• Published 15th Sep 2018
  • 2,089 Views, 87 Comments

A Second Chance - Meteorite Shower

A forgotten OC is confronted by her author, and is faced with having to interact with her crush.

  • ...

Chapter 10

"Ah still don't get why ya insisted on paying for the full treatment. Yer know Ah don't care for anythin' more than the basic whatfor."

Rarity kept silent during Applejack's protest as they walked down the hallway of the spa towards their assigned room. When there was a break, Rarity calmly responded with a smile.

"I understand, Applejack, but can I not simply wish to treat one of my very dear friends out of the goodness of my heart?" She looked back towards her friend, "I'm sure you yourself have done similar, hm?"

Applejack looked up in thought. "Well… Ah guess yer right there," she smiled, "Alright Rarity, Ah reckon getting a fancy fussin' won't hurt, as long as it ain't a regular thing."

Rarity laughed politely. "As you wish, Applejack."

Applejack sighed contently as she lounged in the steam room, wrapped in a robe and towels. "Gotta admit Rares, sometimes it feels nice to just sit back an' relax."

Rarity nodded. "Busy week?"

"No more than usual," Applejack said with a grin, "though now Spring is on its way we gotta make sure the trees are ready to start growin' apples again." A few moments later, she sat up slightly. "How's about yer work, though? Did Meteorite help ya out?"

Rarity blinked, taken aback slightly by the turn in the conversation. "A-Ah, yes! Yes, she was quite fantastic! Very lovely mare!"

Applejack chuckled. "Good t' hear. To be honest, Ah weren't sure she'd be much use to ya, but she sure did come back with the biggest smile Ah'd seen on her in a long time!"

Rarity smiled, and felt warmth start to spread through her chest, which she quickly realized she couldn't entirely blame it on the steam. She looked downwards with a slight frown, biting her lip in thought.

"Applejack," Rarity began carefully, "you've known Meteorite a lot longer than I have. What's… your opinion on her? What is she like?"

Applejack furrowed her brow as she sat upright. "What she's like? How come yer askin'?"

Rarity cleared her throat. "I just… found her interesting. I simply wish to know more about her, that's all."

Applejack conceded with a nod. "Heh, she can be full of surprises, sometimes, Ah'll give ya that."

"How do you mean?"

"Well…" Applejack said, a tinge of guilt in her voice, "If Ah'm honest, Ah didn't exactly expect her to stay on as long as she has. Ah mean, she's eager, fer sure! But… it's clear farmin' ain't exactly her kind of work."

Rarity thought back to her lunch date the other day. "Well… maybe she just feels loyal to you?"

Applejack crossed her forelegs, resting her chin on a hoof as she thought. "Yeah…" she said finally, with a smile, "Yeah, Ah can see that. She is pretty trustworthy when it counts."

Rarity smiled to herself, satisfied she had defended Meteorite's honor. "Besides, surely her talents as a pegasus came more into use?"

Applejack suddenly broke into a hearty laugh. Rarity frowned in confusion. "What? Did I say something funny?"

Applejack wiped away a tear. "Ohh, Ah'm sorry, Rare. It's just that… well… Ah don't mean to gossip, but Ah suppose there's no harm now in sayin'…" She leaned in, her voice low, "but when me an' her first met, she didn't even know how t' fly."

"But…" Rarity stared back at Applejack, stunned, "she's a-"

"Ah know, Ah know," Applejack said, waving a hoof dismissively, "but it is what it was. Poor filly couldn't even budge a feather at the time. Still, she took it well enough Ah suppose. Was like she lived her whole life without thinkin' herself as a pegasus."

That's because she hadn't. Rarity looked away from Applejack, staring across the room at nothing in particular as the thoughts in her mind churned together. She must've… Oh goodness, she must've been so completely lost about herself, or what to do or where to go.

"Though Ah'll tell ya one more thing," Applejack continued quietly, "she'll never admit it, but when Twilight got her wings an' was flyin' around herself, ya could tell Meteorite was plumb mad about the whole thing. Ya couldn't help but feel for her."

