• Published 30th Jul 2012
  • 8,462 Views, 621 Comments

Twilight's Demoman Devastation - Darrtaa

(A follow-up to Lyra's Pyro Predicament) Demoman and Spy battle the forces of evil in Equestria.

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Chapter 6: Are You A Spy?

Disclaimer: I don't own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic or any of the characters, nor do I own Team Fortress 2 or any of its characters. I do, however, own Copper Head and Captain Ajax.

"We can't just deplete our remaining forces to look for somepony we haven't been able to to so much as get glimpse of. There might still be Changelings here in Canterlot!" Captain Ajax said slamming his mighty hoof against the table with various maps of Equestria laid on its surface.

"I'm not saying that there isn't, but if I know anything about Changelings, their master scheme isn't going to end with some sloppy attack on the Gala. They must be planning something, but what?" Shining Armor sighed.

Shining and Ajax had been the best of friends ever since they met back in basic training, and had served side by side through most of their impressive careers, but on the rare occasions when they couldn't agree on something the whole nation might as well have been in peril at how heated their arguments became. Out of the two of them Shining had always had the cooler head while Ajax was first to show his temper, but now, Shining wanted nothing more than to exact revenge against the beings that almost ruined his wedding.

"Shining, I know you want to bring them to justice but we can't sacrifice anymore security." Ajax put his hoof around his distraught friend and sighed, "Let's just focus on the task at hoof and then you and I will go round up some of the pegasi and go Changeling hunting!"

Shining smiled. His grin faded, however, when "the task at hoof" walked forward accompanied by two weary guards that looked like they were expecting him to jump out his restraints and soar around the room. Not that Spy couldn't have easily freed himself…were it not for him making himself look like an idiot on his first attempt due to the magic part of "magical shackles".

"So, you're a…monkey?" Shining asked quizzically.

"Naw, he looks more like scaleless dragon," Ajax replied.

"He's HUMAN. H-u-m-a-n. You know, those things I told EVERYPONY were real and nopony believed me?" All three of them turned around to the frazzled unicorn and her six companions as they approached the table. "I take it that you're one of Pyro's friends, given your outfit and your, uh, reaction to hearing his name," Lyra said looking him over with her mint-green hoof to her chin.

"I remember him! He sure was funny, not much of a talker though but that's okay 'cause I know some ponies like good listeners! Big Mac's a pretty good listener I mean all he really says is 'eeyup' and not all that often, I thought he was mute first few weeks I knew h-MPHM!" Pinkie stopped as she suddenly came down with a serious case of Twilight's-hoof-in-mouth disease.

"What Pinkie is TRYING to say is that Pyro was…different to say the least. Are you…ya know…"

"A deranged, mute, pyromaniac?"

Twilight smiled weakly and chuckled nervously, "Not in those words, but; yes."

"Au contraire, mon petit poney; I am nothing like zat freak. Ze only similarities between the two of us iz zat we are on ze same brain-dead team." Rarity's azure eyes sparkled with excitement. He spoke the same sophisticated, romantic language she did! Finally, some…thing with class!

"Mmm, I must say; out of all the humans I've seen (you being the second but none the less), you are the most handsome and sophisticated one to date!" The seamstress cooed as she began to notice the expert stitching that held his remarkable suit together. Nothing she couldn't have outdone in her sleep, but impressive all the same.

"Merci, Miss…?"

"Rarity. Call me Rarity, darling."

"Miss Rarity, would be ever so kind as to remove zese shackles that I might greet you properly?" He stared into her beautiful eyes as she fluttered her eyelids. A catty smile crept across her lush lips...

"Oh, I don't have any control over those, silly. You'd have to ask the guard about that." Spy was spun around on his heel by a telekinetic grip that encased his head like a basketball player palming the ball.

"Yeah, and that would be me," Ajax sneered.

"Careful please, I don't want to warm our unexpected guest." Everypony in the room snapped to attention as the ethereal voice carried its sweet tune across the room. Spy found himself staring down at the marble floor as Ajax's powerful blue magic forced him into a bowing position. All he could see was a set of golden horseshoes that lead up to four alabaster legs. "Captain, if you would bring our guest to throne room so that my sister and I may have a chance to speak with him. Twilight, I want you and your friends there as well," the beautiful voice said with a slightly tired tone.


