• Published 14th Aug 2018
  • 827 Views, 29 Comments

My Little Game: Friendship is Glitching - Time Reaper

Life was simple for Twilight Sparkle until the day came where everything she knew came to an end, now she must figure out why her world is collapsing, where is Spike and who is that voice she hears on her head.

  • ...

The Second Chapter: Moon Booster

Light started to come back into Twilight's mind as she regained her conscience and saw herself on her bed as if nothing happened. For a brief moment, she thought that all she remembered was just a bad dream but she then saw how the place where Spike's bed was supposed to be in was empty and reality hit her like a book, which led her to wonder if there was an explanation to what she was going through.

She then started to feel the familiar feeling of Antonio's gaze looking over her and she realized that she still had to salute her newest friend.

"Good morning, Antonio, how are you?"

Hello Twilight, I'm fine, thank you for asking

"Good to know" -. Twilight responded, still remembering the last things she saw before succumbing to sleep. - "Is there anything new you would like to talk about?"

Silence came to her as nothing came up but then the roof was suddenly transformed into a huge wall of text with inverted words on one side. She tried to reverse the letters to understand what it said as she noticed an arrow moving among the words. The arrow stopped in one word before a new series of words appeared on the rest of the wall.

Twilight Sparkle
Level 3
HP 18
MP 28
Attack 12
Defense 11
Magic Attack 31
Magic Defense 30
Speed 14
Luck 13
Charm 9
Empathy 10
Cleverness 17
Confidence 20
Awareness 16
Conviction 19

"What is that?"

Twilight waited around for Antonio to answer but he never did, nonetheless, it didn't stop her from trying to understand what she was looking at those numbers. It was quite clear that they were about her and she still remembered those books she read back then in Canterlot, which meant that this numbers were about her and how strong she was and the more she realized this, the more it bothered her how low some of this statistics were.

"Charm at 9? But how is that possible? I always got well around Princess Celestia and my friends and... and... never mind..." - the embarrassment caused for the realization of how poor her social skills were was enough to make her understand those numbers but still. - "And I fought monsters with those numbers? How did I win?"

Well, considering you were actually weaker, I had to use the potions the fox gave us

"Really?" - Twilight then decided to jump from her bed as she decided to fix herself for the day ahead of her as she picked up her brush and started to braid her mane. - "Well, I suppose we could go to see John and buy more of those potions. I hope we have enough bits for it" -. As she finished braiding her mane and put down her comb, she decided to check her fridge and see what food she needed to buy while maintaining the conversation. - "Still, is that all you can show me? Isn't there anything else about me in that wall?"

Twilight saw how the wall was moving again and how it was slowly moving showing other stuff from her like what kind of spells she knew (even though Twilight was sure she had the knowledge of much more spells on her mind) but then the wall showed something called abilities and she decided to pay more attention to that.

Scholar (Equipped): Any magical related statistic, except attributes, and spell will become stronger.
Friendship (Equipped): All statistics will grow stronger when close to your friends and combined attacks will do extra damage.

"So my friends make me stronger? Well, I suppose it makes sense" -. She then packed her saddlebag as she prepared herself to leave her house to buy more goods. - "Let's see, I need to buy more potions from John as well as some food. I think there's nothing else I need" -. As she stepped out of her library, she could feel how she no longer was able to control her body, much to her annoyance. - "Hum" -, she said in a low tone of voice, - "Antonio, could you please help me?"


She then started to feel Antonio's influence over her and her body started to move to the market, hopefully they would meet John the Fox on the way and they could buy one or two more potions on the way.

As they moved forward, they saw John the Fox on the distance, right while they were entering the market zone, as he was sitting on a market stand with certain goods on it, the potion being one of them, but they didn't expected to see Rainbow Dash, of all mares, on the store discussing with the fox. To his credit, even though Rainbow was shouting at him, John managed to remain quiet, not that it stopped Twilight from wanting to stop Rainbow from angering one of the few beings that may know what was going on.

"Come on dude, why can't you sell it to me? I can save the bits to buy it, I really need that glider."

The fox, as always, remain calm.

"My apologies but here at F.O.X. Inc we only sell our goods to a certain kind of customer that fills the prerequisites that we are searching for, prerequisites that you, sadly, do not fulfill."

"Really!? And what are those 'prerequisites' that you talk so much about?"

"To begin with, you do not have the type of coinage we accept."

