• Published 30th Aug 2018
  • 957 Views, 3 Comments

This Old House - Undyne Devotion

Twilight finds that she is unable to leave her house, as the days pass by she must learn to break the silence or become a victim of it.

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Hunger Games.

I was cried out within a few hours, my face a total mess soaked in tears. Eyes bloodshot while dark black bags were forming under each violet hue, the sun outside was fading fast my room starting to become a dull grey.

I slowly curled into a small ball on my bed, my stomach rumbling loudly as I felt so hungry for a bite to eat. Body becoming weak from not moving, muscles cramping as my mouth felt so dry. I slowly lifted myself to my feet, glasses sliding down the bridge of my nose weakly.

I might not have food here though water was aplenty, I slumped off the bed and weakly made my way downstairs towards the darkening kitchen. Entering inside as my delicate fingers flicked the lightswitch, a dull click overhead and I gasped aloud the light not powering on.

Heart sinking deeply into my chest, this day was getting better all the time. I was swift on my feet, heels clicking the floor in an eerie echo as I swiped up a glass off the counter. Pouring crystalline H2O into the glass, watching with a lick of my lips as it cascaded in small waves behind the cup.

The glass a nice chill temperature while I flicked off the sink, lifting the cool refreshing water to my lips and chugging it down with a sense of enjoyment. The water so crisp and welcoming, the flow of its life giving nourishment ebbing its way across my body.

I lowered the glass away from my lips with a soft sigh, eyes drifting off into a dreamy state as this had to be the best cup of water I ever tasted. Eyes falling to the dimly lit table before me, a small plate of freshly baked cookies atop it with a lovely scent of chocolate chips wafting into the air.

“Cookies?” I gave a weak gasp, rushing over and placing the glass down.

‘To My Bestie! ~ Love,Pinkie.’ A pastel pink card was taped to the plate with care.

“Pinkie was inside?” I spoke in a shocked tone, eyes quickly scanning the room for a point of escape yet finding nothing.

The growing darkness around me was offset by the wonderful aroma of my friends baking, I quickly grabbed a handful of warm gooey sweets before lifting one to my lips with joy.

The bite was like none other, her baking was beyond amazing. The sweet chocolate chips melting into my mouth like butter, eyes rolling back slightly as I let a small moan escape. Taking a second cookie I was quick to gobble it up as well, my lips forming into a sweet smile as I stood in the dark enjoying a treat.

My hand extended for a third as I chewed happily on the second, when suddenly a claw like hand smashed upon the sweets. Cookie crumbs exploded upon the floor wildly as I swallowed a chunk prematurely, the food within my mouth becoming lodged in my throat from fear.

I quickly grabbed for the glass of water with quivering hands, my lungs aching for a sense of air and relief. Chugging the water as quick as possible to dislodge the cursed cookie, eyes only able to watch a sickly thin creature lift out of the darkness and onto the table in horror.

The creature was rail thin with pastel colored violet skin, that was closer to a pale white than anything else. Her frame sunken inward as ribs and bone poked out from under the skin, long withered hair cascading down her backside. Face the most frightening of all, a huge slit open mouth from ear to ear.

Razor sharp teeth lining the jaw of the creature wickedly oozing with foul yellow drool, no eyes to be seen just pale skin covering the top of its face. It towered over me like a mountain, bones creaking disgustingly as it seemed to sit in a spider like position.

“Miiiiiine!” It gave a loud howl into the pitch black kitchen, the cookie within my throat pushing downward as I gave a loud terrified gasp.

“MIIIIINE!” She snapped jaws at me as I screamed at the top of my lungs, dodging the row of teeth and falling to the floor with a thud.

The whole world was pitch black, I could barely see anything in front of me good or bad. I could care less though as I swiftly crawled across the floor, a claw of a hand swiping and missing my hair as I darted for the kitchen exit.

“MMMMMIIIIINNNNEEE…” It would gurgle in pain, stuffing its sickly jaws with the whole plate of cookies gnawing and devouring the glass plate and all.

I was trembling in horror as I dashed upward on my knees, climbing the stairs towards my room missing a few steps on my hands and sliding back down a bit. Gazing behind with another scream of terror, the outline of the monster quickly spider walking up after me snapping large jaws.

I felt like vomiting as I slung to my knees and dashed ahead blindly, the feeling of teeth clamping down on my heels sending a shiver down my spine. I was in pain and fear pouncing ahead like a cat, reaching the top before sliding across the floor wildly.

My body skidding across the wooden base of the floor, as I flung myself into my room and slammed the door shut. Hands barely able to click the lock into place, a huge crash upon the door sending me flying back in pain.

“yOu LeT mE oUt…”

My heart was racing within my chest like a wildfire, body aching as if hit by a speeding truck. Sickly groans echoing behind the door frame, the sound of claws scratching down the door filling my ears.

“wHaT iS tHiS aLl AbOuT?” The sound of a weak body being drug down the hall, eerily filled the silence around me as I could feel a darkness lift from my shoulders.

I merely sat alone in the darkness, my belly aching for something more. Though ignoring it I was able to slide onto my side, curling into a fetal position on my floor as I waited for the grace of light to return.

The warm glow of the camera watching me in the abyss, a crimson blinking of light guiding me slowly to sleep.

Mind full of terror, body becoming weak.