• Published 13th Aug 2018
  • 1,009 Views, 25 Comments

Super Smash Bros. The RPG - FandomPlays1234

When Fandom get's sucked into his favorite game series, his life becomes a whole new world of games, anime, and even the internet

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Chapter 15: A Not so Lovely Encounter

Fandom and the gang returned to the village and were greeted with cheers and complements However now was not the time to be praised their were still some damsels that needed to be saved. They quickened their pace as they returned to the temple. The guards noticed them instantly and opened the door as they rushed in. They quickly came to a stop as they were soon greeted by familiar faces.

"Mr. Fandom!" Flandre cheered as she ran up to him.

"Hello Flandre it's been a while, you been good?" asked Fandom.

"Yeah this place is so cool, so much better than the Origin dude's lair," said Flandre.

"Is that so," laughed Fandom.

"Mario!" Peach exclaimed as she ran past them.

"Luigi get over here you green head!" Daisy laughed as she ran over to Luigi.

"Oh Elze and Linze!" gasped Yumina.

"Yae, and Yumina!" exclaimed Elze and Linze.

"Mommy, Daddy!" cheered Yui.

"Yui!" Kirito and Asuna gasped in unison. Fandom watched as the reunion began to unfold among the familiars. Even Twilight dashed out to Shining Armor and Cadence followed by Sakuya who was greeted by Remilia and Flandre.

"Welcome back my friends!" laughed Sakaki.

"Thank you sir," said Fandom.

"Isn't it wonderful seeing all these smiling faces?" asked Sakaki.

"It sure is, but unfortunately our job is not done yet," said Fandom. He cleared his as he stepped forward. "Everyone can I have your attention!?" The room quieted down as they turned their attention towards Fandom. "As much as I hate to interrupt this family/friend reunion we still have much to do!" Everyone even the Emperor listened as Fandom explained everything, from Ridley's abductions, to the reactor located in high school. "I'm sorry to say but we must head out at once if we are to save these damsel's lives so we're going to need all support from you," said Fandom.

"No worries, we'll always be there to cheer you on," said Linze.

"Wish us luck my friends," said Fandom. The four waved goodbye as they departed for the anime world once more.

"So we were once again betrayed," said Lust.

"Damn, if we keep losing members their resistance will only grow larger," growled Tempest.

"Forget it, right now protecting the reactor is our first priority, dealing with the traitors comes last," said Lust.

"Tch fine," scoffed Tempest. Lust looked up as the Battleship Halberd hovered above the old campus in the dark clouds.

"Commander Lust someone approaches," said a Goomba.

"Very well," said Lust. "Bring them here, I would like to do battle with them," The Goomba bowed before walking off. "This outta be interesting," laughed Lust.

Fandom and his party followed the Goomba as he led them to the two Commanders.

"Nice of you to show," said voice. The Goomba quickly left the scene as two figures approached them. One was a young man with blonde hair and sparkling green eyes. He wore a black robe with the Subspace Empire logo printed on it. The second was a pony with a Fizzypop colored overcoat. Her Mohawk like red mane and tail flowed in the wind. She wore a black metallic armor and her deep turquoise eyes stared at them intently. Her broken horn let off tiny sparks like electricity.

"So you two are the Commanders that are guarding the reactor," said Fandom.

Commander Lust
Spreads the Love!

Commander Tempest Shadow
Storms in!

"This young boy catches on quick," said Lust. "Indeed and I assume you're this legendary hero that everyone's been talking about?"

"That's right, as for that reactor," said Fandom.

"Sorry kid, but we are not letting you lay a single scratch on it," said Tempest.

"Fine, if you're not going to move, then we'll force our way through," said Fandom drawing his two crosses. Reiko drew her sword as Twilight and Sans got into position.


"It's been a while," said Fandom selecting the fight option. Cross Boomerang. However instead of allowing him to attack,another text box appeared.

Select Enemy Fandom looked up to see red arrow pointing at Lust and no arrows pointing at Tempest. "Ah so enemy selection is a thing now," said Fandom. He selected Lust and raised his crosses. Fandom used Cross Boomerang on Lust. As usual the attack struck Lust four times before returning to Fandom. A -320 Combo 4x appeared over his head. Fandom backed up as Reiko took his place. sword Strike, Burst Barrage. Select Enemy. Reiko selected Lust and lifted her sword. Reiko used Sword Strike on Lust. Reiko rushed forward and jabbed Lust with the tip of her sword. A -230 appeared over his head as she retreated back. Twilight took her spot as she selected fight.

"To be honest, I don't want to have to do this, but it looks like I don't have a choice," said Twilight as she selected Tempest.
Twilight used Magic Blast on Tempest. Twilight's horn began to glow in a purple aura as a ball of energy formed in front of her.She hurled the energy ball at Tempest as a -230 appeared over her head. She moved back as Sans took her place.

"I've always wanted to try this," said Sans. Bone Barrage, Telekinesis, Gaster Blaster, Mercy Sans's right eye flashed in a blue light as his left eye disappeared. Select Enemy. "You two are going to have a bad time," said Sans selecting Tempest. He hurled the bones at Tempest as a -300 Combo 6x appeared over her head. Tempest winced as her HP bar dropped halfway.

"Damn Sans you're strong!" said Fandom switching out with him.

"Heh I knew that skele-ton of work would pay off," snickered Sans. Reiko and Twilight looked at him with an expression showing that they didn't appreciate his sense of humor. Player Turn End Enemy Turn

"Heh the only thing you're going to be laughing at is your failure," laughed Lust. Lust used Chocolate Bomb on Sans He waved his hands as four chocolate appeared around him. He hurled them at Sans only to miss all the attacks. "What?" he asked confused.

"What you think I'm just going to stand there and take it?" asked Sans.

"Ugh you fool, let me show you how it's done," groaned Tempest. Tempest used Plasma Blast on Sans. Tempest's horn began to spark as she hurled a blast of electricity at Sans only for him to dodge the attack.

"What, you think I'm just going to stand there and take it?" asked Sans. Tempest growled as she kicked the ground in frustration. Enemy Turn End Player Turn.

"It's better to take out Tempest first probably," said Fandom. Fandom used Cross Boomerang on Tempest. He threw the crosses and watched them fly back into his hands as a -310 Combo 4x appeared over her head. Tempest let out a pained groan as her HP bar fell to 0. She collapsed on the ground as a +2,000 appeared over Fandom's head.

Fandom Lvl: 13
Atk: 34
Def: 34
HP: 360/360 HP fully restored!

"One down, one to go," said Reiko switching out. Reiko used Sword Strike. She thrusted her sword forward jabbing it into Lust as a -230 appeared over his head. "How'd you like that?" boasted Reiko. But when Lust looked up he had tears in his eyes.

"That hurt!" whimpered Lust. Reiko swallowed hard and scratched her eyes to make sure she was seeing things right. It was no doubt, Lust looked extremely cute. She blushed as she dropped her sword.

"Reiko what's wrong?" asked Fandom.

"He's....too...cute," stuttered Reiko.

"What?" asked Fandom. A text box appeared in front of them. Reiko is now Infaturated

"Heh that must be my ability," laughed Lust.

'What?" asked Fandom.

"Hey they don't call me Lust for nothing, too bad it only affects girls though," said Lust. Fandom growled. This freak just used some sort of love spell to infaturate Reiko.

"Oh you're going to pay big time, Twilight let this freak have some," said Fandom dragging Reiko back. Twilight nodded as she took her place. Twilight used Magic Blast. A -230 appeared. Twilight quickly changed places with Sans before she too caught the effect. Sans used Bone Barrage. -300 Combo 6x. Fandom watched as Lust's HP bar fell down to 0. A +2,000 appeared over Sans's head

Sans Lvl: 11
Atk: 30
Def: 30
HP: 320/320, HP fully restored!

You Win!
EXP: 2,000
Gold: 900

Reiko who had hearts for eyes suddenly came back to her senses as the text box appeared. "Did we win?" asked Reiko.

'Yeah somehow," said Twilight.

"Amazing!" a voice beamed. The four turned towards the voice to see Samus, Elze, Linze, Yumina, and another person they've never seen before walk up to them.

"Samus, what are you guys doing here?" asked Fandom.

"Sorry, we were so excited to see how things turned out so we watched you guys from the shadows," answered Linze.

"Alright, but how exactly did you guys get here?" asked Twilight. "And who's that?

Touya Mochizuki
Lends a Hand!

"I've heard about you guys from Elze," said Touya.

"Well I wouldn't expect anyone who doesn't know us at this point," said Fandom. "But before that," He turned towards Lust and Tempest who were tied up.

"What?" asked Lust.

'Where is the reactor and the girls that Ridley kidnapped?" asked Fandom.

"Tch they're in the school house," sneered Lust.

"Thank you," said Fandom walking towards the building.

'Don't think you've won yet, Lord Origin surely will avenge our failure!" exclaimed Tempest. Fandom and his group ignored her threat and entered the school. They found the reactor in room 3-E where they also found Chihiro Fujisaki, Fluttershy, and two other girls tied up and gagged. Fandom looked at Reiko, Sans, and Twilight and nodded. The three quickly ran over to the girls and began undoing their restraints while Fandom picked up the reactor and threw it on the ground shattering it. A loud howling echoed throughout the area as the dark clouds covering the sky suddenly dispersed revealing a nice sunset in the distance.

'Mission Accomplished," said Fandom dusting off his hands.

'Thank you for saving us," said Fujisaki.

"No problem," said Fandom. "By the way those two," said Fandom pointing towards the two girls.

Shows her Cute Side!

is Determined!

"We can't thank you enough," said Lillie.

'Don't mention it," said Fandom.

"By the way, your brother was looking for you," said Reiko.

"Is he here?" asked Lillie.

"No but we can take you to him," answered Twilight.

"Hey kid, you should come with us too," said Sans.

"I will," said Frisk.

"Wait you guys didn't mention how you got here," said Fandom.

"Samus's Gunship, it's pretty big despite it's small size," answered Yumina.

"Well then let's go, I'm tired after that battle," said Fandom. The others nodded in agreement. As Fandom and the others were walking towards the gunship, they could see the Battleship Halberd fly past their head as it headed to it's next destination. Lust and Tempest remained in their restraints as they watched Samus's gunship take off.

'Well now what?" asked Tempest.

"Just watch this outta do it," snickered Lust. He wriggled his hands until a small walkie talkie fell out. He hit the power button on the device as a voice spoke up.

"Hello?" asked the voice.

"Eggman those guys are tougher than we thought, they got us good," said Lust.

"Well I suppose it's time to use THAT," said Eggman.

"Yes it's time Eggman," snickered Lust. He grew silent for a moment before giving out an order.

"Begin operation Air Pursuit code name, Meta Ridley,"

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Author's Note:

Chapter 15 complete. Success!Now that Fandom has officially defeated Commander Lust and destroyed the reactor, the anime world has been liberated from the Subspace Empire. And of course here comes the introduction of more new characters. Touya Mochizuki from In a Another World with my Smartphone, Lillie from Pokemon Sun and Moon and Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon, and Frisk from Undertale. Commander Lust is an OC. Now that Fandom and his friend's are heading back, it's time for them to move onto the next world. But it seems like Lust still had some tricks up his sleeve