"The what?"

In that moment, Twilight got close enough for both of them to notice her, something that Rainbow quickly tried to use on her advantage.

"Twilight! Good thing I found you, look, could you please buy this awesome glider from that fox since it only seems to treat you as a client?"

Twilight was going to ask what was she talking about but John the Fox quickly talked and clarified.

"Welcome dear client, it makes me glad to see you stopping by, would you like to see what products do we have to offer? We now have a special harness that can be equipped to any pegasus and it will increase their speed substantially."

"But" -. Responded Twilight. - "I'm not a pegasus, I'm an unicorn."

"Do not worry" -. Responded the sly fox. - "You could buy it to a friend."

"But, if that's so, then why don't you let Rainbow buy it on her own? Wouldn't it be better to allow her to buy it?"

"Oh, my dear client, it is not as simple as that, you see, here at F.O.X. Inc we only let selector customers to buy from us and your friend isn't one of them, and even if she were, I doubt she had the coinage to buy it?"

"Coinage? You mean you don't accept bits?"

"Well, it's that we see more value into another type of good, perhaps one you are more familiar with after your most recent adventure?"

Twilight tried to think about what he just said and remembered the events that transpired when she and her friends defeated Nightmare Moon, she remembered when she entered into that strange world and the creatures she encountered perhaps they dropped something after being defeated? She tried to search in her saddlebag but, as hard as she tried, she couldn't find those things.

"Do not worry about where are those *cough* coins *cough*, just be sure to have enough of them to buy the goods stored here at F.O.X. Inc and we'll take care of how the transaction will be done."

Twilight wasn't sure of what he meant with that but she would try to think about it later that day, for now, she wanted to see if she could get another of those potions. The fox simply smiled as he moved his paw above all his goods and welcomed Twilight Sparkle while Rainbow was simply leaving her jaw hanging at the unfairness she was seeing.

"Welcome to my shop, I hope you find the things you are looking for."

John's Item Shop
>Small Apple (150 Chips): It regenerates a slight amount of energy to the person using it.
Small Clip (150 Chips)
Acrobatic Equipment (450 chips)
Small Bouquet (150 Chips)
Small Ribbon (150 Chips)

When Twilight saw those prizes, she realized that no matter how many "chips" she had at her disposal, it was impossible for her to buy that equipment that Rainbow Dash wanted. Naturally, her jaw almost hit the floor as she tried to comprehend how absurd those prizes were.

"Sorry Rainbow" -, responded a sad Twilight after she recomposed herself, - "but I don't think I have enough to buy that."

"What!?" - Rainbow was more shocked than angry at this. - "Oh... but then... how...?"

"My apologies" -. Said John, the smiling fox. - "But the upper heads determine the prices once they have discussed about the matter at hand, not that I disagree with the prices themselves, but all I can recommend you is to search for more funds if you want to buy it."

In that moment Rainbow Dash saw Twilight with energy as Twilight was already figuring out what she was about to ask.

"Twilight, please tell me where did you get the money to buy from him? I may be able to get enough on my free time."

As Twilight Sparkle remembered the dangers she had to go through and was aware that, whatever Twilight herself had to fight those monsters, Rainbow just didn't have the means to survive through that kind of ordeal but, before she could say something, John responded to the energetic pegasus, all the while keeping his smile.

"I'll remind you that, even if you had the funds to buy the equipment, you still don't fulfill all the requisites we want to admit you as a customer and I think it would be very unfair to ask your friend to stop whatever she was going to do just to search for the funds needed to get you that equipment."

Dumbfounded, Rainbow sat on the ground as she tried to think of a way to overcome those problems, something that Twilight felt compelled to answer about (even though she was wondering where the answer was coming from)

"Don't worry Rainbow" -. Said Twilight with a smile that inspired Rainbow Dash. - "I'll get it for you when I have the time to search for it."

As Rainbow's eyes started to glow, she just couldn't stop herself from asking with hope in her voice.

"Really? You would do that for me?"

Twilight wanted to answer that she would think about it, that she wasn't sure of what she just said or even telling Rainbow the truth about where did she got those chips, but her mouth moved on it own as it responded an answer that Twilight wondered if it was appropriate or not for Rainbow.

"Sure, we are friends after all."

Rainbow Dash quickly rose from the ground and quickly hugged Twilight with joy.

