• Published 31st Oct 2018
  • 501 Views, 31 Comments

Prince Blueblood: Master Ambassador - Doug Graves

Prince Blueblood is sent as an ambassador to the Griffon Kingdom as his first diplomatic mission. Hopefully, it won't be his last.

  • ...

14 Observation

The door to the tent bursts open, a white unicorn madly dashing away. A gray mare peeks out, squinting against the morning light and watching with a bemused expression as he circles around one of the nearby rocks. She shakes her head, a slight eye roll at his exaggerated movements back and forth before she disappears back into the tent. Aspide begins packing up the bedroll and blankets, one ear flicking back at an uncommon, though not necessarily unexpected noise.

"Oh Sweet Celestia!" comes the haggard cry, accompanied by a loud grunt. Aspide smirks as the moans continue, debating whether or not she should shout any advice. Her nose wrinkles as a foul, pungent aroma floods the tent. Why did he have to run upwind of her? At least it isn't too much worse than what the griffons subjected them to yesterday.

Hooves clop against the stone, gradually getting louder. The tent flap opens, Aspide continuing to pack up their belongings. She ignores the throat behind her clearing, finally turning around at the gruff, "Ahem."

"Yes?" Aspide asks, her large, innocent eyes fluttering as she looks up at Lunaris.

The unicorn glares back, impervious to the batting of her eyes, "You owe me half a foot of intestine."

"Mm," Aspide says, waggling her hips seductively as she grabs her bags, "I think that can work. But will that be enough?"

"Oh dear Celestia!" Lunaris moans, a hoof slamming into his head. He grunts, massaging the spot where he hit himself. "I meant, because of what happened yesterday, from the meat! I feel like I lost a foot of myself clearing all of that disgusting crap out! And half of that meat should have been yours."

"Aww, you're only giving me half of your meat?" At Lunaris' continued glare Aspide rolls her eyes, "I thought the griffon chefs made you try a bit of chicken. Weren't you comfortable after that?" Aspide grunts as she pushes Lunaris' much lighter bags out of the tent.

Lunaris helps pull up the stakes as he says, "You are correct. Therefore, you owe me even more, seeing as I could have digested some of their fare without issue."

"Oh, you can have as much as you want," Aspide quips, her forelegs dropping to the ground. Her eyes look back as her tail flicks to the side, a smirk growing even larger on her muzzle as she sways back and forth.

"That's it. Have fun packing everything up yourself." Lunaris huffs, storming off. His canvas bag levitates to his side, strapping on as he drops to the ground, beginning a regimen of push ups. His eyes bore into the ground, his breath coming in snorts and

"Oh, come on, I was just having a bit of fun! What's the big deal?" Aspide gets back up, pulling out the last of the stakes. "And I could use some help with this. It's kinda hard with just hooves, you know."

Lunaris ignores her, his breathing beginning to get heavier as he strains against the ground.

"Alright, I'm sorry." Aspide sighs, waiting for Lunaris to help her with the tent. "Why are you so hung up on this, anyway? I thought that, you know, with the way all those mares look at you back at the castle, you'd be used to this sort of thing. Or at least not be such a prude."

Lunaris closes his eyes, a long breath in as he tries to calm himself. He gets up, flexing his forelegs as his horn lights. The tent folds into itself, neatly packing into one of the bags. His voice, much softer than normal, "Unfortunately, none of the nobles you are referring to ever caught my eye."

Aspide pulls the bags to her back, Lunaris helping strap her in, "That's oddly specific. So, there some non noble mare that caught your eye?"

Lunaris merely grunts in return, pulling the rest of the bags to himself.

"Wait, it's not me, is it?" Aspide sighs as Lunaris stares off into the distance, "Look. Is it about last night?"

"No. And yes. I don't want to talk about it." The two start walking to Griffonstone, Aspide pulling up next to Lunaris.

Her voice raises, "Look, I'm sorry about what happened last night. I just thought that, you know, with the way you were acting, the way things had gone, you needed to break out of it. I just wanted to help you with that, and if you wanted it, a chance to relax. Just to be there if you needed me."

Lunaris slams a hoof into the ground, "Is that it? That's why you kissed me?"

Aspide nods, a touch of hesitation in her voice. She scuffs at the ground, "Well, sure; I was worried about you, and thought it would help. And if it led to anything... well, I wasn't going to say no."

"Well, why me? You can't possibly treat any of the other guards like this," Lunaris sneers, "or you would be out of Canterlot Castle faster than you can bend your forelegs."

"Well, you stood up for me, back at the arena." Aspide glances away, trying to hide her blush, "And, even though you can be quite a pain, I... I like you. And I thought you liked me too."