Rarity glanced back at Applejack. "Hm, yes… I suppose her pride must've been dealt quite the blow…" Rarity rested her head on her hoof. "But isn't she flying now? I could've sworn I saw her fly a few times. Or, at the very least she's able to move her wings."

Applejack nodded. "Yeah, that's the weird part. Y'all remember Tirek? Well it seems after we defeated him, and all the magic got returned t' everypony, apparently Meteorite came to just knowin' how to move her wings. Twi said that the pegasus magic most likely kicked some parts of her brain back into gear or somethin'."

"Hmm…" Rarity mused thoughtfully, "so, she just knew how to fly all of a sudden?"

"Nah. Could barely move her wings, but the fact she could move 'em was such a big deal t' her," Applejack grinned, "she was hoppin' around like a filly that just got her cutie mark."

Rarity couldn't help but smile at the thought. "Well I dare say it might as well have been the case by the sounds of it." Rarity paused for a moment. "Although, it must've been rough, learning to fly at that age."

Applejack shrugged. "Wouldn't know. Ya'd have t' ask Fluttershy about that."

There was a heavy silence.


"Oh yes, I know Meteorite," Fluttershy said kindly, as she poured tea into Rarity's cup. She moved over to the sugar bowl, "Um, one lump or two?"

"One please, darling," Rarity said, as she sat on the couch, glancing at the many animals that inhabited Fluttershy's cottage. They were all keeping to themselves, so Rarity turned her attention back the now offered cup of tea. "Thank you, Fluttershy," she said, taking it and taking a sip, "So, Applejack tells me you were helping Meteorite learn to fly?"

Fluttershy shrank slightly behind her mane. "Well um, no, not exactly, I mean, yes?"

Rarity sighed internally. "From the top, darling."

Fluttershy sat down on her chair, with her own tea in her hooves. "Well, you see," she said softly, "I was mostly helping her with wing exercises. Helping her get used to moving them," she lowered her voice to a conspiratorial tone, "did you know she hadn't moved her wings her whole life?"

"Yes, it may have come up before," Rarity responded in a blasé manner. "So, that's all? Wing exercises?"

Fluttershy nodded, though looked down slightly. "She would come by every week for them. But, as she got used to moving her wings and even fly a little, she stopped visiting as often…" Fluttershy paused, contemplative for a moment before looking back up with a small smile, "Though she does still visit every now and then for scheduled appointments, but we mostly just sit and catch up with each other."

"Well, that's nice," Rarity said with a smile, sipping her tea, "so you know each other then?"

Fluttershy nodded.

"I must admit, I'm curious as to what you think of her. I've just met her recently, and I'm not sure what to make of her just yet."

Fluttershy looked at Rarity sympathetically. "Give her some time, Rarity. When we first met, she was almost as shy as I was, if you can believe that!" she tittered softly.

Actually, I think I can… Rarity thought to herself.

"But she is very nice, and mindful of others. She's always been very polite towards me, even when she's upset."

"Upset?" Rarity asked, surprised.

Fluttershy looked around the cottage carefully before leaning in, motioning Rarity to do the same, and then very quietly speaking.

"I don't think her and Angel get along very well."

Rarity made the decision to remain blank-faced. "Ah."

"I just don't understand…" Fluttershy said, sad with confusion.

"Well… everypony has their faults," Rarity said diplomatically.

Fluttershy nodded forlornly. "I suppose so…"

Rarity sipped her tea thoughtfully. "Still, it sounds like you two are good friends."

Fluttershy's face lit up. "You really think so?"

"Absolutely, darling! It certainly sounds like it, plus you helped her out, and I'm sure she's very appreciative of it."

Fluttershy considered this, and beamed. "Yes, I think you're right."

"Though…" Rarity murmured after a moment's thought, "I'm still not quite sure why she came to you for wing exercises. No offense, of course darling, but surely the hospital would've have ponies trained for such things?"

Fluttershy nodded in agreement. "Oh yes, but for some reason Meteorite had refused to see them."

Rarity arched an eyebrow. "She did?"