"Oh thank you egghead, you may be crazy but you are a very good friend."

Twilight wondered if Rainbow would go crazy if she knew the truth, but that was a problem for another day, right now, she was trying to form a mental list of the things she wanted to tell Antonio for forcing her to make a promise she wasn't sure she could hold up to.

As Rainbow Dash was leaving the store, another box quickly showed up.

Your friendship with Rainbow Dash has increased.

Twilight remembered then that she also needed to ask Antonio about it.

"Well" -. Continued John, who was still smiling. - "With that out of the way, sir, would you like to see what else I have for you? After all, my store has more than just equipment..."

Twilight remembered the other thing she wanted to search for and decided to give another look at the store.

John's Item Shop
>Potion (40 Chips): It recovers a small amount of health.
Ether (40 Chips)
Cookies (40 chips)

As Twilight saw those prices, which were much lower than the equipment, she made a happy face as she was about to ask for three potions.

"I would like one option please."

Twilight took a moment to realize what she just said and realized what she actually wanted to buy but, before she could correct herself, John decided to give her the potion.

"Here you go miss" -. He said with a smile on his face. - "Do not worry about the transaction, it has already been done."

Twilight blinked as she tried to comprehend when did he get the money he was asking for but, before she could make any type of question, the fox continued.

"Is there something else you would like to buy?"

Twilight saw this as her chance to buy more potions.

"No thank you."

"Alright then, have a good day."

Twilight was now starting to get furious.

"Wait, no! I wanted to buy more potions!"

John, surprisingly, kept his everlasting smile as he responded.

"It is understandable that you may be angry but, perhaps, have you considered that you do not have enough funds to buy more? Did you ask the one actually making the purchase before deciding what to buy? After all, there's a reason why he decided to buy what he did."

Twilight gave it a thought and realized that she never asked Antonio about how much did they have, perhaps they actually didn't have enough? Nonetheless, she had to talk to him about using her body while outside. With that said, there was one more thing she wanted to know before leaving the fox, something related with his store in particular.

"Well, before I leave, I would like to know, how do you plan to stay in ponyville if you only sell stuff to me? I don't think you'll make a living in here by selling that kind of stuff only to me and not selling anything else to the residents of Ponyville or only accepting a foreign coin."

"Thank you for your concern miss" -. Responded the sly fox. - "But worry not, you may be representing F.O.X. Inc's especial customer, but that doesn't mean that we're not aware of the need to have other customers in here. We'll have things for the local residents (including yourself) very soon."

Twilight nodded while wondering what was that fox planning to sell and moved on into the interior of Ponyville, hoping that the rest of her day would be a peaceful one, then she saw Trixie's cart and she knew that peace would be the last thing she would ever get today.

It was bad enough that she had to repeat all the adventures she had with her friends (which included dealing with Applejack on Applebucking season again) and it was even worse with the knowledge that Spike wasn't there anymore but to know that she had to endure Trixie's coming as well was certainly something that she wasn't really hoping to see again, especially when the possibility of dealing with an Ursa Minor were still possible.

Once again, she saw Trixie's performance and, like last time, her friends were booing Trixie for boasting. At least she was sure that at least this time, if nobody questioned Trixie, there was a chance that the Ursa wouldn't be brought up but then her friends started to push her to face Trixie and Twilight wasn't too fond of the idea. Sure, she now knew that her friends would keep their support of her as long as she didn't boast but how would that make it better for her or even Trixie?

"Come on Twilight!" - Said Applejack as she tried to remove the knots tying her over. - "Ah' know that you can show that mare how she isn't as good as she claims herself to be."

"I don't know Applejack..." - Twilight tried to respond. - "What would I win by mocking her? Would that make me better when I'm just falling into her boasting game?"

"Because that mare is just going around talking about herself fer nothing else but making bits, somepony should go there and teach her a lesson of humbleness!"

In that moment, not far away from there, a few branches and birds started to spasm as well as making weird noises, causing a huge headache to Twilight, much to Applejack's concern.

"Twilight, sugarcube, are you alright?"

Twilight tried to focus and keeping her head on the realm of consciousness but if she was capable of doing but, thankfully, Applejack managed to remove her knots and started to keep her on her hooves. Noticing how Twilight's headache was now starting to send her to the ground (and some ponies watching Trixie's show were starting to notice), Applejack decided that her friend's health was more important than humbling down some third grade unicorn.

