting herself blasted behind Spike and next to Starlight.

"Chrysalis, why would you save me?"

"Because," Chrysalis said, "you were right, *Caugh *Caugh, I should have taken your hand when I had the chance."

"Chrysalis, stay with me," Starlight said.

"Starlight..." Chrysalis said. "Tell Celestia, no, tell my sister, I am sorry." Then just like that, Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, died.

"Shame," Garble said. "I was beginning to like her. Oh well."

Starlight was frozen, she did not know what to do. "Garble, please don't!"

"Tell Chrysalis for me, She was a Tasty snack!" Garble said, but before he could breathe in he heard something behind him.


"Oh, what now....." Garble said, then he felt something sharp go through his stomach and he could see a spear go through him. Holding that spear was a pony with a bloody hole in her head and a missing eye

"No one touches my Spiky Wiky," Rarity whispered through gritted teeth.

Garble knelt on his knees and said his final words. "Why are ponies always saving that damn dragon?" He fell dead next to Chrysalis.

"Rarity?!" Starlight and Spike asked in surprise.

"Are you two ok?" Rarity asked bluntly, pulling her spear out of Garble.

"Rarity, what happened to you?" Spike said.

“That’s… I’m fine, darling,” she replied, avoiding eye contact. “At the moment we have more pressing matters to attend to. We need to get to the Castle of the Two Sisters right now. Trust me, this is important.”

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you enjoyed, Chapter 12 will hopefully be done soon but hears a little update School will be starting for me really soon so It might take longer for chapters to come out than they usually do, but dont worry the story and other spin-offs/sequels will still be made

Hope you understand :twilightsheepish: