• Published 4th Sep 2018
  • 7,160 Views, 310 Comments

Through the Eyes of Anon-a-Miss - sonicfan05

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were summoned into Principal Celestia's office so they can explain on how and why they created the infamous MyStable user, "Anon-a-Miss".

  • ...

Chapter 12: An Early Morning Encounter (Apple Bloom)

Ever since her latest and most terrifying nightmare, Apple Bloom couldn't get a wink of sleep. At that point, it was five-o' clock in the morning. Her eyes were very red from the mixture of lack of sleep and all that crying from the night before. Since she was unable to go back to sleep, Apple Bloom decided to get up and get dressed. Once she got dressed, she headed downstairs and grabbed herself a piece of toast for a quick breakfast.

Not want anyone in her family to see her emotional state and to get away from the miserable vibes from her house, she decided to leave and head to school early. After leaving them a note, she grabbed her coat and quietly walked out of the house and headed down on the sidewalk towards CHS. Despite wearing her thick winter jacket, Apple Bloom felt very cold from the early winter's morning. And while it was still semi-dark, she could see the grey clouds above her as if they've matched her depressing state.

She still felt awful and guilty of everything she done ever since she woke up from her dream. She remembered everyone faces she hurt from her school, including her sister and her two former friends. She was so dead set on her scheme to make Shimmer look bad, she failed to realized that in doing so, she became the bad guy... not Shimmer. Worse of all, all of her actions also ended up hurting and pushing her best friends away. She deeply regretted everything she had done; hurting Shimmer, her sister, her friends, the students, the teachers and single-handedly turning her school into a madhouse.

All because of her stupid jealously... and wanting her sister all to herself.

She wanted to fix this. She wanted to undo everything she'd done. She wanted to apologize and make up with her best friends. She wanted to put an end to this madness.

But... she doesn't know how. And that scared her.

She was scared because she knew that once she announced that she's the real Anon-a-Miss and not Shimmer, all the students anger will go directly to her. She shuddered of what they would do to her like they had done to Shimmer... or worse! Not only that, her sister will be furious with her and may even felt betrayed that her own family member would do this to her. Her sister and the rest of the Apple family will most likely disown her like how Applejack disowned Shimmer from the hallway that day. Apple Bloom wouldn't even know how to handle it when it comes to that! But the real kicker is that because she acted so foolishly and chased her friends away, she is now all alone. They must likely won't come to her aid when she confessed or when she gets harassed by an angry student... not that she could blame them. She would end up being labeled as the most hated student of CHS for the rest of her High School career... assuming if she is going to confess at all. Apple Bloom knew that she couldn't let things go on and have Shimmer take the blame forever, but she also knew the consequences once she brings her confession to light.

She really didn't know what to do.

After about thirty minutes of walking, she eventually reached her school. The school ground was empty and the windows of the building was dark, meaning that the school was still closed. But that doesn't stop Apple Bloom. She walked across the school ground and around the building until she was at a specific window that leads to the school's library.

This wasn't the first time she does this. She and her friends discovered that the lock of this window was broken and have been for the past several months. She and her friends would sometimes sneaked through this window after school hours so they can use the programs from their school's computers a little longer, just so they can edit their videos for their ViewTube channel. However, Apple Bloom just wanted to enter the library just to hang out and to think about the situation further.

And how to possibly fix her mess.

She opened the window and then slowly crawl through it bottom first. But when she was half way in, she was stopped suddenly. Confused, she tried to pushed herself backwards a couple of times in hopes to get herself into the building. When she realized that she was not moving, her eyes widened in horror.

"Oh no!" she uttered as she was wiggling around much more viciously.

She was so deep in thought about her predicament, she failed to realized that by wearing her thick winter coat, her entrance to the window would not only make her entrance much more difficult, but also possibly of getting stuck easily. And now she couldn't move a single inch. She tried to pull herself out, push herself in or even jiggling around. But no matter what she did, she couldn't even budge. She was starting to panic. If anyone shows up and sees her like this, not only she'll be the laughingstock of the school, but she'll also get in some serious trouble for sneaking into the building. She wished her friends were here to help her now.

