• Published 6th Jul 2018
  • 2,337 Views, 86 Comments

Alicorns and Creatures - Alvaxerox

A new visitor comes to Equestria and helps around and discovers friendship and true love.

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Honesty, your a cruel mistress part 2

Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy recognized Iron Will, he's the minotaur who made Fluttershy a bully to everypony cause they were treating her like a doormat. Fluttershy was traumatized and was still like a rock. "Twilight, why would bring that monster Iron Will here?" Rarity asked.

"And how do you know him." Pinkie asked.

"Fluttershy once told me about how she was agressive thanks to him. And he's a minotaur, not a monster." Twilight replied. "So Applejack and her silbings helped me find him, and he was doing a special about spaghetti. It made me hungry."

Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Pinkie Pie glared at Fluttershy. "Um... we were making her our friend. I thought it matter." Fluttershy said nervously.

"Your strange so-called friend need Iron Will's help interrogating the truth from out of you thanks to this mere."

"That brings up a question. I thought minotaurs were half human, half bulls?" Twilight noticed.

"That anthology is only existable in your earth world." Iron Will said. "There are no such things as human things in Equestria. Iron Will is a full bull minotaur."

"Makes sense." Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash got angry at Applejack for snitching out. "What the hell Applejack? We had everything under control!"

"I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, but I have no choice." Applejack said. "Its wrong to keep this a secret from Twilight long enough."

"So let's begin. Why did you sabotaged this alien girl's spaceship so she can't get back to her home planet?" Iron Will asked.

"Um... because... we..." Fluttershy shivered.

"We uh... wanted to make sure the timberwolves won't try to ruin it?" Rainbow Dash said. Iron Will and Twilight gave a mean glare. "Some fillies were playing around and we tried to stop them?" Iron Will cracked his knuckles, so did Applejack and Twilight activated her red energy power.

"Rainbow Dash, we are in too deep. We must confess!" Rarity said.

"I can't and I won't!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh for Celestia's bucking sake! WE DID IT! WE SABOTAGE THE SHIP SO YOU CAN STAY IN EQUESTRIA! We weren't ready for you to go. It was Rainbow Dash's idea, she wanted to sabotage the ship so you can stay forever. Applejack's idea was to ask you if you could stay a little longer when your ship was fixed." Fluttershy said.

"FLUTTERSHY!!!" Rainbow Dash cried out.

"White pony, is this true?" Iron Will asked.

"Yes Iron Will, Twilight. Its true. My idea was to add water to short circuit it, but that would be worse." Rarity said.

"I added fruitcake to make sure the holes would be square shaped." Pinkie Pie said.

"I can't believe this." Twilight said. "I lost the greatest man I was happy to call my teacher, and you happened to destroy the one thing ever capable of taking me home, and I was almost done. How could you do this to me?"

"I don't know, maybe we you were abandoning us." Rainbow Dash.

"Abandoning you. I crash landed here. Yes, I was gonna leave, but I would at least left you gifts from earth so you can remember me by."

"Oh come on. Like you would ever give us gifts." Rainbow said.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Twilight asked.

"I don't want you to leave. And I don't like sharing my feelings about it." Rainbow said.

"Why? You some kind of separation anxiety?" Twilight asked.

"No." Rainbow said.

"Is this because wanted to spar with me again and/or maybe forever?" Twilight asked.

"NO!" Rainbow said.

"THEN WHY! WHY DID YOU DESTROY MY SHIP!?" Twilight angrily asked.


Everyone gasped. "Wait, your the same Twilight Sparkle who died from an incident explosion years ago?" Iron Will asked. All the girls remembered after what Iron Will said. "What. Iron Will heard about it years ago during his tour."

"I... remember now. Twilight, you remind us of our old Twilight." Rarity said.

"So... that means I do have a pony counterpart here. Spike told me about it but it was only good memories." Twilight said.

"Yeah. When I first met you. My memories of our Twilight came back. And I didn't you to leave." Rainbow Dash said.

"Iron Will, thanks for service. Here's your cut." Twilight gave Iron Will some money.

"What? Iron Will doesn't accept paper. Iron Will accepts bits." Iron Will said.

"Oh right sorry." Twilight swapped the 200 dollars into 200 bits.

"Much better, thanks. Iron Will was glad to be of service to a... hairless monkey."


"Whatever." Iron Will left back to his wagon and left Ponyville.

