• Published 5th Jul 2018
  • 4,174 Views, 104 Comments

Wallflower's Bud - Shadowmane PX-41

After the events of Forgotten Friendship, Sunset tries to help Wallflower feel even more comfortable. So, she decides to help her find a friend who would never leave her; no matter what.

  • ...

A New Lifelong Friend

Sunset Shimmer strolled down the street towards Canterlot High, ready for another long day of classrooms and activities with the rest of the Rainbooms. Things had been mostly on the up and up for her ever since the Fall Formal, but even then, there were the occasional moment where she had been shown her place and needed to fight for the friendships that she had forged, including the ones she could have potentially destroyed at the Friendship Games.

Even now, with the Memory Stone being a thing of the past, she was once again reminded of just how much work she had done since the Fall Formal, and how much she was willing to fight for the chance to be a part of the society she had worked for. But again, she found herself wondering the same, tired question: When would the next time come when she had to stand up for herself and prove that she had changed once and for all? And who would be the instrument of such suspicion and doubt among her peers?

That question quickly faded away as she saw Wallflower Blush walk up to the entrance, still clad in her casual striped sweater and jeans. Things had changed for her too since she tried to wipe everyone's memories clean, and now that she finally had a voice and a vision, her life had been filled with so much more life than ever. More and more people were joining her gardener's club and her circle of friends was beginning to grow even more.

Still, Sunset couldn't help but think. She had been alone for the longest time, even as a child. She couldn't go through something as heartbreaking as a loss of friends after how adamant she had been in her plans to wipe her out of the other students' minds like that. Making a decision, Sunset decided to walk up to Wallflower and make sure that she didn't go through that torment ever again.

"Hey, Wallflower." She gave her a wave as she chased her up the stairs.

"Oh. Hi, Sunset." Wallflower smiled and gave her a soft wave back. "Nice day, isn't it?"

"Yeah. The sun's been really nice this past week." Sunset smiled as she held her hand out, as if she was holding a sunbeam in it. "Perfect weather to go to the beach, get some ice cream, and I bet your gardens are flourishing in this weather."

"They definitely are, Sunset. I don't think I've ever had such good luck like this for a long time." Wallflower reached over Sunset's back and patted her shoulder. "And I have you to thank for it. Even though I kinda went ahead and got rid of everyone's memories of you..."

"Don't worry. I know how it feels." Sunset grinned back as the two of them walked into Canterlot High together, their legs almost in perfect sync with each other.

Canterlot High's foyer was as abuzz as ever. Students hanging out by the walls and lockers chatting up a storm as they passed time before their first classes of the day. Teens of all different educational levels, from freshmen to seniors were gathered around, all with their own topics of discussion running around in the others' heads.

"So, how does it feel to have everyone in the school finally taking notice of you, Wallflower?" Sunset asked, as the two of them walked down the first corridor in the rotunda, towards their class.

"It feels great, Sunset. I don't think I've ever had so much to talk about since... ever!" Wallflower threw her arms out. "I've been able to share so many more passions than just gardening. The drama kids are helping me become a better actor, the posh kids are keeping me in the loop with all the latest trends, and let's just say that I might be joining a band pretty soon." She gave her a little wink."

"You do have a pretty good singing voice, Wallflower," said Sunset. "I bet you'd do great in a band, and all the others would love hearing you perform."

"Thanks." She chuckled, bringing her hand to her cheek as they turned red. After all of the time she had stayed transparent to the world, compliments and recommendations were fairly new territory for Wallflower. "So, what else do you wanna talk about, Sunset?"

"Well... I've been thinking." Sunset sighed to herself. "You've been isolated and shut off from the world for a pretty long time. What with the Memory Stone getting you wiped from everyone else's minds as well. And now that you're starting to make more and more friends, I feel like you should at least have someone, or something in your life to depend on if you come across more problems."

"Sunset, I appreciate the idea, but I'm totally fine now. Heck, I'm getting more friends than I could have ever hoped for." She looked back at Sunset. "You, the Rainbooms, my club, and even a few unexpected friends along the way. If anything, I'd say I'm much better off now."

"Yeah, but still, I think it'd be best if you have someone who you know will never leave your side, like a pet." Sunset tipped her hand. "Me and my friends all have pets. Twilight has Spike, Applejack has Winona, Fluttershy has a whole animal shelter, Rarity has a cat, Rainbow Dash has a tortoise, and even I have Ray. If we ever do have to part ways, at least we know that there's someone who we know would stay with us."

"Yeah. I guess..." Wallflower brought her hand to her chin now, letting Sunset's words sink in and swirl around. As she remember all the bitterness and suffering she had spent alone, having a pet seemed less and less like a bad thing. "But wait, what about that pink girl, Pinkie Pie, I think? Does she have a pet?"

"Well, she has a plushie, but she likes to think it's a pet." Sunset just let a small giggle slip. "It's Pinkie Pie. Best not to question things."

