• Published 14th Oct 2018
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An UnCozy Reformation - AnUnCozyGlow

Cozy Glow has been stuck in Tartarus for A year. One very admit School Counselor feels that this is wrong and will do Everything In her power to correct that. As she knows in her heart no one is A lost cause!

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Chapter 5: The Empty

White, everything white, white padded floors and wall, white ceiling with bright white lights, a small bed with white sheets and pillows, at least the metal parts were silver. Not that it mattered, not that anything mattered. Cozy just did what she had done since being put there, how ever long ago that was, she honestly didn't know, the last thing she remembered was that horrible sound, that horrible cracking, the doll, the voice, the only connection she had left to Starlight dying in her arms. When she came out of her stupor she had found herself in this room, two stallions and a nurse talking to her, explaining where she was, what being on this floor meant, how things were different. Not that she was really in any position to pay attention to or understand their words at the time. Though she quickly learned.

Everyday around what Cozy could only guess was lunch an orderly or nurse came in with a tray containing her daily rations of food and medication, they stayed until Cozy would finish her meal and take her medication. She of course did so whether she was hungry that day or not, she didn't have the will to fight back anymore, the will to do much of anything. Perhaps part of her lethargy was whatever new medications the doctors had prescribed, but even without them it didn't change the fact, that deep down inside, she just felt empty. There was now anger or joy, no sorrow, hate or happiness, the young Pegasus foal felt truly and utterly, empty.

"OK Ms. Cozy its time to follow me to the clean-up area" A nurse calmly stated as she entered Cozy's room. Cozy just looked-up at the nurse, she was a earth pony, a reddish-pink fur and a soft green mane. The nurse smiled at Cozy as she gently patted her on the head and told her once again to come along. Cozy of course complied. As she walked down the nearly barren white tiled halls she could hear other foals and creatures screaming or crying from inside the other rooms. she wasn't sure who all else was up here, nor did she care, but from some of the noises she could hazard to guess at least one griffon, one yak a couple of dragons and at least four or maybe six other ponies.

"Here we are dear" The Nurse stated as she stopped cozy and pointed at the door, a symbol with water droplets on it. Cozy just nodded and proceeded inside the room.

If Cozy were in a position to feel any form of emotion she would probably like this room the best, there was actually some color, dark blue almost black tiles, tiny little squares all over, stalls along the walls with fountainheads for the patients to use. Cozy walked to her usual spot in the middle of the back of the room as the nurse removed her white hospital gown and turned on the fountain head, warm water spewing out. Cozy closed her eyes and listened to the water, letting it take her back to the memories of rainy days, how much she used to love watching the rain. It wasn't enough to light back-up the spark she had lost, but perhaps enough to help her relax. As Cozy entered her trance the nurse got out a bar of soap and began to clean the young foal. Part of her was tempted to ask the Pegausi how such a small foal ended up in a place like this especially one this floor, but then she knew better than to potentially trigger a traumatized child, especially one her employers had considered dangerous enough to put here on floor eight. So she quickly dismissed the idea and continued with her work.

After finishing her daily cleaning session and the nurse making sure she was dry enough Cozy was sent back to her room where she once again set down in the same position as she always did. The nurse just smile at her, told her to have a pleasant evening and that lights out would be in two hours. Cozy said nothing as the nurse just sighed and closed the door, locking it from the outside. And that was it, another day, another day where nothing really mattered, another day in the white on floor eight, another day in the empty.

Cozy Glow set-up and yawned as she blinked her eyes, unsurprised she was still in the place she had been the day before, and they day before that and Tartarus only knew how long. She didn't even feel like getting out of bed today though, even though the automatic lights had been turned on as they were every day, or morning, or whatever it was, so she just closed her eyes, and did her best to drift off back to sleep.

A knock, unexpected. Another knock, very unexpected. Cozy opened her eyes and got out of the small bed and walked to her spot in the center of the room.

"See I told you she was in there" A voice said. "I suppose she was just a tad reluctant to get up" it finished.

"I suppose, and you're sure it's OK for me to go inside there on my own?" Another voice asked.

"Well of course, you are a princess after all" The voice Cozy now recognized as Dr. Dula chuckled.

"OK, well here goes nothing" The other stated with nervous gulp as the door opened and a very unexpected guest walked in. "Hello Cozy, do-do you remember me?" Twilight Sparkle asked looking down at the young foal, her expression one of uncertainty with perhaps a tinge of remorse seeing the young Pegasus filly she had once considered one of her start students and then her greatest failure to be just sitting there down on her flank, with hazed over emotionless eyes that somehow Twilight sensed were still full of sorrow.

"Oh, Hello Headmare Twilight." Cozy answered in an almost robotic tone. "What brings you here?" Cozy asked.

Twilight winced, she knew Cozy had betrayed her, all of Equestria even, but to see a child in such a state, it made the princesses heart ache. "How did Starlight survive going to see her everyday in Tartarus!?" Twilight eternally asked herself. after a heavy breath Twilight did her best to regain her composure. "I just came to check-up on you Cozy, I hope you don't mind" Twilight softly and sweetly replied.

"No, I don't mind" Cozy replied, her voice still seemingly devoid of any emotion.

"Yes, well, um....good then" Twilight awkwardly fumbled her words trying to think of how to properly start their conversation. "You know, I will admit I was a bit surprised when Dr. Dula called and asked me to come visit. But when she told me about your latest....incident I figured you probably needed the company" Twilight explained.

"I guess" Cozy replied.

"Well, I just want you to know that we're all rooting for you. Ponies aren't the kind to hold grudges you know" Twilight nervously exclaimed. "Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, the Crusaders and all your fellow students are looking forward to you getting through this" Twilight tried to reassure the young curly haired Pegasus.