Suddenly, she felt someone grabbed her legs from the other side. Before she could utter a sound or to get away, she felt someone pulling her in. She was slowly pulled into the window until she was completely inside the building and nearly fell onto the floor.

Apple Bloom turned around to see who was that person who helped her... and also dreaded for whatever punishment coming her way for breaking in. Her eyes widened in shock when she identified her savior, who also had shocked expression of their own.

"S-Sunset Shimmer?" Apple Bloom uttered.

"A-Apple Bloom?" Sunset Shimmer spoke quietly with a stunned expression.

They continued to stare at each other until they both suddenly pointed their fingers at each other.

"What are YOU doing in here!?" They exclaimed in union.

Then they both have indignant looks.

"Hey, I/Ah asked you first!" They both shouted again, annoying each other further.

"Stop copying me!" They both shouted.

"No YOU stop copying me!"


They now had a stare down for a brief moment until they both shouted at the same time.

"Countess Coloratura!"

Both their eyes widened with stunned expressions.

"Wow, that was weird!" They both exclaimed.

Seeing how ridiculous this was going, Sunset immediately put her hand over Apple Bloom's mouth.

"Okay, this is getting us nowhere!" said Sunset. "How about you start first and then I'll go next. Deal?"

Apple Bloom gently pried Sunset's hand off if her mouth and gave her an annoyed frown.

"But why am Ah going first?" she huffed. "If ya asked me, you being here before school hours is pretty suspicious!"

Sunset cocked an eyebrow. "More suspicious than you trying to come in through the window just now?"

"...good point," Apple Bloom mumbled, rubbing the back of her neck with an uncomfortable expression before sighing.

"Fine... Ah'll start. You see... the school's library have these pre-installed video editing programs that we use them for our videos. Since we don't have them at home and couldn't wait fer the next day, me and my... friends..." Her heart ached at the mention of her friends but quickly moved on. "Would sometimes sneak in here after school so that we can keep using them longer."

"I see," Sunset said simply before looking around. "But I don't see your friends with you this time."

Apple Bloom drooped and frowned sadly. "We... recently have a fallout a few days back... and we haven't talked since."

Sunset frowned. "Was it because of Anon-a-Miss?"

"...you could say that," Apple Bloom responded with a sigh. "Things were pretty bad at home, especially with Applejack. Ah... just want to be away and be by myself for a little while."

Sunset frowned worriedly. "Is... Applejack okay?"

"Ah... Ah don't know," Apple Bloom said with a shaky voice. "She always locked herself into her bedroom! Ah tried talking to her so that Ah can get her to come out but... she won't budge! Ah... ah don't know what to do!" And it's all MAH fault that she's like this! She added in her thought.

Sunset frowned while giving the youngest Apple family member a look of pity. "Oh Apple Bloom. Is there anything I could do to help?"

Apple Bloom was about to tell Sunset that there was nothing she can do, but then she stopped herself. She remembered the main reason why her sister was so upset. Mostly it was because of her guilt about Shimmer. Maybe if she could convince Shimmer to come back to Sweet Apple Acres, not only those two could finally make up and everything will be back to normal, but also that she doesn't have to reveal that she's Anon-a-Miss.

"Well... maybe if you can help me convince her to come out of her room. With you around, we can cheer her up!" Apple Bloom suggested with hope in her eyes.

Sunset frowned deeply as she looked down and sighed heavily. "Apple Bloom, I... I don't think that's a good idea right now."

Apple Bloom's hopes to get Sunset to help Applejack has been diminished.

"WHAT! Why not?" She cried. "Yer her friend!"

Sunset gave Apple Bloom a hard look. "Am I?" She challenged. "She and the others were VERY clear to me that they wanted nothing to do with me anymore!"

"Then try talking to her again! She'll listen!" Apple Bloom suggested desperately.

Sunset scoffed. "You think I haven't tried that already!? She and everyone else refused to listen to me, no matter what I do!"

Apple Bloom gave Sunset her pleading look. "Mah sis was just being stubborn! She may be upset... but the truth is... she misses you... a-and starting to doubt that your... "you-know-who"!"

