• Published 22nd Sep 2018
  • 3,597 Views, 360 Comments

Ponies in Hogwarts [Edited] - KittyrinnAiko

A pony stranded in the past must go to another dimension and learn the ways of wizards before she can return to her own time.

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Chapter 38: Arriving in Canterlot

It hadn’t taken too long for the tangle of ponies to untangle themselves, although, Nova was curious as to why Moonie hadn’t simply dematerialized and reformed herself. She was also looking oddly younger, but Nova had decided it best not to worry about it, and help Hermione figure out how to walk as a pony.

Progress out of the mirror room was slow as it was necessary to wait while Hermione figured out how to horse. Nor were they surprised to find that it was in a heavily guarded area deep within the mountain itself. And not just Princess Celestia’s personal guard, but guards who wore a stone gray uniform.

During their progress Harry pronked about babbling on about all the things he’d seen, occasionally spreading his wings to glide while Hermione did her best to keep up with the slow pace. She'd also gasped the first time Harry had spread his wings. Harry was rail-thin but seemed in good spirits if not the ideal of helth. He also mentioned that Hedwig was presently in the Castle infirmary but was going to get better. It was all proving a lot to keep up with especially with Harry pronking about.

“Lilly’s husband is the Elk ambassador.” Princess Celestia offered to a series of questions from Hermione that bordered on impertinent. “When Harry came through the portal he became an elk, a very special type mind you, but as such, I needed to contact the Elk ambassador to avoid any potential misunderstandings.”

“Hermione, this is a whole new dimension, a near parallel world. Save for the obvious differences.” Nova offered and then shifted her focus to Harry. “Harry, why are you so sure this Potter family are the equivalents of yours?”

“Aside from the fact that they have nearly identical names and live in a place called Godric’s Hollow just as my parents did,” Harry offered with a big smile on his face. “Their sun Airry, is my twin. - he and Dad are Peryton the same as me. We’re like the pegasus version of a deer.”

“Seriously?” Nova asked. “A pegasus version and the Lady Lilly must surely be a princess among her type? Not that I have anything against pegasi having started out as one myself.”

Hermione gave Nova a dirty look. She seemed like she wasn’t too sure what Nova meant by her comment. True she was of dark complexion, which seemed to be an issue among humans. It wasn’t like there was any sort of biological compatibility issue where a pony and a donkey produced an infertile offspring. All humans were, well, humans. As Nova saw no distinction between colors in ponies she saw no distinction between colors among humans. What Nova knew of the Elk was that they seldom mixed and in some cases were as exclusive in their tribes as a good deal of the Unicorn Nobility.

“Scandalous, isn’t it?” Lilly teased. “Such unions are generally frowned on among the forest Elk.”

“So then, that sort of thing exists even in a magical world of ponies then,” Hermione said softly.

“In this case, it’s more a preference of where we each chose to live.” Nova offered. “The Forest Elk have their Principalities deep in the forests, whereas pony lands are the grasslands, fields, and scrub woods. And in some cases the mountainsides. Unicorns love their mountains.” Nova added in a conspiratorial whisper, “It’s so they can look down on every other creature, and I’m to understand there’s a bit of that mindset among the Elk if I’m not mistaken.” Once more Nova was getting a dirty look from Hermione. Lilly just laughed.

“We don’t mix very often.” Lilly offered. “The ponies see the elk of the deep wood in an almost mystical reverence save for certain elements of the Unicorn Nobility. The Nobility of the Elk tend to look down on ponies as well as those among their own who are considered to be lower down on the social register, with certain exceptions. As Princess Nova alluded to, there is a bit of classism among the nobility of each species as well as speciesism. You may also be shocked to hear that reasons for not mixing the species are not entirely unfounded. There is an issue of compatibility where if a couple is too dissimilar they may not be able to have babies, their offspring may not be able to produce offspring of their own, or be in some way seen to be disfigured. When Princess Twilight and Princess Luna married their stallion there was a lot of talk despite his being of pony kind. The young Princess Nova having neither magic or the ability to fly was pointed out as proof that they should never have married.”

