• Published 30th Jul 2012
  • 8,462 Views, 621 Comments

Twilight's Demoman Devastation - Darrtaa

(A follow-up to Lyra's Pyro Predicament) Demoman and Spy battle the forces of evil in Equestria.

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Chapter 11: MONOCULUS!

Disclaimer: I don't own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic or any of the characters, nor do I own Team Fortress 2 or any of its characters. I do, however, own Copper Head and Captain Ajax.


"NO!" The world slowed down around the shocked magic student as Spy fell to his knees with an expression of shock and disbelief. The long, silver Ambassador clattered onto the floor among the empty shell casings, each one a reminder of his failure as a marksman, that filthy van-camper would have never let him live it down. At least the "living it down" part wouldn't be too hard.

Equestia, as perfect and surreal as it may seem to some, was not out of the reach of the Reaper. Ponies died everyday from old age, disease, or freak accidents, however, most of those ponies were usually able to hold on for a time until they finally expired in a familiar bed surrounded by friends and family (even the ones that ended up in accidents). Very rarely were deaths as gruesome or visceral as Spy's. While his balaclava had done a great job of soaking up the majority of the similarly colored blood, the cut it streamed from started to stretch around the entirety of his neck as it bent unnaturally far back. Twilight turned away, the sickening ripping sound followed shortly by the wet splat of Spy's head falling from his shoulders made Twilight and the rest of the gathered mares cringe as they fought the urge to purge.

"Oh my, that was a tad excessive wasn't it? No matter, with that wannabe Changeling disposed of, nothing stands between me and my right to rule! AHAHAHAHAHA! Demoknight, round up those mares and get them fitted for cocoons," Queen Chrysalis ordered as she waved him to his task dismissively, already thinking about what other changes she should enforce on her new captive subjects.

"Twilight! We gotta do somethin'! Cain't you zap him with one of yer spells, or one that'll make us tougher, or-"



"What point is there? If Celestia and Luna couldn't stop her, then what chance could we possibly have? We should just give and not waste our energy." Applejack just stared at her friend, she couldn't believe what she was hearing!

"Ah cain't believe what Ah'm hearin'!" Applejack exclaimed as she grabbed the gloomy unicorn by her soft purple shoulders. "Y'all are just gonna give up? After everything we've been through, you're just tossin' in yer hat?" Twilight was about to throw facts at the overly optimistic apple-bucker when the looming shadow of the drunken knight fell over them. He stood there, menacingly, and then he…continued to stand over them, menacingly.

"What are you doing you fool? Seize them!"

"Ya know, I've been thinkin'…" he said still towering over the now extremely confused ponies.

"O-Oh? What might that be?"

He turned around to face his "Queen", his eye glowing bright orange from beneath the thin layer of green magic that still clouded his vision, shafts of light trying to escape from behind it. "Yeah; I only joined your bloody team 'cause you brain-washed me inta' fighting for ya! An' since I've been doing such good job I think it's high time I collect me paycheck; OUTTA YER HIDE!" The red aura burst forth from his eye and shattered the last of Chrysalis' spell like glass. The Targe launched its wielder towards the false royalty, plowing through waves of Changeling guards that tried in vain to halt the rampaging drunk.

"Eep!" Chrysalis ducked just in time as the Crit-boosted Eyelander missed her slender neck and instead struck Celestia's crown, sending it flying clear across the throne room and right in front of Twilight. She wasted no time in jumping for the priceless artifact.

"I got it! I…got it? Where'd it go!?" Twilight blurted as she stared at her surprisingly empty hooves. She looked around for the elusive tiara thinking she may have bumped it by mistake (she had defiantly felt its warm metal on her forelegs), where had it gone!? The answer came from a glint of light flashing in the corner of her eye coming from atop Chrysalis' (assumably) filthy mane. "Wha- HOW?"

"Twilight Sparkle, don't tell me you thought it would be that simp-"

*WOOSH* Tavish continued to swing wildly as Chrysalis utilized her thin body and quick speed to evade him.

