• Published 31st Oct 2018
  • 509 Views, 31 Comments

Prince Blueblood: Master Ambassador - Doug Graves

Prince Blueblood is sent as an ambassador to the Griffon Kingdom as his first diplomatic mission. Hopefully, it won't be his last.

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12 Mediation

Lunaris regards the advancing griffon, doing his best to project an outer appearance of calm. His inner pony shakes in fear, terrified at the approaching predator. It desperately whispers to him, telling him to gallop away, or to lie down in a vain hope that the griffon will ignore him or somehow be unable to see him. The griffon has a wicked glint in his eyes; his talons slowly caress the spear, sliding up and down the shaft as if he is replaying the many times he has killed in the past. Ganis rises behind his son, tightly gripping his own spear as he takes to the air.

"You are certain of this?" Lunaris barely manages to call, keeping his voice from quivering. He forces one foreleg forward, slowly circling around Gannison as Ganis remains in the air. Gannison mirrors the movement, sharp thrusts of the spear swishing through the chill air. Gilded Graze levitates from Lunaris' bag, his hoof taking the blade from midair as he sloughs the canvas next to the bag of bits.

"There will be a feast tonight, pony!" Gannison calls, gnashing his beak, "And you will be the main event!"

"Well, I've never been much for entertaining," Lunaris quips in return, his banter starting to diffuse his terror, "But I suppose I shall serve!" Lunaris smirks at the resounding chuckles, many from the armored griffons. Inwardly he grimaces; he would have been much more comfortable using his horn, but the risk of offending the griffons, or being accused of cheating his way to victory is too great. Even asking for the concession might be too much; it would serve nopony to be given a handicap and then be challenged again should he win.

When he wins, he bluntly reminds himself.

Gannison laughs, "Serve you will, pony! I give you one chance to flee, to leave this place with your life. Take your bits, no griffon wants them!"

"Hah!" calls Lunaris, rolling his shoulders as he shifts to the side, "I'm afraid at your lack of conviction! You'll have to try harder than that!"

"Wait!" calls Aspide, dirt kicking up as the earth pony rushes into the arena. "You don't have to do this! You can talk this out, come to some sort of consensus!"

"Is that what you want, pony?" sneers Gannison, spinning and advancing on Aspide. Lunaris starts galloping over as the griffon continues, "You want to spit on our customs? On our honor? On our way of life? No." He raises a talon, pointing at Aspide, "If you aren't careful, you might find yourself dragged in the fight as well." He smirks as he quickly steps towards her, "Or maybe you already have, and there will be more on the menu!"

Lunaris charges in between the two his rapier slicing through the air. Gannison takes a hasty step back, a touch of doubt at the fury in Lunaris' eyes. The unicorn spares a brief glance back before turning his attention to the griffon, a nearly whispered, "Are you sure of this?"

Aspide's nods in return, her voice like steel, "I'm not leaving you out here alone. Not when I can help."

Lunaris quickly looks up and down her, grimacing at her determination. "Do you have a shield?" Lunaris asks; his horn flares, his retrieval bag teleporting to his side. He passes Gilded Graze to Aspide, Ward Pierce withdrawing. The cobalt rapier glints, the blunted tip sharpening under Lunaris' focus. Aspide takes Gilded Graze in one hoof, a shake of the head at lacking her namesake shield.

Ganis chuckles as he hefts his spear, landing next to Gannison. "And here I was afraid I would merely be a second, ensuring an honorable fight." He laughs, pointing the spear as the two ponies face the two griffons, "And now I get to revel in the victory as well!" He shakes his head, "But it is too bad; even if you won here, even if you defeated my son, you would accomplish nothing!"

Lunaris wavers, looking at the assembled griffons. Most are standing and cheering, though for which side is nearly impossible to determine. Was all his time here really wasted? That he would be just another pony to fall to the griffons, unable to persuade the bloodthirsty savages to the side of reason? And they would continue their barbaric ways even if he won, the only difference whether or not he walked out under his own power? Or left at all?

Ganis waves a talon back, many of the armored griffons loudly cheering. "None of the Golden Aerie believe in your words! And without their support, peace between Equestria is impossible!" He points a talon accusingly at Lunaris, "You have failed in your mission as an ambassador, just as you will fail in the arena of combat! The true measure of a griffon!"

"You are wrong!" shouts Golda, flying over and landing next to Lunaris. She raises a golden talon, sweeping behind her at the two ponies while her focus remains on Ganis. "I believe them! I believe that they have come here, desiring peace between our peoples. And I believe that the peace that they offer is in our best interests! You cling to your purples, your hoarded trinkets and hard fought relics, as what? Proof of your superiority? These ponies promise us a way forward, a way for everygriffon to prosper! And I believe them!"

Ganis slams the butt end of his spear into the ground, shouting, "Golda! What is this treachery? How can you believe in this pony? How can you know that he speaks the truth, that we will be able to get along with Equestria? That this isn't some ruse by the tyrant princess to subjugate us, as she has subjugated the buffalo? The mules? The yaks?"

