• Member Since 5th Apr, 2018
  • offline last seen May 19th

Wild Wire

I just wanna write what I wanna write when I wanna write it and then never deal with it again.


Hello, my name is Aidan, and I'm currently trapped in Equestria, with Garry's Mod powers, including all my addons.


The upload schedule is: never, its dead.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 65 )

Unique idea. I'll see where this goes.

>self-insert Mary Sue
So I see you're new to fan fiction.

I meant the idea of throwing G-Mod into the mix, asswipe.

No. Just find it funny that you would say I'm new when I've been here since '13.

>yOu aN asSwipE
>I just find it funny...
This is a new kind of passive-aggression. But excuse me for not checking the profile of every rando I come across here.

Then the simplest solution is to get your facts straight before talking shit. Otherwise, you just end up looking like an idiot. Just a suggestion.

Calm your moobs, npc. You're getting bitter on a pastel pony website.

I like the idea, but I think it's a bit rushed that he instantly want to fight Discord instead of first (Ab)using his power to create whatever mad ideas he has and then Discord might appear after sensing a new source of power/chaos. Still it is your Story and I liked the first Chapter a lot especially the detailed, yet, not boring parts like the beginning. Good job :pinkiehappy:

Ignore hamster, he's got some kind of mental condition that gets triggered by stories he 'thinks' are bad but regardless of how toxic he gets or how many groups he forces the story is in, it always ends up getting more likes than dislikes.

Said guy is also stubborn as hell and has been banned three or four times, he has made up weak excuses on said-bans but the truth is he got tempt banned due to his toxic attitude and constant need for attention.


he's got some mental condition

Glass houses, weirdo. Do you know the saying? By the way, you still cyberstalking people?

I know I'm not great at writing stories and stuff, but really? I just posted this earlier today and people are already here, and are ALREADY fighting! This is only my third story, and I'm Improving... slowly, but I am! And lastly, I'm planning on doing something similar to One Punch Man where he's too powerful for his own good. Being powerful doesn't make a character a Mary Sue, its when the character has literally no flaws whatsoever and everyone loves them and nothing bad ever happens. Sorry for the entire paragraph, but really though? Whatever, I'm gonna leave this message here now. Ciao.

A witless tennis match between two morons isn't "fighting", kiddo. You'll understand that when you reach high school. By the way, it's *no, not *know.

Actually, Hamster? You've been to alot of story's comment sections. Chances are people find you quite easily if it's a story on the front page or story just starting out, which appears to be things you choose to read. :applejackunsure:

Difference being that I'm there to just read and pour my thoughts into a comment, not cyberstalking people. Two of my followers messaged me about this guy(?) and his shenanigans already, asking if I'd sent him their way as a joke.

Still. I mean i'm just checking around fimfiction and I see you quite often 60% - 70% of the time.

That's because I read what pops up in the New and Updated sections. Not to suck myself off or anything, but most of these things are below 2k in the word department so I can cover a lot of ground. Not exactly Background Pony length/quality to work with nowadays.

No idea, it's just the name of a sandbox game "Garry's Mod" which uses Half Life 2 assets and 3rd party content if you want them.

Hence why people find you quite often and easily around the site. They can just go to a new/bad/short/etc story and chances are you're here, especially Displaced/HiE/human turned pony stories.

True. But there's only one person (that I know of) that routinely PMs me or my followers with rambling, semicoherent threats that center around eating, then blocks to prevent a response.

Don't worry about Hamster, he has the mind and maturity of one, and thinks his opinions are actually gold nuggets of truth. He honestly and truly thinks he's hot shit, and it's hilarious. He just mindlessly bleats into this site if anything falls under his weird standards. He even tried to crap on my story, a featured and very well recieved fic as well. It's sad that he thrives on negative attention, when there are plenty of amazing and positive communities to be even more involved in. He's contributed nothing and will never be remembered.

Oh well.

Look, I'm not saying your story here is fantastic. I'm not going to lie to you. However, I want you to keep writing. I also wasn't a huge successful writer when I started. You can't improve unless you learn from your struggles. Keep writing! Find and explore new ideas and eventually you'll find yourself on the featured section. There are plenty of groups and forums to improve your skills.

Good luck!

Triggered. I don't even know who you are, but you sure know my name. Go write yourself some HumanXAnimal (bestiality, if you know what I'm talking about) and calm down.

Hamster... :facehoof: Why do you dig yourself a hole?

I love how you are so boring that the best you can say is "lol TrIgGeReD" when anyone calls you out about the asshole that you are. I'm replying while eating fried rice buddy, casually on here just like you.

Although I also love how you claim to not know my strories, but immediately try and talk shit about the stories you know I write. Plus trying to insult me from that angle? You still stuck in 2011? Your sheer lack of creativity is hilarious.

Keep trying bud, one day you might make an actual shitpost that isn't complete shit.

For some reason now, whenever I look at Hamster I can only think of that mocking Spongebob meme, exept he's mocking himself and its not even actually mocking. I don't even understand why but its funny to me.