"Ugh, enough of this nonsense…" The annoyed shape-shifter spread her ripped wings and rose to a much safer altitude away from Demoman. "Ah, much better."

"Oi! Tha's cheating! Get your scrawny ass down here so's I can give it a size-seven boot massage!"

"Anypony that DOESN'T want to spend the next decade in the stockades had better go do something about him!" A few groans escaped the masses of downed Changelings as they shakily got back on their hooves and tried once again to apprehend Mr. DeGroot.

"Now then, as for the crown; when my drones were scouring through all of the old tomes that lay beneath the polished parts of the castle, they stumbled upon a few spell books, one of which contained a spell that will keep the crown returning to my beautiful head until I say otherwise!" She knocked her hoof against the ancient Equestrian artifact with a small ding.

"Why you~!" Rainbow Dash had had enough. If the RED-turned-GREEN-then-defected-back-to-RED Demoknight couldn't reach the morphing monarch, then it was up to the fastest flyer outside of the Wonderbolts to stop her! She rapidly sped through the air, her full-spectrum mane and tail casting a long trail of each bright color as she zoomed towards her target.

Sadly, best laid plans of mice and mares often go awry, and Rainbow Dash's plan went all kinds of awry as she was effortless batted away by one of Chrysalis' hole-ridden legs and crashed into the large spherical object that sat among the largest cluster of entrapped ponies.

"Rainbow!" everypony gasped in unison as the multi-colored mare staggered back onto her hooves.

'I should have known better! There's no way Chrysalis WOULDN'T have staged an assault without empowering herself with love first. That must have been how she overpowered the Princesses!' Twilight's mind raced, hundreds of possible strategies and all of the statistics that went with them rolled around like choppy waters amidst a hurricane.

She took in every detail; who was in what cocoon, how many Changelings had been knocked out thanks to Demoman and how many were still buzzing about, the way one of the chandeliers was swaying, the…where was the Ambassador?

"Don't feel bad; you did a fine job waving you little sword around."

"I don't need YOUR help ya know," Demoman said with a humph as he tried once in again in vain to strike the Queen who remained well outside his sword's reach.

All eyes, segmented or otherwise, swiveled up at the source of the exclamation. "Spy!" Twilight almost did a summersault as the fear and doubt just fell away from her being, only to be replaced by all of the questions that flooded into her mind. "How did-?"

"Can we not play 'bombard Spy with questions' until AFTER we stop zis hag?" Without further adieu, the reanimated assassin sprung from the swinging light fixture, knife drawn, right at the still dazed Queen. She only managed to bring up her hooves to shield her beloved face from his assault.

Surprisingly, her defense had more merit than anyone gathered there would have given it, for as luck would have it, Spy's fine blade managed to find the gaping holes in both of Chrysalis' exoskeleton-encased forelegs, Spy's (albeit slender) hands preventing the knife from reaching its target. "Not my finest moment…"

Not wanting to waste his attack, the French spook lifted his legs up and planted both spats directly into the Royal Barrel, sending Chrysalis sputtering into a cluster of of cocoons as Spy landed next to Tavish who punched him in the arm a bit harder than he should have (if the audible *crack* was any indication). Twilight and the others rushed to their side with a new sense of purpose and hope.

"I'm so glad you're alright. But darling I have to know, how are you not…you know…"

"Six hooves under? Pushing up daisies? Ka-poot? Buying the farm?" Pinkie said, trying to help Rarity find the phrase she was looking for and bouncing around while doing so.

"Dead? Oh-ho-ho-ho, no. As I've said before," Spy reached into his pocket and withdrew a well-polished gold pocket watch with a humming bird engraved on the top. "A man in my line of work always has a backup plan."

"Oh my, what a lovely bird," Fluttershy said softly.

