• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 3,538 Views, 44 Comments

Adagio From State Farm - TheNewYorkBrony

Adagio, with the help of human Twilight, tries to lose her sexy voice so that she can hold a job.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Adagio stared at the outstretched hand as if it was a wild beast, waiting to leap at her as if she were its prey. She studied the younger girl’s expression, to see if she knew exactly what she was doing, and if she was just trying to get a rise out of her.

Did she know?

Was she friends with the Rainbrats?

If she did know them, and if they were her friends, it certainly didn’t show.

So many questions swirled in Adagio’s mind, and her lips pressed into a thin line as she took (Not Princess) Twilight Sparkle’s hand, shaking it limply. “So, what exactly does this job require?”

“Well, besides being able to socialize with the customers,” Twilight started, tapping her chin in thought. “A basic understanding of technology.”

Adagio's eyebrow rose. “Define ‘basic’.”

Twilight blinked. “Uh, you know, basic stuff. Specs and all that,”

Adagio stared at her blankly.

“Specs,” Twilight repeated slowly. “Information about the item you're trying to sell,” she could see Adagio was still clearly not getting it. “Features. Like the camera, the brand, stuff like that. You don't really need to be a computer genius for that,”

Adagio nodded slightly, agreeing. “I suppose not,” she idly twirled a strand of her curly hair, waiting for Twilight to continue.

“Besides having basic social skills and knowledge of the products, there’s really nothing else to it. If you need help with anything you can just ask me.” Twilight told her with a sheepish grin.

Adagio nodded slightly, staring at her. This was the princess’s human counterpart? This is what she was up against? A awkward lanky teen who had obviously never went any further with a boy than holding hands?

Adagio was curious, though she wasn’t exactly sure how much she was willing to risk putting herself out there by asking the younger girl anything about the Rainbooms.

Chances were, given her appearance, she should have already run into all of them at some point, especially since they all worked in the same confined space.

Though there was also a chance she hadn’t, which would mean causing the unsuspecting girl to fall into a world she knew nothing about.

And Adagio was not about to take responsibility for that. “So when exactly do I start?” she asked, taking notice of the slight blush rising to the younger woman’s cheeks.

“Oh! Um, whenever you’d like, honestly. We’re really short staffed and having someone like you here might..bring in customers,” Twilight said, twiddling her fingers.

“Like me?” Adagio blinked slowly. “You mean sultry? Seductive? Sex—”

Pretty.” Twilight stressed the word almost as if it was taking every ounce of her life force to say it. “A lot of the customers are of the Y chromosome, and you...seem to fit their ideal woman.”

Adagio raised a brow. “Sweetie, I may be attractive but I’m no bimbo,”

Twilight’s cheeks flushed even more at that word. “No! No! That’s not what I mean! I just, I think that since you’re more developed than me, and you have what I don’t when it comes to being desirable, I just think it’d be easier for you to sell to male customers than me!”

Adagio began to reply with as smart remark, about how the younger girl had just put her foot even further in her mouth, but an idea struck her.

You have what I don’t when it comes to being desirable.

“Let’s make a deal,” the siren found herself saying before she could even think it through. “I’ll teach you how to be sexy, and you teach me how to be as unappealing as you.”

Twilight was caught off guard by that. “Wha—”

“Don’t get me wrong, you’re not ugly,” Adagio explained, churning her wrist. “Your voice is just really nasally and annoying.”

Twilight blinked, giving Adagio a quizzical look. “I don’t know if I should be insulted or flattered by that,’ she responded flatly. “But why exactly do you want to appear er, unappealing?”

“Have you heard me speak?” Adagio asked, an eyebrow raised. “I sound like I do porn audio for a living,” she pouted. “I'm tired of being fired because of my voice.”

“You get fired for your voice?” Twilight is genuinely confused now; Adagio can’t tell if its out of ignorance or sympathy, but given the sincere look on her face the siren was going to go with the former. “Maybe you should find something suitable for your voice?”

“Are you calling me a harlot, Sparkle?” the siren asked, her tone both amused and slightly offended.

“I—I—No absolutely not!” Twilight sputtered blushing profusely, devolving into a fit of nervous giggle snorts that Adagio almost found cute.


She rolled her eyes with a chuckle. “Relax, sweetheart. It’s called a joke.” Twilight couldn’t even handle a simple joke like that. How was she supposed to handle being sexy? Adagio inwardly sighed. She had a lot of work to do.

“Of course!” Twilight squeaked in response, steam practically fogging up her glasses. “Er, in any case, I’m going to need you to fill out the application form so I can formally hire you,” the nerdy girl hastily shoved a paper into Adagio’s hand, avoiding all eye contact. “If you bring it in tomorrow, you can start immediately...er...”

“Adagio,” Adagio said with a curt smile.

“Adagio,” Twilight repeated, returning it in full.

The siren then perked up at the prospect of starting bright and early. “I suppose I should be on my way then?” she chuckled with a wink. She fought the urge to smirk when she saw Twilight visibly gulp. “Tata for now, boss.” she said, with a brief wave of her fingers.

Adagio heard, “Sweet stars above what have I gotten myself into,” as she rounded the corner towards the exit.

In just one visit to the mall, she had proven Aria and Sonata wrong. She had a job, and she had someone to help her lose the seductive edge to her voice. Well, at least when she was at work. When she was out doing other things, she was sure no one would mind. Then again, she was also pretty sure that some lonely virgin nerd wouldn’t mind creaming his pants over her explaining how the latest laptop worked.

Adagio shook her head to erase the thought, fighting off the wave of disgust about to wash over her. A scenario like that was something she’d deal with when the time came. Right now, she needed to rub her victory in the faces of her two siren sisters.

“Hello girls!” Adagio shouted, sauntering into their teeny apartment, arms full of bottles of what Aria could only assume was an assortment of top shelf liquor.

The good kind.

“What’s the occasion?” Aria snarked, eyes following the older woman as she slumped down in the arm chair beside the couch. “Did you empty your bank account to drown your sorrows?”

Adagio gave her a wry smile. “No, actually, I didn’t,” she responded, opening the bottle of vodka she had brought along to the chair with her. She poured a shot into a glass she had collected on the way, and downed it without a second thought, a warm smile temporarily making its way to her usually curled lips.

She could hear the soft approaching sound of bare feet on the carpet, quick and excited. Sonata came into view with a towel around her head, a juice box in one hand and a phone in the other.

The youngest siren glanced at the assortment of alcohol on the coffee table, then at Adagio, who still had the bottle of vodka clasped in her grip. She turned to Aria, confused. “Do I owe you the money, or?”

Aria shrugged halfheartedly. “Hell if I know. Why don’t you ask the porn star herself,” she responded, reaching for the bottle of whiskey adjacent to the vodka. She grumbled when Adagio smacked her hand away with a condescending frown.

“People who bet against me don’t get celebratory booze,” She informed her, placing the whiskey under the arm chair.

Sonata balked. “How did you—”

Adagio rolled her eyes. “Oh please. I’ve spent many an eternity with you two. Do you honestly think I wouldn’t have known if you both had bet on my failure?”

Aria shrugged again. “It was worth a shot. So I’m guessing by the ‘celebratory booze’ you landed a job?” she asked, using air quotes with her fingers.

The oldest siren huffed proudly. “Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. Though you will not believe what I went through to get it,” she mumbled in mild annoyance. “The Rainbrats pretty much run the place. Everywhere I looked there was a Rainbrat at every corner.”

“Did they see you?” Sonata asked, leaning in close.

“No,” Adagio responded, pushing her away. “Though I did manage to find Princess Twilight Sparkle’s double.”

“Her what?!”

“Dimensions, counterparts, yada-yada,” Adagio responded blandly. “The point is, this Twilight Sparkle doesn’t have magic and she’s nothing more than a blushing school girl.” she smirked, pouring another shot of vodka into her glass.

Aria seemed like she couldn’t care less. “And? So what's the plan?”

“If I can’t get my revenge on the real Twilight, I can settle for her naive little twin.” the devilish laugh that left her lips echoed through her glass as she took a long sip.

Sonata squinted, mouth open in a silent ‘oh’.“See, this is why people think you’re a sexy dominatrix.”

“Shut up, Sonata!”

Author's Note:

I am, so sorry this took so long. A lot has been happening and I'm trying to get back into the routine of writing. Also! I'm looking for some people to watch the spring break cruise special with! I started an eqg server, and it's open to anyone who wants to join. The link is right here! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I promise I'll be back soon with more content! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 8 )

“Are you calling me a harlet, Sparkle?”


So we finally continue, eh? Marvelous.

Worth the wait. This was hilarious.

“Specs,” Twilight repeated slowly. “Information about the item you're trying to sell,” she could see Adagio was still clearly not getting it. “Features. Like the camera, the brand, stuff like that. You don't really need to be a computer genius for that,”

Fair enough.

Twilight’s cheeks flushed even more at that word. “No! No! That’s not what I mean! I just, I think that since you’re more developed than me, and you have what I don’t when it comes to being desirable, I just think it’d be easier for you to sell to male customers than me!”

Well, she's self aware at least.

“Don’t get me wrong, you’re not ugly ,” Adagio explained, churning her wrist. “Your voice is just really nasally and annoying.”

Bit harsh, innit?

“Have you heard me speak?” Adagio asked, an eyebrow raised. “I sound like I do porn audio for a living,” she pouted. “I'm tired of being fired because of my voice.”

I mean, ya kinda do.

Adagio heard, “Sweet stars above what have I gotten myself into,” as she rounded the corner towards the exit.

An interesting story.

Sonata squinted, mouth open in a silent ‘oh’.“See, this is why people think you’re a sexy dominatrix.”

Bit of redundancy there, Nata. Dominatrix kinda implies Sexy due to the nature of the profession.

Very much enjoying this. Thank you.

Doesn't Sci-Twi sometimes bring her dog with her to keep her sane?

Discord link doesn't work. I'm guessing it expired.

Well, I'm hoping this isn't dead. I'd love to see how this ends up.

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