• Published 20th Jun 2018
  • 7,513 Views, 153 Comments

Break the System - Wild Wire

A normal guy gets sent to Equestria with the power to use any video game cheat, glitch or exploit.

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Breaking Ideas [Update]

Starlight and I have been sitting down and brainstorming in this cave for a while and we have nothing to do. No ideas for achieving our goals that seem like they would actually work, no ideas for getting revenge successfully, hell, Starlight can't even think of a way to get food easily. Of course I could easily just make some food from thin air but it seems she hasn't figured this out yet. Just then I get a small idea.

"What if we walk into a town and show how happy we are without cutie marks, maybe they would want to join you, and seeing a pony happy while near me will show that I'm not a monster and everything ends up nice?" I suggest standing up, even doing some jazz hands at the end.

"That first part seems a little bit close to what I've already done, and the second part definitely wouldn't work. You just look too scary. No offense." Starlight informs me.

"None taken." I reply, sitting back down with my legs crossed.

The reason that idea seemed so damn dumb even with my intelligence is because I'm actually having and internal debate about weather or not I should just tell Starlight I know her past and help her now, or wait and try to keep the timeline on track. I really don't know what do to in this situation. So I decide to try kind of hinting Starlight of my dilemma, basically telling her my problem without the details of what it's about.

"Hey, Starlight, I'm kind of having a bit of trouble concentrating. I know things I shouldn't and I keep thinking about if I should use this knowledge to help with the risk of messing up more of my knowledge, or just keep it to myself and continue to know how things are going to happen. What do you think I should do?" I ask her.

"Hmm, that's a tough question. Let me think about it." She tells me before going quiet again. I just wait a few minutes for a response, and a few minutes is all it takes.

"I think you should share your knowledge if it can help, and having some of your knowledge be wrong wouldn't be so bad in my opinion. If I knew what was going to happen all the time, I would get pretty bored." She says, and now that it's put out that way I kind of agree with her. I won't be telling her yet though.

"Well, I think I'm gonna go to Ponyville for a bit, go invisible, take a walk, maybe even spy on Twilight." I say, standing up.

"I'll go with you then, maybe we will see something we can use to our advantage." Starlight says, getting up as well.

"Alright then, let's go!" I say. She walks up to me and prepares a teleport to Ponyville, and I prepare myself to feel teleporting by unicorn spell as it might feel different than just seeing stuff around you change.

"Ready?" Starlight asks.

"Yeah." I reply. Suddenly it feels like I've been condensed into a ball... Well that's not accurate, it just seems more like everything around me is just way bigger. And then we sling off, and It's actually less exciting than I thought it would be, it just feels like suddenly going at train speed and then said train starts immediately slowing down to a stop, the stopping point being where we arrive.

And here we are, right in the middle of a random empty street in Ponyville!

"Can you turn us transparent or something now Starlight?" I ask her.

"Uhh, I though you were gonna do it, you did say you were going here invisible." She answers, looking at me.

"Well, it only works on myself, and it's less like invisibility and more like making every living thing ignore me." I reply.

"I'll do it then, I guess." She says, charging her magic again to do the spell. While she does this I think for a moment. Can I do other things with my powers? Obviously, but what? I have notarget, /tp, playsound, emiteffect, and probably noclip too... Can I use setmodel? As soon as I finish that thought, Starlight and I become invisible. Neat. We start walking to the tree castle and Starlight proceeds to ask me how I knew Twilight lives here. Is that even a real question?

"Uhh, because she's a PRINCESS, and she has a big ass castle. Duh." I say because it should be obvious. Starlight looks a little bit embarrassed by that, making me feel bad for saying it like that.

"Sorry, I said that a bit rudely." I apologize to her, to which she just nods. We continue to walk there in silence until I hear something that honestly terrifies me.

"Ohhh! My Pinkie Sense is telling me there's somepony hiding somewhere!" Pinkie Pie shouts from a distance. I immediately start to visibly freak the fuck out... Well actually I INvisibly freak out, but Starlight can still see me and her seeing me freak out makes her a little bit scared.

"What? What is it? Why are you shaking?" Starlight asks me worriedly. I just freeze and turn to her slowly.

"The Pink One has detected us." I say, dead serious. I'm internally flipping my shit because I don't know if my powers will save me if Pinkie finds me, as she has strange powers of her own. Randomly just knowing things, fitting herself into spaces smaller than her own body, appearing out of nowhere, fitting a CANNON in her mane and much, MUCH more. It truly scares me, so I quickly explain all this to Starlight, and she starts to freak out too.

"How does that even work? Will she be able to find us?" She asks me quickly, pacing on the spot and looking around.

"... I don't know." I tell her seriously. Just then, at that moment, I get a brilliant idea. Actually it's a really fucking stupid idea but an idea none the less.

I pause, and check all my commands in the console, before I find what I was asking myself about earlier. I type the commands quickly, even though time is frozen.


A huge list appears in front of me, and this list has just about every object and creature in the universe, even some stuff from other universes including the entire fucking Death Star for some reason. I keep searching and I find a folder with all the ponies, including a customizable model, which is very convenient. I finish typing the command.

'setmodel models/mlp/ponies/custom_pony.mdl'

Suddenly I look just like what I was thinking of, a unicorn stallion with an orange coat and a lighting bolt colored yellow spiky mane and tail. I also appear to have neon green eyes, which I don't know how the fuck I can tell my eye color without a mirror. I turn my head to see my cutie mark. My cutie mark is a circle, the upper left half looking like a black wire that's been cut in half, with red, green and blue smaller wires sticking out of each side, the blue wires touching. The lower right half looks like it's white wireframe. I think I might use this disguise often.

Just before I unpause, I think about what Starlight's reaction will be, which will probably be confusion and shock plastered on her face. I chuckle at the image despite the whole Pinkie Pie situation. I unpause.

I look at Starlight and see that her reaction is just what I expected.

"Yeah, apparently I can shapeshift too, get used to it. Anyways, I have a crazy stupid plan, but it's the best I got." I tell her. She just glares at me for a moment.

"What is this plan?" She asks after dropping her glare.

"We're going to try to deceive Pinkie Pie."

Top 10 famous last words.

Author's Note:

I have no idea where to take the story at this point. I think I'm gonna do some other things and come back after that.