"Yes, apparently she was very against going to the hospital, saying they'd want to know her medical history and it wasn't worth the hassle going through it 'just for nothing', as she said."

Rarity pondered this. Hm… I guess that makes sense. It would have been difficult to explain a 'lack of history'. Still… that doesn't explain… Rarity looked up at Fluttershy. "But then why did she come see you?"

"Oh, it was Rainbow's idea."


"Meteorite?" Rainbow Dash questioned, "Who's that? Some new student?"

Rarity, in her school teacher attire, rolled her eyes as Rainbow hovered above. Rainbow looked up and down their current corridor of the School of Friendship, looking for this new student in the passing sea of creatures. Rarity sighed.

"Rainbow darling, no. She's somepony you apparently knew a few years back?"

Rainbow stared blankly at Rarity, shrugging.

"She's a pegasus? Purple and red?" Rarity prompted, to no avail. "She couldn't fly?"

A flash of recognition passed Rainbow's face. "…Scootaloo?"

Rarity gasped. "Rainbow Dash!"

"Though I'd say she's more orange than red…"

Rarity stamped her hoof angrily. "Rainbow Dash!!"

Rainbow's face broke into a grin. "Alright alright, calm down. I'm just kidding."

However Rarity wasn't letting this go. "Rainbow," she hissed, "what if Scootaloo heard you say that about her? She'd be crushed!"

Rainbow cringed slightly as she hovered down to land, a little ashamed. "Yeah alright… sorry. I wasn't thinking."

"Hmph. I certainly hope not!"

"Geez Rarity, I said I was sorry!" Rainbow rubbed her neck, feeling awkward. "Anyway, I know who you're talking about now. What about her?"

Rarity cleared her throat, and adjusted her glasses. "Well, truth be told, I was just curious how you knew her." She glared at Rainbow. "Though it would appear she didn't stand out too much in your mind to remember."

"Hey come on now!" Rainbow cried, "You're being unfair! I meet lots of ponies. So I don't remember them all by name, big deal." Rainbow stood up on her hind legs, her wings flared out to balance, and crossed her forelegs. "Besides, it's not like we hung out or anything."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "So how do you know her, then?"

Rainbow shrugged. "I don't, really. I think the first time I saw her, I was flying over Sweet Apple Acres, and I saw her trying to do some applebucking. And I was like, whaaa? Why is she doing it the hard way?"

"And that's when you found out she couldn't fly," Rarity guessed.

"Yup," Rainbow tapped her chin with her hoof, "I remember trying to get her to at least try to do something about it, because get this, she hadn't even bothered trying to fly her whole life! Like, that's crazy! Even Fluttershy learned to, and she's scared of heights!"

"Yes. That is weird," Rarity said almost monotonous, averting her gaze. For somepony trying to hide her past, she sure has let this one fact slip by…

"She was super weird about it as well, now that I think about it," Rainbow recalled, "Like, she wouldn't go see any kind of doctor about it either."

"So, what happened?"

Rainbow frowned in thought, before her face lit up with a smirk. "Oh that's right! I was pretty frustrated so I just said, 'Ugh fine! Why don't you just go see Fluttershy, then! She helps birds with broken wings!'" Rainbow shrugged. "As it turns out, she was okay with that. Go figure, huh."

"Rainbow," Rarity said levelly, "I would imagine even you would know there's a difference between the wings of a bird and a pegasus."

"Hey, I wasn't exactly serious about it," Rainbow protested, "…mostly, anyway."

Rarity placed her hoof on her chin, in thought. "So, is that all you know about her?"

"Pretty much. I mean, we talked a few times after that, but like I said, we never hung out. She seemed kinda cool though I guess." Rainbow glanced at Rarity. "Why'd you wanna know, anyway?"

"Oh, I'm just curious," Rarity said calmly, "I wanted to know what she's like."

Rainbow frowned. "Why don't you just ask Pinkie?"

"Do I know her?!" Pinkie said excitedly from behind the counter at Sugarcube Corner, practically bouncing over it, "Of course I do! She's been coming into Sugarcube Corner every week for years!"