Sunset then gave Apple Bloom her unreadable expression. "Well if she really doubted that I'm Anon-a-Miss... then why didn't she talk to me?"

Apple Bloom had no answer. She wanted to give Sunset a good excuse for her sister, but she couldn't. While she knew for a fact that Applejack really felt guilty for leaving Sunset, but she also still partly thinks that Sunset's the culprit. She inwardly cursed herself for ever starting this horrible scheme.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Sunset spoke up.

"Listen... I appreciate you wanted me and your sister together again... but I'm afraid that the only way I can get them to listen was to prove it to them somehow that I'm not the one who was spreading secrets."

"How are ya gonna do that?" Apple Bloom asked with interest.

Sunset looked down and sighed. "I... don't know."

There was nothing but silence from within the library. With Sunset feeling rejected at the possibility of finding proof while Apple Bloom felt helpless of not fixing the problem that she caused. It was only a couple of minutes until Apple Bloom spoke up.

"So... what's yer story?" she asked.

Sunset looked at Apple Bloom with a confused expression. "Eh?"

"Ah told you why Ah'm here, now it's yer turn... remember?" Apple Bloom clarified.

"...oh. Right..." Sunset answered with some hesitation before looking away. "I... was hoping that you forgot about that..."

When Sunset turned to face Apple Bloom again, she noticed that Apple Bloom had a stern, but patient look. Rather than trying to go back on her word, Sunset let out a sigh of resignation.

"Fine..." she said quietly, as she turned around and start heading to the back of the library. "Come."

Confused, yet curious with Sunset's mysterious behavior, Apple Bloom obeyed and followed behind Sunset.

"Um... where are we going?" Apple Bloom asked. "Yer not trying to dodge mah question, are ya?"

"I'm not," Sunset reassured without looking at her. "It's... easier if I show you as I explained."

Sunset's words only confused the young apple farmer further.

Show me what?

They continued to walked further down the back of the library without saying a word. They eventually reached the deep section of the library between a wall and a bookshelf, which Apple Bloom wasn't familiar with nor been in this section before. They entered and walked down that row until they've reached the corner area shortly afterwards. What Apple Bloom saw at that corner shocked her.

W-what da-!?

Right in front of her, was some of Sunset things laying around on the corner: Sunset's backpack, some food and... a toothbrush? But what really stood out the most was piles and piles of books lying around on the floor in giant rectangle shape with a few extra books at one end and a large thick blanket.

"What... what is all of this?" Apple Bloom uttered with a stunned expression. "W-were you having a major study session?"

"...I wish," Sunset sighed. "It's not the most comfortable bed in the world, but it'll have to do."

Apple Bloom's eyes widened. "Bed!?"

Suddenly, her mind put two and two together and her heart sank when she had a sudden realization.

"Wait... this is where you... sleep?" Apple Bloom asked quietly with dread.

Sunset paused for a moment and sighed. "Well... not all the time."

Apple Bloom frowned confusingly. "What do ya mean?"

"Sometimes I would sleep at a homeless shelter or... under a bridge somewhere downtown," Sunset responded.

"WHAT!?" Apple Bloom screeched in horror.

"But I rarely go there!" Sunset added quickly, assuring the young pre-teen. "It only happens if I was kicked out from the school's staff or if the homeless shelter is too full. Most of the time... this is where I go after school."

"H-how long have this been going on?" Apple Bloom asked softly.

"Ever since I first came to this world," Sunset answered. "It's not like a pony from another world could easily booked an apartment with different currency. Granted... I got a job as a cashier and a waitress for some sushi place at Canterlot's Mall, but I still couldn't afford to rent a place. So... I have to make due."

Apple Bloom couldn't believe what she was hearing. All this time, the former bully of the school was living in this library... and sometimes on the street. But something about Sunset's statement bothered the young farmer.

"Listen... Ah know it ain't mah business, but... why couldn't you just go back to your world where you came from?" She asked, both out of curiosity and concerned for the formal bully.

Sunset turned away from Apple Bloom and sighed heavily. "At the time... there was no way to get back. The portal to my world used to reactivate once every thirty moons for three days."

