• Published 22nd Sep 2018
  • 3,597 Views, 360 Comments

Ponies in Hogwarts [Edited] - KittyrinnAiko

A pony stranded in the past must go to another dimension and learn the ways of wizards before she can return to her own time.

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Chapter 49: Custody hearing part 2

“Objection!” Shouted the man with the slicked-back black hair.

“Phoenix, dear, we haven't started yet.” Luna admonished softly.

“Oh, sorry. Just warming up,” Offered Phoenix Wright, Ace attorney. He wasn’t exactly sure where he was, he knew only that he was here in the name of justice.

“A bit nervous are we?” Minister Shacklebolt asked.

“Y-yes your Honor, just a bit,” Phoenix replied nervously.

“Well don’t be. This is just an informal hearing to determine who should be Harry Potter’s Magical Guardian,” Minister Shacklebolt offered in as cordial a tone as possible considering the attorney was obviously a muggle. How they’d even managed to get him inside the Ministry of Magic was something he’d definitely want to look into. But then again, maybe not. “For those who don’t know me and as a point of reference for the record I am Minister Shacklebolt and I will be presiding over the hearing. Representing Princess Luna Moon Silvermane is Mister Phoenix Wright, representing Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Order of Merlin – first class, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and wizardry, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards – for the time being at least – and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot is Mister Honesty Nuttall. Who I’m to understand is recently paroled from Tartarus. Good job that, how’d you do it?”

“I asked if I could go home and they said yes.” Honesty offered.

“Well, I for one think this is all a complete waste of time,” Dumbledore grumbled while giving Minister Shacklebolt a dirty look. Though the fact that his position with the ICW was in jeopardy didn’t bother him as he’d every confidence that he would weather through. “I’ve always had the boy’s best interest in mind. I see no reason why my judgment should be questioned?”

“Your Honor, let it be noted that Professor Dumbledore referred to Harry Potter not by name, but as ‘The Boy’,” Phoenix Wright pointed out.

“Professor Dumbledore, we are here because your competence has been put to question and it has been alleged that you do not have,” Phoenix made quote signs with his fingers, “the boy’s best interest in mind.”

“Poppycock!” Dumbledore protested.

“Indeed, and yet this past school year you brought a certain item onto school grounds for the single purpose of luring one Tom Riddle also known as Lord Voldemort, also known as ‘you know who’ and ‘he who must not be named’ out of hiding.” Phoenix pointed out.

“It had to be done, it was for the greater good.” Dumbledore implored.

“And yet you lost control of the entire operation,” Phoenix reminded him. He then picked up a manila folder with a stack of papers in it. “Your honor, access to the item to be kept safe, one Philosopher’s stone, was via the third-floor corridor of the school. The first obstacle was a door any first-year could open. Within the third floor corridor, there was a three-headed dog known as a Cerberus. Beyond that, a trap door with no lock, a pitfall, Devil’s snare, which I’m to understand can be quite nasty, along with additional equally deadly challenges along the way. In my hand is a list of all the students at Hogwarts who dared the third floor and failed.”

“What?” Minister Shacklebolt exclaimed.

“If not for the intervention of the people from Eques this would be a list of casualties,” Phoenix Wright explained and then took that moment to walk over to the podium and pass up the list. “I’d like to also point out that Harry Potter nearly died do to Professor Dumbledore's activities at the school.”

“I think that perhaps I should object here,” Honesty offered.

“Harry Potter, while on detention, was taken out into the forest, an action that lead to an encounter with the very creature Professor Dumbledore had hoped to attract to the school. A creature best known as Voldemort,” Phoenix explained.

“Objection overruled then,” Minister Shacklebolt ruled.

“Harry was never supposed to go into the forest. Hagrid did that. I trusted him.” Dumbledore protested.

“And did you know about the dragon Hagrid had in his hut? The very same dragon that bit Ron Weaselly and nearly cost him his life because he was too stubborn to admit to what bit him?” Phoenix asked pointedly.

Dumbledore slumped into his chair. “Yes. Yes I did.”

“And you never intervened?” Honestly Nuttall asked honestly sounding dumbfounded.