"Really?" Rarity said with an air of surprise, "I had no idea she was such a frequent patron."

"Yuh-uh! A coffee and a muffin every time! Sometimes she'll try something new I've just baked as well!" Pinkie paused momentarily, thinking. "Although she didn't particularly like my line of spicy pepper muffins… In fact, nopony did… Huh. Oh well!"

Rarity did her best to refrain from showing her distaste at the idea, and forced a smile. "Oh, that's a shame, darling…" Rarity cleared her throat, "So, how close would you say you and Meteorite are?"

Pinkie thought hard, with a serious expression on her face. "I'd say… not close at all! In fact, I have no idea where she is right now!" Pinkie froze with a tiny gasp, "Is she right behind me?" She spun around to face nothing, and quickly became disappointed. "Aw."

Rarity laughed lightly. "No Pinkie, I mean, how well would you say you know her?"

Pinkie turned back to face Rarity, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "Hmm… pretty well. I know she likes apples, and reading, and muffins, and-"

"Pinkie," Rarity interrupted forcibly, "that's nice, but I meant personality-wise."

"Oh!" Pinkie exclaimed in surprise, before giggling with a snort, "well, why didn't you say so?"

Rarity opened her mouth to retort, but decided this was a battle not worth fighting.

"She's pretty fun to be around," Pinkie began, grinning, "and she always laughs at my jokes, even the ones she pretends to groan and roll her eyes at! Sometimes she'll even joke around back!"

Rarity considered this. "Hm. I must admit, she hasn't really come across like that from what I've seen of her."

Pinkie shook her head. "Oh no no no! She's all super quiet at first, like she doesn't really talk with anypony unless they talk to her first, you know, like Fluttershy!"

Rarity nodded. "Ah yes, that's more like it." Come to think of it, Fluttershy said the same thing herself…

Pinkie bounced past Rarity. "But! Once she gets to know you better, then she starts being more fun!" Pinkie bounced back past Rarity on the other side of her, coming to a stop. "Although sometimes she's all," Pinkie suddenly mussed her mane up into a perfect replica of Meteorite's, and hopped into a chair at a nearby table, "'Pinkie,'" she mimicked, slightly lowering her voice, "'not now, I just wanna be by myself right now, 'kay?'" Pinkie paused, and shook her mane back into its standard poofiness, and shrugged. "I mean, I don't get it, but if she likes sitting and being quiet, sure I guess! She's really good at it though, so I suppose she has to like it!"

Rarity frowned briefly with concern. "Yes… that must be it…"

Pinkie tilted her head slightly, thinking. "Well, either that, or she really misses having a book to read!"

"A… book, darling?"

Yeah!" Pinkie said excitedly. "She always had a book from Twilight's library to read while she had her muffin!" Pinkie frowned slightly. "Then she stopped having a book, riiiiight around the time Twilight got her amazing castle, which is weird, because she still loved reading but she just never had any more of Twilight's books?" Pinkie shrugged, mildly confused. Rarity just frowned.

Yes, of course she also knew Twilight. Did she just end up becoming friends with the whole town before even meeting me at all? Am I going to find out she also became friends with Starlight before me as well?

"Meteorite?" Starlight Glimmer repeated, before shrugging. "Sorry, don't know who that is."

Rarity exhaled a sigh of relief. She had originally gone to Twilight's castle to find… well, Twilight, but neither she nor Spike seemed to be about. Instead, she found Starlight Glimmer talking with her friend Trixie. Rarity had intended to not bother giving in to her earlier curiosity, but Starlight had seen her and greeted her.

"Well, alright. Truthfully, I didn't think you did but was just wondering." Rarity adjusted her mane, satisfied, before fixing Starlight with a side glance. "Just to be sure; purple pegasus? Has a red mane that desperately needs to be tamed?"

Starlight smiled apologetically. "Sorry, doesn't ring a bell."

Rarity smiled as she nodded. "No, it's quite alright! As I said, I-"

"Wait," the previously bored Trixie suddenly interrupted, "this pony you're talking about. Does she also have a cutie mark of a large rock?"

