• Published 6th Jul 2018
  • 2,340 Views, 86 Comments

Alicorns and Creatures - Alvaxerox

A new visitor comes to Equestria and helps around and discovers friendship and true love.

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The truth of Trevelyan part 2

"Wait, Trevelyan use to live in Equestria?" Twilight asked in shock. Her heart pumps in fear, but her brain is confused.

"That would explain that dragon form you described to me." Spike said while puzzling.

"But that's impossible, you said this city was destroy 100 years ago, I've known Trevelyan since I joined the Red Guardians." Twilight said. "That would make him... Immortal?"

"It could be the explanation we have here." Ember said. "Dragons can live longer then ponies But we do grow old and die like other normal creatures." Ember looms at an old temple like building. "Look over there... Maybe the answer to how Doragon was destroyed will be their."

So Ember, Twilight, Spike and Garble flew to the structure and went inside. They walked around, admiring what was used to be a beautiful temple, now is a wasteful structure of its former self. "Hey Princess, I think I found something." Garble said as the other regrouped around him. Garble showed them a big ancient picture like drawing of a black and red dragon.

"Is that the dragon that fought you alien girl?" Garble asked.

"That dragon looks like... Trevelyan!" Twilight noticed.

"I guess that's a yes." Spike said. "So that must be him 100 years ago. But how?"

Ember looks around and noticed something. "I guess that could be why." She pointed her claw at it.

Twilight and Spike turned their heads and Twilight was shocked at what she saw... It looked like... "It's an old red guardian spaceship." She said as she ran to it.

"That can't be, the Red Guardians didn't existed a hundred years ago... Did it?" Spike asked now feeling confused."

"Well no. The Red Guardians were based from an old alien federation force that inspired Talon Hawks great grandfather Anthony Hawks to created the Red Guardians. The ships that were used with the Red Guardians were based on one of these ships were looking at right now." Twilight explained. "Maybe this was one of the alien ships that inspired Anthony Hawks."

"So this type of alien spaceship is how you got to Equestria?" Garble asked.

"Well kinda, but they were replicated, built and engineered by humans on Earth. The blueprints of the ships were from 150 years ago. So no doubt this could be an old ship from the old alien forces." Twilight said.

"Why would crash into Equestria?" Ember asked. "Let alone Doragon. What happened?"

Twilight got into the ship and press a few buttons to see if its still functional. The engine started to turn on and the lights in the ship began to turn on. "Wow, after a hundred years it's still active." Twilight said.

"Wow, this is some damn magic unlike anything." Ember said.

"Yeah, even for an old alien." Garble said.

"Technically... It's alien science, but the ships controllers are similar to the ships the Red Guardians used on space missions." Twilight said. "Hey get in here. It looks a message was recorded here." The three dragons ran inside the spaceship. And they see a projection of an old dragon alchemist recording something. "It looks like he's been studying the ship to know how it works."

"If your watching this somehow, it means there is no hope for the Dragon Empire, and we have created a monster. Let me tell you the tale of the monster called Trevelyan... The most powerful dragon of the Dragon Empire."

"I think we're gonna learn more about your dragon enemy Twilight." Ember said as they all watched.

Doragon... a great city of The Dragon Empire, peaceful and perfect, a home of dragons, lead by the ruler Emperor Vidam and his son Prince Trevelyan, deities who protect their people from threats towards them

“ Lord Nabo, the emperor requests an audience.” said a soldier to a grand elder

“ I'll be right there.” said Nabo as he went towards the throne room where Vidam was in his throne.

“ Hello my old friend.” said Vidam as he greets Nabo.

“Friend yes I am, but old not really I still have a spring in my step” said Nabo as he and Vidam laugh.

“I need you to do a favor for me, Nabo train my son and make him into a great defender and warrior of the dragonkin and when he is ready, he'll be the new emperor.” said Vidam.

“I’ll do it for you, in fact I’m loyal to the royal family and the empire.” said Nabo.

“Good, we will have summit soon because I sense a great evil coming here to do dreadful actions upon us.” said Vidam

“ There’s no one foolish enough to attack this world, only one attacked us and he was defeated and imprisoned for life, the dark dragon Orgra who wanted to usurp the throne and use our mages to conquer the world.” Said Nabo.

“Now that would be a horrid future if he succeeds in what he planned on doing.” said Vidam.

Just then a young man with dark hair with red armour walked in and he saw Vidam and Nabo and walked to them.

“Father, Nabo what are you needing me for.” said the boy as the 2 men answered him.

“I have been given an order from your father, that I will be teaching you to be a great defender and leader when it’s time to take the throne prince Trevelyan.” said Nabo.

“Why not you train me father?" asked Trevelyan.

“Because I trust Nabo and I have to deal with a mysterious threat coming to either destroy us or steal the throne!” said Vidam.