"I don't think I've ever had a pet before." Wallflower tapped her feet as they stopped at a classroom door. "My sister, Fuchsia Blush used to own a guinea pig when we were in kindergarten together, but let's just say some things... happened along the way with it."

"Fuchsia? I didn't know you two were related, Wallflower." Sunset tilted her head to the side.

"We usually talk a lot back at home. Outside of Canterlot High, she was one of the only people I could have depended on; and even then, she was off with Trixie and her other friend, Lavender Lace, ever since that whole Battle of the Bands nonsense happened." She pressed her fingers together. "Heck, even now, she's still hanging out with those two, so I really only see her on mornings and when we both come home now."

"Then I think a pet would be just the right thing for you." Sunset laid a hand on Wallflower's chest. Then, moments later, the bell rang, indicating that class was about to start. "Meet me at the animal shelter after school, and we'll see if we can find one that'll make you happy, alright?"

"Sure." Wallflower's grin came back as she and Sunset went into class. "Sounds like a plan."

And with not another word, Sunset Shimmer and Wallflower sat at their respective desks, pulled out their pencil cases, and slid their bags underneath their chairs. The other students around them did the same as their teacher entered the class, closed the door behind them, and took their position in front of the blackboard.

The day seemed to pass like an eternity for Sunset and Wallflower. While the both of them sat their classes and hung out with their various friends, the conversation that they had been having earlier still hung deep on both of their minds. The fact still remained, that outside of the school, she still didn't have anyone to speak or bond with, as Fuchsia was always with Trixie and Lavender. Even if it was a sisterly thing and they would still be together forever, Wallflower still felt a small hole in her heart begin to form.

For Sunset, she could sympathise with Wallflower, knowing full well what it was like to be brought back to reality after being knocked off of a high pedestal. After all that she had done and how tight a grip she had on Canterlot High, she knew just what kind of suffering Wallflower had gone through, and the steps she had taken in order to lash out at her both for her own misdeeds as the ruthless tyrant of CHS and for everyone flocking to her while she was left alone.

For both of them, one thing was beginning to become more and more clear: Wallflower Blush needed a pet, so that she would never have to go through the heartache of being invisible ever again.

Eventually, the day came to an end, and all of the students all burst out of Canterlot High, still chatting up a storm as they were glad to see the day's end. The younger ones ran off as fast as they could, while some of the older students hung around for a few more moments before packing up and leaving for home.

For once, Sunset wasn't with the Rainbooms as they left, and the six other girls just walked out without her. Though, it wasn't because they had been avoiding her or vice versa, but rather that she had sent them all a text message that read,

Sorry I won't be able to leave with you girls today. I'm helping a friend out with something important. I'll definitely see you all tomorrow, though.

"So, shall we get going?" Sunset asked, leading Wallflower to the steps.

"Yeah. Let's do this." Wallflower nodded and held Sunset's hand, now that she had been given some time to think about the pet proposal.

Together, both of them held hands and began the long walk to the shelter, passing civilians and drivers on the road on their little walk. They didn't really speak to either of them, though; nor did they ask for any small favors. Instead, the two of them made good time, which was passed with more light conversations like what they had for breakfast, or if there were any celebrities that they liked more.

The shelter was just as just as well kept as all the other times Sunset had been to it. With a straightforward road leading inside. Cream-coloured walls covered every inch of the reception as both Sunset and Wallflower walked inside. Fluttershy was waiting at the reception, managing papers about the animals she still had in stock, as well as the people who had come and made adoptions recently.

"Oh! Hello, Sunset. I didn't expect to see you here today." She pulled herself up from her papers as Sunset and Wallflower approached the desk. "Is this the friend you told me you were helping?"

"Yeah. You remember Wallflower, don't you?" Sunset asked, stepping aside so that she could introduce herself. She could only watch as Wallflower gave her a meek little wake.

"Oh yes, I remember you quite well. Even though I couldn't remember much of Sunset when we first saw each other." She twiddled her fingers as she blushed. "But I'm sure that everything's much better for you now, right?"

"Yeah. I've made much more friends after Sunset and yours broke me back into Canterlot High." Wallflower smiled; her confidence growing back like the flowers she tended to. "My own circle of friends is getting pretty huge now, but we just wanted to make sure that I have one that's never gonna forget about me, or leave me behind if they all have other plans."

"Well, you've definitely come to the right place." Fluttershy walked out from behind the counter and guided both Wallflower and Sunset to the next room. "I've got lots of different animals here for you, Wallflower. Just take a look around and let me know if there's one you like in particular."

As Sunset and Wallflower looked around the room, they saw a nimiety of animals of all shapes and sizes. Snakes, cats, bats, tortoises, and many more filled the pens in the room. Small cards with details of the animals could be seen either on or next to the glass panels keeping them from escaping. Stuff like their names, dates of birth, and many more could be seen.

"So many pets..." Wallflower took one glance at the wide variety of options for her to choose from. "How will we know which one's the best one for me?"

