• Published 5th Jul 2018
  • 4,175 Views, 104 Comments

Wallflower's Bud - Shadowmane PX-41

After the events of Forgotten Friendship, Sunset tries to help Wallflower feel even more comfortable. So, she decides to help her find a friend who would never leave her; no matter what.

  • ...

The First Day

"Aww, who's a cutesy-wutesy little thing? You are, yes you are!" Wallflower held Smolder close to her face, cooing and petting her as she walked down the street with Sunset. "And once we get home, you and I are gonna have so much fun together. I bet Fuchsia would love to meet you too!"

"You're pretty taken with her, I see." Sunset smiled at Wallflower as Smolder looked up and licked her cheeks. "Now, all we've gotta do is get you set up with all the stuff you'll need to take care of her."

"Like what?" Wallflower asked, lifting a brow at Sunset.

"Well, first, we're going to need a little bed for it; somewhere cozy where it'll be comfortable. Maybe next to your bed or at least close to it." Sunset whipped out her phone and opened up the internet, quickly scrolling through her browsers before making it to the online pet store. "Then, there's the issue about food and drink. I'm sure that we'll be able to get a pair of dishes for her at a good price. After that's all said and done, we can move on to grooming and exercise. Now, you can choose whatever you want from here, just as long as your puppy gets lots of love and care, it should never leave your side and—"

"Sunset." Wallflower gently slapped her hand to her friend's mouth. "I appreciate all the stuff that you're doing for me in the wake of what I did, but we should at least get back home first, just so I can show Smolder around. You and your friends can handle all the rest from there, right?"

"I just wanna make sure that there aren't any issues, or that you feel uncomfortable with handling Smolder without all of the right tools." Sunset put a hand on Wallflower's shoulder and looked into her eyes. "The last thing we want is for you to feel like I mislead you and got you to make a decision you didn't want to make."

"Sunset, it's fine. Don't think about the end before we even begin. That's only gonna make you keep on worrying and stress you out more." Wallflower just smiled and pulled Sunset's hand off. "Just focus on what's important in the now, and if there are any trouble, you and I can work them out together, right? That's what friends are for, after all."

"I know, I know. I just don't wanna take any chances, that's all." Sunset looked down at the pendant around her neck. "Of all the times dark magic or some kind of dastardly plan was being hatched, I think yours was one of the more impactful ones. Sure, I might be a bit of a hypocrite for saying this because I was evil once before, but out of everyone I've had to stop before they went too far, you were one of the hardest cases yet."

"Yeah. An artefact that can erase memories and re-write everyone's perception of you? That's something that the government or those secret service agents would want to get their hands on." Wallflower let the memories of her syphoning other memories play out in her head. "If someone else got control of the Memory Stone and caused chaos with it, we would be living in a completely different world right about now, where everything else would just look peaceful, but just end up being a distorted and warped enigma of its' former self."

"That's a pretty heavy description, Wallflower," said Sunset, already picturing her thoughts.

"Thanks." Wallflower blushed and hugged Smolder more. "I got an A+ in creative writing the year before I came to Canterlot High. Though, you're one of the first I've told about it; even with the new friends I've been getting recently."

Smolder then noticed something in the park nearby and barked playfully, squirming around in Wallflower's hold and trying to scramble out of it. Its' tail wagged rapidly, swatting Wallflower in the face repeatedly before she finally broke free and ran off.

"Where's she going?" Wallflower asked. "Come on, Sunset. Let's not lose her right away."

Both Sunset and Wallflower ran to the park, their shoes leaving the sidewalk and meeting the cobblestone path leading towards the fountain. Their eyes were fixated on Smolder, as she ran towards another dog in the distance with a purple coat and green ears. He had a spiked collar with a small trinket hanging from it. He had a green breast and was seen chasing after a frisbee hurled by another girl. At least, he was until Smolder dashed past him and intercepted it.

Smolder yipped, practically running on the spot as the other dog came and tried to snatch the disc away from her, only to run off with it and bring it back to Wallflower and Sunset.

"Oh. Did you want to play with this?" Wallflower asked, taking the disc out of Smolder's mouth and holding it up to her chest. "Well, it's a nice gesture and all, but we really shouldn't take things off of other owners."

"Yeah. Especially when those owners are trying to train their own dogs." The other dog ran up to them both and gave a small glare to Smolder.

"Whoa!" Wallflower jumped in the air and flailed her arms, almost feeling like her skin was going to fly off at any moment. When she finally landed, she couldn't take her eyes off of the purple dog. "You can... talk?!"

"Well, yeah. I've been talking for a while now." The dog walked up to Wallflower and craned its' neck skyward, seeing her as a giant. "My name's Spike, by the way. And the frisbee that your dog took belongs to Twilight, my owner."

"You remember Twilight, don't you, Wallflower?" Sunset wrapped her arm around her back as Twilight approached the both of them. "She joined Canterlot High after the Friendship Games, and she's been by our side ever since."