“A very ignorant point of view. More importantly, because they didn’t marry into one of their families.” Nova quipped. She chose to ignore the new look Hermione was giving her. Hermione’s parents were a mixed couple, worse yet, Hermione was muggle-born in a world of wizards and pureblood elitism. It had never occurred to her that Nova might be seen in a similar light. Worse yet, Nova was a member of a nobility that saw her as an outsider of mixed-species who’d been handicapped as a foal. The critics of that marriage had yet to see the fine young alicorn Nova would become.

“So, how did they feel about James?” Scootaloo asked Lilly. “Your family that is.”

“James came to us as a fawn.” Lilly offered. “We practically grew up together. “Let's just say he managed to become one of the exceptions and is counted as a member of the elite now, and Perytons are compatible with forest Elk being they are also Elk. They just happen to have wings. Of course, it doesn't hurt that his father and mother had been celebrated warriors.”

“Speaking of warriors, grey uniforms, and where is this place?” Nova asked. She thought she knew every square inch of Canterlot and she was starting to feel that the present topic had gone on long enough. When Nova was found to be a button head, Twilight’s decision to marry her father had been blamed. Nova was seen as a mixed breed, often looked down on by species purist, and cited as a reason not to mix. Fox ponies were ponies, and somehow not ponies at the same time.

“Fortified positions in the mountain itself.” Princess Celestia offered. “I’ve moved a number of items that I wouldn't want casual snoopers with access to the palace to be able to access up here. This place is very ancient, and had been abandoned for countless generations.” Her words were punctuated by the presence of bird nests nestled in among various sheltered locations. “The Grays are a brand new Mountain division that was formed shortly after the Changeling invasion.”

“Invasion?” Hermione asked.

“It’s alright, we are friends now.” Sweetie offered.

“Princess Celestia, the wind is picking up.” Offered a member of the palace guard on approaching her. A number of chariots had been set up to ferry everyone down. “It’s looking like taking the long road might be advisable.”

“Oh, dear,” Princess Celestia said sounding dismayed.

Despite the best efforts of the local weather ponies, Mount Canterlot, the peak of which was known as the Canterhorn, had a tendency to create its own weather patterns whether any pony liked it or not.

“Let's see if I can do something.” Nova offered, held her head up, her horn began to glow, then her eyes, followed by her mane billowing out. A moment later the wind had died down to almost nothing.

“What?” Nova asked moments after reverting back to normal. “We should probably get going while it lasts.”

“Yes, we should get going.” Princess Celestia added giving Nova a curious look.

“So how big is this mountain?” Hermione asked as they approached the waiting chariots. If Hermione had been unsure of her hoofing, her proximity to an edge that looked like the rest of the world was a very long way down wasn’t helping. “Harry no!”

Harry had pronked right up to the edge, and then suddenly he was out over the edge. His wings spread wide, and he circled back and landed near where Hermione was.

“I can fly.” Harry offered as he walked over to her.

“Well, the foals aren’t.” Hermione protested.

“I remember mama explaining the dangers of high altitude flying.” Goldwine offered. The other two foals nodded. To be true, the height had them a bit unnerved as well.

“Harry, I’d appreciate you let the experienced fliers take us down.” Lilly prompted. “It is your first day of flying with your own wings after all.”

“Oh, alright,” Harry said sounding just a bit reluctant.

“Mama says it’s really easy to get going too fast and lose control,” Goldwine explained.

“Nova, why don’t you ride with Sweetie and me.” Celestia requested as she picked out a chariot.

“Why do I have this weird feeling I’m not being given a choice?” Nova asked with a big smile on her face.

“How many can we get per chariot?” Alalme asked.

“You can ride with me.” Scootaloo offered with a nuzzle. To be true neither had ever been as high, even while flying.

“So, um, what did you want to know?” Nova asked momentarily after climbing up next to Princess Celestia.

“How did you stop the wind?” Princess Celestia asked.

“I, um, might have shifted some weather patterns around.” Nova offered.

“Seriously? Sweetie asked as she snuggled into Celestia’s other side.

“Weather isn’t even your affinity. How are you able to do something like that on such a grand scale?” Princess Celestia asked. “When I can only raise celestial bodies.”

“Only, she says.” Nova teased. “I might have come into contact with a certain ancient magical artifact, and I might not have been blustering when I said I was a Priestess of Arcadia. That is to say, I count as one, do to my alleged contact with said device.”

“If that is true that makes you a very dangerous pony.” Princess Celestia said softly.

“I’ve always been dangerous. For one reason or another. And then maybe that’s why he did it. Sent me across time and dimension.”

“And what if you were to turn to the dark side. Become a Night Mare?” Celestia asked. She wanted to know who ‘he’ was, but knew better than to ask. Not that she didn’t have her suspicion. The worst part was there was nothing she could do about it.

“Don’t be silly, I was born a Night Mare. I’m a fox pony. I am in balance with my darkness.” Nova offered. “In some ways, I am a lot like a human, capable of committing great harm or great good. All depending on what I think is the appropriate choice at the moment. - Take into consideration what Trixie is going to have to do to Professor Dumbledore just so we can help Harry and the rest of England. Trust that I'll never side with elitists, not after the life I've lived.”

“Great harm or great good,” Celestia said softly. “There too is the paradox of leadership. You’ll be a good princess someday.”

“Am I not now?”

“Just a mildly obnoxious one.” Sweetie teased.

“We should get going. The natural weather patterns will resume soon enough.” Nova suggested and then stuck out a tong at Sweetie who laughed.

“Commander, anytime we are ready,” Celestia called to the pegasi tasked with the honor of pulling the chariot.

Hermione let out a tiny ‘eep’ as the chariot she was on moved forward, and Nova couldn't resist yelling out, “Backfield in motion!” Which lead to several of their stoic guards breaking character, even if only momentarily, as an unbidden laugh burst out. Below them lay the city of Canterlot. Even Hermione had to have a look despite her trepidation over the extreme height. Canterlot with its glistening towers terraced gardens and avenues that switched back and forth across the side of the mountain.

“Maybe I’ll put in for the Grays,” Nova said as they slowly made their way down the side of the mountain.


“Wow, this is all really hard to take in all at once,” Hermione said once they had landed. Harry’s twin had chosen that moment to emerge from a building. They were indeed identical save in that Airry had a lot more meat on his bones, and both seemed to have an equal amount of energy despite the obvious difference in build.

“Are we going to lose Harry?” Hermione asked. Her concern for Harry was admirable if not misplaced.

“Far better to lose him to a loving family then to the machinations of Professor Dumbledore.” Nova offered.

“And what of your machinations?” Hermione asked as she rounded on Nova. The motion resulted in her sitting down hard.

“Are you alright?” Nova asked. Hermione’s accusation had stung, and it showed on her face and in her ears as they drooped.

“Hermione, she didn’t know about Airry.” Scootaloo offered.

“But you did?” Hermione asked.

“While there are a lot of doubles, we tend not to run across those doubles very often.” Princess Celestia offered. “Harry is happy here. Would you take that away from him?”

“Even if he does decide he doesn’t want to go back, you can still come to visit.” Nova offered. “Come on Hermione, we could have left you in the dark, and you’d have never known. You’re his friend.”

“And Ron?” Hermione asked.

“Maybe in a year or two,” Sweetie suggested with a smile.

“And now, we have a reception waiting, and you and Harry are the representatives from England.” Princess Celestia offered. “Also, it’s not common knowledge that you are from another dimension. - Now up you go...” Princess Celestia lifted her up resulting in a rather indignant look on Hermione’s face.

“Hermione, do keep in mind that Princess Celestia is the head of state here.” Scootaloo hissed fearing that Hermione might be working herself up again. “Behave.”

“A reception?!” Hermione gasped as she managed to get her hooves under her properly.

“Hang on, reception?” Nova asked. “Aunt Tia, shouldn't I be keeping a low profile? And for that matter, none of us are dressed for it.”

