• Published 13th Aug 2018
  • 1,019 Views, 25 Comments

Super Smash Bros. The RPG - FandomPlays1234

When Fandom get's sucked into his favorite game series, his life becomes a whole new world of games, anime, and even the internet

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Chapter 11: V.S. Ridley

The next day, Fandom bought some supplies for that day while his party waited for the two sisters. After uniting with the two, Fandom's party left the inn for the Stadium. By following the route that Ritsu had chosen for them they reached the Stadium within 30 minutes. When the five reached the Stadium, they could see the entrance was being blocked off by several Scope Primids and two Chain Chomps. Sure enough, The Battleship Halberd could be seen hovering in the sky above the stadium.

"Great guards, I knew they wouldn't make it THAT easy," grumbled Fandom.

"Weren't they always extremely cautious?" asked Twilight.

"Yes, they aren't the type to normally let their guard down when they sense an enemy presence nearby," answered Ritsu.

"Great they can sense us, now how are we supposed to get in?" asked Fandom.

"Maybe they know," said Linze. The four looked over to her who was peeking out. The other four looked out to see a familiar figure wearing an orange and red power suit with a green hand canon sneaking behind the bushes.

"It's Samus," said Reiko.

"Who?" asked Elze.

"Samus, she's a hero we met back at the Scarlet Devil Mansion," answered Twilight.

"Oh she's not alone though," said Fandom.

'What?" asked Reiko.

'She has Fluttershy with her," answered Fandom.

"Fluttershy!?" gasped Twilight. She looked out and sure enough the timid yellow pegasi was following the bounty hunter. She noticed them hiding and tapped Samus on the shoulder and pointed in their direction. Samus looked in their direction and waved at them from behind the bushes. The five waved back at her.

"Hey I know," said Fandom.

"Hmm got an idea?" asked Elze. Fandom poked out his head and waved his arm at Samus. Once she took notice Fandom pointed in the direction towards the entrance where the guards were. Samus looked over then back at them and nodded. "Thank god Samus can read hand and arm signals," sighed Fandom.

'What did you tell her?" asked Linze.

'Get rid of the guards," answered Fandom.

"Hey she's going in," said Twilight. The four looked out as Samus snuck up on the guards and took them out with several charge shots. Once the Scope Primids were gone, Fluttershy jumped out of the bushes and approached the two chain chomps. The chomps who prepared to attack soon fell victim to Fluttershy's kind demeanor and lost all will to attack. Once the coast was clear Samus waved them over.

"Score," said Fandom. He walked out from behind the wall and walked over to the two with the rest following after him. "Samus Aran,"

"Fandom, it's good to see you again," said Samus.

'Are you two alright?" asked Reiko.

"Feeling much better after that nice massage session," answered Fluttershy as she petted the chomp.

'I assume you're here for the same reason?" asked Fandom.

"Guess you could say that," answered Samus.

'Welcome aboard," said Fandom holding out his hand.

"Our pleasure," said Samus shaking it. Now joined in with Samus and Fluttershy, Fandom and his group entered the stadium. As they navigated the stadium they continued to battle past enemies until they finally reached the bleachers and stage.

"Hmm strange nobody's here," said Elze.

"We should start searching," suggested Samus. The others nodded and began making their way down to the stage. Once they got down from the bleachers they began searching for clues that might help them deal with Ridley. After 5 minutes of searching they later regrouped on the stage.

"Find anything?" asked Fandom. Everyone shook their heads. "Damn nothing huh,"

"Fandom," Ritsu called out. Fandom pulled up the menu. "I'm detecting strong enemy presence,"

'Where?" asked Fandom.

"Above us," answered Ritsu. The group looked up as a large object was falling towards them.

'What is that?" asked Linze.

"Don't ask just get out of the way!" ordered Fandom. The group quickly jumped off the stage as the large object came crashing down.

"What in Celestia's name was that!?" yelped Twilight. When the dust cleared the group could see a familiar beast with glowing yellow eyes.

'No it can't be," said Fandom.

"It is!" exclaimed Samus.

"Ritsu I thought you said he wasn't anywhere near here!" exclaimed Fandom. But before Ritsu could answer, Ridley got to his feet and let out an angry roar that filled the entire stadium.

"This is Ridley!?" gasped Elze. Ridley quickly turned towards Fandom and hurled a fireball at him. Luckily Fandom quickly avoided the attack.

"Everyone scatter, that way he won't be able to focus on just one of us!" ordered Fandom. Everyone obeyed and split up confusing the space pirate leader. Sure enough a large text box appeared followed by the sound of an alarm.


However this time no text boxes appeared in front of Fandom, Reiko, or Twilight.

"Ritsu what's going on we didn't get our option!" said Fandom.