Spy was starting to regret sneaking in the back of the Gala after he tailed Demoman through the Everfree Forest, the castle was simply stunning, both in design and location (although using the "back entrance" to a fortified castle that sat on the face of an incredibly steep mountain probably wasn't the best method but it was so crazy that nopony thought to guard against it).

As he was lead from hall to to exquisite hall, Spy reveled at the majesty of what a bunch of Equestrians had somehow managed to accomplish without hands. 'I suppose they have magic on their side. That WOULD make things like this easier,' his thoughts drifted to the uncomfortable position his hands had been forced into for the past ten minutes, 'and also explain why I can't break these damned cuffs!'

The regal doors of the throne room towered over the small band of ponies and human as they approached, the gold and various other precious minerals glistening in the sunlight. The identical guards stationed at the entrance looked over at the slender being on the side of concern for the twin deities behind the massive doors before being waved aside by the present captains.

The throne room, while designed to be just as magnificent as the rest of the castle, had a certain essence about it that made all the more grand. Although, that could be due to the two goddesses representing the sun and the moon sitting side by side on identical thrones at the end of a long red rug.

The Princesses both wore stern expressions on their beautiful faces, the paler of the two kept her magenta eyes locked solely on the tall man in the red suit. As Twilight and her friends reached the foot of the thrones and bowed, Luna gestured for the guards near the door to close it and permit no further guests.

"Now that we won't be having any more company, would you care to explain exactly how you managed to cross over into our world?" Celestia asked plainly.

"You zeem like a sensible, er, pony. Perhaps you could persuade zese oafs to release my shackles and then we'll have a nice, long chat," Spy said in the most subtlety seductive voice he could muster.

"Oh, yes, of course. Shining? If you would." A surge of purple magic surrounded Shining Armor's white horn as the shackles unlocked themselves and fell to the floor with a heavy clang. Spy sighed with relief as he rubbed his sore wrists.

"Thank you, your Highness. If I may be so bold; why was I bound in ze first place? My items were taken from me (which I intend to acquire as quickly as possible) and I saved zis little unicorn," Spy pointed at Lyra who squeaked slightly from being able to see an actual hand up close.

"That would be my sister's doing, she tends to overact when humans suddenly turn up." Luna averted her gaze, silently thanking her parents for giving her a dark blue coat that concealed her blushing cheeks.

Spy cocked his brow. "Forgive me, but when you say 'humans' as in plural-"

"Yeah! Pyro was here a few months ago! You DO know him, right? How is he?" Lyra interjected, her yellow eyes practically bursting out of her head.

"Lyra," Twilight said, "don't bother him with a bunch of questions…you wouldn't happen to have a human anatomy chart on you, would you? The only ones we have are guess work. Do you actually have two hearts, or just a third pancreas?"

"Girls, please, we need to remain focused so we can resolve this 'situation' as soon as possible," Luna interrupted, raising her voice above what she hoped wouldn't become a Q&A with Equestria's most reluctant host besides Cranky Doodle Donkey. "We don't have what one would call a good track record when it comes to human visitors, or even centaurs for that matter. Silas, Tirek, Hecarim…the list goes on, but I think you get the picture."

Spy looked thoughtfully at the deities and rubbed his chin. "Zomezing still doesn't sit right; why were your subjects zo surprised at my appearance? I realize zat zeeing a human is a rare occurrence, but it zeemed as if zo zey had never zeen one before."

"Allow me to explain," Celestia began, "when your friend Pyro arrived in Ponyville, he was taken in by our very own Lyra Heartstrings and keep a secret from the rest of the world. That is, until Nightmare Night, when he was brought to our attention. And although his arrival may have been the catalyst for the events that transpired, he did manage to help us defeat Silas once and for all. After such a traumatic evening that would be too much to bare for most ponies, I found it best to wipe the fight from all but a few ponies' minds, like all of you present."

Spy's eyes widened. No, it couldn't be the same person. "Forgive my asking, Princess, but when you zaid 'Silas'…you don't mean-"

"The Horseless Headless Horseman, yep!" Pinkie shouted as she bounced around the group in her usual happy manner.


"You DARE show your impudent faces back here after what you did! I should cocoon the pair of you right here and now!"

"WELL, SOMEONE WOKE UP ON THE SNARKY SIDE OF THE SULFUR PIT THIS MORNING," The Bombinomicon remarked as Demoman lumbered into the Hive's main chamber and plopped down on one of the flatter rock formations.

