• Published 4th May 2018
  • 763 Views, 25 Comments

Equestria V.S Tartarus: Battle Of The Century - Whooves235

Equestria has bean at peace for eleven years, now with the return of Tirek and Princess Cinch the Main 6 will have to do evrything thay can to save there home

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Chapter 7: The First Of Menny

As Rainbow Dash flew towards Cloudsdale she could feel the adrenaline in her body, but most of all she could feel one thing she had not felt since Tirek’s first attack on Equestria: fear. And it wasn't for her, it was for her son. She knew that the shadowbolts attacked Cloudsdale for a reason, and that reason was to coltnap her son.

"Dash, we are coming up on Cloudsdale," Spitfire said, snapping Dash out of her thoughts.

As Spitfire and Dash came to Cloudsdale, they could only see one thing: carnage. The attack was still going, and the Wonderbolts were doing everything they could to defend their home from attack. One by one the Wonderbolts were taking down the remaining Robot Shadowbolts.

"Dash, what do we do?" Spitfire said.

"Help the Wonderbolts defend the citizens, I have to find Zap and Fluttershy," Dash said.

"Yes Ma’am," Spitfire said with a smile on her face.

As Rainbow flew through Cloudsdale, she could see how much damage the Shadowbolts were doing. Luckily, since most of the buildings were made of clouds, they could be rebuilt easily. As Dash came up upon her old street she could see Fluttershy’s house, or at least what was left of it. As she landed she could hear crying from the remains of the living room. She walked in to see Fluttershy crying, and in her arms were her parents.

"Fluttershy..." Dash said, walking up to her.

"They’re gone *Sniff* Dash, they’re gone," Fluttershy said.

Dash could feel the heartbreak in Fluttershy. She knew Fluttershy's parents well, she always considered them close friends of the family, sometimes even accidentally calling them aunt or uncle.

"Fluttershy, I promise we will get whoever did this, but right now you need to tell me where..." Dash said before getting interrupted by a very familiar cry.

"MOM!!" Zap cried out.

"ZAP I’M COMING!!" Dash said as she flew up to Fluttershy's guest bedroom, but as she entered to see her son she also saw a very familiar face, Lightning Dust.

"Well Well Well, look what the cat dragged in," Lightning Dust said.

"You let go of him or I Swear I will-"

"Not so fast," Lightning Dust said as she pulled a knife from her pocket. "One more step and the little guy gets it.

"Mom, please don’t let her hurt me!" Zap said.

"I've got to say, Dash, when I first heard you had a child I was surprised," Lightning Dust said. "I didn't take you for a family girl."

"Let him go," Dash said, tears filling up in her eyes. "This is between you and me, leave him out of this."

And then Rainbow said something she never thought she would say in her lifetime. "I beg you, please."

"Dont worry Dash, I’m not a monster," Lightning Dust said. "I wouldn't kill a kid." She brushed her hoof against Zaps Mane. "But Tirek, on the other hoof, I can't speak for." Lighting Dust then grabbed Zap and flew into the sky. "Oh, and Rainbow. Your Parents said hi," she said with a devilish grin before taking off bringing Zap with her.

"Mom!" Zap said before disappearing in the horizon.

But before Rainbow could go after Zap she had a thought. "Why would she mention my..." Rainbow then had a horrifying look on her face "MOM, DAD" Rainbow said as she took off for her house, but before she could get there she stopped and looked in horror at the sight before her. Her house was on fire and two charred skeletons were laying in front of the house, blood soaking the yard spelling out You Took Everything From Me, Now I Did The Same

Twilight’s Castle

Twilight paced back and forth through her room. Dash and Fluttershy along with Spitfire left for Cloudsdale two hours ago and had not come back.

"They’ll be fine," she said to herself. "Dash is always looking out for danger, so she’ll be fine."

"Haya Twi," Pinkie said, hopping into her room.

"Oh, hay Pinkie," Twilight said.

"You seem tense," Pinkie said, then she put her hoof in her mane and pulled out a cupcake. "Have a cupcake.”

"Thanks, Pinkie, but not now," Twilight said. "Dash and Fluttershy have been gone for a while now, do you think they will be fine?"

"Twilight, this is Rainbow Dash we’re talking about," Pinkie said. "She has done a sonic rainboom, survived Tirek, and had her wing cut off only to fight against a lunatic princess and her vengeful student."

"You do have a point," Twilight said, "Hay have you seen Sunset?"

"She went back to her dimension, she said something about Giant Robot Aliens then she ran into the portal" Pinkie said.

"Ya that sound pretty important" Twilight said then the two just sat in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Hey Twi," Pinkie said breaking the silence.

"Ya Pinkie?" Twilight said.

"Before in the Castle you were going to tell me something," Pinkie said. "What was it you were going to say?"

"Oh umm," Twilight said, then in her head, she thought Come on Twilight, just say it! I Love You Pinkie! "I was going to say that" Come on, just say it!! "Ugh screw it," Twilight said before she leaned forward and pressed her lips against Pinkie Pie's, who imminently grew a large blush on her cheeks. As Twilight backed away from the kiss the saw the expression on Pinkie’s face.

"I’m sorry I dont know what came over me, I just..." Twilight said before imminently getting pushed onto her bed, while bright pink lips met hers.

"I love you too, Twi," Pinkie said as she separated from a flushed Twilight.

But before the new couple could say anything else Rarity burst through the door. "Twilight, Rainbow and Fluttershy just got back and..." Rarity said before looking at the two ponies in bed on top of each other. "Hah, Rainbow and Spike owe me Ten Bits," she said.

The Map Room

Rainbow and Fluttershy looked awful next to the blood that soaked their coats, though their tear stains were more noticeable than the blood.

"Oh My goodness what happened," Rarity said

Then Applejack burst through the door "Rainbow, where’s Zap? Is he ok?" Applejack said with a worried look on her face.

"She took him," Rainbow said. "Lightning Dust took Zap.”

"That bitch is gonna get so many bucks to the face her own parents won't even recognize her," Applejack growled.

Fluttershy spoke in a soft tone. "She killed them," Fluttershy said.

"What?" Rarity said

"My parents," Fluttershy repeated. "She killed my parents."

There were gasps all around the room and a faint deflating sound could be heard from Pinkie's mane as it slowly went straight.

"Fluttershy, I’m so sorry," Twilight said.

"She killed mine as well," Rainbow said. "She burned them alive."

Applejack saw tears coming from Dash’s eyes, and the only thing that came out of Fluttershy was nothing good.

"When I get my hands on that mother****** I’m gonna buck her in the ****** stomach until she bleeds from her ***," Fluttershy said angrily.

Everyone stared at the once shy pegasus.

"What do we do?" Applejack said. "They have my son."

"First, we have to go to Wallflower Blush and keep her from finding Tirek," Twilight said. "Then me and the princesses will locate Tirek and stop him from harming anyone else."

"Well first off, where exactly is Wallflower?" Rarity said.

"She is most likely near her former house located close to the..." Twilight said before realizing something.

"We Have To Go Find Her Right Now," Twilight said.

"Why, what’s wrong?" Applejack said.

"I know where Tirek is hiding," Twilight said.

"Where?" everyone asked.

"The Everfree Forest," Twilight said. "And Wallflower Blush lives right next to it!"

Author's Note:

Hay people just wanted to let you know that I have hit a creative idea storm so chapters will be up much faster then I thought to expect. The next chapter to be up in 3 days