• Published 20th Jun 2018
  • 7,498 Views, 153 Comments

Break the System - Wild Wire

A normal guy gets sent to Equestria with the power to use any video game cheat, glitch or exploit.

  • ...

Breaking In... Again

Author's Note:

/type commands here
(Author = dead)
/auth.changestatus == "Alive"
(Author = Alive)
/restart Wire.lua


What's up?

Top 10 saves of all time.

Getting rid of Pinkie Pie was MUCH easier than I thought it would be. I essentially just told Starlight to make only me visible, and when Pinkie Pie came up to me, I started my lie and told her I'm new in Ponyville, and before I could finish, she immediately ran off to start a surprise party.

Honestly, what was I really even expecting? I turn to a befuddled Starlight, shrug shakily and decide to make a save real quick.

"Pause." I whisper under my breath, time once again halting in an instant. I press save and-

"1 Update(s) are available. Download?" a sudden message appears, with a Yes and a Download Later button.

Oh, an update?


What the hell, why not? I press yes, and another message pops up, with the following text.

+Added Garry's Mod ULX commands
+Added Lua functionality and tutorials.
+You can now verbally use commands, as long as you say it in a commanding voice.
+Can now use any glitch from any game.
-Removed Herobrine."

Sweet, ULX commands equals even more power! I think to myself. And if Lua works the same as it does for Garry's Mod, I could make my own weapons!

"Unpause." And the world starts up again. "Starlight, can you turn me invisible again?"

"Sure?" She says, still surprised at how easy it was to trick Pinkie Pie. Her horn lights up and once again I'm invisible.

"Neat-os Cheetos," I say. Starlight looks at me questioningly.


"What?" I reply. A pause later (a pause in conversation, not a game pause) and we set off to Twilight's castle.

A few minutes later and we are inside the castle, looking for a way to ruin Twilight's life I guess, and by WE I mean Starlight.

I'm just in the map room eating a bag of Cheetos I created, sitting in Rainbow Dash's chair, still in pony form with my hind hooves over the edge of the seat.

To anyone else it may appear that I'm just a random guy being bored, but I know the truth...

I really am just a random guy being bored.

"Jeez, I'm actually in Equestria and here I am, eating a cheese flavored puff snack while waiting on someone... I guess that's just something that doesn't change." I say to myself, shoving another hoofful into my mouth.

"I mean really, I literally have super powers and I'm in a world where fucking hydra's exist!" I continue speaking with my mouth full.

"You know what? That's what I want to do, I'm gonna go fight a hydra!" I raise my fore hooves into the air, spilling all the Cheetos all over the table and floor. I look down at my mess and frown.

"Eh, I'll do that later actually, Ent_remove_all Cheetos." I say out loud. The Cheetos on the map and floor promptly disappear. I chuckle a bit.

"Little did he know, his actions caused every single store in the world to run out of all cheese flavored puff-like snacks. Equestria is forever doomed." I roll my eyes with a smile. I start to hear steps from outside the door and I immediately notarget myself, just in case it's Twilight or whoever else.

To my somewhat-ish surprise, it's actually Spike who walks into the room, and this gives me an idea.

If Spike can make friends with a quote unquote scary changeling, then maybe he could make friends with me, and I can get his help to get ponies to like me. I think to myself as I walk behind him, preparing to un-notarget myself. I also make sure to turn myself back into a human.

"Notarget," I pause to make sure it actually worked, then I say "Hello!"

"GAH!" Spike shouts, jumping into the air like a cat, then whirling around to face me. "Who's there- whaaaaaaaaa?" He stops mid sentence, clearly already confused about what I even am. I clear my throat.

"Hi, I'm Stanley, nice to meet ya." I say as casually as possible. Spike just keeps looking up at me with clear distrust in his eyes... but not a lot of fear.


"Who-What are you?" Spike asks with a sort of confused glare? I throw my arms out like a magician with a cool cape.

"I'm a Human! Want to be friends?" I ask nicely, moving one arm behind me and one in front of me for a handshake.