“Well, the students, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, seemed to have it well in hand.”

“And you just stood by and did nothing?” Honesty asked.

“Objection!” Phoenix shouted. “Defense is badgering their own client.”

“Agreed,” Minister Shacklebolt replied. “Honesty, do try to remember your supposed to be supporting Professor Dumbledore.”

“Sorry about that,” Honesty replied sounding a bit sheepish.

“Tell me, Professor Dumbledore, about the first time you trusted Hagrid to Harry?” Phoenix asked softly.

“That would be the night his parents were killed,” Dumbledore offered.

“According to the record the Potter home was attacked by Tom Riddle AKA Voldemort, and presumably a number of Death Eaters the night of the thirty-first of October. My next question is for Professor McGonagall. Professor, what were you doing following the attack?”

“I’d been asleep when it happened. I’d encountered Hagrid late in the night or perhaps it’d been in the early hours of the morning when I’d been roused from sleep. Hagrid told me Professor Dumbledore wanted him to take Harry to his Aunt and Uncle and that he was to meet Professor Dumbledore there. I went straight away to the Dursley residence.”

“And when did Professor Dumbledore arrive?”

“It was nearly midnight the following night.”

“That’s midnight on the first of November?”

“Leading the witness.” Honesty objected.

“Sustained.” Minister Shacklebolt confirmed.

“Allow me to re-frame my question,” Phoenix offered. “What was the date?”

“It was the first.” Professor McGonagall replied. “I sat out there waiting all day, and Professor Dumbledore didn’t show up until midnight. And when I told him I’d been there all day he suggested I could have been out celebrating.”

“Celebrating?” Phoenix asked.

“The fall of Voldemort. All I’d heard that morning was rumors. Hagrid hadn’t explained a thing.”

“So I’m to assume word must have traveled rather fast on a matter that happened only the night before to which there weren’t a lot of witnesses that had any interest in advertising what had happened at all. Who knew Voldemort had been defeated?”

“I’d assume Sirius Black?” McGonagall offered.

“Minister Lulamoon, what does the record show regarding Mr Black?” Phoenix asked.

“The records show that Sirius Black went after Peter Pettigrew and from what we know, he may not have even known Mr Riddle had fled. He only knew that Harry had somehow survived. When the authorities caught up with him he wasn’t making a lot of sense so it’s not likely anyone learned anything from him.” Trixie offered. “The lack of a trial is troubling as well. Had there been a trial we’d have known that the true betrayer of the Potters was Pettigrew.”

“Curious, most curious.” Phoenix mused. “Professor Dumbledore, perhaps you could shed some light on the subject?”

“I, um...” Dumbledore began.

“You don’t have to answer that.” Honesty warned.

“I only spoke to members of the order concerning my suspicions about the fate of Voldemort.” Dumbledore offered. “I haven't a clue how the rumors started, nor how Harry became famous so quickly.”

“And Hagrid? What was he doing between the integral of the night of October thirty-first and when he finally arrived at the Dursley residence?” Phoenix asked.

“Hagrid arrived shortly after midnight if I remember correctly. Hagrid had been keeping Harry safe per my instructions.” Dumbledore offered.

“And Professor McGonagall, why were you at the Dursley residence?” Phoenix asked. He was rather enjoying the loose format of the hearing and was wondering just how much he could get away with.

“To talk him out of placing Harry with the Dursley family. The absolute worst sort of people I could ever imagine.”

“Surely they aren’t all that bad?” Dumbledore protested.

“Unfortunately on that point I can at least partially agree with Professor Dumbledore,” Phoenix offered. “In my line of profession I see some truly horrible people, but we are getting off point. Professor McGonagall, what reason did Dumbledore give you for wanting to leave Harry at the Dursley residence?”

“It was to shield him from his own fame.”

“Nothing about keeping him safe from harm?”

“Not at the time, no. Not word one about keeping him safe from harm.”

“Madam Pomfrey, was Harry kept safe? From harm that is?”

“In my professional opinion, no. He was not.” Poppy offered.