"Come on, sugarcube" -. She said as she started to carry Twilight. - "I'm sure that Rarity and Rainbow would agree if I tell you to go rest if they were here."

Twilight tried to smile at the memory of Rarity running away for her green hair but Rainbow Dash being chased away for a cloud and her headache just soured her mood, nonetheless, she agreed to Applejack and left the place before her headache could destroy her.

Back in the Library, and away from the sources of Twilight's headache, the unicorn finally started to feel better as she was now able to stand on her ground, much to her friend's relief.

"Are you sure that you feel fine Twilight?" - asked Applejack with much concern. - "That headache of yours looked very darn big."

"I know it looks crazy Applejack but, trust me, I feel better now".

"Well" -, Applejack responded as she started to leave the library, - "but you better rest up a bit."

Applejack then opened a door and saw in front of her a small bird that was sitting in front of the library, the farm mare wouldn't have said anything about it but then the bird started to spasm and shake as it did some strange noises. That would have scare Applejack well enough but she started to get even more scared when she heard Twilight screaming even more, as she turned back, she saw her friend putting her front hooves on her head as she was having another headache.

As Applejack was about to help Twilight, she heard the strange bird moving out and, as the bird left the place, Twilight's headache started to subside once again, something that Applejack took notice off.

"Twilight, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just need to rest up a bit."

Applejack started to leave the Library, hoping that nothing would disturb her friend and now trying to figure out what was all that about. Meanwhile, Twilight decided to rest on her bed and hoped that no Ursa Minor would come to Ponyville because she wasn't so sure that she could deal with one if a headache like that one came back.

"Antonio, do you what was all that about?"

What do you mean exactly?

"I mean, do you know what could have caused me that headache? Why I suddenly have a headache ever since I went to that world and what happens to me whenever I see red?"

I'm not really sure Twilight
If there was a proper answer I could give you, I would, sorry

"Don't worry, things have been very strange here for a while and I still don't have a single clue of what is going on in here."

Twilight was wondering what she could use but, in reality, all she wanted was a small rest before getting a new headache.

"I'll take a rest."

And, as she said that, she no longer felt Antonio's watch on her but, before her mind could come to realize what this meant, her mind quickly fell to sleep.

And so, time passed and the night came to Ponyville. There was no more show from Trixie, the animals were in their bed, Rarity removed the green dye from her hair, everypony was asleep but that was not to say that everything was peaceful as a mysterious dark blue cloud was passing by.

This cloud, coming from the Everfree Forest, was occasionally shaking and any animal it touched suddenly went crazy. As it passed through the calm Ponyville, it moved from house to house, watching at the sleeping ponies wondering what to do with them but it would then quickly move before it were noticed.

It took a while but it eventually got into Trixie's wagon as she was counting the money she made that night.

"83, 84... 85 bits!"

She then put the bits into her bag and started to talk to herself.

"Well, it wasn't as bad as in other towns but Trixie's seen worse. It will help to buy the goods needed for the next town, maybe Trixie would have done had she given a better work out of those mares who dared to but how?"

Trixie was thinking on this as she failed to realize that the mysterious cloud got close and it surrounded her, quickly disintegrating her and reshaping her without her notice. As she came back to herself, Trixie's eyes got red and her voice started to distort. She moved her head to one side to the other as if her mind was enlightened in some way and she started to smile.

"I see, so that's the secret to this world. How foolish Trixie was to think that a live like this was worth it, and now, let's show that Sparkle who truly is the greatest unicorn on this world."

She then looked up as she, for the first time, noticed somebody watching her, at which she responded with a smile.

"And would you look at that, Trixie has a new customer who wants to see her greatness. Do not worry, you'll see how Great and Powerful Trixie is very soon."

Her horn then started to shine as the cart was suddenly engulfed in light, making everything on a 5 mt radius to be destroyed, leaving only a trail of smoke and a broken cart whose splinters suddenly came back to life and transformed into timberwolf cubs and started to attack Ponyville, causing a havoc that instantly woke up Twilight Sparkle.

As she woke up and once again felt Antonio's gaze, Twilight couldn't help but notice the screams coming from out of the library. Her mind quickly started to race as she was trying to remember the spells she used last time to calm down the Ursa Minor but all she could feel was shock as she opened the door and saw a timberwolf cub in front of her and attacking her figure and, as always, she only saw red.