"Uhh." He stares at my hand, obviously very puzzled. Then he very slowly and hesitantly moves his own claw forward. "Sure?" he says, still confused, before finishing the handshake and quickly retracting his claw.

"Great! Want some Cheetos?" I ask, before pausing, creating more Cheetos with the console, and unpausing. Spike looks toward the bag, then back at me, then the bag, then me, then I create another bag, and he looks at it, then me, then he crosses his eyes and looks at both bags. The entire time this goes on I just have a growing grin.

"Uh, okay?" He finally says, prompting me to toss him a bag. I then sit back down on one of the thrones, and Spike takes the one opposite from me. I open my bag and begin to eat the puffs.

Spike slowly opens his own bag, still looking at me with a strange expression, before taking one out, examining it, and popping it into his mouth.

"Huh, not bad." He comments, surprised.

"I know, Cheetos are great. Kind of messy sometimes though." I reply with my mouth full.

We both just sit there, eating.

He throws me some strange looks at first, but slowly just grows a bored expression, as I do the same.

After a few minutes, he actually looks like he's getting used to me

"SPIKE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Twilight yells as she enters the room. Both Spike and I turn to her in surprise.

"...Eating?" he suggests. I try to hold in my laugh, and end up doing that snort-like sound.

"WITH A MONSTER!?" She yells again.

"...Maybe?" And I lose it.

"Hahahaha the-the slow, a-and casual responses are getting to me! Hahaha!" I laugh, almost falling off the chair. Twilight turns to me with a glare that could make someone think they just kicked a puppy... If the glare wasn't on a cute and small purple unicorn. But since it IS on a purple unicorn, it just makes me laugh harder.

But then she lights her horn, and I stop.

"I think I'm gonna run now." I tell Spike, before booking it harder than the Flash ever did, running straight out of the map room and into the halls. Twilight quickly gives chase, running after me with an almost murderous look. I'm not really scared of Twilight at all, I'm just running to not give away that I'm actually super powerful.

I turn to look behind me just as Twilight shoots a beam of magic, the laser narrowly missing me as I turn a corner.

Ahead of me is a tall staircase, and Twilight lights her horn and hits the stairs with a beam, just before I reach them. The staircase starts to look like it's stretching, almost as if it's becoming infinite-

I know what I must do now. It is my duty.

I turn around and jump away from the stairs, and begin to adjust my momentum so I start jumping backwards. As soon as I actually reach the stairs, I jump back again, and again, and again. each time getting faster.

"Woo! Shoutouts to SimpleFlips!" I yell as I obtain a ridiculous amount of speed. After a few seconds, I zip up to the top of the staircase, and slide backwards towards the end of the hall. At the speed I'm going, I'm able to phase straight through the wall and out of the castle... from the upper floors.

"OH SHIT!" I yell as I begin to fall. I keep yelling for a bit, still having all of that speed launches me very far.

As I fall I quickly notice a very small amount of water to my right, and I begin to rotate my momentum, and air-strafe into the super shallow water.

It is a natural law of Minecraft that even the smallest bit of liquid can and will negate all fall damage.

I land in the water, and almost immediately lose all of my built up speed.

I stand there frozen in disbelief.

Then I crack.

"heh, heheh, heHehHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I jump up and down with my arms in the air, laughing like a mad man.

"WOOOOOOO! That felt like a fucking roller coaster!" I shout, seeing that I'm actually very far from Ponyville now.

"Hooooooooooooly shit- wait." I pause.

"I FORGOT STARLIGHT! FU- oh right I have ULX now." I begin to command "!Bring 'Starlight Glimmer'" And Starlight appears right next to me. her hooves wet from the water that I'm still standing in.

"Wh-what?" She jumps at the sudden change in her surroundings, causing her to fall half way into the water.

I laugh, and purposely fall into the water on my stomach right next to her.

"Hi, hows it going?" I casually say.

Starlight begins to laugh a bit too, just at the fact that I'm all wet now and talking like there's nothing wrong with it.

"I'm pooped, lets go back to the cave or something." I suggest.

She lights her horn and we shoot off towards the cave.