"Yeah. I remember. She also turned to the dark side like you and I did." Wallflower reached down and picked Smolder back up. "Actually, isn't it weird when you realize how similar the three of us are? We all got our hands on magic, we all used it for our own benefits, and all nearly ended up ruining everything for everyone else because of it."

"True. But we all got ourselves back on our feet, and now look at us. Everything's on the up and up." Twilight just smiled and clasped her hands together. "Also, I didn't know you had a dog, Wallflower."

"Oh, I just got it from the shelter a few minutes ago. Her name's Smolder and she's just the cutest little thing I've ever laid my eyes on!" She brought the puppy to her face and brushed herself against it vigorously, cooing and babbling incoherently as she rubbed her belly. She saw Twilight give a small giggle, prompting her to stop and chuckle herself, setting Smolder down. "Anyway, Sunset helped me find her just in case I winded up being a lonely ghost again."

"That's a very nice idea, Sunset." Twilight flashed her a smile. "A dog could be the perfect companion for Wallflower." She watched Smolder jump back down and run up to Twilight's feet, yipping as she looked up at her. "And an energetic one at that."

"We were just going to take her home and get her settled in with Smolder. Then, I was gonna get you and the rest of the girls to go shopping for her; to get all the stuff she's gonna need to help raise her." Sunset reached over and petted Smolder on the head, brushing her big, horn-shaped ears downwards.

"Why don't you just bring her over to Twilight's place first?" Spike asked, propping himself on Wallflower's legs. "She's practically got everything already. It'd be a great place for her to relax, eat, and do whatever she wants." He looked towards a fire hydrant in the distance and watched another dog assume the position and raise its' leg. He cringed at the sight. "Almost anything, that is."

"Well..." Wallflower looked down at Spike, his tail subconsciously wagging as her gaze shifted back to her own puppy. "Alright. But first, I think she wants to play with that frisbee you've got there, Twilight."

"Oh. This?" Twilight looked back at the disc in her hand. "Well, I still had some time left with Spike, but I'd be glad to let you have a go with it, Wallflower. Anything to help your own dog stay happy and healthy." She handed the disc over to Wallflower, who put Smolder down next to Spike. "Plus, I think Spike could use a new canine friend. He doesn't really seem to have many others."

"Twilight, I'm fine with the friends I have already." He rolled his eyes as he pawed the ground. "You, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset are all that I need."

"Yes, but other dog friends wouldn't hurt now, would they?" Sunset smiled, pinching Spike's cheeks. "Wouldn't it feel great to have other dogs to race with? Or to show off your tricks to?"

"They wouldn't understand what the heck I'd be doing, though. Not all dogs can talk like I can." Spike shook his head. "And most of them just do... that." He pointed back to the dog that had finished its' business at the hydrant.

Twilight just grimaced at the sight and shook her head. "Come on, Spike. Just give Smolder here a chance. Who knows? You might end up loving her.

"Yeah, or I could get really jealous and end up having a rivalry that could wear thin after a few days." He deadpanned.

Twilight just rolled her eyes and walked Wallflower towards a clearer area of the park, watching Smolder follow after them both. "Have you ever used a frisbee before, Wallflower?"

"I did once, back in 2nd grade, but that was when I was just a kid, and I didn't even know how to use it properly." She pressed her fingers together, her cheeks again flushing a faint shade of red.

"It's not that hard, really. Let me show you how to use it." Twilight took the disc and motioned for Spike to come forward. When he did, she coiled her arm and pressed the frisbee against her chest. "It's all in the wristwork, really. Just throw it as you straighten your arm out, like this." —She tossed the frisbee, and Spike immediately dashed for it. As it started its' descent, he leapt for the plastic toy and grabbed it in his maw, landing on all four paws as he brought it back to Twilight— "And the rest should be plain sailing from there on out."

"Okay then..." Wallflower took the frisbee out of Spike's mouth and walked out, taking the same position that Twilight did when she hurled it. Looking back, she saw Smolder sticking close to her side, panting as its' eyes stayed focused on the toy in her arms. "All in the wrist, huh?"

Wallflower took a few deep breaths before throwing the disc out. She didn't supply much power to her throw, so it travelled much less distance than the one that Twilight had sent out. Regardless, Smolder still shot forward like a horse out of the gates at a race and lined herself up with the disc, making a jump up. She barely missed the frisbee as it grazed her ears and plopped gracelessly behind her. She still picked it back up and delivered it back to Wallflower.

"Ooh. So close," said Twiligtht, walking back up to Wallflower. "Maybe try bending down a little bit, don't give it too much altitude. It should be a tad easier for her to make the grab if there's not that much of a challenge behind it. You can work on doing it at a higher speed and height once she's got the hang of basic catching."

"Alright." Wallflower squatted slightly, still secure in her stance as she readied the disc for another throw. This time, she looked at Smolder, and waved the frisbee in front of her face, watching as her head followed it from left to right. "Ready for this, Smoldy?"

"Smoldy?" Sunset cocked a brow, then smirked. "Not even ten minutes into owning her and you've already given her a nickname."