"I'm sure we'll be able to find one, Wallflower." Sunset still held Wallflower's hand while she held her free one out. "When I was looking for Ray, I had to go through a few different animals before I found him. Just think about what you'd like in a pet, and if she hasn't got it in, then I'm sure that she could find one for you later and let you know."

"Well... I kinda want a pet that I can cuddle. Someone cute and fluffy, with just enough energy to play too. Someone that I can always run around with." Wallflower held out her hand and used her fingers to list off all of the different characteristics. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that... a dog would be nice? I've seen so many people with their dogs in the park, and they seem like lovable pets."

"We do have a kennel here at the shelter." Fluttershy came up to Wallflower and wrapped her arm around Wallflower's back. "Why don't I take you to it? If you want a dog, I could show you all the breeds we have at the moment."

"Thanks." Wallflower walked with Fluttershy, with Sunset following close behind them both.

The kennel at the animal shelter wasn't anything special, but it was still pretty welcoming nonetheless. The walls had been painted bright blue and the ground was coated with tan terracotta tiles. At the end of the room, there were special facilities where the dogs could have their fur cut and washed, with a door leading to a yard outside where they could play and do exercises.

"Take a look around, Wallflower. We've got lots of dogs who would be glad to be your pet." Fluttershy backed up and let her walk ahead. She could already see Wallflower looking in to each of the different pens, eyeing up some of the dogs, before turning away and moving on to the next one.

"Cuddly, cute and fluffy, and full of energy." Wallflower repeated over and over again in her head as she looked at the dogs. Most of them failed to fit the bill, despite wagging their tails and panting as she came up to their pens. Sighing, she was coming to the last of the pens, running out of dogs to choose from. "Wait. What about that one?" She ran over to one of the pens at the end of the room and squatted down so she could get a good look at the new dog.

The puppy Wallflower had her eyes on was full of energy, running around in a circle as it tried to catch its' tail. It had an orange coat and purple tufts of hair at the top of its' head and on the edge of its' tail. Its' two giant teal eyes eventually saw her and caused it to start pawing at the glass panel, showing off the collar with a heart-pendant hanging from it, and two massive, curled up ears.

"Who's this little cutie?" Wallflower asked, feeling her whole heart melt as she and the puppy continued to lock gazes with one another.

"Oh. That's Smolder. She's a very new dog, actually. She was imported all the way from the other side of the world, and she's gone through a pretty rough journey to be here today." Fluttershy came over and squatted down with Wallflower. "I bet she'd love it if you chose to adopt her."

"And she's everything I asked for, for sure." Wallflower gushed over Smolder as her tail wagged more and more. Metaphorical hearts formed around her as she lifted the glass panel up and felt the puppy tackle her to the ground. She could only giggle as Smolder ran up to her face and licked it affectionately.

"I'm sold! I'll take her!" Wallflower exclaimed, holding Smolder gently in her arms as she stood back up.

"Wonderful!" Fluttershy felt a surge of joy flow through her as well as she started to lead them both back to the reception. "If you'd both like to follow me, we can get all the paperwork done and you can take Smolder home today."

"That was pretty fast, huh?" Sunset grinned as she witnessed Smolder continue to lick Wallflower's face, letting out a few yips as she curled up in her grip.

"Yeah. But she just looks like an adorable little bundle of energy and fun and I think I'd be able to do a lot of stuff together with her." Wallflower took her eyes off of Smolder for that one instance to speak with Sunset. "I can't wait to get her home and show Fuchsia. I bet she'd be swooning over how cutesy-wutesy she is too!"

"I'm glad you two are getting along so well." Sunset felt the hole in Wallflower's heart begin to fill up, slowly but surely. If everything went well with Smolder and Wallflower, she wouldn't have to worry about her returning to the isolated, ghost of a human she had once been. "Hey, why don't you let me and her friends buy some supplies for you? After all, she's gonna need some food, a bed, and some toys to keep her busy."

"You'd really do that for me?" Wallflower asked, before pulling her into a small hug. "Thank you, Sunset!"

"No problem, Wallflower. Anything for a friend." Sunset hugged back, holding onto Smolder so that she didn't fall onto the floor.

"I'm so glad that you're adopting Smolder today, Wallflower." Fluttershy slipped back behind the counter and pulled up documents about Smolder. She wrote down Wallflower's name and the date before pulling out a small stamp and pressing down on the papers, leaving a mark that said, "Adopted" once she lifted it back up. "It always makes me happy to see someone come to the shelter and find a new FFF; a furry friend forever!"

"And I'm glad that I came down here today to meet little Smolder here." She nuzzled her, and she was nuzzled back by her new puppy. "I bet the two of us are gonna go along great; just like flowers and soil."

Fluttershy finished off the paperwork and shook Wallflower's hand, filing the papers away with the other successful adoptions that she had managed at the shelter. Once that was done, she politely shook Wallflower's hand and watched as both she and Sunset walked out with her new pet in hand.

For all of them, one thing was certain: It was the start of a whole new adventure for Wallflower Blush, and for her new pet dog, Smolder.