Glitched Timberwolf Cub

HP 18
MP 28

Twilight Sparkle Attacked Enemy Glitched Timberwolf Cub
Enemy Glitched Timberwolf Cub suffered 12 Dmg
Enemy Glitched Timberwolf Cub has been defeated
Earned 2 Chips
Twilight Sparkle won 3XP


As Twilight's red view went away, she quickly came to her senses and saw how there were so many monsters attacking Ponyville, that would also explain why her headache hasn't gone anywhere.

"What is going on in here?"

For the first time, Antonio actually decided to answer to her

Trixie went nuts and somehow turned her cart into monsters

Twilight tried to make sense of it as her headache was getting worse. All she could see on her sight were Timberwolf Cubs attacking and terrorizing ponies but she quickly realized that this weren't simple Timberwolves, this were the very same ones that she found on that distorted version of The Castle of the Two Sisters but her mind could barely think as her headache was still there, in the end, her eyes started to see red as another cub got close to her.

Glitched Timberwolf Cub

HP 18
MP 28

Twilight Sparkle Attacked Enemy Glitched Timberwolf Cub
Enemy Glitched Timberwolf Cub suffered 12 Dmg
Enemy Glitched Timberwolf Cub has been defeated
Earned 2 Chips
Twilight Sparkle won 3XP


Once again, Twilight stopped seeing red and realized that the cub was gone but as she realized that there were still many of them, she came to realize that her mind wouldn't find peace until she finally decided to defeat all the cubs. She tried to count or even see where all the monsters but her mind was to fuzzy to do so at which she simply asked for help to the one that could actually help her.

"Antonio" -. She almost shouted. - "Do you think you can help me to eliminate all this cubs?"

Once again, her body started to move toward another cub as Antonio quickly responded.


And Twilight would lose count of the amount of times she got close to a batch of monsters just to lose consciousness and then recovering her sight almost immediately. At the end, once the area surrounding the library was clear, she could finally have a clear mind, although she was still feeling the effects of the headache as it left her, to properly analyze the situation.

"Alright" -, she started to analyze, - "if it is true that Trixie has done this, then I must find her and ask her why."

She then started to see Ponyville and she could still hear the many ponies being attacked by monsters, perhaps her friends were in danger, so she had to act quickly.

"But, how many monsters did Trixie sent? Antonio, how many were just on this area?"

Just on this area? Including the first two that attacked you, about 10 in total

"Really?" - She then started to look at her own body, noticing the lack of damage and how she felt her body to be pretty much energized. - "Then why do I feel as if I just woke up?"

Because you leveled up

"Leveled up? What is that supposed to mean?"

It took a moment before Antonio answered that question but she realized in the meantime that he probably said something that he wasn't supposed to, making her wonder what was he planning to say in exchange.

Well, it means that your statistics have risen

In that moment the great screen Twilight saw that morning appeared and moved to show her how the numbers she saw early now were different.

Twilight Sparkle
Level 4
HP 19
MP 30
Attack 12
Defense 12
Magic Attack 35
Magic Defense 33
Speed 15
Luck 13
Charm 10
Empathy 11
Cleverness 19
Confidence 21
Awareness 17
Conviction 20

"Wow" -. It was all Twilight could say before looking back at the citizens of Ponyville and how they were now looking at her with strange looks, realizing what they would probably be thinking, she decided to leave the area, with Antonio's help, while still planning her next steps. - "Alright, if I really grew stronger, then that means this 'level up' helps me to recover my energy, then I would have no problem to clear this city of monsters. Alright, let's go."

As she said this, she quickly went to the area where Trixie's cart was supposed to be located in the hopes to solve the situation as quickly as possible. As she started to get close, to her surprise, she found no monsters around the area and there was no sign of Trixie either, it was as if she was never there.

"That's strange" -. Started Twilight. - "I could swear that Trixie's cart was supposed to be here, and I have no headache so there are no monsters in here, so where is she?"

"Perhaps you shouldn't be asking where The Great and Powerful Trixie is Sparkle."

Twilight was then struck by a spell on her back, sending her down and almost making her lose her consciousness as she managed to make out Trixie's voice as it was accompanied by a strange distortion that Twilight has only found on Nightmare Moon and on Discord both when they were being struck by the Elements of Harmony.