Apple Bloom opened her mouth to speak, but Sunset, knowing what the young girl was going to ask, beat her to it.

"Yes, Twilight from my world eventually figured out how to open the portal at any time. But even with that... I can't bring myself to go back... not right now."

Apple Bloom had a confused expression on her face. "What do ya mean?"

Sunset crossed her arms and sighed. "Back when I was a b–" Sunset paused. "Big Meanie... my mentor wanted me to make friends with others of my age, but instead... I just pushed others around and enjoyed being on top, figuring that associating with po– people was just a waste of time.

"When I... discovered something one day, I demanded my mentor to give me the same power as hers instead of earning it... but she refused... constantly. So... I did something forbidden in hopes to reach my goal further, but she found out about that and was furious at me. We fought for a while and... let's just say... we ended on a bad note and I decided to flee to this world."

Sunset sadly looked down. "In hindsight... I regretted my actions and the terrible things I said to her and I wish that I could take it all back. But... I don't think she wants to see me right now."

Apple Bloom felt pity for the poor girl and had a sad look on her face. In a way, she and Shimmer were alike... besides the pony thing. They both had done something they thought it was right, but then immediately regretted once they realized the damaged they've caused. With Sunset, at least she was able to fix things and was more or less forgiven from her actions. But for Apple Bloom... she doesn't believe that her actions will ever be forgiven.

"What about yer family?" She asked quietly. "Can't you go to them?"

Sunset closed her eyes and sighed sadly through her nose. "My mentor... is the only family I got."

Apple Bloom widened her eyes in shock and horror. "You're... an orphan?"

"...I was," Sunset whispered with a pained expression. "I never knew who my mother and father was and how I ended up at the orphanage, but I was alone for a long time. At a young age, I used to be... an angry child and I hated everypo- everyone, especially at the kids of the orphanage after they got adopted... but not me."

Then, Sunset's face soften up a bit with a small smile. "But... when Prin- my mentor showed up one day, she sees some sort of potential in me and... grew fond of me the moment we met. I became her daughter and it was the best day of my life!"

Her smile then immediately vanished and sighed sadly. "I guess she's really disappointed in me after that stunt I pulled! She might even hate me now after hearing everything I've done here for all I know!"

"Maybe she doesn't," Apple Bloom spoke up, causing Sunset to look at her in disbelief. "From what yer telling me about yer mentor, she might actually be worried about ya and misses you too! If there's one thing Ah learned from mah past arguments with mah sis, one bad fight isn't enough fer yer mentor to hate you."

Sunset was in deep thought. It had crossed her mind that her mentor actually missed her and worried for her well-being, but she wasn't completely convinced. Their big argument from that day was still very painful to her... and maybe to her mother-figure too. Sunset felt that it was too soon to meet "her" again to apologize and make amends.

At least... for a while.

"Even so... I'm not ready to go back yet," Sunset said quietly. "There's still a lot of things I need to make up here... assuming that I'm able to with everyone at school hated me again."

Apple Bloom winced slightly at that statement, knowing that she was the cause of everything, but kept herself composed.

"What about Applejack... and the others, did they know that you don't have a home?"

"...no. I didn't tell them," Sunset said softly, much to Apple Bloom's dismay. "They went through everything to help me, despite how others sees me after... the Fall Formal debacle. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to worry them further... not that it mattered anymore."

Sunset let out a defeated sigh. "Like I said, I've been alone all my life, so I'm used to it... even if it hurts more this time around." She sadly closed her eyes and let out a small tear. "Maybe that's my true punishment for everything I've done... and I guess I deserved it."

Apple Bloom's stared at Sunset with huge guilt in her eyes. She felt awful earlier after realizing what her actions have done to everyone, including Sunset Shimmer. But after learning more about the former bully... she felt ten times worse than before. She knew all too well of the pains of having no parents, but at least she have her sister, her brother her grandmother and the rest of the Apple family for their love and support. But Sunset Shimmer... she was all alone... and homeless to boot.

The only people Sunset had in her life who cared about her was the Rainbooms... including her sister.