Because Boston won today and I need something to laugh at.
That was just a throwaway. I was going to say "write yourself another power fantasy/displaced puff piece", but a bestiality or furry slight seemed funnier after reading Scar whatshisface's abomination about human/wolf furries on a train fighting zebra empire rape/racemixing . Wasn't expecting it to be, you know, accurate.

Look at your reflection and ponder about your life, you'll find plenty to laugh at there.

Otherpony, please, don't tribute to this. You're not doing yourself any favors.

Damn, so many comments and barely any to do with the story, including this one :rainbowlaugh: I won't be following this, but good luck with the story OP.

Going to be reading this in jest, but... dear Jesus I don't want to.

Hold on, I just got over the cringe. This is one of the most horrifically funny stories I've ever seen start with. Holy shit.

Actually, there are many types of mary-sue. Discord, when he first appeared, was on a thin line to falling towards mary-suedom. He was all-powerful and no one could defeat him, even going so far as to manipulate a very powerful spell made by the princesses. It's only when his reform episode popped up that he started to mellow out and become a bit more leveled despite still keeping his reality bending magic.

Starlight is also teetering the balance or already has a hoof in that zone. She's overpowered the element of MAGIC who is an alicorn and affected the princess sisters with a magic spell.

And so I looked at your story. The reason you're being lambasted is because this is a self-insert, and people hate that. Very, VERY few can pull something like that, and giving yourself the all-powerful gmod abilities doesn't allow that. I can also see the tenants of first starting, what with you 'popping up' in the Everfree and then you needing to fight discord.

Starting in the Everfree and the classic events aren't inherently bad, but, in the future, you can try being more original and even create a new village to play around with.

The story seems to be formatted pretty well, though. Far better than me when I first started. Noticed a few typos, though, like you using the possessive 'its' instead of the contraction 'it's'.

And feedback is always important. You can't improve if you get none, and you can't improve if you only get negative criticism. A nice mixture of both helps the author know what they're doing right, but also what they either need to stop or improve.

I already know that feedback is important, and I'll never disable ratings or comments, but I'm mostly doing this for fun and to get a bunch of ideas out of my head. Also, since it's a self insert, he's gonna do what I would do... talk crap and run when said talked about crap gets real. I'm hoping to get a kind of thing out where it's less about "OC/Self Insert is OP and basically replaces the Mane Six and knows the future" and more like "He's powerful but doesn't fully grasp just how much, and ends up being a coward and running from big threats" or something like that. I'm also thinking of taking this a slightly different direction than what you think, but I'm not going to spoil that.

Hamster is an interesting guy... He says he hates bad stories, but still talks shit on good stories, effectively destroying both of his standards. He doesn't know what he wants himself, while thinking he knows, I don't know why this argument with him escalated so quickly, but I don't want to be just another guy joining the unending bickering, so I'll just leave this comment, and never reply to anyone who pings it, even if it gets 70 dislikes. I'm just a 5th wheel, unneeded, but still useful.

Well, I was just explaining why this thing is being destroyed when it's only one chapter with nothing significant in it yet. Like this you know in the future if you care. As long as you write for fun, though, it's easier to improve.

FiMAutism's resident cringey little edgel0rd at it again I see.

Dur hurr urr triggrud.

Grow the fuck up.

Ya know what? I was going to read the story, but the comments are enough for me.

Now excuse me, I'm going to go play Garry's Mod for an entirely unrelated reason and make my own narrative about Hyperdimension Neptunia's Blanc fighting a horde of zombies with a firigging lightsaber, because I can.

magaimg.net/img/6g8u.jpg I wasn't kidding.

Rather interesting. I already favorited because of the potential I see(and my ability to be easily impressed).

Also much much much better than my stories, even though one was featured for about ten minutes, keep up the great work and have a nice crazy day/night.

Everyone has a rough beginning, what matters is that you're having fun while improving at your own pace.

I wonder how different all the comments would have been if I just didn't label the story as a self insert.

No fights. That was just a pissing match.

Not much, I guess, the better questions would be what the comments would've been like if Hamster didn't become the middle of a flame war. Also, please try to ignore him. It is not a good idea to feed the flames of ButtHurt. Also, if you are reading this, Hamster, the last sentece is not dedicated to insult you, it rather means that the Author should, or rather I advice him, not to engage in this fight in the comments as it would lead to nothing but unnecessary anger between random persons on the internet who will likely never meet face to face.

Yo, I'm not sure where this entire "Let's flame beginner writers" thing came from but from what I hear you've been banned multiple times and one of those times being essentially toxic behavior, So maybe it's not the beginner writers that are the ones needing to make a
change right now.

I know there wasn't much presented in this first chapter, but it's not easy being a good writer. English classes in high school are a perfect indicator that it takes time to do well and improve. Something that I'm not sure this writer has a lot of is exactly that, time.

Neither of us has any story's made and therefore no feedback or anything else to prove that we know anything about what makes a skilled writer.
So how about let's not flame people for trying to get feedback and improve in whatever way they can?
It would make the lives of people like this new writer's easier.

So... has he had his mental breakdown yet or was that it?

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