"That's nice I guess" Cozy replied. Twilight starting to fear there was nothing she could say to snap the poor child out of whatever funk she now found herself in. but to her surprise Cozy finally began to talk.

"And.....what about....what bout Starlight?" Cozy asked with a rasp, the slightest tinge of emotion begging to return in her voice.

"Starlight is definitely looking forward to seeing you again, I can promise you that!" Twilight happily exclaimed with a smile.

All of a sudden for the first time days or weeks Cozy still wasn't sure how long it had been emotion began to return to the young foal. "I-I wanna see Starlight!" Cozy sobbed. "I-I wanna see her now!!" The young filly pleaded.

"I know sweetie, and I wish you could, but i'm afraid not even I can override a decision made by Celestia" Twilight sighed.

"B-but it's not fair, she got punished because of me, she shouldn't get in trouble over me!" Cozy continued to cry.

"I know, and, I agree." Twilight sighed "But I trust Starlight's judgement, she believes in you Cozy, she put everything on the line for you, defying Celestia herself, she is a very brave unicorn" Twilight softly and nervously exclaimed. All of a sudden an idea forming in the young princesses brain.

"You know, perhaps I could talk to Celestia and the council again, now I can't promise anything but I could do my best to convince them to attempt to shorten Starlight's sentence. i'm sure both of you would appreciate that." Twilight softly smiled.

"Y-you could do that?" Cozy asked her eyes pleading.

"I can't promise any thing for certain, but i'm wiling to try, if you're willing to make a promise of your own to me." Twilight explained.

"OK, yes, what ever it is, i'll do it!" Cozy hastily agreed, the spark within her begging to ignite once more.

"I can talk with Dr. Neuron to get you move back to your own room, but you have to promise to be good Cozy, be good, for me, for all your friends waiting for you back in Ponyville, and most importantly for Starlight, OK?" Twilight commanded with a soft smile.

"I-I promise, i'll be good, I promise, just-please, I really really really miss talking with Ms. Glimmer, I-I didn't think I would and I don't know why but I do! So please help her, I-I promise i'll be good, I promise i'll get better! I promise!" Cozy pleaded and sobbed as she used her tiny wings to hover into Twilight's chest as tears continued to roll down her eyes.

"And I believe you sweetie, I do. i'll head downstairs and talk to the doctors and then meet with Celestia the first thing tomorrow morning, I promise." Twilight reassured her. "Oh, by the way, I think you might have been missing this" Twilight chuckled a she levitated the doll Starlight had made Cozy towards her. Cozy just looked at it and then back up at Twilight, the princess encouraging her to take it. Cozy obeyed and quickly grabbed the doll as she fluttered back to her bed and squeezed the doll tightly. "Hewwo Cozy Glow, I wuv you!" it sang, good as new. Cozy just staring at it with wide-eyed surprise.

"You see Cozy, with a little friendship, a little magic, there's nothing that can't be fixed!" the purple mare happily exclaimed as she slowly trotted towards the foal. "I know you may not feel so good right now, maybe even a bit empty. But, that's not always a bad thing. Because, well sometimes a cup spills and makes a mess, but at the same time you know, it just gives you a chance to fill that cup up again. So, just, stay strong Cozy, and i'm sure you'll be able to fill your cup up with wonderful things in no time" Twilight softly smiled as she hugged the filly. "I'll send you a correspondence as soon as i'm able, ok, just don't give up on Starlight, or yourself" Twilight finished as she gave another soft smile to the girl and slowly trotted out of the room. Cozy just watching her leave and then staring back at her doll letting out a small smile of her own.

Three days later Cozy found herself back in her old room. The Doctors explained how Twilight had convinced them to give her another chance but that she would have to be on her best behavior. Cozy of course quickly agreed to these terms.

"Oh and before I forget this came in the mail for you today youngling" Fritz added as he levitated a letter over to her. Cozy let out a nervous gulp as she slowly opened it up.

Dear Cozy, I am delighted to inform you that after much deliberating with Celestia and the royal council I have gotten Starlight's sentence cut down to just four months of community service. Isn't that great!? Of course I realize this may not be exactly what you want but I imagine three months is much better then a year. And if you're wondering no that's not a typo I was calculating in your time at the clinic, I figured you might have lost track being on the eighth floor and all which apparently has no clocks, I mean seriously who doesn't give their patients clocks!? Anyway apologies for all the rambling, i'm just so excited and I know you must be too! See you soon Cozy!

Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle

P.S. This is Spike, you still owe me fifty bits for that time you tricked me into buying everyone in the class sodas that one time

Cozy Glow read the letter aloud and chuckled. "Oh my, I-I can't believe it!"

"Well it sounds to me like you have more then enough reason to actually take your therapy seriously this time" Dr. Dula Chuckled. I expect you to be at group at 9 A.M. Sharp Ms. Glow" Dula teased.

"Yes M'am!" Cozy happily giggled.

"And no more villainy either!" Fritz added with a huff. "If something makes you mad or upsets you work it out in a healthy way, Talk to one of us or draw something, meditate, heck i'll even let you take-up gardening on the grounds if you want just don't go around stealing any more hospital property ok!"

"Yes sir, Mr. Neuron!" Cozy giggled. "I promise!"

"Well, OK then, I guess that's that as he slowly left the room, Dula following behind.

Cozy just happily giggle as she cling on tightly too the letter and flew over to her bed "She Cozy Jr. Head Mare Twilight did it! We'll get to see Starlight again!" She happily exclaimed as he hugged the doll tightly and flew around the air giggling like the happiest foal in the world. For the first time since she arrived at the clinic, Cozy actually felt like she might be able to turn over a new leaf after all.

Author's Note:

Next Time, Cozy actually starts making progress and we learn a bit about her tragic past!

Thanks for reading