• Published 13th Oct 2018
  • 1,590 Views, 65 Comments

Modding Equestria - Wild Wire

Hi! I'm Aidan, and I'm in Equestria with abilities from Garry's Mod.

  • ...

1. Aidan has joined the game


Nothing. Nothing to see. Nothing to do. Nothing to feel, just darkness.

And then I open my eyes. I wince from the sudden white everywhere. The white here, the opposite of the strange darkness I was just experiencing, is slightly painful and bright, as if its coming off of a computer screen at maximum brightness. "Where am I?" I think to myself, worried by the massive amount of light within my vision.

I feel a strange, unfamiliar material on my back. I was laying down on something, something I've never felt before. Pushing myself up into a sitting position, legs out, I look down to see nothing. Nothing, but more white, and looking above me, the white doesn't change. I blink rapidly, brows furrowed, trying to block some of the light from my eyes.

"So," The sound of my own voice startles me into jumping up a short distance. I realize how quiet it is around me. No noise, save for my own breath, sounding like a weak, unsteady wind. The thought of wind brings me to my next thought. "There's no wind." The utter lack of any feeling other than the clothing on my body and the strange, white floor,

It frightens me.

"There's nothing here. There's truly nothing, no wind, no sound, nothing but the painful white. Wait, I don't know that, maybe I should call for help." With that line of thought, I stand up, quickly cupping my hands around my mouth, and shout.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Anybody?" I pause to listen, but no sound returns. "There has to be someone here! Hello?" I continue, beginning to turn around to call in different directions. "Please! Is anybody there? H-" My next call dies in my throat, as I see something other than white as I turn around. Something strange. Familiar.

A cyan, slightly rounded square, easily twice my size, and lying within it, a large, white, lowercase 'G'.

The logo for Garry's Mod.

I take a step back.

"What the fuck?" I slowly whisper to myself, blinking and wiping my eyes, thinking it could vanish at any moment. "What the fuck?" I repeat to myself multiple times, trying to get a grasp on my situation. Including the absolute absurdity of it all. After a few minutes of mindless blinking, I finally get a slight understanding of everything.

"Holy shit, I'm in Garry's Mod. I'm actually within the Garry's Mod loading screen. What the actual fuck." And then other thoughts catch enter my mind. "Am I joining a server? Am I the only one? Are there more? Oh shit! What map am I going to? It better not load anywhere with lava, I swear to fucking god!" Then my thoughts turn elsewhere.

"Will I get powers? Will I be able to no-clip around? If I get powers then this might just be the best thing ever!" I start to laugh to myself quietly, giddy with the thought of flying around and building things. Then came a sound. A glorious sound. The sound of a bird chirping in the morning sun. But it sounds off. Its cut, just a piece of that sound, looping over and over.

"Must be loading lag, that always kind of sucks," I say.

Just as I finish that sentence, the white around me instantly changes, surrounding me with bright apple trees, brighter than what would be natural. My outfit changes as well, changing to a cyan lab coat with blue pants and brown boots, glasses suddenly placed over my eyes. In my right hand appears a strange item.

The item has two handles, one sitting in the back, and one off to the left side of the main piece, meant to be held not unlike a small Gatling gun. The main piece of the gun looks like multiple bars of metal surrounding a sky blue energy, almost like a bug zapper. At the end of it, is three prong-like things, one at the top, and the other two below at the sides, all of which are facing outward, then pointing back in.

The Physics Gun.

"This is going to be fun." I say to myself. On the left side of my vision, I see little squares with Icons. A pink one labeled PAC3, one with a pony head named CPPM and one simply called Player Model. Seeing the first too surprises me, as those are part of my addons. Neat.

As I'm about to open the spawn menu, a bunch of pink clouds quickly appear in the sky. I blankly stare at them, wondering why they're pink. "Maybe missing textures?" I ask myself. "Oh, wait no, now its raining chocolate milk," I sigh. "I'm in Equestria, aren't I?" I face towards the sky. "Damn it,"

"Well, at least I can use my addons to somewhat fit in," I say, quickly trying to figure out how to press the icons in my vision, and after a few seconds, I solve my problem by just thinking about it. I open CPPM. CPPM is short for Custom Pony Player Model, and I should be able to load my saved file for Wild Wire, my unicorn OC.

My vision changes for a moment, moving outside of my body, showing me what I look like. My fur is an orange color, my eyes are blue, and my cutie-mark is a wire in a circle, with the top left corner being cut and frayed. Immediately I don't like what I see, as something is missing, and by something, I mean my mane and tail.

I sigh, quickly closing CPPM and opening PAC3, also known as Player Appearance Customizer. Again my vision changes to show the front of my body, and I go through my list of custom files. "Error Sans, Luigi, Master Hand," I skim through the long list. "Sonic, Whacka, HERE it is! Wild Wire!" I load it up, seeing my hair and tail appear on my pony body.

My mane is black and slicked back, with some frayed wires coming out the back in a cone, blue electricity dancing across it. My tail is literally a thick black wire, frayed along the end in another cone, also with electricity moving around. Its with this that I think I'm ready.

"Welp, I'm off to fight Discord, I guess."