"Well, yeah. It's short for Smoldy-Woldy." She briefly glanced back at Sunset, then heard Smolder let out another high-pitched bark again as she wriggled her body, ready for the run. "Now, go get it, girl!" Wallflower threw the frisbee again.

This time, Smolder ran to the disc and stayed behind it, instead of trying to get ahead of it. She made the jump for it as it dipped in height and managed to land it directly in her mouth, landing back on the ground once again as she brought it back to Wallflower once again.

"You got it! Nice work!" She clapped her hands and gave Smolder a pet on the head, causing her to drop the frisbee and shake her head to the side, with yet another bark slipping from her muzzle. "And just think; with some more practice, you'll be able to run faster and jump even higher than that!"

Sunset watched as Smolder ran into Wallflower's chest as she reached out for her, and saw Wallflower giving a hug to the dog. A smile appeared and stayed on her face as she knew the first part of her job was complete. Now came the other parts; getting the supplies and getting Smolder settled in to Wallflower's house.

Reaching into her pocket for her phone, Sunset Shimmer opened the chat application and opened a group chat with the rest of her friends. She typed in a message and sent it off, slipping the device back in her pocket as Wallflower sent the frisbee flying again, causing Smolder to run for it again.

Twilight smiled as well, watching Wallflower begin to bond with Smolder. As she watched the two playing together, she was reminded of the time that she broke free from Crystal Prep and Cinch's rules, letting go of all of the bad things and spending time with a new crowd; a new set of friends. Even if she had never known Wallflower before any of the mishaps involving the Memory Stone, she wasn't going to forget about her anytime soon; especially now that she had a new friend for both herself and Spike.

Wallflower and Smolder eventually performed their last frisbee throw and catch together before giving the disc back to Twilight and Spike.

"Thanks for that, Twilight. It felt so good to give Smoldy here such a good workout." She bent down and picked Smolder back up again, the cradle-hold returning as she pointed Smolder's belly towards the skies.

"No problem. Glad we could help you out." Twilight smiled and put the frisbee back to her side. "Do you want to come back to my house for a bit while Sunset and the others get you the supplies you'll need to raise her?"

"Oh yes, I'd like that very much, Twilight." Wallflower nodded, then turned towards Sunset, who saw the other Rainbooms beginning to gather around her. "I'll send you all the address to my house once you get everything. Meet me there, okay?"

"Got it." Sunset nodded and gave her the thumbs up. "Me and the girls shouldn't take long anyway, but feel free to enjoy spending some more time with Twilight and Spike. I'm sure the both of you would have a lot to talk about." She then took another quick look at Smolder, and heard the umpteenth yip out of her mouth. "Or, at least, one of you will have a lot to talk about."

"Don't worry about it, I understand dog pretty well." Spike put a paw to his chest, boastfully. "Me and Smolder could chat for a bit, if she's alright with that."

"Oh, I'm sure that she will be." Fluttershy tapped on the pendant around her neck. "I can talk to her too, so if you need help to translate what she wants, Wallflower, I'm ready if you need me."

"Thanks, Fluttershy. You're the best." She grinned at her and walked out of the park with Twilight by her side. "So, which way is it to your house again?"

"It's not a long walk from here. We actually live close to the park, conveniently." Twilight lifted a finger as Spike walked by her side as the group left the dirt and grass behind and landed back on the cobblestone paths.

Once Twilight and Wallflower left with their dogs, the Rainbooms put their heads together and began to chat and mumble to each other, going over plans and what they would need to keep Smolder happy. Rarity and Fluttershy's talks were mostly on grooming, while Pinkie went on about the food with Rainbow Dash. In the end, that left Sunset and Applejack to deal with the bedding that she would need, along with any other essentials that Wallflower could benefit from.

"Alright. So, we're all going to the same place, right?" Sunset asked, as the group stood upright again. "Pet Palanquin, right?"

"Yep!" Pinkie nodded.

"Uh-huh." Fluttershy and Rainbow did the same.

"Without a shadow of a doubt, darling." Rarity put her hands to her hips.

"Then it's settled." Applejack nodded, lifting her thumb to her cheek. "We should be done in no time at all, providing that we don't have a spat over those gosh-darned brands everyone seems to like."

"Oh, pish-tosh, Applejack. It's always good to have a reliable brand to fall back on," said Rarity.

"Yeah. Remember all those party supplies that I keep using for Canterlot High's many events and ceremonies? It's all thanks to that lovely little slice of heaven on 34th street called the Party Palace!" Pinkie reached into her hair and unfurled a poster for said establishment. "And every tenth shop gets you a free birthday cake. Can't pass up such a great deal like that; especially when there's cake involved."

"Yeah, yeah. I got it." Applejack just pushed her arms out. "Just don't wanna have a little fight over something small like that."

"Then let's get going, girls. Off to the Pet Palanquin!" Pinkie pumped her fist into the air and skipped off, the other Rainbooms following close behind her.

For Sunset, all of the pieces of her puzzle were beginning to fall into place. All that was left was for her to finish it and see what Wallflower thought of all the hard work she had done for her. Any thoughts of her being alone were beginning to fade from her mind altogether as she crossed the road with her friends.