“I’d like to submit this bit of evidence.” Phoenix offered as he picked up another bundle and delivered it to Minister Shacklebolt. “Harry’s physical, which details malnutrition, bruises, and numerous small fractures.”

Minister Shacklebolt took hold of the file and slowly thumbed through it. “I’m going to have to admit that this is pretty damning,” He offered after a short time. “And what of the Dursley family now?”

“The Dursley family is presently in the custody of the French government,” Trixie offered. “Seems they helped themselves to the company funds where Mr Dursley works and went on a vacation to the South of France. Extradition seems to be dragging out indefinitely.” Her countenance going from a sober face showing no outward emotion to one of delight at the prospect that the Dursleys might be incarcerated in France indefinitely.

“I had to use my own funds to keep Grunnings Drills afloat,” Nova offered. Not that she was in any real financial difficulty mind you.

“But what about Harry? Where will he go?” Dumbledore asked.

“You don’t seem too concerned about his whereabouts?” Minister Shacklebolt asked.

“Well, that’s because he’s with the Weasleys right now.” Dumbledore offered with just a hint of smugness.

“Perhaps he can stay with them, or even Hagrid then.” Phoenix offered. “You know, I never did get an answer concerning what Hagrid did during the time between retrieving Harry and dropping him off. Mr Mundungus Fletcher, I believe you had some information regarding Hagrid and Harry’s whereabouts. If you could come forward and let us know?”

“Don’t mind if I do.” Mundungus offered as he got up. Granted that his primary motivation was a number of bets he’d made concerning the outcome of the hearing. He ambled on down, and when he spoke it sent chills down Dumbledore’s spine. “I was at the Leaky Cauldron fairly late on the night it all went down when in walked Hagrid with a wee babe stuffed in one o’ his pockets. Little tyke had a nasty cut on his forehead, but Hagrid says ti's nothing. This har is Harry Potter. He survived the kill’n curse and you know who is no more. Well, I don’t have to tell you that we was all stunned, and as soon as it done sunk in we set to partying.”

“And how long did that party go?” Phoenix asked.

“Well into the night and on into the next day. I mean it was late when he arrived, wee hours of the morning and all, but soon as word got out it was party time. Party was still going when Hagrid finally left to deliver young Mr Potter the next night. That man sure can put away a lot of beer.”

“I trusted him with my life. He saved my life.” Dumbledore said a gasp. “But, but… never mind that, what about the Dursleys? The protection his mother gave him requires a blood relative.”

“I’m well aware of that kind of protection and how it works. What it requires is a family that loves him to have its full effect.” Luna stated. “Will you not release Harry into my custody?”

“The boy needs to stay in England. It’s his destiny.” Dumbledore stated emphatically.

“Professor Dumbledore, I have a signed statement from the Dursleys stating that they found Harry Potter in a basket on the front door,” Phoenix informed him. “On the morning after you left him there. Outside for several hours, in England, in November.”

“He’s lucky he survived the night,” Poppy added. “For multiple reasons apparently.”

“Professor Dumbledore...” Phoenix Wright continued, “An exhaustive records search found no documents giving you any rights to assume any sort of guardianship. The only thing we could find was an informational bulletin stating that you were to be contacted regarding any matters concerning young Mr Potter. Can you explain that? Why are you so desperate to control Harry Potter’s destiny?”

“Because he’ll be back,” Dumbledore stated with conviction. He stood up and was beginning to look a little manic.

“Who will be back?”

“Voldemort! All the prophecies said that Harry was the one. No one else. Harry has to face him. It’s for the greater good.”

“The greater good?” McGonagall asked. “Forgive me but it sounds like you intended to serve him up as a sacrifice.”

“If that’s what I have to do then yes. Whatever it takes to stop Voldemort.”

“If you had recognized Tom Riddle for what he was when you took him out of that orphanage, hundreds, perhaps thousands of people who died would now be alive.” James offered forcefully, the anger in his voice showing. James, in his long talks with Sirius about his human doppelganger, had learned much of this world and Dumbledore's methods. Dumbledore looked at James with a look of horror as James pulled back his hood. “But then if you had, you would never have had the opportunity to oppose Lord Voldemort and gain a fair measure of fame for yourself in the bargain. That is the way of it, is it not?”