Chrysalis hissed as her cat-like eyes flashed a sickening green. "I don't care HOW many of those foals you terrorized, you were supposed to replace Celestia! Or at the very least Blueblood! Did you manage to plant ANY drones!?"

"DON'T GET YOUR…WHATEVER IN A BUNCH. OH GOD, THAT WAS AN UNSETTLING IMAGE. GAH…" Chrysalis' face was now the same shade as Tavish's suit only with much sharper, bared fangs. "RIGHT…WELL, I THINK ONE OF YOUR 'OPERATIVES' STAYED BEHIND-"

"Uh, Commander?" the Changeling known as Reflection muttered from within the swarming mass of his brethren. "The rest of the squad never made it back, they were jailed upon the arrival of the guard captains."

For the first time in known history, the Hive went absolutely silent; no buzzing, no hooves clacking against various surfaces, no chatter, nothing. The only audible noises were the faint drips of moisture falling from the ceiling and growing snickering.

"…*SNORT* A-HAHAHAHAHAHA! THOSE IDIOTS GOT CAUGHT!? WE WERE THERE, WHAT? NOT EVEN FIVE MINUTES! HAHAHAHAHA! OH! OH MY SIDES HURT! HAHAHA! OH, OH MY- OH MY GAH-HAHAHA! IT HURTS, IT HURTS…OH GOD IT BURNS! AAAAAAAAAH! THE PAIN!!!" The Bombinomicon shrieked in agony as its back cover made contact with the contents of a boiling crater that Chrysalis had unceremoniously dipped it in.

"You have failed me for the last time you pathetic excuse for a tome!" She flipped the book around so that its horrid face could witness its untimely demise at the hooves of the dethroned Queen.

"WAIT! IF YOU KILL ME, I'LL BECOME MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU CAN POSSIBLY IMAGINE!" A bubble in the acidic pool burst and flicked small specks of corrosive goo across The Bombinomicon's front cover. "OKAY! OKAY! THAT WAS A LIE! BUT IF YOU DESTROY ME YOU'LL NEVER SUMMON MONOCULUS!"

"How stupid to you think I am? If I incite the ritual again, you'll just summon another one of these incompetent foals!" She pointed a hoof at where Demo was sitting, his good eye still glowing a faint green from Chrysalis' spell. "Although, I must admit that the prospect of a giant monster of myth under my control IS enticing…alright, book, you've got ONE final chance to do this right before I cook you up and eat you!"

The Bombinomicon sighed internally. What to do? It could always try bring another member of of RED Team to come to his aid, but would it be enough? It might just turn out to be another Demoman situation and would seal its fate as Chrysalis' reader's digestion. It would have to try and usher forth MONOCULUS despite its reservations about giving a clearly unstable tyrant a mystic monstrosity.


Chrysalis raised her brow suspiciously. "Why not just use him? Or even one of the trinkets he's got on him?"


"How 'bout that ring that wee pony was wearin' back at the party?" Tavish said, his voice raising over the mumble of the Hive and grasping the immediate attention of Chrysalis and The Bombinomicon.


"Let me through! Do you oafs have any idea who I am!?"

The guards at the door felt the veins in their temples pulse simultaneously at the unpleasant voice of their unwanted visitor. "Ugh…YES, Prince Blueblood, we know who you are-"

"Then why are you two clods barring me access to the throne room!?" the stuck-up stallion said as he tossed back a lock of his long blonde mane. The tall, light grey prince just stared at the two armor-clad guards expectantly, waiting for them to bend to his will as they were normally supposed to.

"I'm sorry, your Highness; but the Princesses gave us special instruction not to allow anypony into the throne room until told otherwise. And that, I'm afraid, includes YOU", the guard said with a quick smile.

"I ORDER you to let me in!"

"Didn't you hear the stallion? He said-"

"No. No, let him through."

"Well! It's about time!" the Prince snorted as he walked past the twin sentinels and into the previously secure room.

"…What the hay was that!? Why'd you let him in? Why'd I let you let him in? I outrank you!"

"Relax; 'Butt Stallion' wanders in there, whining about whatever, then Celestia and Luna send him back out here on his flank. They know that he probably threatened to banish us to Griffin territory if we didn't let him past and are gonna be way more angry at him than us," the first guard reassured the second.

