• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Undome Tinwe

Some of them want to use you, some of them want to be used by you/Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused.


A simple question about the science of magic leads to a lesson on one of the cornerstones of modern communications theory.

A story set in the Beanis Cinematic Universe.

Pre-requisites: introductory knowledge of calculus (including limits), probability and statistics (including random variables), and algebra.

Edited by R5h and AppleTank.

Image: Bust of Claude Elwood Shannon (April 30, 1916 – February 24, 2001), Father of Information Theory

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )
Site Blogger

Bean me up, Scotty.

I've bean waiting for this


God... damnit, Undome?

Those citations killed me in a good way.

It's like if Pineta wrote an entry in the BCU. Fascinating.

Also, I wasn't expecting pony Starlight to be the new head accountant. So, did Princess Twilight have to find a new guidance counselor or what? And I'm not sure about her magical inertness, given the sirens and Twilight. I think she just got the expected channel capacity because she hadn't seen the videos, and thus wasn't conditioning the data. Of course, we'll need further testing to confirm that... and it's probably best that Starlight never learn that she has access to magic in this world.

Also also, that bit about Spike was painfully accurate.

Thank you for this.


I'm...concerned about Starlight's attitude towards this world...

I find it genuinely hilarious that the one beanis fic that makes you actually think has no down votes as of this post. Well done, Undome.

I love that this is where the BCU has taken us.

Which is, like, math porn. Appropriately.

It's been closer to two decades than not since I had to do Hard Maths (when I did my engineering degree) - the odd dip into faffing with astrophyics for world-building giggles notwithstanding - but I think I understood... Some of that - enough to get the gist, at any rate.

*tips helmet*

You get a favoruite just for the maths.

Also, Spike needs some ice, for that hilarious (and sadly accurate) burn.

Holy shit
that's a lot of math


a lot of math


I enjoyed this, and as a programmer, it does strike a chord. However, as a programmer, there is a point where it switches from practical to largely useless, simply due to just how far out you abstract the concepts and how meaningless they become in an actual application of said knowledge. And at that point I start to scoff, like an engineer listening to a theoretical physicist. Sure, it's a valid field of study and everything, but if you can't USE it for anything then who the hell cares? I'll stick to the part where I can actually use the information to make things happen, thanks.

I just never, ever, ever expected to be feeling those same old sentiments in this context, on this site. :twilightsmile:

Anyways, I think I built a system that violates one of the fundamental mathematical laws of the universe, and I'm really hoping that isn't the case.

Why? Isn't it an interesting result?

"Unless there's something broken in this simulation." Starlight's eyes widened. "Oh no."

That's actually a good idea :rainbowlaugh:

Conversely, if you want to be able to differentiate between M different things, then you need at least \log_k{M} symbols.

 \lceil \log_k{M} \rceil 

I need to treat this like a psychology study, with double-blind tests.

Or she could build a machine for that :rainbowlaugh:

Whoops, forgot the Ceil() function. Nice catch.

Also conditional entropy is used but never defined.

Loved how you incorporated math into this, that had to take a lot of work, and for that I salute you.

Regarding the extremely well-observed Spike burn: Given that these stories take place in a universe where nearly all of the characters are having sex with other characters, I'm completely fine with the dog not being included in these goings-on.

This was like a nerd porn clop fic, with extra nerd sauce.

This was where I stopped being current with Beanis. When this came out I was dealing with some IRL stuff and I just didn't have the energy to read and comprehend this on any real substantive level. Then afterward, I kept away from it because it was dive into a topic that is fascinating, but difficult to grasp and that perceived difficulty kept me from coming back here and just finishing the damn thing. But now I have, and I'm glad I did.

Pre-requisites: introductory knowledge of calculus (including limits), probability and statistics (including random variables), and algebra.

[screams in dyscalculia]

Like, seriously, I'd totally read this but if that's what it takes to understand this boi of beanwords I'm screwed.

"Now, let's say that we decide to meet some time after noon on the hour, but we don't decide on which hour we're meeting at. This time, there's eleven possible meeting times — one PM, two PM, and so on until eleven PM — and I need to send you at least two symbols to specify the time, since I can't capture all the numbers between one and eleven with just one digit."

Silly Twilight, that's why we use hexadecimal. :raritywink:
... and of course Starlight basically brings that up just afterwards. Silly me.

"Oh, right, yeah." Starlight stared awkwardly down at her feet, her next words muttered under her breath. "Stupid fabric of reality messing with Equality Maths."

I think this is a joke about Starlight's history with Our Town, but I'm not sure. I also haven't read most of the other Beanis stories, so I might just be missing context.

So anyway, edutainment! Yay! I think I even understood the math. Unfortunately, the PDF link in the note is dead.

This chapter of the Beanis Cinematic Universe is not kind to text-to-speech users.

Wait didn't this also cover channel capacity at some point? I thought I remembered not getting that part the first time I read it...

Also, typo in "H(X|Y) = -\sum_{x \in X}\sum_{y \in Y}p(x,y)\log p(x|y) \leq H(X)", the p(x, y) should also be p(x | y)

Good point. I'd been assuming it was something more complicated (Starlight assumes that reality does mean Triangle Equality, Starlight has enough rule-defying power to prevent reality from ever blatantly proving her wrong, Starlight believes the human world is a Matrix-like simulation programmed to cheaply satisfy Starlight's base emotional needs while discouraging beliefs and retention of any facts Princess Twilight doesn't approve of, so Starlight thinks the idea of the "Triangle Inequality" as a kind of intellectual cock-blocking), but I was probably overthinking it.

I just read a story about theoretical and probability math framed around the non-magical horse magical girl world AU where they make marital aids out of beans, cheese, and tofu.

...and people say fanfic isn't great. The fools.

Why, oh most holy mother of god, WHY did you include MATH, more importantly, CALCULUS in a story series about dildos made of beans created by unstable horse people!? There are shorter, more straight forward ways of telling us you hate us.

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