“Come on Hermione, how were we supposed to know Airry and Harry were each other’s counterpart?” Sweetie offered quietly as they followed after Princess Celestia and Lady Lilly who were chatting amicably. As for Rose, Goldwine, and Alya, they were still riding on their mama’s backs totally gobsmacked.

“I could have worn my dress uniform.” Loki lamented as he followed along.

“Nova, dear, have you forgotten who I married?” Celestia called back. “Come, Rarity and Moonflower are waiting.”

True to form, Rarity, along with her new assistant Moonflower, had outfits for every creature to include new dress uniforms for both Nova and Loki. So it was that a short time later the company entered the grand ballroom appropriately attired to include the foals who were not going to be left out this time around.

“Ladies and Gentlecolts...” Celestia said in a tone that wasn’t quite the Canterlot voice. “I have the pleasure of introducing to you Princess Kitsumi Nova who is a Lieutenant in our sister's personal guard from long ago, and also holds the rank of Priestess of Arkadia.”

“So much for a low profile.” Scootaloo offered in a whisper.

“Lieutenant?” Nova asked in a whisper.

“Those are Lieutenant boards on that uniform.” Loki offered.

“Yes, I saw that. I wasn’t going to say anything.” Nova replied while managing a fake smile for the ponies assembled.

“She is accompanied by her Sisters in betrothal the Lady Alalme Silverwood...” Celestia continued, “..and my very own grand Filly Princess Louise Scootaloo Magnum, their foals Goldwine, Alya, and Rose Myrtle. Our own Sweetie Belle is one of two sisters in intent, and their stallion presumptive, Prince Loki Moon. For those of you who don’t know, Loki was adopted by my sister well over a thousand years ago and is also one of her original Shadowbolts having been trapped with her. And the little violet earth pony...”

“Unicorn.” Nova interjected.

“Unicorn?” Celestia asked looking back at Nova. Nova reached over and scrunched down Hermione’s mane.

“Ah, but how’d you know?” Celestia asked.

“I landed on it when we bum-rushed the door.” Nova offered with a big smile. Celestia enjoyed a chuckle.

“Our little unicorn there is Hermione Granger. She’s here from the United Kingdom as one of two exchange students, the other is a young Peryton named Harry Potter who as fate would have it is a near-identical twin to Her Excellency Lady Lilly’s own little buck, Airry.” And then Celestia’s gaze fell on Moonie. How was she to explain Moonie? Especially now that she was looking oddly younger. Had the magic of the portal done something to her matrix? Moonie was an exact double of Luna in nearly every way, save for the white mane, tail, and at the moment she was presently looking more like how Luna looked when she was still a much younger mare.

“Are you not going to introduce Selena?” Rarity asked in a whisper.

“I must confess that I am at a loss as to how I should introduce her,” Celestia admitted.

“The same way you introduced Cadance, I’d think.” Rarity offered.

“Yes, of course,” Celestia replied and then announced, “Lastly we have a new niece, welcome Princess Selena, also of the Moon clan.”

Author's Note:

This one was difficult to write for many reasons. I wanted to show Hermione being Hermione where she only sees the small picture. She's worried about Harry, but is she really worried about him for his sake, or because Hogwarts is going to be far less bearable without him there? And then there are the ever-present issues of racism, classicism, and speciesism. As far as the books go there is no definitive answer as to Hermione's ethnic origin and it kind of looks like she was retroactively made to be of African descent, so I decided, why not. Let's go with JKR's intent for the character. I can't say I've ever experienced racism myself, which can make such topics difficult to write. It may come as a surprise to many of my readers, but I am primarily of Northern European descent. When people look at me they see a white person. Not that I haven't experienced sexism though. Or Classicism. My father described a situation to me where he experienced racism where a bus driver wanted to make him sit in the back of the bus. My father being mixed Scandinavian and Spanish had that Sámi thing going where he'd turn very dark if he spent any time out in the sun. The notions that people get into their heads, the idea that someone is worth-less then another person based on nothing more than preconceived notions of skin color or gender never made any sense to me. And we've seen it in the show as well. It's difficult to understand, but by recognizing it we can take steps to curb our behavior and make the world a better place for all of us.

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