When Twilight turned around, she was surprised to see Trixie now having red eyes, parts of her coat where now shifting colors between red and green as other parts of her body were in a constant state of disintegration. Her mane ended on squares that split apart from her and disappeared at a slow pace and, what worried Twilight the most, her whole body made a spasm that she usually saw on monsters but, unlike them, Trixie wasn't creating any type of headache on Twilight.

"Trixie?" - Asked a worried Twilight Sparkle. - "What happened to you?"

Trixie simply smiled as she started to get closer to Twilight's still downed body.

"Trixie's eyes were opened, Sparkle, Trixie can now see the truth and, as such, her powers can now go beyond what is considered normal" -. As she said this, Trixie's horn started to charge a spell that only distorted the space around it, much to Twilight's worries. - "Trixie can see beyond the code and is now capable of magic much greater than you could ever try to even dream about Sparkle, Trixie will no longer be humiliated by you and now you'll be a testament of Trixie's magnificence."

But before Trixie could even fire her spell, a lasso covered her neck and shoved her to the air, forcing Trixie to disappear before anything else could be done to her. When Twilight managed to look around, she found Applejack looking worriedly at Twilight as she got closer to her.

"Twilight, are you alright? What was all that about?"

"Applejack? Well, I don't know, none of this makes sense."

"Well, we agree on that."

Twilight looked around and noticed that only Applejack was in there.

"Where are the others?"

Applejack looked around and quickly answered Twilight.

"Well, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are helping around trying to get all those monsters out of Ponyville but the more we try the less we achieve, these things are unlike anything we've ever seen."

"I know."

"That is why Ah decided to look for you, hoping that you would have some spell to remove them, which is why Ah was surprised to see the area surrounding the library being so peaceful. What did you do to remove those critters?"

As Twilight tried to find an explanation, she felt a slight annoyance in her head as Rainbow appeared above the houses.

"Girls, finally I found you. Things are getting stranger, Trixie appeared out of nowhere and used some strange spell to bring up all the monsters together."

Twilight and Applejack looked at each other as they tried to make sense of this and quickly went to Rainbow's direction, with the veracity of her words becoming more and more real as Twilight's headache started to come back stronger, much to Applejack's and Rainbow's worry.

"Hum, egghead" -, asked a worried Rainbow, - "Are you alright?"

Twilight tried to reassure her that she was fine but the headache then increased and started to make her see red, something that both Rainbow and Applejack noticed but, before they could say anything, they were ambushed by a sudden spell that separated the three of them apart.

When Twilight turned, she saw Trixie waiting for them as she started to charge a new spell at them.

"Did you really think that The Great and Powerful Trixie would let you stop her Great and Powerful plan? No, The Great and Powerful Trixie will have her revenge on the town that humiliated her as well on the unicorn that begun all of that"

Applejack and Rainbow tried to stop her but it was to no avail, before they could even reach Trixie, she blasted them both to the ground, giving Twilight enough time to use a teleport spell on herself to quickly pick up Rainbow and Applejack and move to her library, much to Trixie's chagrin.

When they finally got back to the library and with Twilight's headache leaving her head, she could finally start to think of a plan to put everything back the way they should while Rainbow Dash and Applejack were trying to voice their concern.

"Alright" -. Started Rainbow Dash. - "What is wrong with that mare? Twilight never did anything to her and this town has only adored her, from where did she got the idea that we humiliated her?"

"Ah don't know Rainbow but Ah think that we should teach her a lesson or two about causing problems in Ponyville."

"Yeah! Now, Twilight, do you have any plan for that?"

As they finally ended talking, Twilight started to voice her plan.

"Let's see, if I get close to the monster I'll start to suffer a headache and Trixie is out there to get me..."

Applejack and Rainbow kept on looking at her until she suddenly shouted her plan.

"I know, you distract Trixie while I get rid of the monster and then you let me take care of Trixie, quickly, ask the other girls for help."

Rainbow and Applejack quickly approved of this and left the Library, leaving Twilight alone with Antonio.

"You think this plan will work?"

I'm not too sure about it but we can still try

"Well, thank you for that, now, let's go!"

The two of them quickly left the library and, to their surprise, they found the monster quickly going after her. It was one of the strangest sights Twilight could have seen, all she could see where a big amount of timberwolf cubs sticked together, giving the sense of all those things being copied into one another and then sticked together and that was all Twilight could see before her headache took over and made her see only red.