“Y-you, y-you can’t be? Y-you’re dead.” Dumbledore stammered out. “The muggles buried you. What necromancy is this?”

“There is what was, and there is what is.” Lily offered as she pulled back her hood. “We are very much alive and well, thank you. We would also appreciate it if you would kindly renounce any form of guardianship over Harry and release any claim to him. Further, I simply can not understand why you failed to smuggle him out of the country?”

“James and Lily Potter? Alive?!” Rita Skeeter said breathlessly. “It’s the scoop of a lifetime!”

“No, it’s a trick.” Dumbledore insisted. “If you’re really who you profess to be, show me your Patronus.”

James pulled out his wand and without even speaking the spell produced a well-formed stag from his wand. Lily looked at what James had done, contemplated for a moment, and then produced a fine young doe.

“But they can’t be?” Dumbledore said as he dropped back down into his seat.

“James and Lily Potter alive!!” Rita shouted jumping to her feet. She wanted to run out right then, but at the same time she dared not miss one moment of this as her quill feverishly took notes.

“Family that wants Harry and loves him.” Princess Luna stated loud enough to be sure everyone heard her short of breaking into the Canterlot voice.

“I’ve heard enough.” Minister Shacklebolt said and brought down the gavel to get everyone’s attention. “Princess Luna, by any chance were you going to tell us that James and Lily Potter were indeed alive, and were you going to deliver Harry to them?”

“I have and have had every intention to see Harry legally in the custody of a family that actually cares about him. A family that wants him and supports him. We were prepared to take him into our own family. Discovering James and Lily in Equestria was just the icing on the cake, as my sister would say.” Luna offered. “We did take lengths to hide their identities when we brought them here as we did not wish to reveal that someone presumed dead was also alive. Not unless we had to.”

“We reasoned that dropping such on the Wizarding community could cause some serious repercussions.” Reynard offered.

“It’s a trick!” Dumbledore protested. “And I’ve a mind to see what sort of trick.”


Dumbledore had pulled out his wand only to have the core overload and send the tip flying in the process. He let go of the other end and grabbed at his hand while wincing in pain.

“Professor Dumbledore, under the circumstances I’m afraid I’m going to have to agree that you do not have Harry Potter’s best interest in mind.” Minister Shacklebolt stated crossly. “And if your erratic behavior continues I might even go so far as to recommend you be removed from Hogwarts.”

“Professor Dumbledore, did you actually forget what I can do to a wand?” Nova offered. She was trying not to be scolding, but it was coming out that way. “They are my friends and Harry’s parents who is also my friend. Let’s also not forget that the first time we met you attempted to relive me of my phoenix at the point of a wand. I don’t know what you were about to try to do, but I can assure you that you’ve given me little reason to reevaluate my opinion of you.”

“Please, try to be reasonable Professor. Voldemort will never be able to come back if we find all the scattered pieces of his soul. You have to stop clinging to old prophecies that are no longer valid.” Luna added. “This cycle of death and misery needs to end. We have his diary, the Horcrux destroyed, Rowena Ravenclaw’s diadem which had also been used...”

“And I can assume you’ve got Marvolo Gaunt’s Ring?” Dumbledore asked in an accusing tone.

“Were you going to tell us you’d found it, or did you have something else in mind?” Reynard asked.

“It’s one of the Deathly Hallows. It contains the Resurrection stone.” Dumbledore offered.

“Whatever power it may have had you can be assured that Riddle twisted it to some dark evil.” Reynard offered. “And the only way to remove the Horcrux from the ring is to destroy the stone. Same holds for the diadem. In order to break the enchantment the stones must be destroyed. I’m hoping that at least will be enough. At least then they can be restored, minus whatever enchantments they might have had on them.”

Dumbledore finally sat down with a look of defeat. As he did so he missed the confused look from Lily who wanted to know what the Deathly Hallows were but feared to ask. She instead manages to clue Silver to what she wanted to know.

“What are the Deathly Hallows?” Silver asked.