"ENOUGH OF THIS OUTRAGE!" The scream jared everyone's attention over towards the throne, where Chrysalis shook with unbridled fury, covered from crown to hoof with cocoon gel. "At first I thought you little parasprites were entertaining, trying desperately to save your worthless friends, but now you just refuse to lay down and take it! So instead of letting you bow before me and becoming my personal slaves, I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU INTO SUBMISSION!" She slammed her hoof down and glared at the small group of heroes, practically frothing at the muzzle.

Spy and Demoman looked at her, then at each other, then back at her before the urge to laugh became to great to resist. Twilight and the other Mane Six gave each other nervous looks, were they really laughing at the face of danger like that?

'Well, Pyro seemed to have a tendency for rushing recklessly into impossible situations. Are all humans this daring? I wonder if he would have been anymore help than these two…gah, focus Twilight.'

The whole room suddenly shook with tremendous force as a low but steadily increasing moan echoed through the entirety of Canterlot Castle. "What in tarnation was THAT? Fluttershy, did that sound like any critter you know…Fluttershy?" Applejack looked around her group of friends for the cream-colored pegasus in question, and saw her clinging for dear life to Rainbow Dash who didn't seem to pay her much mind as her cerise eyes looked high and low for the source of the roar. AJ turned to get input from the REDs but stopped herself upon seeing them sharing an expression she had never seen on either of them yet; genuine fear.

Tavish brought his claymore closer to his chest. "Spy?"

"Yes?" Spy said, doing the same only with his Ambassador.

"Is that what I think it is?"


"Do ya think we can-"

"I'm afraid not…"

The shaking picked up again, this time more violently with fewer spaces between tremors. Rainbow (and by extension Fluttershy) lifted off the ground as the others ran out of the throne room to avoid falling pieces of masonry that began to rain down as the mysterious central sphere that had remained motionless started to raise out of its nest and out into the sky.

"Let us move!" Spy beckoned as he fired away at some of the larger chunks to break them apart so they would have less chance of striking one of the ponies.

"No! We can't just leave Sweetie and the others!" Rarity screamed, trying to maintain a line of sight with her sister around all of the chaos. Applejack grabbed hold of her and spun her so they were muzzle to muzzle.

"We ain't got time for that, sugar cube! If the Princesses are havin' trouble gettin' out with all their might, then I doubt a few rocks are gonna make much difference!" Rarity took one last look at her sister (who was still fast asleep dispute all that was happening) and then ran out of the doors along with the others.

Chrysalis and the few remaining Changelings that weren't seeing stars shielded their insect-like eyes from the sudden burst of light that filled the room, giving Spy the perfect opportunity to slip away and join the Mane Six outside in the courtyards. Tavish, however, had different plans.

"Oh, so you decided to stay? I suppose I can't really blame you, I wouldn't want to tangle with that beast either, not that you stand any better chance in here with me," Queen Chrysalis said with an evil smile as her horn glowed a faint green.

Tavish looked up and down her thin frame, his eye still burning brightly from the cursed sword in his hand. "That crown don't belong to you, lassie. And if removin' your ugly head is the only way to get it offa' ya, then by God, I'll make that happen!"

Chrysalis got a good laugh out that. She rose into the sunlight that was outmatched by the brightness of her magic encasing her dark, crooked, horn. "And what makes YOU think you have more of a right to this than I?"

"This!" He reached into a small brown pack (that he had snagged after Chrysalis had taken to the skies and Spy's reappearance had kept everypony's attention) and withdrew a shimmering gold crown that her proceeded to place on his head. A perfect fit.

She was stunned. 'WHAT!? How could that…that BRUTE be Royalty!? He doesn't carry himself like a Royal, he doesn't act like one, he DRINKS like one though, but…no! This cannot be right! He's bluffing.' As if it knew, Prince DeGroot's crown began casting rays of light from its expertly crafted gold frame, giving its wearer an angelic appearance. 'Uh-oh…'

Tavish took a final swig of his bottle before discarding the empty container which shattered on a rather misfortunate drone that had just managed to stop the room from spinning long enough for him to stand. "Now I'm gonna kill ya, and Imma keep the tickets to the gun show 'cause you're grass is ass and I- *BELCH* I'm just a one-eyed bloody monster!"