"I do know, because I have seen and heard them!" Golda shouts back, circling around the center of the arena to address the rest of the griffons. Her words echo among the murmuring griffons, "If Equestria wanted our submission, Princess Celestia would not have sent two ponies! She would not have sent ambassadors!"

"And when she sends her armies, her wings of pegasi, we would meet them in the air! We would rain stones on them from the sky!" Ganis retorts, spinning back to follow Golda. "We would crush them, or ourselves be crushed! But we would never bend the knee to a tyrant!"

"And where are the wings of pegasi?" Golda shouts, motioning to the clear skies. "The only force flying into Griffonstone today is your own! Their actions show their true intent, and it is exactly what they have been saying! But your own actions?"

Golda shakes her head, "You have proven your bloodlust is too great, overriding the words of your beak and the sights of your own eyes."

"You dare to cast aspersions on my honor?" thunders Ganis, raising his spear as he takes to the air. His eyes shine with fury, readying himself to charge Golda.

"Your own words attack your honor!" Golda points a talon at Ganis, then motions to herself, standing tall as if daring Ganis to charge her. "Here is a griffon from the Golden Aerie willing to believe these ambassadors! Are you so blind as to ignore your own kin?"

The fire fades from Ganis' eyes, slowly dropping to the ground. "Daughter of the Golden Aerie," he says in a low voice, "you truly believe this is the correct way? That we will not come to regret this alliance between Griffons and Equestria?"

"I do, and I am willing to prove it in any way you decide," comes the fast reply. Golda raises a talon, Ganis gripping it in his own.

A gleam crosses Ganis' eyes, "Even your daughter?"

Golda gulps, but continues her stare at Ganis. She nods, a soft, "Even her."

Ganis sighs heavily, his eyes closing as his head drops down. "I do hope you are correct as well," Ganis says, pulling her close to his chest. His talon thumps her back, Golda's returning the hug. They linger for a brief moment before Ganis moves to one of the armored griffons, a few whispered words traded between them. The griffon quickly strips out of his armor, leaving his spear behind as he quickly flies off.

Gregory stands, pointing at Gannison, "After witnessing this, Gannison, do you still desire a duel to the death over the proposed trade agreement with Equestria?"

Gannison looks between Ganis and Golda, a heavy grunt escaping his beak. "You are lucky, pony." He lowers his spear, turning and flicking his tail feathers up at the two ponies.

"Well, that went well," Lunaris remarks to Aspide, his body visibly relaxing. "Luck! At least the outcome was never in doubt."

Aspide rolls her eyes, "Oh, please. You were shaking when those two were advancing, intending to kill us."

"I was merely worried for your safety, is all," Lunaris says, shaking his head to the side. He takes the golden rapier back from Aspide, returning both to the canvas bag. He holds a hoof over a darkened area, concentrating as his horn lights. The letters 'ggwp' flash onto the bag, the teleportation magic of the canvas recharged.

Aspide rapidly nods a few times, her sarcastic quip, "Ah huh, sure, I get that. Can't have Princess Celestia mad at you, after all."

Gregory's voice booms from the front of the arena, "With the lack of objections from the Golden Aerie and any others, the trade agreement passes, details to be hashed out at and after the feast. The session is closed for today as we prepare. Delegates! You are dismissed for the day."

The various griffons take flight, leaving Lunaris and Aspide alone in the center of the arena. Gregory shuffles over, holding up the master book. "Lunaris Blueblood, or Ambador, you have enacted a great chance in the griffons this day. I only hope it is a boon to us."

"I have no doubt that it will," Lunaris says with a grin, "And I'm glad I didn't need these!" He levitates out ten more business cards, ripping them to shreds. "Speaking of, we have a second bag of bits. What way do you feel is the most equitable way to distribute them? Now, if you were to ask me, I would give each griffon an equal amount of gold, such that they can then barter with each other, using the bits as currency. Or ordering things from the catalog you have there, if you desire Equestrian goods."

Gregory looks at the bits, then at the book in his hand. "Griffons have rarely used a currency, instead bartering gold and useful items when absolutely necessary. Self sufficiency is prized among griffons, as you are well learning. I worry that your gold itself is more valuable than the items one might barter for it."

Lunaris purses his lips, "Hmm, indeed. Though, that book there contains just about every item that is for sale in Canterlot and other cities. Some of them might seem overpriced, compared to your value of gold, while others will be a complete steal. Over time, an equilibrium will be reached. Do you think it better to purchase a large number of the more valuable items, and distribute them among the griffons instead?"

"And rob them of the joy of discovering those hidden gems? Hardly." Gregory smirks, "I think we will distribute them evenly among everygriffon, and allow them the chance to decide for themselves. I imagine we will have a list available for you to take home tomorrow. But, your feast awaits, good ponies." He takes off, leaving Lunaris and Aspide.

Lunaris smirks to Aspide, "Looks like he went with my suggestion! It's a testament to my dedication and wit, I would say."