“ what?!” said Trevelyan as he could not believe what his father just told him

“ There’s no one strong enough to destroy us or foolish to usurp the throne from one of the most powerful beings ever” said Trevelyan

“ I know of one, have I ever told you the story of Equestria, my son” said Vidam

“ my lord, surely you don’t mean her, she was banished to the moon for centuries by her sister and she has not to return the elders foreseen it, I have foreseen it” said Nabo

“ it is probably her or someone more evil then she is” said Vidam

“ who is this evil and why is she threatening our home” asked Trevelyan

“ the mare of nightmares, Nightmare Moon” said Nabo

“ but that is just a story in Equestria” said Trevelyan

“ the story is true my son, nightmare moon is real along with many dark evils there” said Vidam

" but if she's real, what is her goals and plan towards our people and race” asked Trevelyan

“ I don’t know but I am the god of dragons, and she might be worried of the legendary dragon.” said Vidam.

“ what is the legendary dragon.” asked Trevelyan.

“ it’s a tale before I was the god of dragons, one dragonblood who holds great power and can be a warrior who can be a savior, but instead it’s actually a great destroyer, one of the chosen few become pure evil with the power and slaughters millions of innocents, and then another warrior defeated him and he undo all the evil he caused, but when the legendary dragon can be reborn even more powerful than the last and it now can only be done with royal blood” said Vidam

“ wait are you saying that someone in our bloodline is the most powerful dragon ever lived even more powerful than the elders themselves even you” asked Trevelyan

“ not someone, you my son” said Vidam as a guard burst in

“ my lord the kingdom is being attacked by a mysterious group in red” said the guard

Vidam, Nabo, and Trevelyan all gone to confront the ones who are attacking and saw hundreds of dead bodies their people, even children

“ oh my” said Nabo shocked to such tragedy in one sight and they have found the ones responsible for all that death around them

“ HALT” said Vidam shouted at the people in red

“ what” said one of the reds

“ you killed all these people, why” said Vidam demanding an answer

“ because it’s what we do, we defend our world from monsters like you” said the one in charge as he attacks Vidam

“ Father” said Trevelyan as he and Nabo tried to help his father but were both blasted back by a girl with green hair and a magic rock

“ nope, we’re here for the king of monsters” said the girl

as Trevelyan and Nabo were both incacapicated as they watch a guy with blue hair kill the emperor

“ NOOOO!!!” shouted Trevelyan as he was hit on the head by one of the reds

Nabo transformed and got Trevelyan to a safe place as he watched the killers escaped to their world

“ your majesty” said Nabo as he was shocked and saddened by the death of the emperor who was his best friend

“ Father, I swear the reds will pay for what they did to you and all those innocent people, I promised” said Trevelyan as some kind of powerful energy is ready to be unleashed

“ My prince, we must inform the dragon elders that your father has been murdered” said Nabo

“ we will but first give me a moment alone with my father” said Trevelyan in a silent rage

Nabo obeyed and gone back to the castle and Trevelyan’s inner powers begin to unleashed and destroyed the rest of the dead village. "I swear... If it takes me a hundred or a thousand years... Those creatures in red and their descendants will pay with their lives!" Trevelyan said as he uses his rage to destroy everything."

"...This craftsmanship was the only left. I've managed to get it to work, but lately, Prince Trevelyan became obsessed of finding where these creatures in red came from. Or if more are coming. He's being corrupted by his obsession for revenge. I fear for our people that the dragons not survive this. And I fear what will happen if the legendary Nightmare Moon found him? I have no choice... I have to banish him. Before it's too late..."

Everyone was in shock after hearing the truth. "Wait, Twilight, remember when Talon was corrupted by dark magic?"

"Yeah..." Twilight said.

"I think Nightmare Moon is helping Trevelyan get his revenge." Spike said.

"But wait, those creatures in red suits. They looked like my old friends, Flash, Wallflower, and Gloriosa, but this was a hundred years ago, none of them or even me ever existed. Those creatures look freakish. Those changing alien creatures framed the alien force and giving the Red Guardians a bad name." Twilight said.

"And that's why Doragon was destroyed. He's full of rage." Ember said.

"And he's immortal. His father was the god of dragons and that makes Trevelyan a demi god." Garble said.

"Once I become the new Lord of the dragons, we're gonna rebuild Doragon and make it a part of the Dragon lands." Ember said.

"And I got to stop Trevelyan... No matter the cost." Twilight said.

"But Twilight, he's very strong. And the last time you fought him and kicked yours and Rainbow Dash's flanks." Spike said.

"Not if I train. Red Guardians are mostly very strong. I'm gonna get my old uniform back. And with this ship working like it hasn't gotten broken... I can finally get home to Earth." Twilight said.


The former dragon lord has now passed on the bloodstone sceptre to his daughter Princess Ember... Thus making Ember the new Lord of the dragons once and for all. All the dragons cheered and clap, including Twilight, Spike and Garble. "You know Spike, I can't believe I'm saying this, but your girlfriend is pretty cool." Garble said.

"Thanks." Spike said.

"Awww... You ain't too bad yourself Mr. Garble." Twilight said as Garble blushed.

"As the new dragon lord, my first order is the rebuild an ancient city that belongs to our ancestors a hundred years ago and make it a part of the Dragon lands. Follow me." Dragon Lord Ember said. As the dragon flew up and marched with Ember.

"I gotta get going. Good luck with your mission." Garble said as he flew up to join Ember and the other dragons.

"Come on Spike, let's get back to Ponyville. We got a lot of explaining to do, and thankfully, the ship is set to take me back home.

To be continued...