"You do have separation anxiety Rainbow. You wanted me to stay just so can feel better cause you failed your Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said.

"Shut up!" Rainbow said.

"All this time, you kept wanted to keep me stranded here cause you feel sorry for yourself. Your not a friend! Your a scared pony-bird girl!"

"I said SHUT UP!" Rainbow Dash had enough to hear about her failure and pushed Twilight with all her might and she was launched through the wall

Twilight was outside of Surger Cube Corner, and was a bit injured. But her rage was still boiling like magma. She screamed as she charges at Rainbow Dash and started strangling her.

Rainbow Dash landed a few body blows. Some spit come out of Twilight as she feels each blow. But Twilight grabs Rainbow and flies up on the clouds and brutally punches Rainbow Dash in the face, she had Fury in her eyes. But Rainbow grabbed her hair. And threw her to the ground.

Twilight landed on the ground with a massive crush. Then Rainbow Dash grabbed Twilight's broken down spaceship Twilight's eyes wide as Rainbow has her ship on her hands. "This is how I keep you in Equestria!!!" She said as she flew up to the sky and flies down super fast with the ship, she created a sonic rainboom to hit Twilight with her ship as she screams. As Rainbow hit Twilight with the ship. The Rainboom's explosion destroyed the entire ship.

The smoke cleared... Rainbow, mainly injuries and blooded up due to the rainboom and the ship's explosion, took heavy breaths. Her glare soon changed into guilt. "Oh dear Celestia!" What have I done?" She started to completely remember the same explosion that she and her Twilight started. Which cause to her death. "What's happening to me...?"

The other girls came out after seeing what they saw. "Rainbow... What the buck have you done?!" Fluttershy said.

"You... Destroyed the ship. And destroyed Twilight." Pinkie Pie said as her Mane deflated.

"Not again! This can't happen again!" Rarity said as she lost her best friend the reminded her of her old friend.

"This Friendship is over Rainbow Dash!" Applejack said. "You killed Twilight just when she was about to go home but because of your guilt of our Twilight dying, you took it out on an innocent human who just wanted to get home and was almost done repairing it."

"Your a friendship murderer. What if there were human versions of us on earth huh, your gonna kill them too?" Rarity said as her tears fell from her eyes.

"Guys... I... I didn't mean to-" Rainbow Dash was cut short.

"No. You've done enough Dashie. We don't wanna you ever again." Pinkie said.

"But... I'm sorry. Just let me..."

"Stay away from us murderer. Or I'll gut you from the inside and turn your organs into CUPCAKES!!!" Pinkie said with a creepy angry face.

Just then... The 5 ponies heard some coughing on the rubble. They saw a damage hand moving. They saw Twilight crawling out from the rubble.

"She's alive..." Pinkie said as she was starting to smile.

The 4 ponies went down to get her up. Except Rainbow Dash, they said she did enough. Twilight was burned, bruised, wounded and injured. Her clothing was badly damaged and Rarity could not repair it. Twilight was badly hurt. "Twilight, are you okay?"

"No... I'm... Not..." Twilight said weakly. She was not away from the rubble, and she turned her head to see that her ship was now burned up and barley see any pieces. "My... Ship... My one chance to get home... Destroyed..." She turned her head to see Rainbow Dash looking sad at her. She badly walked towards Rainbow with angry tears in her eyes. "This... Is all your FAULT!" She cried. She smacked Rainbow to the ground. "You don't deserve an apology!" She rolled Rainbow on her belly to see her back side. And Twilight grabbed her wings. "Your grounded!" She said as she bend and twisted Rainbow Dash's wing. Rainbow heard the bone cracking as Twilight twisted. The girls were scared of what Twilight said. Twilight twisted the other wing, Rainbow Dash screamed as she cries.

"You killed my once chance to get home. Now I broke your wings. Your lucky I didn't kill you." Twilight said as she walked away.

"Why didn't you kill her..."

The six girls heard a voice... It sounded like a sinister voice.

"Isn't that what you guardians do? Kill other creatures?" The voice said.

"I... Know that voice..." Twilight said.

As Rainbow was crying she saw someone swooped very fast to Twilight. The smoke cleared. And Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack saw the creature. It was a human... But his skin changed into a black and red dragon wearing a red guardian uniform...

"Hello Twilight Sparkle... Did you miss me?"

"... Trevelyan?"

To be continued...