Glitched Timberwolf Cubs pack

HP 19
MP 30

>Fireball 3MP
Iceball 3MP
Thunder 5MP
Scan 1MP

Twilight Sparkle Used Fireball on Enemy Glitched Timberwolf Cubs Pack
Enemy Glitched Timberwolf Cub suffered 50 Dmg
Enemy Glitched Timberwolf Cubs Pack has been defeated
Earned 25 Chips
Twilight Sparkle won 30XP


When Twilight's mind came back to order and saw that the enemy was nowhere to be seen, all she could easily say was:

"Well, that was much easier than I expected. I suppose that only leaves Trixie."

She turned around only to find Trixie staring at her with complete hatred on her already red eyes.

"Trixie sees now why you were so capable of surpassing Trixie, Sparkle. It is quite clear that if The Great and Powerful Trixie needs to defeat you, she must first take you to a place where no unfair advantages will be there to aid you. But that will be for later, tonight you'll be spared of The Great and Powerful Trixie's might as she plans for a new way to prove once and for all who is the most powerful unicorn on this world."

And with that, Trixie disappeared, leaving a confused Twilight Sparkle alone as she tried to make sense of what she went through today.

At the end of the day, Twilight was mentally exhausted, leaving it to Antonio to move her body to buy another potion from John the Fox and then go to her library to record her memories and then go to rest.

Meanwhile, Twilight's friends were now feeling as if a curse has fallen into Ponyville for never in their life have they ever faced something like this, each one of them weren't sure of what happened or why but all they could do for now was to just rest and wait for the morning to ask Twilight.

One such friend was Applejack, who was sure that Twilight was the cause of all of this but she was somewhat related but she would have to put her suspicions on hold as that crazy night was finally over, the last thing she wanted was to try to solve this issues before having a rest.

Author's Note:

Boy was this a mess to write. Sorry guys but I'll keep this on hiatus while I try to give it some semblance of order and pacing, I want to write this but I have no idea of how to pace the story properly, each chapter I try to come up with becomes long the more I try to think of writing them and with college coming up I don't think I have enough time to properly write a new chapter.

Sorry guys, this will be on the wait and I may try to write something later this year when I have the time and inspiration to write it.

EDIT July 12th of 2019: If you like this and you want to support me, you can do it through my Ko-Fi. Feel free to check it out.

Comments ( 12 )

the many fics I've seen here based on Equestria being a video game

Can I please have some recommendations?


Here is one and here is another one. There are those based on Sword Art Online but those aren't my source of inspiration.

Every enemy is glitched? Is the game a poor product or is Antonio actually the programmer running the game to get it bug free and working so it can go to market? Oh well.

Good luck with your Hiatus, I'll be looking forward to your next post. :pinkiesmile:


These glitched enemies.. I'm wondering if this glitch is alive.. what's it even based on?
Every enemy is glitched? Is the game a poor product or is Antonio actually the programmer running the game to get it bug free and working so it can go to market?

I have that planned out but the answer to the origin of these glitches may not appear in a while. With that said, I'll try to drop a few hints here and there regarding what is going on and hope to give an actual mystery, in example:

Have you noticed that glitches cause a headache (which leads to the debug mode) to Twilight but Trixie (even though she is no longer acting the way she should) isn't causing her one?

Granted, this is my first attempt at writing a mystery so my apologies if I fail at that.

I'm liking this.


You changed your mind? What did you like for that?

I did not. I'm just sorry about upsetting you, since you reacted politely.


Oh, no problem, there was nothing else to say. I wanted to write this in a more loose way, compared to my other stories, and I gave more focus to my first chapter than the prologue (I actually wrote first the chapter before the prologue) and never went back to it. Reading as well the "battle logs" and how I jumped certain parts, yeah, it's badly written.

" Trixie's eyes were opened, Sparkle, Trixie can now see the truth and, as such, her powers can now go beyond what is considered normal " -. As she said this, Trixie's horn started to charge a spell that only distorted the space around it, much to Twilight's worries. - " Trixie can see beyond the code and is now capable of magic much greater than you could ever try to even dream about Sparkle, Trixie will no longer be humiliated by you and now you'll be a testament of Trixie's magnificence. "

Early Alicorn Amulet Trixy


IDK, I have so little time I can't even write at all. With that said, the story is still in my head, including the ending and the next chapter.


Good to know I nailed that.

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