"That's because the game has changed up battle rules for this battle, you have to play this by consecutively attacking Ridley!" said Ritsu.

"I see, Twilight Reiko you hear that!?" asked Fandom.

"Yes!" answered Twilight.

"I'm going in cover me!" announced Reiko. Fandom drew his two crosses and prepared as Reiko lunged Ridley and slashed him with her sword. Ridley let out an angry screech as he spun around and swatted away Reiko with his tail.

"Reiko!" Twilight gasped.

"Tch, Cross Boomerang!" Fandom announced as he threw his two crosses. But Ridley noticed and jumped up in the air dodging the attack. "Damn it!" cursed Fandom.

"I'm not letting you escape!" said Samus raising her arm cannon. She focused her aim and thrusted her arm cannon forward as a stream of light caught itself around Ridley's tail. She pulled her arm back as Ridley was suddenly dragged back down.

"Linze I'm going in!" said Elze as two gauntlets appeared on her hands. Linze nodded as she held out her hands and began chanting a spell of sorts. As Ridley tried to get up, Elze jumped up and punched him the back knocking him down. Ridley let out an angry screech just as a huge block of ice fell on top of him and crushing him. The impact had caused a huge a mount of dust to fly up obscuring the view.

"They did it," cheered Fluttershy.

"Nice team work you two!" said Twilight as she pulled Reiko out of the bleachers.

"I-it was nothing," said Elze blushing. She began walking back to her sister, when suddenly Ridley's tail shot out of the dust and penetrated itself through Elze's stomach. "Gah!"

"Elze no!" Linze screamed.

"He's still not dead yet!?" gasped Samus. Elze coughed up blood as Ridley's tail slowly carried her back towards him as he emerged from the dust. He glared at Elze with his deep yellow eyes and growled. Samus raised her arm canon and began charging up an attack as Ridley held the wounded Elze in front of her with his tail. Samus lowered her canon and glared at him. Suddenly Fandom dashed out and ran towards Ridley holding up both of his crosses.

"You're going to pay for that!" Fandom roared. Ridley growled as he swung his tail and threw Elze back at him knocking them both into the bleachers.

"Fandom Elze!" Linze exclaimed. As she tried to run towards them, Ridley jumped in front of her and growled. Linze stepped back as Ridley opened his mouth and began charging up a fireball. Just as Ridley finished charging something shot out of the shadows striking the fireball and triggering an explosion in Ridley's face. Ridley screeched as he stepped back holding his face with his claws.

"What was that!?" gasped Samus.

"Looks like we made it in time," a voice spoke up. Linze turned around to see a young man in a black cloak standing on top of the bleachers. Next to him was girl in a white dress with red on the hems. Her long caramel colored hair flowed in the wind.

"Who's that?" asked Reiko wincing.

Accepts you Challenge!

Appears in a Flash!

"Those guys are from Sword Art Online!" said Fandom crawling out of hole. Samus looked around as more figures suddenly appeared from the shadows surrounding the stage.

Wanders in!

The Master Blacksmith!

Fixes you up!

Honest Friend!

Wants the Leading Role!

Blasts her way in!

Ridley let out an angry roar as he spread his wings and jumped into the air.

"No we gotta stop him!" said Twilight.

"Leave that to us," said Kirito drawing his two swords.

"Um a little help somebody, someone is bleeding out right now!" Fandom exclaimed.

"I'll handle this," said Leafa.

"I'm counting on you," said Kirito. Leafa quickly ran over to Fandom and Elze to check on their condition.

"Over here!" Fandom waved her over. Leafa walked up to them as Fandom cradled Elze in his arms. She winced as she placed her hand over the wound. "What do you think?" asked Fandom.

'It shouldn't take me too long," answered Leafa. Fandom watched as Kirito and his friends went up against Ridley to no success. Every time someone went up to him, he would either spit fireballs or swat them away with his tail. Fandom began scanning the stadium to see if he could find anything he could use as a weapon. Then he noticed something glowing in the giant hole that Reiko created after she was knocked back. Fandom got up and ran towards the light while Ridley was distracted by Kirito and his friends. When he reached the light, he saw that a strange object was lodged in the wall and began digging the object out. What he found was a strange orb glowing in a rainbow aura and was in the shape of the Super Smash Bros. Logo. Smiling he got up and jumped down to the stage with the orb in hand. Then while Kirito and his friends kept Ridley busy, Fandom began smashing the orb until it finally broke open. He closed his eyes as he felt a new power surge through his body. This was it, this was HIS time. He looked up and saw that Ridley swatted away Kirito and his friends for the last time. At this point he should've been weakened enough. Time to finish this.

"Hey Ridley!" Fandom called out to him. Ridley looked towards in his direction as Fandom walked up to him. He spread out his arms. "Come and get me you reptilian scumbag!!!!" Ridley growled as he spread his wings and charged towards Fandom. Fluttershy yelped and cover her eyes.