Suddenly, it hit her like a bullet train when she remembered the words from her sister when she talked about Sunset Shimmer two weeks on the night when she created Anon-a-Miss.

"You have to understand, Sunset... had a hard life. While what she did in the past wasn't right and she nearly gone too far at the Fall Formal, but at the end of the day, she was just a lonely girl who made some really bad mistakes without anyone guiding her. And ever since we let her into our group, she had come a very long way. You would've seen it too if you give her another chance instead of keep turning her away like a stubborn mule."

Apple Bloom finally understood what her sister was talking about... and she really felt like a mule and then some. While her sister and her friends didn't know about Sunset's "living arrangements", they've sensed that Sunset was all alone for all her life. That was why they spent a lot of time with her. To not only let her know that she isn't alone, but also make her feel like she belonged to the group, and that they're family to her.

And Apple Bloom ruined it.

On top if that, Sunset is all alone for Christmas. A holiday when you're together with your friends and family. Sunset must have been alone on previous holidays before. But this year... may be Sunset's worst and loneliest one of them all.

Apple Bloom truly felt like she's the most rotten apple in the world. She was not just a monster, she was a selfish monster!

Apple Bloom felt her heart heavily and her whole body trembled in guilt.

What have ah done? she thought as she tried to held back from sobbing, but her tears still flowed down from her eyes.

Her teeth clenched as her guilt increased when she remembered all the things she said and treated Sunset after the Fall Formal. When the memory of her creating Anon-a-Miss on that very night flashed through her mind, she felt sick to her stomach and wished that she could just go back in time and knocked some sense into herself. But she knew that it's impossible to do. The only thing she really wanted to do right now is to disappear.

So that she wouldn't harm anyone ever again.

She suddenly felt a warm hand touched her shoulder. Despite her blurry version from her tears, Apple Bloom slowly looked up to see Sunset giving her a concern and guilt expression.

"Hey," Sunset said softly as she brushed Apple Bloom's tear away. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you upset. Please don't cry."

Before Sunset could react, Apple Bloom threw her arms around her and sobbed loudly as she buried her face into Sunset's chest.

"Ah'm sorry!" she wailed. "Ah'm sorry... for treating you so horribly... for not giving you a chance... for... for..."

Apple Bloom couldn't even speak anymore as she continued to sob loudly. Sunset just continued to held the crying pre-teen and shushed her gently.

"Hey hey... it's okay," Sunset soothed softly as she rubbed the top of Apple Bloom's head. "I understand why you acted that way. I don't blame you for not trusting me, especially after how badly I treated your sister back then."

Apple Bloom sniffed and looked up to Sunset, tears still flowing down from her face. "B–but... Ah... s–still..."

Sunset smiled softly before she engulfed her into a warm hug. "It's okay Apple Bloom, I forgive you!"

Apple Bloom eyes widened and her heart fluttered in shock, but returned the hug.

She forgave me! She forgave me... just like that! She really did changed!

She held Sunset much more tightly as guilt entered her heart again. But... will she forgave me... once she figured out who Anon-a-Miss really is?

They continued to hug each other for quite some time, with Sunset continued to cheer Apple Bloom up and Apple Bloom trying to come up with ways to confess to Sunset. After what it felt like an eternity, Sunset gently pulled away from the hug and looked down towards Apple Bloom.

"Hey... can I ask you a favor Apple Bloom?" Sunset asked quietly.

Apple Bloom sniffed and looked up. "W-what?"

"Will you... keep this conversation between the two of us?" Sunset asked. "I... don't want anyone else to know, not even Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna."

Apple Bloom wiped her eyes with her arm and gave Sunset her concerned look. "But Shim– Sunset, yer homeless! Ya can't just keep this to yerself! You need help!"

Sunset shook her head. "I told you, I can't! I'm already a burden enough as it is from my... former friends and Principals Celestia and Luna. I don't want to worry them." Her eyes than narrowed. "And besides... it's too risky right now with Anon-a-Miss still running around. Whoever this person is could use my... "living arrangements" to add more fuel to the fire of my already ruined reputation.

