• Published 30th Aug 2018
  • 957 Views, 3 Comments

This Old House - Undyne Devotion

Twilight finds that she is unable to leave her house, as the days pass by she must learn to break the silence or become a victim of it.

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Strength In Kindness.

The outside world was nothing but bleak skies and rolling mist, the sun baking all below in a horrible burning light. I watched as Derpy walked a mutt on a leash, when it slowed down her boot gave it a swift kick to the ribs. Lyra sitting alone on a nearby bench crying, her once close friend nowhere to be seen.

Scorching light bouncing into my eyes with a horrible burn, hands clutching the umbra curtains in annoyance before sliding them shut. The room once more a dark icy oasis, eyes gazing around my room in disgust from the mess before me.

Clothes scattered across the floor haphazardly, the walls smeared with an odd black substance, study table covered in torn paper and a day old plate of food. Even my bed was a mess, the sheets far past their expiration date with a foul stench.

My eyes bloodshot as I gave a quick glance into my vanity, seeing nothing but a ‘Hollow’ mess before me. Trudging downstairs begrudgingly in a huff I made my way into the forsaken kitchen, swinging open the fridge door and taking a single slice of apple for breakfast.

Gnawing on the sour fruit I could hear a sudden knock at the door, walking out of the area and into the living room. The front door smeared with various colored lipsticks, large letters spread across the wooden frame.



Ignoring the nonsense I was quick to gaze into the peephole, delicate pink hair stretched down the young girl's backside as her pale blue eyes watched the door in silence. Her yellow skin was glowing vibrantly, wearing a pair of small blue shorts and an off the shoulder yellow blouse.

“Twilight?, please let me inside.” Fluttershy gave a worried sigh aloud, placing a delicate hand upon the door with a bite to her lower lip.

“I CAN’T!” I gave a loud scream aloud through the empty house, knowing it was futile to even try and communicate.

“I know you think it’s impossible, but you have to open the door...it’s the only way for us to get inside.” Fluttershy slowly turned away her backside sliding down the wooden frame.


“I’m scared too Twilight, but if we stick close then nothing can break us.” Fluttershy gave a soft huff aloud, fighting back tears from cascading down her cheeks.

My mind felt numb as always, yet watching my friend cry for me was causing an odd sense of power to grow within. My hands clutched the knob tightly as I gave it a strong firm twist, the door refusing to budge as I bit down on my lip roughly.

“Open the door.”

“I’m trying…" I gave a loud yelp in pain, hand feeling strained as I continued to place pressure on the knob strength being drained from my body.

“I believe in you!” Fluttershy held back tears,placing a cheek upon the door softly.

I gave a loud scream in pain, hand starting to bleed from twisting the knob. Face a bright red as I felt flushed of power, my heart racing in my chest as the door seemed to be moving outward barely.

“ThE gIrL lIfTeD tHe SuN fOr A wHiLe…”

I could feel a shiver run down my backside in sheer terror, eyes slowly gazing behind me in silence. Crawling on it’s backside like a spider out of the kitchen, ‘The Pale One’ drug itself into the open gurgling sickly.

“HoLdInG iT sHe WaLkEd MaNy A mIlE…”

I could feel tears running down my own cheeks as my heart was shattering into pieces, the room growing so cold as I pulled with all my might needing to escape now while the door was moving.

“CrUsHiNg HeR sHe CoUld NeVeR fOrCe A sMiLe…”

The monster was now at my backside, bones cracking and snapping into place as it lifted upward to its feet. My whole body shivering in place, a sickly icy hand extending towards my shoulder.

“UnTiL sHe WaS dEaD iNsIdE rEaDy To JoIn ThE pIlE!”

Her hand was ready to clutch down on my shoulder, those oozing jaws ready to strike down and devour me whole. I gave a loud scream and let loose the knob, pouncing out of the way swiftly as a clawed hand slashed a gash down the door.

“...” It turned a blind face towards me, mouth stretching wider and wider as drool splashed down to the floor with a horrible foul stench.

“What do you want!?” I screamed crawling on my hands backwards towards the stairs.

The head of the monster snapping into my direction with a loud pop, the whole body of the creature freezing in place.

“Stay a while, join the pile.” This creature spoke clearly in my voice sweetly.

Within a flash its back arching backwards in a complete ‘U’ shape, returning to a spider like form before dashing at me with snapping jaws wildly. I gave a scream as it seemed to phase towards me at impossible speeds, I tried to lift up to my feet and dash upstairs only to be tripped with ease.

I felt frozen in place as this monster pounced onto me, bony hands clutching onto my throat and choking me roughly. I was gasping for air being pinned to the floor like a child, the beast wickedly shaking me as if I were a doll.

The world was spinning out of control, my vision was failng fast as my eyes rolled into the back of my head. Glancing to my side in horror spotting a ‘Hollow’ girl in the hallway, lifting a slender finger over her lips.


Was the last thing I heard, the world fading to black.

Everything going silent.

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