Oh no, not Trixie… "It's a meteor, darling, like her name?" Rarity chastised, her heart already sinking.

"Whatever," Trixie dismissed, "Trixie believes she has met this pony. She is one of Trixie's fans," Trixie said smugly.

Rarity stared at Trixie, gobsmacked. She shook her head clear, before narrowing her eyes. "I don't believe you."

Trixie lifted her head, smirking. "Well, that's just too bad on your part, now isn't it? But Trixie now remembers this, this…" She twirled a hoof, trying to jog her memory.

"Meteorite," Rarity deadpanned, glaring.

"This Meteorite," Trixie continued, not acknowledging Rarity's help, "and Trixie recalls her coming up to her a while back after a show, asking for an autograph." Trixie closed her eyes, very modestly, "The Great and Powerful Trixie was only too happy to oblige. I even gave her a discount."

"You sold her an autograph?" Rarity fumed.

Trixie opened an eye to look at Rarity. "Uh, yeah? It's not all ticket sales, you know." Trixie opened her other eye, mildly confused. "Why do you even care? It's not like I forced her or anything. She didn't even complain!"

"Yeah…" Starlight said, looking between Rarity and Trixie, "I must admit I'm not seeing the issue either."

"W-W… Well!" Rarity started, flustered, "I-It's just that- uh… well, Meteorite just…" Rarity stamped her hoof. "I just don't believe she's a fan!"

"Rude," Trixie sniffed. "But why not? Trixie is very good at what she does. It's only natural some ponies see the raw talent that Trixie displays." Fortunately, Trixie did not see Starlight roll her eyes slightly, and carried on. "Anyway, why don't you ask your friend yourself? Maybe then you'll finally understand my greatness when she tells you truly how great Trixie truly is!"

"All I understand is that you're nothing but a-"

"Alright, alright! Calm down you two!" Starlight shouted, putting herself in-between. She first turned to Trixie, "Trixie, what did I say about antagonizing our friends?"

Trixie rolled her eyes, sighing. "That I 'shouldn't provoke other ponies when it's not necessary'," she said, bored.


"And 'I'm sorry that I've done it again this time'."

Starlight nodded, before turning to Rarity.

"Rarity, what's the problem, really?" Starlight said, concerned, "Why is it a big deal that your friend likes Trixie? I like Trixie. Do you have a problem with that?"

Rarity shuffled slightly, looking down ashamed. "No, of course not darling. I… I'm not sure why I reacted the way I did. You're absolutely right." Rarity raised her head to face Trixie. "Trixie, I apologize. I should not have said that somepony should not be your fan. You are indeed talented at what you do."

Trixie smirked until she spotted Starlight glaring at her. "Oh, uh, Trixie accepts your apology. Trixie supposes it wasn't your fault."

"So, we're all good now?" Starlight asked, looking between both her friends. Rarity nodded, while Trixie looked a little pre-occupied suddenly. "Trixie?" Starlight prompted.

"Oh! Uh yeah, sure…" Trixie muttered.

"What's wrong?" Starlight asked.

Trixie frowned slightly. "I… Trixie was just reminded of something this Meteorite had said to her before leaving."

Rarity hesitated before speaking. "What was it?"

"She said… 'It wasn't your fault'. She wouldn't tell me what though. I at first thought something had gone wrong during the show, but no, it was perfect," she smirked slightly, "as always."

"Huh," Starlight mused, "wonder what she meant by that?"

Rarity walked home in silence, mentally going through everything she had learned about Meteorite. What had started out as a simple enquiry with one of her friends became a chase all over Ponyville, led by none other than overwhelming curiosity.

And it had seemed Meteorite had been all over the town herself in the past, except for wherever Rarity had been at the time. Though, Rarity supposed, it might not be as it seems, especially if any prior interactions they had were… rewritten. In fact, Rarity was now convinced that was the case, and to her surprise, mild as it were, she felt… angry about it? She shook her head, sighing.

Still, no use fretting over lost time. They would eventually have the opportunity to make up for it.

Rarity would make sure they did.