"Yeah, or you're a stubborn mule." The two ponies gather their belongings from the side of the arena, their packs again weighing them down.

"Oh, come now, I'm no ass. I'm Ambador the Ambassador!" Lunaris can't help but bounce up and down, still a little giddy from their successful negotiations. Many griffons can be seen congregating around one of the larger houses, several smoky trails billowing up.

His enthusiasm rapidly wanes as they draw close to the celebration. He glances to Aspide, her gray coat turning a little green at the stench of the cooking meal. It mixes with the unwashed griffon bodies, their own sweat, and the sappy smoke, combining to something he can't quite put his hoof on but knows he definitely doesn't want to. His pristine hooves have already taken too much of a beating, to say nothing of his coat!

"Hey, can I get one of those brochures?" one of the armored griffons asks while poking Lunaris in the side, holding a talon out. Lunaris startles back, forcing a smile as he pulls out a brochure. Soon Lunaris and Aspide find themselves surrounded, many talons grasping at them, impatiently waiting for him. Lunaris grimaces to himself; these griffons are worse than the Canterlot nobles! At least the nobles had the decency to keep their hooves to themselves while they wait for the last sycophant to stop talking to him, before they took their place in line. The griffons instead climb over each other, as if afraid he is going to run out of brochures. Hmm, maybe he should check how many he has left. After he satisfies this group, of course. He grimaces internally; maybe they could share the brochures, but looking at the response of the griffons, their infighting, gives that idea little hope. Soon enough, the brochures run out, many of the remaining griffons understandably upset at not getting a brochure of their own.

Lunaris and Aspide glance at each other, their frowns turning to smirks as they slink away from the growing dust cloud. They find themselves standing at one of the long mess tables, their smiles short lived as one of the griffon chefs, if you could call them that, places a plate of steaming... something in front of them.

"Um," says Aspide, looking at the brown dish from one angle, then another. The texture reminds her of a boiled carrot, heavily glazed with brown sugar. Except for the white spots sprinkled around. And the growing puddle of reddish brown. She looks around; a few of the griffons have joined them, getting plates of their own. None have any sort of silverware, not even a knife, instead grasping the substance with their talons and digging in with their beaks. She whispers to Lunaris, "Do you think this is... meat?"

Lunaris follows the trail of one of the clouds of smoke, leading to a wooden structure built over a roaring fire. A... carcass would be the most appropriate word, is rotating above the fire, the dish in front of him sharing the same smoky aroma. He whispers back to Aspide, "I fear you are correct. One would hate to imbibe in such a feast, were it deserving of the name." Lunaris glances back at his plate, two hunks of meat now resting on his plate. His deadpan stare finds Aspide, her casual whistle belying her growing smirk. "Ahem."

Aspide flutters her eyelashes, a perfectly innocent, "Yes?" coming out.

Lunaris points a hoof at his plate, "Ahem."

Gregory steps up from behind Lunaris, clasping a talon around each pony's shoulder. "Ah, I see you are both enjoying your meals! A griffon specialty, this is. Very insulting should one refuse. I have heard that even your Princess Celestia has difficulty with such a display, and I am glad that I don't have to worry about that with you!"

Lunaris whimpers as his face falls, looking at the double helping of smoky meat on his plate. One shaky hoof tentatively comes up, trying to grasp the dripping hunk with as little as possible. His eyes squeeze shut; his mind desperately wants to shut his nostrils, stop the assault on his senses. He can hear the pop of the fire, the sizzle of the still roasting venison, the smoky texture tickling the back of his throat. The tender meat practically falls apart in his hoof, forcing him to open his eyes to grab a long sliver.

Gregory intently watches with glee while Aspide adopts a look of horror before her guard training comes back to her, a stony expression replacing her open mouth. Lunaris' hoof comes up, his mouth briefly scowling as the sliver touches his tongue. His jaw mechanically chews a few times, another whimper escaping his mouth before he swallows. His stomach churns, Lunaris doing everything he can to keep his reaction in check. His tongue briefly lolls out of his mouth as he harshly breathes out. Gregory laughs, "I like you, Lunaris! I do hope we can continue to share our customs with each other!"

Lunaris briefly nods to Gregory, the large griffon walking away. He lunges over as soon as the griffon is out of the immediate area, grabbing Aspide's pack and withdrawing a bottle of water. He practically rips off the top, swishing a mouthful of the liquid around before spitting it out under the table. He leans over to Aspide, "I swear to you, these royal lips are never touching anything so disgusting again." He motions to the many griffons now sitting around them, "No common fare, only what I or a Canterlot grade chef prepares!"

Aspide smirks, "Well, might need to put that on hold," as Gregory sits down across from Lunaris, a heaping plate of meat on his plate. The griffon's eyes travel from the plate to Lunaris, his head barely cocking to the side as he stares. Lunaris' eyes widen, his shoulders slumping over as his hoof raises to his plate again, a soft whimper escaping his lips.