"Fandom what are you doing!?" yelled Elze who was nearly healed. Everyone looked in Fandom's direction as Ridley charged at him. Then suddenly, swung his right fist upwards into Ridley's chin knocking him into the air.

"Whoa!" yelped Klein. Fandom got to his knees as a text box flashed in front of everyone.


Just then 5 other Fandoms popped out of the real Fandom's body and all drew their double crosses as the real did. Fandom bent down and lunged at Ridley followed by the other 5. Soon there was six Fandoms surrounding Ridley. The real Fandom lifted his cross boomerang and threw it followed by the other 5. Soon Ridley was being hit by a wave of cross boomerangs and was losing HP at an alarming rate. Everyone in the stadium watched in awe as this went on for 10 seconds straight. After the final boomerang hit Ridley, all five Fandom clones merged with the real one causing his Cross Boomerang to grow into a much larger size. Fandom raised the glowing boomerang and threw it as hard as possible, sending the crosses flying into Ridley's chest in an X formation followed by a loud screeching before returning to Fandom and shrinking. Fandom descended down and turned around. He raised both crosses in the air as Ridley self destructed in mid air. Then from the cloud of dust, Ridley's limp body fell to the ground with a loud crash. A +2,000 appeared over Fandom's head as a familiar jingle played and a text box appeared.

Fandom Lvl: 11
Atk: 30
Def: 30
HP: 320/320, HP fully restored!

You Win!
EXP: 2,000
Gold 1,000

Soon Fandom felt old strength returning to his body as the strange energy disappeared. He looked back at everyone who was still staring at him in shock. Embarrassed, Fandom looked down blushing.

"He....he did it!!!!" exclaimed Reiko. Soon the once quit stadium erupted with screams of joy and cheers as everyone ran over to him. As everyone congratulated him Fandom pulled up the party member stats. Reiko and Twilight were still level 10 but Fandom has changed.

Lvl: 11
To Next Lvl: 650 EXP
Atk: 30
Def: 30
HP: 320/320
Skills: Cross Boomerang
Final Smash: Boomerang Barrage

"Hey man how did you do that?" Klein suddenly asked.

"Oh right I guess this was your first time seeing a Final Smash," said Fandom.

"A what?" asked Linze.

"A Final Smash, it's a special secret powerful move that one can unleash after breaking a Smash Ball," explained Samus. "It's sort of like our version of a Super Move many would typically see in video games,"

"Likewise every character in the smashverse has their own unique Final Smash but just like Samus said, it can only be obtained in this case, if you break open a Smash Ball," added Fandom.

"A Smash Ball?" asked Silica.

"Ritsu will you?" asked Fandom.

"Roger," said Ritsu. It didn't take long for Ritsu to pull up an image of a mysterious orb engulfed in a rainbow aura. A horizontal line ran through the lower half of the orb and a vertical line was placed a little bit more to the left side making a strange version of a plus sign or a cross. "This is a Smash Ball, breaking this open will allow a player to use their Final Smash at any given time," explained Ritsu. "However there can only be one of these present in a area at a time,"

"Interesting, I would like try this myself," said Sinon.

'Well hope you have good luck cause if you can't get this before anybody else, your final smash is gone," said Ritsu. Twilight looked like she wanted to say something but was interrupted by Fluttershy's scream.

'Fluttershy what's wrong?" asked Reiko turning around. She gasped.

'What's up?" asked Klein. Everyone looked behind them and saw Ridley slowly getting his feet. He let out a low growl as he glared at the group.

"Are you kidding me even after a Final Smash!?" gasped Fandom. Suddenly Ridley reached and grabbed Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight screamed. Ridley let out an angry roar as he took for the skies. Samus attempted to to drag him back down with her grapple beam but missed his tail. Ridley flew to the top of the stadium and flew off with Fluttershy's in his clutches.

"No not another one!" exclaimed Reiko.

"Ritsu where did Ridley fly off to?" asked Fandom.

"He's headed to Academy City," answered Ritsu.

"Then that's where we're going," said Fandom. He quickly jumped off the stage and ran up the bleachers.

'Wait for us!" said Reiko. Both Twilight and her ran after Fandom followed by Elze, Linze, and Samus.

"Should we go after them?" asked Leafa.

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Author's Note:

Chapter 11 complete. Wow what an intense battle. But now it looks like Fluttershy needs saving too. But that damn Ridley, he almost killed Elze. Luckily she's safe now. Also we're introduced to more characters. Kirito, Asuna, Lisbeth, Silica, Leafa, Agil, Klein, and Sinon from Sword Art Online. We also get a first look at Fandom's Final Smash. Finally took him forever to get his hands on a Smash Ball.