Demoman was certainly an anomaly in the land of Equestira and not only because he was human. In this fair land, like many others, wine and other such alcoholic beverages (such as cider) are sold and distributed throughout. But, since vice isn't as much of a problem among the ponies, there aren't any Equestrians that truly fit the title of "alcoholic" (expect for those such as Berry Punch, Luna, and even Celestia when treaty negotiations start taking a turn for the worst). The point is that most ponies (or Changelings for that matter) were not used to dealing with drunken behavior. Little did Chrysalis know that she was about to be taught one of the more Important lessons: drunks can have very sudden and very violent mood-swings, such as switching from sadness right into full-tilt anger.


"NokeephimawayfrommeeeeEEEEEEE~!" With that final display of courage, Chrysalis and Prince DeGroot sailed through the stained glass window that stood directly behind the terrified Queen, and crashed onto the winding staircase of the highest turret just outside. "Okay, that's the way you want to play it? FINE." Sickly green magic bubbled up from the base of her horn and began to solidify into a sharp, emerald blade before she lunged headlong at Tavish who swung his Eyelander in hopes of at least shattering the incantation (if not severing her horn altogether), only to find that it was just as sturdy as his possessed steel.


"Ugh…are they gone?" the first Changeling said peering out from behind the throne.

"Yeah, they're gone. It went for a stroll and she's talking to him outside."

The first Changeling scratched his head. "By 'her' you mean the Queen, right?"

"Who else would he be talking about? Celestia?" came a third voice as more and more Changelings came out of hiding or simply stopped pretending to be knocked out. "At least she and the other prisoners are still safe and sound."

"Me too, I was afraid one of those darn chucks of rock was going to rip them open. We really need to figure out a way to reinforce the outer part of the cell wall," said a fourth as he examined one that contained Captain Ajax. The doors to throne room suddenly flew open as three tired and battered Changelings came crashing in, bouncing a few times before coming a painful halt before the throne.

"As I live and change; Mockery! Carbon! Ditto! What are you three doing here? Shouldn't you still be on your 'super secret mission'?" the first Changeling said, followed by low chuckles from the rest. "You boys are a MESS! What happened? Those fillies at the playground too rough for ya?"

"It…it wasn't…what the book said it would be…much smaller…but, tougher…" moaned Ditto as he tried to get on hooves, breathing heavily.

"At least…it didn't ride on your back the whole way here…it's so HEAVY…" complained Mockery.

"Whoa whoa, back up. What did the say? You mean the monster?" the second Changeling asked as he and the others got closer to hear what their fallen comrades had to say. "It's outside, laying waste to the Elements and the rest of Canterlot!"

"Wha-What? But it's right behind us…unless, oh no…" Carbon Copy mouthed the last part of his sentence more than actually saying it. As he did, he rolled onto his soar wings to face the "monster" that the three stooges had summoned back at the Hive. Every face turned to look at what had been brought forth, as it took large strides over the fallen debris before stopping in the center of the room so as much light as possible shown down on it and its magnificent RED uniform.

"There's MORE of them?"

"Yeah," said Mockery, "and this one REALLY doesn't like us."


"What's going on at the castle? Is that psycho destroying more parts of the city?" said one of the residents of Canterlot as she and many others like her stepped cautiously outside of their homes after hearing the commotion at the castle. They all shuffled about in the street trying to catch a better glimpse of what was going on, which wasn't much aside from a few specs of what they assumed were ponies and one tall, slender creature fleeing from the shining fortress...and a gigantic sphere raising up out of the center of the ruined castle.

The brown orb drifted high into sky all the while following the Twilight and her friends. "Spy!" Twilight called back to the human keeping up the rear. "What is that thing!?"

"Somezing I was hoping we wouldn't have to deal with! I can only assume zat Ze Bombinomicon has somezing to do with zis!"