Apple Bloom frowned. If she were to somehow learned about this as Anon-a-Miss, she would never go that far. Heck, she wouldn't even started this whole mess if she knew about this from the start. She once again mentally kicked herself for acting like a fool and not listening to Applejack earlier. As Anon-a-Miss or not, she can't simply ignore this.

"But Sunset–!"

"Promise me Apple Bloom!" Sunset said sternly. "Better yet, Pinkie Promise me that you won't tell anyone about this... not even your sister!"

Apple Bloom wanted to argue, but she couldn't bring herself to do it under Sunset's pleaded eyes. Apple Bloom was in deep thought as she continued to stare at the former bully who was waiting for her answer. After about a minute, Apple Bloom looked down and sighed.

"Fine... Ah Pinkie Promised... that Ah won't mention this to anybody... while Anon-a-Miss is still on the loose!"

Sunset smiled. "Good!" she said, as she turned away. "Anyway... I should go."

"Go where?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Out back," Sunset answered as she picked up her backpack. "I usually leave school for a bit and then come back later every morning so that I don't draw any suspicion. Word of advice, try to leave before six-thirty, that's when the janitor usually shows up."

Apple Bloom titled her head. "Then... how did ya stay here after school undetected?"

"I usually come here and hid at this section of the library. No one seems to come here... including Ms. Cheerilee oddly enough." said Sunset as she put on her scarf and then began to walk away. "Anyway, I'll see you later Apple Bloom."

Apple Bloom's eyes widened. This was her big chance! She needed to confess, she needed to come clean, she needed to say that she was sorry for the cause of making her life miserable. She had to let Sunset know about everything she done... even if Sunset hates her forever for it.


Sunset paused and turned her head partway towards Apple Bloom, patiently waiting for her to speak her mind.

Apple Bloom sighed with a nervous look. "Shim- Sunset... Ah–"

"Oh, if it's about the window thing, don't worry about it!" Sunset reassured. "I won't say a word to anyone."

Apple Bloom shook her head. "No it's not dat!"

Sunset frowned. "Then what is it?"

Apple Bloom gulped. "Ah..." She began hesitantly. "Ah... Ah wanted to say..."

Even with Sunset giving her the patient look, Apple Bloom's nerves shot through the roof. Her mind was screaming at her to just get it over with it. After a moment of silence, Apple Bloom swallowed.

"Ah wanted to say... t-that even when everyone's against ya... you still got one friend on your side," she said as she pointed at herself. "S-so don't let this Anon-a-Miss break ya!"

Apple Bloom nearly cringed from her own words. While she really was telling the truth that she wanted to be Sunset's friend, but only so she could dodge from telling the real truth that she was the culprit. Despite all of that, Apple Bloom saw Sunset giving her a true smile for the first time in two weeks.

"Thank you Apple Bloom... that's the kindest thing anyone had ever said to me in a long time." Sunset said with a warm smile.

Apple Bloom felt a stab in her heart from Sunset's kind words and slightly turned away in shame. "D-don't mention it."

"Well... I'll see ya later!" said Sunset with a quick wave and then disappeared around the shelf.

Once she felt that Sunset was truly gone, Apple Bloom clenched her eyes shut and buried her head into her hands.

Ugh... Apple Bloom you coward! Ya blew it! She scolded as she let out a loud groan.

Why is this so HARD!? Ah wish mah friends are still here with me...

Author's Note:

Now before any of you mentioned this in the comments, yes I know Sunset Shimmer lived in an apartment complex (somehow) in the human world. However, when the Holiday comic was first released, it showed Sunset writing to Princess Twilight about what happened after her friends ditched her while she was sitting on a book made bed from within the school's library. Meaning, she was living there for some time like how Princess Twilight slept there from the first EQG movie, before it got retconned in EqG short and music video, Monday Blues.

While the comics is a grey area when it comes to canon, but I already had in idea in mind on how to connect between the comic and the main series.

You just gonna have to wait and see! :raritywink:

Anyway, there was originally more on this chapter, but because it was long enough already, I decided to cut it in half. The next half of this chapter should be ready hopefully by the end of this week... or two.

Stay tuned! :twilightsmile: