• Published 4th Sep 2018
  • 7,161 Views, 310 Comments

Through the Eyes of Anon-a-Miss - sonicfan05

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were summoned into Principal Celestia's office so they can explain on how and why they created the infamous MyStable user, "Anon-a-Miss".

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Chapter 4: Anon-a-Miss' Followers (Scootaloo)

"You know what? Fine! Do whatever you two want, just leave me out of this!" Sweetie turned back to the door with her back facing them. "I won't tell anyone that you're Anon-a-Miss or any of your upcoming plans. But right now... I... I don't want to talk to either of you right now!"

As Sweetie Belle stepped out into the hallway, Scootaloo glared at the back of Sweetie's head, burning with rage.

"Fine! Then go and let Sunset take your sister away for all I care!" Scootaloo yelled angrily.

"Fine!" Sweetie Belle yelled back, not looking back as she continued to walk away.

Scootaloo growled loudly in anger. A moment ago, her other friend, Apple Bloom, revealed to her that she's Anon-a-Miss and she's the one who made that post about her sister. At first, Scoots wasn't sure if she should be shocked, angry or disappointed in Apple Bloom for doing something so cruel, but after Apple Bloom explained her reasons and plan to get back at Sunset, Scootaloo immediately went on board with it.

To Scootaloo, there's no way that Sunset Shimmer could ever changed her ways, especially after all the terrible things she had done for a first few years at CHS. After Sunset was finally put to her place at the Fall Formal, the only punishment Sunset received was rebuilding the school's front entrance, but to Scootaloo, that's not enough. She believed that Sunset tricked the Rainbooms to be friends with her. How else did they decided to make Sunset part of the group? Worst yet, Sunset somehow had Rainbow Dash wrapped around her finger and have her all to herself, leaving her sister figure spend less time with Scootaloo. Apple Bloom's idea to post something embarrassing from the Rainbooms and frame Sunset was the perfect opportunity to not only to get her sister-figure back, but also give Sunset a proper punishment for everything she had done in the past.

Unfortunately, her "former" friend disagreed with them and want no part of it. The CMC were supposed to work together and help each other out, but Sweetie refused to help take down a bully. Not only Scootaloo felt betrayed, but also angry at Sweetie for not joining in like a coward.

Scootaloo felt Apple Bloom placed her hand on her shoulder. "Let me talk to her Scoots! Ah'll try to convince her. Just head to your next class."

Scootaloo shrugged Apple Bloom's hand off of her. "Whatever! I'm not even planning on going after that traitor anyway," Scootaloo scoffed. "I'll see you later."

Not waiting for her friends response, Scootaloo turned towards the hallway, opposite where Sweetie Belle went. From the back of her mind, she realized that she had forgotten something but couldn't remember what due to her anger. She decided to not fret about it, figured that it was probably not important, and just focused on getting to her morning class.

Later that day, all the classes at CHS was over, but the after school activities has begun, including sports. Every three days in a week, Scootaloo stayed after school to do soccer practice with her team. CHS has two different teams in every sport: the Junior Team and the Wondercolts team. Junior Teams were played by Junior High students like Scootaloo, while the Wondercolts team are for High School students like Rainbow Dash. Usually both teams shared the same field outside of school to practice, but due to the snow, they used the gym instead. However, the gym was not big enough for both teams so the gym teacher had them take turns for one team to use the gym for a certain amount of time before switching to another team. Each day, the order of teams are different, but today it was the Junior Team to use the gym for practice first.

Despite that it was after school hours, Scootaloo was still mad at Sweetie Belle from this morning. In her anger, she kicked the ball harder than necessary during practice. As a result, she unintentionally hit other players from her kicks and was benched for the rest of the practice. Despite being forced to sit out, she was too angry to care.

As she sat on the bleachers for some time, Scootaloo calmed down somewhat as she thought back to that morning. While she was still mad at Sweetie for backing out on Apple Bloom's plan, but a small part of her (as much as she doesn't want to admit it) was wondering if what they're doing was the right thing. Rainbow Dash did teach her about being loyal and stand up to your friend whenever someone did anything wrong to hurt others. If that's the case, then how come Sunset got off easily by repairing the school entrance and served weeks in detention and then become "friends" with Rainbow Dash like nothing happened? Scootaloo honestly doesn't understand why Rainbow allowed her to be anywhere near her, but there's one thing for sure...

...with Anon-a-Miss on their side, Sunset will finally get what she deserved.

Scootaloo's thoughts were interrupted from the sound of laughter next to her. She turned to her left and then she inwardly groaned when she saw who it was laughing. From the far end of the bleachers, it was the two boys from her classes, Snips and Snails, the biggest idiots in school in her opinion. While she didn't know what these two were saying, but they annoyed her greatly from the way they were laughing like hyenas. With an annoyed huff, Scootaloo stood up from her seat and made her way over to them so can tell them to pipe down. As she was getting closer to them, she was able to make out what Snips was saying to Snips.

"Dude, do you see this post from some user about Applejack on MyStable?" said Snips, making Scootaloo freeze in place.

"Yeah, Piggly Wiggly!" Snails respond with a snicker. "That was sooo funny!" He then had a thoughtful look. "Do you think this Anon-a-Miss person was actually Sunset?"

Snips shrugged nonchalantly. "Who knows? I was wondering if this person is going to do another funny post about someone else like one of the players from the Wondercolts team. Heck, maybe about Rainbow Dash!"

Snails cackled. "Yeah, that'll be funny when that egomaniac is in her place for once!"

Scootaloo felt a surge of anger after hearing the two idiots talk trash about her idol. She was about to give them a piece of her mind and defend Rainbow Dash, but she stopped herself. As much as these two are not as bright as a Christmas tree, they actually brought up an interesting thought. While the plan to frame Sunset by posting the Rainboom's secrets was still on, she wondered if that was enough. Not to mention, posting only about their sisters both helped... and against them.

It was also at that moment that Scootaloo remembered what she had forgotten to tell Apple Bloom. While the post about Applejack was brilliant, but it was also very risky. Even though Apple Bloom set up a way that all the Rainbooms knew about Applejack's story, Apple Bloom didn't realized that she had also inadvertently revealed to them that she knew about Applejack's embarrassing story too. So far, Apple Bloom was very lucky that the Rainbooms overlook this fact, but sooner or later, they will put two and two together. Scoots realized that they can't just keep posting everything about the Rainbooms without a risk of revealing themselves, they just need to throw them off and cover their own tracks so that none of the members of the CMC won't come to any of the Rainboom's minds. To do that, they're gonna have to post about someone else outside of the Rainbooms.

And Scootaloo knows just where to start.

After soccer practice was over, the Wondercolts team took over the gym while the Junior team headed to the locker room to change back to their normal outfits. While many students went home after changing their outfits, Scootaloo stuck around until she was the only one left in the locker room. Once she was sure that she was alone, she walked over to the far side of the locker room until she approached the door, which leads to her gym teacher's locker room. She quietly opened the door and peaked inside. As she expected, her gym teacher was at his desk, doing his paperwork, not noticing her. Scootaloo knocked on the side of the office door to get his attention.

"Um... excuse me, Coach Will?"

With a grunt, Iron Will looked up from his paperwork. "What? What is it? Iron Will is busy!"

"It's that girl with the eyes! She accidentally knocked over all the sport balls in the storage room and over-flooded the gym!"

Iron Will facepalmed with a groan. "Again!? I swear, that girl is a walking disaster!" He then stood up. "Let Iron Will take care of this!"

Iron Will left his office with a huff, leaving Scootaloo alone. Once she was sure that he was gone, she used this opportunity to search around his office, hoping to find what she was looking for. Her eyes lit up when she finally found the item in question which was hidden in the Coach's desk drawer: a folder with two different lists of all the combinations for each gym locker. One was a list of lockers for the Junior Team and the other list are for the Wondercolts Team. Scootaloo only took out the locker combination list for the Wondercolts Team and held it up so she can take a photo of it so that the Coach won't alert the school that it was stolen. Once she took her picture, she put the list back where she got it, left Coach Will's office and back out into the locker room. With her first task complete, she now decided to began her next step.

Scootaloo headed to the senior's side of the locker room and walked up to Rainbow's locker. After hanging around with her sister figure so many times, she knew where Rainbow's locker is like the back of her hand. Once she reached Rainbow's locker, she made sure that no one was looking before she used the combination from the picture of her phone to open Rainbow's locker. Once she opened up Rainbow's locker, she spotted a gym bag inside Rainbow's locker and decided to search through the bag. There was nothing interesting in the bag at first since it was filled with Rainbow's spare clothes, until she eventually found a piece of paper and took it out of the bag.

The title of the paper said "How Boohyancy Works" by Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo assumed that it was a Science paper for Rainbow's Science class. However, Rainbow didn't do a good job on her work judging from a huge letter "D" in red from the top left of the paper as Rainbow's grade. There was also a red circle around the "ooh" on Boohyancy due to bad spelling and two phrases in red, which said "very poor" and "See Me".

Scootaloo cringed as she looked over many mistakes throughout Rainbow's paper. Granted, Scoots was not very good with Science either, but even she knew how to spell "Buoyancy". Still, getting a D from Harshwhinny regarding which subject, was never good. And knowing Rainbow Dash, she probably wanted to keep her grade a secret for the sake of her reputation. With that in mind, this was the perfect ammo she can use against Sunset.

With a silent apology to Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo took out her phone, took a picture of Rainbow's paper and then put it back in Rainbow's locker just the way she found it.

Okay, that's one down! Scootaloo thought as she closed Rainbow's locker. Now...

She surveyed all the other lockers within the room, eager to find more secrets from other students for her to use.

Onto the next one!

With a sly smirk, Scootaloo began to open up the next locker.

After almost an hour of snooping in every single lockers belonging to the Wondercolts Team, Scootaloo left the school and headed home. She knew that Coach Will would probably scold her for lying to him, but she didn't care about that since she got what she came for. After a good fifteen minutes of walking in the snowy sidewalk, she finally reached her two Aunts house.

This house belonged to her Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty. Scootaloo usually lived a bit further down the road, but because both of her parents were never around due to their jobs, she would most often stayed over at her aunts house almost all the time. Even though her aunts were around, Scoots still feel lonely from time to time. When Rainbow took her under her wing as her big sister years ago and promised that she'll always be around when she needs her, Scootaloo was overjoyed. She felt that nothing can come in between her and her big sister.

Until Sunset Shimmer came into the picture.

This gave Scootaloo the motivation to do what she had to do to get her sister-figure back and to finally have Sunset face justice to everything she had done.

As soon as Scootaloo entered the house, she heard one of her Aunts calling her from the kitchen.

"Hey kiddo, how was your day at school?"

"It was... okay Aunt Holiday," said Scootaloo as she hung her coat on the coat rack. "Classes were a little brutal today with the mid-exam coming up and all."

"That's understandable," replied Lofty, Scoot's other Aunt. "With the upcoming Holiday around the corner, the school will throw everything at you before your winter break."

"Unless they'll give you homework for the break," Holiday added.

Scootaloo shuddered at the thought. What school would be cruel enough to give students homework over Christmas break? She heard that Crystal Prep students received homework and projects over every Holiday breaks, even over the summer. Scootaloo was thankful that her Aunts applied her to CHS where her friends are.

Most of her friends.

"Um... speaking of homework, I'm gonna go upstairs and work on them for a while just to get them over and done with," said Scootaloo as she climbed up the stairs.

"Okay sweetie, dinner will be ready in a half-an-hour!" Lofty called out.

Scootaloo kept on climbing the stairs until she reached the top floor and walked into her bedroom (which was originally a guest room before her Aunts made it as her official bedroom). Once she locked the door, Scootaloo immediately went to her laptop and turned it on. As her laptop was booting up, she reached her cell phone to call Apple Bloom. A moment later, she heard her friend's voice from the other end.

"Hello?" said Apple Bloom.

"Apple Bloom, this is Scootaloo," Scootaloo said quietly, not wanting her Aunts to hear her. "Can I ask you a quick favor?"

"Um... sure. What is it?"

"Could you please tell me the password to your Anon-a-Miss account?"

There was a moment of silence until Scootaloo heard Apple Bloom asked, "Why? Do ya got something?"

"I got a picture of Rainbow Dash's bad grade on her science paper," Scootaloo explained. "And let me tell you... it was pretty bad."

"...Ah see." Apple Bloom replied. "So you want to post Rainbow's grade paper on the site?"

"That... and other things," Scootaloo said with some hesitation.

"What do ya mean?" Apple Bloom asked with suspicion.

"You'll see. Trust me Apple Bloom, this'll will help us in a long run," Scootaloo assured.

There was an even longer pause from the other side if the phone until Apple Bloom finally replied.

"Well... okay, if you say so." Apple Bloom said reluctantly. "Here's the password..."

After Apple Bloom gave Scootaloo the password for Anon-a-Miss' MyStable account, as well as Anon-a-Miss' offical email and password, Scootaloo thanked her friend and hung up. She went on to her laptop, now fully turned on, she plugged her phone to her laptop and transferred all the pictures she took from the locker room onto her laptop for safe keeping. She then went to MyStable website and logged in as Anon-A-Miss.

The first thing she noticed was that there were some new followers on Anon-a-Miss' page. It wasn't a lot, but it was definitely more people following now than the amount from this morning and most of them are from her school because Scootaloo recognized some of these people. There were also some new comments underneath the post about Applejack. The messages were... awful to say the least and she couldn't believe how anyone would say things like that from behind the screen just to bring people down. But she set those worries aside for the time being and just focused on her main task.

She began posting one of the Wondercolt team member, specifically about pies. She included all the pictures she found in Soarin's locker of pies either in dresses or with wigs with the phrase "My Darling" in sharpie. There were even some selfie pictures of him with various different pies. When she first found those, Scootaloo wasn't sure if she should laugh or disturbed with Soarin's creepy obsession of pies. Still, she thought it would be a good laugh and a perfect way to start posting things that's not Rainboom's related so that the CMC won't be suspected.

It wasn't even two minutes when she suddenly received an Email from a mysterious person. For a moment, Scootaloo wasn't sure what to do. She didn't know if it was one of the MyStable representatives, catching her in the act or someone posting an angry Email for the nasty post she just did. Preparing for the worst, Scootaloo decided to open the Email to read it. What she saw next not only surprised her, but also caught completely off guard from the message she received just now.

To Anon-a-Miss,

I just saw your post about Soarin with his disturbing love about pies and it was hilarious! This guy seriously needs a girlfriend instead of being a pie-loving loser! XD

Anyway, if you're looking for some more secrets to post on your page, I know another loser's secret you can use. If you can post it, I'll definitely follow you!

A fan.

Scootaloo stared in shock. Someone was willing to share someone else's secret, just for laughs at one person's expense? Before she could reply, she got another Email message for Anon-a-Miss's account.

Then another.

And another!

Soon, there was a total of twenty different Emails sent for Anon-a-Miss. There was only three threatening Emails if she ever exposed any of their secrets, but the rest of them had the same message.

They loved them and they wanted to see more with a promise of following Anon-a-Miss and willing to give out another student's secrets!

Scootaloo just stared at her laptop screen for some time, weighing her options. On the one hand, she couldn't believe anyone from her school would eagerly wanting to see a post about something embarrassing about another student and willing to share another secret to her. It was not only disrespectful for these people for stabbing someone else in the back, but it was also morally wrong to do that without that other person's consent. But on the other hand, she was practically posting another person's secrets anyway and having more people following them will be a great way to gather more dirt from other students for them to use. She figured they needed all the help they could get to get more suspicion off of the CMC and painted Sunset more as the culprit. And as long as it was enough for Rainbow Dash and the others to think that it was Sunset, Scoots was perfectly okay with it.

Plus, being internet famous sounded... pretty awesome.

With a smirk, Scootaloo updated the bio page of Anon-a-Miss, encouraging anyone who followed to send any information about any student and they will post it for all to see. After she was satisfied with the updated page, Scootaloo cracked her knuckles and began her work on posting one student's secrets after another until it was close to dinnertime.

Little does she realized just how much damage she will cause, which she will soon regret later on.

Author's Note:

Oh Scoots, Scoots, Scoots... :facehoof:

Admittedly, it was hard to write about Scoots at first because in the original comic... we don't know exactly what she did to contribute as Anon-a-Miss and what motivate her to do so (except feeling jealous about Sunset and felt left out like the others of course). But after a while, I easily came up with my own take on how Scootaloo played a part to this. Overall, I think it works.

Next part coming soon and have a happy and safe Halloween! :twilightsmile: