• Member Since 26th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen April 14th


I am a brony. I like warhammer. I play vidya games. I read frequently. Guess what? I also hate talking about myself.

Comments ( 112 )

Before I relaxed my stance I saw nothing but the rainbow. I sighed as I felt myself freeze in place. At least I was in a kick-ass pose. The stone cracked into place around me, and the apologetic face of Celestia appeared in front of me. She raised a hoof to my beak. "Although we doubt it is worth much to thou. We are sorry." If I had the ability, I would have spit on her. Instead, I silently grumbled my fate. Damn betrayal cliches.

You're right, its not worth much... but at least you hade the decency to petrify him in a "kick-ass" pose :twilightsmile:

The unicorn looked up to me. "So now I'm stuck. Celestia put her hoof down on me researching ways to ascend. She even barred me from the Royal Archives to stop me.

I want to know why Celestia decided to do this at some point :trixieshiftright:

"Though I may be biased, I believe you should approach this problem directly. Talk to Celestia about your doubts, and tell her you demand an actual reason.

Oh hey, the sensible option... neat :moustache:

Don't worry Sunset, if it goes wrong just remember these very important words.

can't make out the word ( death to all traitors) lol

Huh. A SI-turned Adeptus Astartes dumped into Equestria and later betrayed by Celestia...? Interesting premise. I'm curious as to whether he'll do the smart thing and just leave, or the Warhammer thing and escalate. I mean he doesn't have access to warpcraft by his own words, yet as someone who's made custom-chapter space marine armor cosplay before and been to conventions filled with the same, you don't go as a run-of-the-mill battle brother usually. I've gone as a Librarian, a Chapter Master, once went as Kaldor Draigo complete with three friends in identical costume for a "split psyche," and more. I went as the TTS-verse Custodes fully supplied with a pre-made list of borderline-homosexual innuendo to insert into conversations awkwardly. I even cosplayed as the emperor himself one time, complete with flaming halo and sword (neon lights custom made and tinted to be safe to look at). When you're going to have a fantasy like that, go big or go home. So, that said I'm fully expecting him to be a blank and immune to any magic besides conceptual-elements-of-harmony BS, a primarch of the 2nd or 21st legion, a perpetual, or otherwise gamebreaking in the W40k universe. Why? Because he's in the MLP universe and Celestia is against him. That tends to end with getting the sun shoved somewhere uncomfortable (or more likely being teleported way into the north as a "kinder" form of execution), because for all the good-over-evil vibes, for the average being MLP is a deathworld.

I like this idea, I will be eagerly awaiting the next installment.

She looked on the verge of tears and hiccuped. It seems that whatever talk she shared with Celestia went poorly. I crouched low and scooped her up in a big armored hug. She sobbed a little. "M-M-Mo-" She cut herself off, taking a few sobbing breaths as I lightly patted her on the back. "Princess Celestia said I was being foalish. She said that if I kept trying to research it I'd get banished! What'd I do to make her so mad at me?!?"

Damnit Celly :ajsleepy:

Space marine could not speak holy binary code of Omnnisiah it can only be spoken by thous from priesthood and tech marines because they have studied at mars the ways of the machine. And what your prayer should have been would be "Hymnal of engine commencement" switch is
"The machine is my temple, each one a sacred shrine, I name each piston blessed, and every gear divine."
or The litany of engine invocation "Thus do we invoke the master of all knowledge. Shed your power upon this machine. Invest this device with your holy charge."
Or Chant of consecration of a new machine " Oh great vessel of Honour, May your servo-motors be guarded against malfunction, As your spirit is guarded from impurity. We beseech the machine god to watch over you ,Let flow the sacred oils, And let not the sorrows of the seven perplexities trouble thine pistons. Let flow the blessed unguents and may thine circuitry remain divinely blessed,

I know this, but rule of cool. 'Sides I want my dude to erupt in screeching when angry later.

Most important is to remember that faith as real effects in 40k and probably MLP given the magic everywhere.

MLP isn’t nearly as dangerous as what 40k would call a Death World. All the ones in the lore are fascinating simply because it’s hard to imagine how life still exists on those planets. MLP world isn’t like that. There are some flora and fauna cavemen would require teamwork to defeat (if they were too stupid to avoid) but that isn’t a big deal.

Celestia is never portrayed as being anything even resembling that powerful (the teleporting thing, the sun thing I know was a figure of speech thing). In fact, from what we see we only know light is being moved over Equestria. We do not know if the celestial bodies are moving with it, if it affects other countries if it is just light.

You have my attention. It will be kept so long as he is not a pussy towards bitchlestia. She has worn off any good will from him and her life depends on whether or not he accepts her reasoning for betraying him.

If her reasoning is “you’re too dangerous” or “just in case” or anything else like that, kill her. It would certainly make the fic more challenging, which isn’t a bad thing.

Her world and experience with powerful beings is not something which would lead her to a just in case mentality. The Imperium likely would but only because not doing so almost always results in destroyed worlds or worse, so they have honestly good reason. Celestia does not.

Will he get pay back against Luna as well?

I raised it above my head and let my voice ring out with pure faith. "DENY THE WITCH!" The glow of her horn was swallowed by a brighter, and more pronounce golden glow, swallowing her spell with my faith

Wait is your character a soulless blank? Because that is incredibly rare gifts even more than being a psyker in 40k.

It's more a straight power from the more. With great faith in the emperor one can counter various spells. Its rarely mentioned in fluff, but present in cry character for some chapters. Black Templars cone to mind.

okei mm i have never heard of faithfull casting spells unless they are psykers. But it does not mean that there is something because emperors champions have vision of their future for example how they die just like stated in "shadowsword" book and in audio drama "taker of heads" Scouts from mortifactors go to this drugs state after inhaling fumes from fire, where he sees his brothers bathing in golden light and he himself bathed in darkness. But actual spells no i have not heard, if you have reference of this then tell me the books name sou i can take a look.

What I can think of off the top of my head is the rulebook for deathwarch. Though I believe the black templar codec mentions it as well.

Oh, and it's not a spell. More of a 'miracle of faith' like what priests can do in the fluff

I was about to answer when a soft thud came from behind me. I heard a soft voice from behind me speaking a phrase I felt a deep emotional bond wit. "GODDAMNIT TRADER! I WAS TAKING A NAP!"

Where does the Trader come from, i have seen her in two other stories and i am curious where she first appeared ? :applejackunsure:

I first saw her in a story called Skull, the CurseBringer. I really enjoyed it and spun her in my own way, but heres a link. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/403406/skull-the-cursebringer And yes, I did use her to do a similar use to them.

Author's Note:

I lost a finger. Last two chapter were written on hella painkillers. I am both proud and horrified at this fact.

... excuse me, WHAT?!

*inhales and exhales deeply, calming down*

... if you do not mind me asking, how'd you manage that little... mishap?

Ah... I see... my dad works with a lot of heavy machinery as well, so I understand how that could've happened, probably one of those moments where it made you feel dumb, right?

Eh, more clumsy than dumb. Just popped of a fair bit of finger that they couldn't reattach

Why does this "just" have a Sunset Shimmer tag?

Because most are going to be sorta there. I'm about to add a Shining Armor tag since he will be recurring, but I hate when stories have five million character tags for each appearance.

We walked the halls for a short time, as I took in every little detail of the room. I paused as I realized I was already deciding which way to go in case of an attack, and which routes would be good for a quick withdrawal. I sighed as I felt the lack of weight at my hip and back. I really did need some sort of security blanket, something to calm down my growing paranoia.

How about a good and sturdy cane ? :moustache:

i'm fairly sure that buying firearms need waiting period and background checks, switch he has not. I don't know how it is in america that there is more guns shops than fast food restaurants but it cant be that easy to buy a gun.

As a firearm owner, I can say that it is. It's offset by the fact that using a gun purchased legally for any crime is pretty much signing your name in big letters. I worked as a cop for a while, and theres a reason almost every crime is done with stolen or illegal weapons, a legally purchased firearm is easier to trace than a fingerprint. And it takes about fifteen minutes if you have any skill with paperwork.

maybe its just cultural differences, because i'm from finland and my opinion is that civilian should not have weapons. Here to get a weapons you would need to go long process, first would need to go police station to fill papers to request a license for a weapon, then they would look your medical and criminal records. If you have any crimes in your records it would be instant denial. Then they would interrogate a reason for owning a gun and fill set of questions. Then you would have set of time to get this weapon, usually in a year. Take it to police station for another set of papers, and only then you could actually have it. Even then only weapons you would get would be hunting weapons and pistols but anything bigger no.
My granddad has multiple low caliber weapons, mostly .22:s

Yeah, I find that stupid. You might not have the occasional bear wander into your yard when the nearest policeman is half an hour away, or the possibility of a break in while there's a power outage. But I believe one should always have the capability to defend themselves. I was raised in the boonies and still live in a small town. And in that environment, if someone decides to mug you the police won't make it in time. A gun is a great equalizer. If a ninety-year-old grandma can fight off Billy Badass, I'm all for it. Plus it helps with my paranoia. I keep a pistol on me when I go out, and there something comforting in having a tool on you that you know can save your life if it all goes to pot. Also, the right to weaponry is a right. You can lose it if you mess up, but if you haven't messed up as long as it's not a minor wmd, who cares. Anyone with two IQ points and access to a hardware store can make explosives. My dumb butt made homemade thermite when I needed to get through an old chain lock. (BTW do not do this, it burned the whole chest) and that was with an MRE, some styrofoam, and a gallon of gas. Well, a few more additives, but I'm not making a how to guide. Find the anarchists cookbook for that.

I guess what I'm saying is guns are a tool. One that can kill, but so can a chainsaw. They're made to kill, but they're by far the least dangerous thing that civilians can get. I mean, a car is multiple tons of blunt force trauma that could turn a socce3r game into a mass grave when it let out. Once I realized that I didn't really care. People suck, cutting out one way to kill won't help, just make people get creative.

I apologize, that sounded ruder than I meant it. I meant rationing guns in a country filled with danger is stupid, not you. Mostly because I ain't gonna try to swordfight a black bear. That's how I plan to die, not how I plan to live.

no no its fine, like i said cultural differences

Y'know, just once I'd like to see the MC of a Displaced story silence someone trying to explain the rules of the Displaced stories with "Don't care: not important. Now go away".

The girls nodded and began to run off to the their various vehicles. Rainbow looked like she was about to say something, but a text on her phone distracted her. "Ah crap, I totally forgot to grab my stuff from the dojo the other day." She began running, waving to Twilight as she ran off. "Stay safe pony-girl. I'll be at the sleep-over."

She is definetly Learning from Marx :moustache:

Ssshhhh, keep thine thought to thy self heathen.

But yeah, I'm literally mentioning it in the next chapter so no huge spoilers.

SCP Foundation, you just royally fucked up and I will be enjoying watching you all burn in hell. :pinkiecrazy:

The man nodded before ending his call without another word. "That's what I'm worried about." He looked to the covered windows to Subject 2's room. "I have a bad feeling about that man. I feel like we're poking a bear that we should have let lie."

That's because you are :moustache:


Huh. A SI-turned Adeptus Astartes dumped into Equestria and later betrayed by Celestia...?

That is literally the plot of every Displaced story.

These are not mutually exclusive points lol...

This was wonderful. and it gets even better when one remembers that this guy is an astartes, and is thus a huge bear of a man. Huge as in, "had to get a custom-sized chair because nothing else is comfortable." The contrast is lovely to think about.

So this big, scar-riddled space marine, and Sunset Shimmer. Just sitting, enjoying A New Hope, and making plans for the future. He's somehow wound up being a pretty decent father. I wonder if he's realized that yet.

I wonder what else the SCP foundation is going to do. All I know is that this is going to end badly. For who? I dunno.
I also think we need to see more Sunset, because I want to know why she tried to 'invade' in the first place, other than thinking it will help her ascend.

He just said he'd watch after Sunset, and then instantly ran after a weak lead.

Damn, that's one good story. Can't wait for more

Not abandoned, just moved to backburner because this and two other series are written by me and a friend. He's been busy so it's been slow.

it's not a spell or an ability that a psyker would have. Faith LITERALLY influences reality in WH40K canon. If an individual has enough faith in something, they can cause miracles, and if a GROUP of individuals believe in something enough, they can make it happen. It's how Ork weaponry works, as well as why vehicles painted red go faster.

which finger was it, and how much was lost?

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