Lunaris huffs, "Yes, I find you attractive! You're one of the only mares I've met who stands up to me. Who tells me when I am wrong, or misguided, or offensive. I value that, very highly." He shakes his head, "But, I'm sorry, it just won't work out between us! Not at this time."

Her voice raises to match his, "Look, I know I wouldn't make lead mare! Is it because I'm an earth pony?

Lunaris shakes his head, the fight leaving his eyes. "No. It's not that."

Aspide continues unabated, "Or is it just because I'm still a lowly private? Am I not good enough for Prince Blueblood?"

"Look, I'm sorry I made such a big deal. Please drop it."

"Fine." Aspide huffs, the two walking silently for several minutes.

They glance up as two griffons fly over them, recognizing Golda and Ganis. Golda is carrying a bundle of blankets in her talons, a green duffel bag over her shoulder. The griffons circle around, landing next to the two ponies. Talons lift the bundle off of Golda's back, now cradled next to her chest.

"Hello, Golda, Ganis," Lunaris says, a slight nod towards each.

"Ponies," Ganis says, motioning towards Golda. "We have a formal request."

Golda steps forward, pulling the blanket back to reveal a small griffon. Her golden eyes, surrounded by amethyst, look up at the two ponies. Her small beak opens, but no sound comes out; she waves briefly before hunkering down, her beak shutting. Her brown arms and golden talons cover her face, huddling into the blankets. Golda says, "This is my daughter, Gilda. As a show of my faith in you and your intentions, I would like you to take her. I am... hopeful that you will be able to bring her with you to Equestria, so she is able to learn about ponies and their ways."

Lunaris stares at the small griffon for a few seconds before saying, "I'm sorry, but we aren't looking to adopt at this time."

Aspide slugs Lunaris in the withers, the unicorn grunting in pain and pouting. Aspide says, "Ignore him. So, would this be some sort of exchange program? Where you can send griffons to grow up in Equestria, and ponies might come to Griffonstone in a similar manner?"

Golda nods, "Until she is an adult, yes, and then she can make her own choice to return here or stay with you. We would be amenable, should any ponies request, to housing and teaching them here in Griffonstone." She pauses for a few seconds before saying in a lower voice, "It would likely be best for a pegasus foal."

Lunaris smiles, recovering from the hard punch, "We are honored that you place your trust in us. Do you have any relatives in Equestria, or have a preference to where she goes?"

Golda shakes her head, "She will be one of the first of the Golden Aerie to travel to Equestria. We have... not been inclined to send anygriffon before now." She pauses for a few seconds before saying, "I have heard of your pegasus cities; perhaps that might be the best place for her." Golda raises a talon, holding it out. Lunaris raises his hoof, the two grasping each other, pulling together for a quick embrace. "I suppose I should thank you again for not leaving her an orphan."

Lunaris smiles, "I will talk with a few friends of mine, find a good home for her."

"I'm sure she will make the best of friends no matter where she ends up," Aspide says with a grin, taking the offered chick. The bundle squirms, reaching for Lunaris. "Hmm, I think she wants out. Or do you want to ride on the unicorn? Yes you do!"

"Oh, please, I'm not some pony drawn carriage," Lunaris says, a bit of a groan as Gilda finds herself riding on top of him regardless. She chirps appreciably, talons digging into his coat as Gilda looks at her mother.

"I better not hear about you misbehaving!" Golda admonishes the young griffon. Gilda hunches over slightly, nearly resting her head along Lunaris' back. "Oh! And, here are the various order forms and whatnot. I hope for your sake they come through with this."

"I have no doubt as to the outcome of that," Lunaris says, a smile at both griffons. He takes the green bag, finding a spot on his relatively unoccupied back. One quick trip over the Abyssal Abyss later and the griffons watch stoically as the ponies walk away. Gilda pokes her head up, a brief wave before she drops back down, merrily bouncing along on her white steed.

"Ooh, they packed some rations in here!" Aspide says, looking through the green bag. "It's... some sort of biscuit?"

"Those must be the rock biscuits Golda mentioned," Lunaris says, levitating one over. He sniffs it, a sigh at the common fare. "Is there nothing else in there?"

"Nope, doesn't look like it," Aspide says, taking a careful bite of the dense meal. "So," Aspide says as they walk down the mountain, slowly chewing the biscuit and trying to let her saliva dissolve the rock-like texture, "What happens now?"

"We head back to Equestria, and hope that fishermare is looking for us. Find a home for this one and celebrate a job well done. Hope Celestia can find somepony more inclined than me to come back here."

"Well, I'm with you there," Aspide says, a brief glance back at the fading city.

Comments ( 2 )

Should slap an AU tag on here, the griffons don't have a government, much less a kingdom.

Hmmm this was alright a little bit of the non norm category for me but enjoyable!

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