“Ah yes, the deathly Hallows.” Dumbledore mused. “They are three artifacts said to have the power to give one the power over death itself. The resurrection stone, it is said, could summon the spirits of the dead. The cloak of invisibility renders a person completely invisible and the Elder wand is said to be unbeatable.”

“The Elder wand is just a wand made of elder wood containing a thestral hair.” Nova offered. “The only thing special about it is that it’s temperamental and requires a skilled confident user. If you want it back ask Trixie and maybe she’ll let you have it. And for that matter, you could have made dozens as you had access to thestrals. As for the cloak, I can see through it. Not well enough to know who’s under it, but well enough to know there is someone there.”

“As for summoning spirits, any two-bit medium can do that.” Reynard offered.

“I must confess that it had never occurred to me that I could have made elder wands. I could have made more wands, but I must confess that wand making isn’t something I excel at,” Dumbledore admitted. “James, Lily, if that really is who you are, any chance you’ll be returning to England?”

“No, sorry, we’ve responsibilities in Eques.” Lily offered. Neither wanted anything more to do with the human world than necessary. “As to whether or not Harry wishes to continue attending Hogwarts, that is going to depend on him, and certain conditions.”

“Conditions?” Dumbledore asked.

“First off, assured safety. No bringing dangerous items to the school, no bringing dangerous creatures to the school, and that includes a confidant staff of foresters to keep an eye on the forbidden forest and help return it to its original condition before someone started letting all their failed monsters loose, caretakers, and people who actually know how to take care of animals. No doing anything that’s going to turn the school into a battleground. Efforts at reconciliation need to be made. And be more selective about who is allowed in the school. You simply can not have another repeat of Tom Riddle, or that Marcus Flint boy. I’m also to understand there is no literature courses, no language, not even in their own native language. How are students to understand advanced magic if they can barely read the books?”

“Printing in the modern common script would be nice,” Nova lamented.

“I’m also to understand that there is no math being taught, and the only logic being taught is within the confines of the spells themselves,” Lily continued. “You need history classes that include what people outside of the wizard community have been doing, and social studies as well.”

“Professor Dumbledore, it is my understanding that the people you call muggle are quite adept at certain kinds of alchemy.” Reynard offered. “To include the ability to split the atom. They are capable of committing total annihilation. Taking that into consideration Grindelwald wasn’t wrong in his ideals. Only in his methods. Muggles never needed to be removed from power, save maybe a few of the worst, those who profit on war. Though I have my suspicions concerning the true reason for all that bloodshed.

"There was a time that Wizards could have quietly taken leadership and slowly brought about new understandings and cooperation between magic wielders and none magic wielders, wizards and muggles working together, but that day was squandered. You could have stayed by Grindelwald’s side and tempered his actions but you didn’t. You threw away that opportunity so you could be the better man. And now thanks to Voldemort, wizard kind can’t even get along with themselves. The hatred runs so deep the rot may never be expunged from the hearts of the community. And the ultimate irony is that that is exactly what Tom Riddle wanted. From what we’ve gleaned out of his diary so far, is that he wanted vengeance against his mother and against wizards for a long list of crimes against himself. Some valid, but most weren’t. He wanted the wizarding community to rip itself apart, and he wanted the destruction of the wizarding community.”

“And I gave him the means to accomplish his goals.” Dumbledore lamented. Having James and Lilly alive and right in front of him had him unnerved. Not to mention that he was about to get raked over the coals by the press. “After all these years I have been so engaged in games of brinkmanship that I failed to see the simple solution that was right in front of me … and to stop Voldemort all I had to do was prevent Riddle from becoming Voldemort.” He thought for a moment. “Yes, I knew what sort of boy he was, and I deluded myself into thinking I could work with that. I set him loose on an unsuspecting world that was still picking up the pieces from my last failure, and yes I gained by it. I always made sure I’d gain by it. Hindsight is an unforgiving judge though, and it never occurred to me just how far Riddle would go. I can see now how things could have gone differently, but there's no going back, is there?” He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’ll ask no more of Harry. Take him, and I will count myself lucky if I ever see any of you ever again. But tell me, can we find Voldemort’s Horcruxes?”