"I dunno, you sure about that?"





Blueblood was ridged with heart-stopping fear for his tragically short life. Never before had he felt such terror, the closest he had ever gotten to this level of shock was when his backwater date for the Gala had flipped her lid after he barely managed to save his pristine coat from an airborne commoner cake. This, however was much different.

Not only had the mere sight of the strange, slender creature standing erect been enough to get the Prince's heart racing, but the small cannon it was holding had clipped some of the hair from his now flattened ears.

"SPY!" Lyra shouted as she pressed her hooves up against the RED infiltrator. "You almost shot the Prince!"

"Shame," Rarity sighed.

"Forgive me, reflexes and all." He holstered his Ambassador revolver and knelt down, "Would you like some assis-"

Blueblood slapped Spy's gloved hand away and then quickly retracted his manicured hoof for fear that the bizarre being might rend it from his body. "NO! Don't touch me! Don't come any closer! AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" With that incredible display of bravery, Blueblood ran screaming like Opalescence when Sweetie Belle accidentally clamped her tail in Rarity's steam press.


"So, I get banished for a thousand years because I'm feeling under-appreciated and get a little cranky...yet you let him run around here acting that without so much as a slap on the hoof?"

"Don't start with me, Luna…" Celestia said rubbing her forehead from the impending headache of her nephew's screech. "Blueblood did prove a point; we can't keep Spy here without somepony stumbling upon him and having a similar reaction. I propose that we move him somewhere less populated were the media will be less likely to spot him. Mister Spy, you said that one of the items returned to you will help you maintain your disguise?"

"Yes, you see, zis cigarette case allows me to do ZIS." Spy flipped open the small, silver Disguise Kit and pressed a button on the internal panel. Smoke enveloped his tall frame as red lights flickered from within the smog, the pillar gradually began to swirl towards the floor, leaving behind nothing of the French human but a white unicorn instead. "Pretty cool, eh? It even helps me change my voice and mannerisms," Copper Head said, smiling at the reactions he was getting.

Twilight raised her lavender hoof. "What about that paper mask I saw you throw away back in the ball room? Does that have anything to do with it?"

"Good question! Here, lemme just tweak this, and…presto!" Instead of the usual smoke and mirrors, the image of the orange-maned pony flickered as if being projected before suddenly snapping back to Spy, but wearing a paper mask that covered his crimson balaclava with a picture of Copper Head's smiling face. "Which do you prefer?" he said, his voice now retaining its natural tone.

"Human!" said Lyra enthusiastically. She blushed upon realizing that nopony else was talking and instead had their eyes locked on her. "Or um, you know, whatever works…"

"I think human would be better," Celestia said warmly. "That way you can learn more about him and he doesn't have to strain himself to maintain his masquerade."

Spy bowed respectfully. "Princess, it is of no problem for me to keep up a disguise for long stretches of time, but I appreciate your concern." Lyra suppressed a squeal and stamped her hooves in joy.

"As much as I would like to keep you here until we can find a way to send you home, the paparazzi that swarm around the castle would no doubt question why a non-guard pony was staying here for an extended amount of time, let alone a human. Ajax, would you show these lovely ladies the way to the Guard Transit?"

"At once, Princess," the stalwart captain saluted and turned to lead the group out. As she walked down the red carpet towards the doors, Twilight felt a slight telekinetic tug on the back of her mane. She turned around in confusion, as she was in the back of the unconventional group, only to see Luna gesturing for her to come back. Twilight shuffled backwards until she was within earshot of the dark goddess, increasing the gap between her and her friends as they left the lavish room.

"Don't let him out of your sight."

Twilight smiled. "You can count on me, Princess!"

"Heya Twilight, you comin'?" Applejack said as she poked her head back in. Twilight gave the Royal Pony Sisters a wink before trotting off with her friend. The doors closed with a thunk. The only sounds were the winds blowing just outside the windows and the voices of two guards as they attempted to come to a consensus on what they had heard. Luna closed her eyes, enjoying the momentary quiet.

"Do you think they'll be alright? I mean, the last human that stumbled into their care was a fiey harbinger for that…monster, you don't think that maybe-"

"No. No…we haven't detected any magical rifts as of late. Lets just focus on finding Chrysalis, and that other human," Celestia said quietly.

All was not well in Equestria.