That was when Twilight noticed something else. "Where's Demoman?" Spy stopped, but only for a moment before remembering why he was running in the first place. He cursed under his breath at how reckless and selfish that drunk could be, now it was up him and the others to draw off this monstrosity while he dealt with the Queen. 'Dammit Tavish, this is one of your demons, not mine…' Spy looked back to see whether or not the ball of death was still following them. It wasn't.

Peering back, Spy could barely make out two figures fighting on one of the castle's higher towers. The beast had noticed this as well, and had begun to head in that direction to help its new master. "Merde." Spy, against every fiber of his slim body that was screaming at him to just run and leave Demoman to fight on his own, fired at the ball and winged it on one of its flowing…

"Are those…VEINS?" Fluttershy gasped as she finally managed to release Rainbow from her death-grip and actually looked at what was assailing them. Spy remained silent and opted to allow the answer to come about on its own.

The tendrils that wafted about behind the main "body" were indeed veins, and as the creature turned to face the source of the shot that was now lodged into its thick skin, it became clear that this being was once part of something greater, and had been forcibly removed by some unknown means. Namely, some angry creature that's had one of its eyes ripped out of its socket. The massive eyeball, something Spy had encountered more than enough times in the past, opened its lids and gazed upon the terrified group with a giant brown iris.

Spy bolted, running down the back streets and weaving through the packs of panicking ponies and away from the more populated areas. "MONOCULUS! YOU FILZY EXCUSE FOR A BEACH BALL! OVER HERE!" Spy fired a few more shots to fully grab Monoculus' attention as the brown eye lazily drifted away from the Elements and towards the fleeing Frenchman.

"Spy! What's he doing, that thing will crush him!" Rarity gasped.

"He's buying us time. C'mon girls! We have to find The Bombinomicon before Monoculus rolls over Spy or whatever it-" *BA-BOOM* Twilight whirled around as Monoculus launched another miniature eye-rocket at the unfortunate house it happened to be looking at, which exploded violently, leveling the house and shaking the ones around it, "-does? Oh no. We have to hurry!"


Sometimes The Bombinomicon really did hate being a book, but not all the time. Most of the time being a book consisted of just sitting around, usually in a library or somewhere with other books, seeing how much dust you had compared to other books (it was a pride thing, like how some people compare hair or hats). Then there were other times, like today, where being a book can be rather hectic; being tossed around, thrown into bags, not having any idea what the hell's going on on the outside world, etc.

The Bombinomicon hated this more than other books since it was one of the few that could actually talk to the reader, and curse their eyes when it felt like it…but details, details. People didn't even read it anymore! They just toted it around like a badge and didn't even pay it much mind either, just another trophy on the belt for killing Monoculus, like the Horseman's Head or Merasmus' stupid hat. Seriously, who told him that it was okay to go out in public looking like that?


"Catch, lass!"

"DEMOMAN DON'T YOU DAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" The Bombinomicon screamed as it was flung from atop the high toward and plummeted towards the ground rushing up to meet it. It closed its tiny red eyes, waiting for the cobblestone to ruin its cover and diminish whatever resale value it might have had left. But the impact never came. No matter how annoying or chatty it might be, Twilight Sparkle wasn't about to let a book come to harm if she could prevent it. "OH THANK YOU, THA- OH NO, NOT YOU PACK MULES AGAIN…"

Demoman shielded his good eye from the glare of the sun and the rays of light dancing about his crown and peered down into the courtyard below, making sure that Twilight had received that blasted book safe and sound before turning to face Chrysalis.

"As if I care if Twilight Sparkle and her meddlesome friends have The Bombinomicon, it won't be enough to stop Monoculus!"

"Nah, I thought I should give the wee lass some help since it is my eye after all."

"Oh like it…could…YOUR EYE!?"

Author's Note:

Sorry this is so late (and kinda short), you know with me deleting the whole thing and all, I just felt like being done with this chapter and rereleasing SOMETHING for you guys who've been waiting (thanks guys). Well, off to have another adventure! *Crawls back into his room and starts playing Dota 2*