“I was able to make a sort of compass using the crystallized piece that was extracted from Harry’s forehead.” Nova offered. “Harry had the key to finding them right from the very beginning. We've even found a list of sorts in the pages of the diary.”

"The diary, but is it not destroyed?" Dumbledore asked.

"And when is a book not a book?" Luna asked.

"When the pages are no longer bound together," Dumbledore replied. "Such a simple solution, and it allowed you to actually read the contents?"

"With the pages separated the spell matrix collapsed," Nova offered.

“And if I had chosen to abandon the prophecy's and acted, we’d as likely not be having this conversation now,” Dumbledore admitted.

“Prophesies are peculiar things.” Reynard offered. “A true prophecy will always find a way to come true, but a false one must be nurtured or it will fall away like so much chaff. And, it is impossible for us to know the difference. Had you hidden Harry away and given him a new name, assuming the prophecy was indeed true, he would have risen to his destiny regardless of anything you chose to do.”

Dumbledore looked at him and grudgingly had to admit the wisdom in the words. Dumbledore had put so much stock in the prophesies he had let it cloud his judgment and had eve gone to great length to make sure everything would turn out as prophesied. “It seems I’ve been a fool, haven't I?” he offered followed by Rita gathering up her things and rushing out of the room. He was about as downcast as he could be, but then he brightened.

“Rarity and Rarity,” Dumbledore said softly. “Just how many Doubles are there in Eques?”

“Figured it out have you?” James offered with a hint of a smile.

“We don’t really know,” Luna added. “All I can tell you is that this James and Lily is nearly identical to your own James and Lily in every way save life experiences. Magical identical twins.”

“Well, I’ll be,” Kingsley said quietly. “Do I have a double?”

“Well...” Luna began.

“What say we not get into that.” Reynard cautioned.

“Could that possibly be who the extra set of twins at our house are? Equestrian doubles?” Arthur Weasley asked.

“Yes, I suppose that could explain it,” Dumbledore mused.

“Would you like us to take them off your hands when we pick up Harry?” Lily asked. She knew that the Harry at the Weasley residence was a changeling, as likely were the extra set of twins, but there was no point in letting Dumbledore know.

“Yes, please.” Arthur pleaded. “That would be most appreciated.”

Author's Note:

Well if Dumbledore wasn't raked over the coals as much as you would like, I'm sure Rita Skeeter is going to have one doozy of an article. Any volunteers to write it? LOL, But then again, Nova never wanted him to have a quick end. Maybe I'll redeem him - maybe not. Even if he has finally seen the error of his ways it's too late to save him.

When JKR wrote the character of Dumbledore I'm fairly sure she wanted him to be the man of the hour and a man of the ages. She's got him directly tied to every bad thing that ever befell wizardkind. Which in its own way is kind of damning even if he was trying to do the right thing all along. There are just so many different ways the original story could have gone and have been better for it. Likely shorter too. I loved the first book but by the time we got to the eighth book in the series JKR was growing weary of it and it showed. I honestly think it would have worked out better if Slughorn had been the one who'd retrieved Riddle from the orphanage only to realize his mistake when it was too late to do anything about it. Harry, Ron, and Hermione could have chosen to mind their own business and still have gotten pulled into everything. Harry could have lived with a completely different family under an assumed name and still be guided by his destiny whether he wanted it or not. It also would have worked better if they had started their search for the Horcruxes at the end of the second book. Each book after that could have had a side plot of locating a Horcrux. Let's face it, the one at Grimmauld Place got thrown into a bin because no one knew to keep an eye out for anything that might be a Horcrux. And I can't really put all the blame on Dumbledore for that blunder either. What's this? Oh, just some old locket chuck full of dark magic - just chuck it in the bin - don't worry about what it is or have any thoughts about maybe destroying it immediately. :facehoof:

Not sure if next week's chapter will be ready by next weekend or not. I've started it, and that's about it. I'm at the point where there really isn't much left so far as finding the last remaining Horcruxes, and I kind of want to wrap it up. I don't want to rush the ending either. After that, I may do some shorts. No real plans at the moment.

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