• Published 14th Aug 2018
  • 827 Views, 29 Comments

My Little Game: Friendship is Glitching - Time Reaper

Life was simple for Twilight Sparkle until the day came where everything she knew came to an end, now she must figure out why her world is collapsing, where is Spike and who is that voice she hears on her head.

  • ...

Prologue: Where Everything Went Wrong

Twilight Sparkle was looking at Discord with a great bravado as she had finally reunited her friends and eliminated Discord's spell on them. They had the Elements of Harmony once again and they were ready to use them on the Lord of Chaos to put him back to stone.

They prepared themselves, the Elements charged, Discord started to realize that he was about to be stoned once more and he could do nothing more than scream in fear at the rainbow laser coming after him but, as he was screaming, his eyes opened revealing, instead of his 'normal' yellow eyes with red irises, a bunch of multicolored dots that gave him the appearance of him going mad as his voice started to distort and everything around him started to shake.

"No! I refuse to be sent to stone once again. I will no longer be defeated by you, this will be the last time I will be forced to be defeated by this pesky little ponies."

As he screamed, the sky started to change colors in multiple ways, houses disappeared, ponies started to lose their faces, limbs or disappear completely or appear out of nowhere.

"Girls!" - Shouted Twilight as she tried to make sense of all of this. - "Be careful, I don't know what is going on."

As she turned around, she saw how Rarity lost her face even though her voice could be heard very well. Pinkie's limbs were moving on their own even though her body was staying in place, Applejack disappeared while Rainbow was being dismembered by some mysterious force. Meanwhile, Discord was now becoming a vortex of insanity as everything surrounding him was literally breaking apart, revealing another dimension of multiple colors that Twilight couldn't make much sense of.


The unicorn turned around and saw Spike running to her with a lot of fear on his face.

"What is going on!? Why The Elements haven't stopped Discord!?"

Twilight kept collected herself in all the ways of the word as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing.

"I'm not sure Spike but we'll figure it out as soon as we put our friends together."

So focused was Twilight on her friends and on her thoughts that she missed Discord charging an attack directly at her, as the spell was thrown, with reality itself bending to its power, Spike took notice of it and quickly jumped to Twilight's rescue, receiving the attack directly.


It was all Twilight could scream as the wave blast caught her, making her see all the colors and none of them at the same time. She saw the sun and the moon changing sizes, mountains going to the sky and rivers sinking to the ground as their streams went uphill, the reality started to disintegrate as all she could see were colors and that soon was even less as the colors degraded to just ones and zeroes.

Then everything went black.

Author's Note:

EDIT July 12th of 2019: If you like this and you want to support me, you can do it through my Ko-Fi. Feel free to check it out.