• Published 14th Oct 2018
  • 5,892 Views, 161 Comments

An UnCozy Reformation - AnUnCozyGlow

Cozy Glow has been stuck in Tartarus for A year. One very admit School Counselor feels that this is wrong and will do Everything In her power to correct that. As she knows in her heart no one is A lost cause!

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Chapter 9: The New Queens Meet The Fallen Empress

The Lunch Bell Rang as the students ran out the door and towards the cafeteria.

"Finally time to get some grub!" Smoulder cheered as she began to excitedly fly down the hall pushing aside afew random pegasui and changelings as she did.

"Wow, somebody's hungry!" SilverStream chuckled as she watched her friend speed off.

"Makes sense, listening to Head Mare Twilight drone on is so boring it zaps the energy right out of yea" Gallus teased as he approached his friend.

"Aww c'mon the prof. Isn't that boring, and I'd say a few creatures even find her interesting, isn't that right?" Sandbar smiled looking back at Ocellus ans Cozy who were still trying to put all their notes back into their saddlebags.

"What can I say, Princess er Head Mare Twilight's lectures are inspiring!" Ocellus blushed.

"Yea, and if I don't take notes on every little thing she says I might miss something and then if I do bad on our next test they'll think I don't wanna learn about friendship after all and kick me out of the school again! W-what if they throw me back into Tartarus!?" Cozy panicked as she grabbed a brown paper back seemingly out of nowhere and began to hyperventilate into it.

"Little Pony need to calm down!" Yona stated as she put her hoof on Cozy's shoulder "We know Cozy trying to be good now, Yona no let anyone throw little pony back into scary place." The young Yak reassured her friend.

"Yea, plus even if they did kick you out again they'd probably come up with a better punishment this time like making Trixie home school you!" He chuckled, the rest just giving him a stern look. "What?" Gallus huffed. "Sheesh, you guys are no fun, fine let's get going, I'm hungry" he grumbled as he began to grumpily stomp down the hall.

In the cafeteria ponies and creatures of all kinds gathered at the tables and began to chat to catch up on the events of the day between bites of their meals, laughing, arguing and doing all the various things one would do in a conversation. Meanwhile on a medium sized circular table near a large window the Student six or now seven set and enjoyed their lunch.

"Man, those fried gemstones really hit the spot!" Smoulder burped in delight

"Yea, we can tell" Gallus cringed as he tried to waft away his friends Dragon breath.

"These Salmon patties are pretty great too! You want some!?" Silverstream asked offering Sandbar one of her delicious fish meat treats.

"Ahh, no thanks I'm not too keen on eating anything else that used to have a face on it" he nervously chuckled.

"Oh right, forgot most ponies were vegetarians. Sorry" Silverstream chuckled as she wolfed down another Patty. Sandbar just giving an awkward no prob gesture.

"The diary habits of creatures are truly fascinating!!" Occellus added. "Back when changelings primarily fed on love we didn't think much about it, but ever sense our reformation we've been discovering so many things about our digestive tracts!" The young female changling exclaimed with glee.

"Oh, do go on" Gallus sarcastically egged the girl on.

"Well while all changelings can handle grubs well enough certain beetles can make us sick. I'm actually allergic to blue gem beetles myself. Oh and 30% of changelings are lactose intolerant. We can eat most flowers but Daisy's can cause 10% of changelings tounges to itch for a bit, oh and we're all deathly allergic to Purple catnips & Leather Flowers for some reason." Ocellus smiled.

"Well uhh....ok then" Smoulder replied.

Yona then let out a loud sneeze interrupting the rest as her hay fries went flying across the table. "Hehe, Sorry, maybe Yona allergic to people talking about allergies!" The Yak chuckled as the rest of the group joined in. Meanwhile Cozy set silent and slowly stirred her soup around.

"What's wrong Cozy?" Ocellus asked in a genuinely concerned tone.

"Oh, it's nothing" Cozy sighed as she looked at her reflection in her ever cooling meal.

"You know if somethings wrong you can always tell us" Sandbar began to try to cheer up the small pegasui before an unfamiliar voice interrupted from behind.

"Well, what is the League of losers up to today!?' It cackled as the rest of the Student six let out a sigh, this only adding to Cozy's confusion.

"Not them again!" Gallus groaned.

"Yep, afraid so'' Sandbar sighed.

Cozy looked around to see three ponies she didn't recognize walking towards them. The first a Unicorn mare with light gray fur and a braided purple mane. She wore black eye-liner and had three piercings in her left and right ears. Upon her flank set a cutie mark with a skull & crossbones symbol coming out of a cauldron. To her left was a male pegasus with green fur and a short brown mane and tail, his cutie mark being a cloud with a nervous face. And finally a purple furred earth mare with rose pink pigtails, goggles over her eyes and a cutie mark of a beaker on her flank.

"So I guess the losers club added another member to their half-baked herd." The unicorn mare cruelly teased the group.

"And who the buck are you!?" Cozy bluntly asked causing everyone in the cafeteria to gasp.

"Wh....Why I Never!!" The Unicorn growled. "I am Petunia Hexspeak" The one and only niece of Grand Chancellor Neighsay!!" The snooty mare huffed.

"Y-yeah, watch your tounge kid!" The pegasus stallion nervously stuttered.

"Shush Storm Runner. I've got this" The unicorn cackled. "So tell me my little pony, now that you know who I am, why don't you tell me who you are?" She asked the young pegasus filly with a devious smile.

"Oh well, I'm Cozy Glow!" The filly stated giving off her best sincere looking fake smile.

"Oh Mine Gawt! Ze Cozy Glow!?" The previously silent Earth Mare asked in excitment as she bolted up to the girl's side. "I am a huge fan!" She deviously chuckled "Your plan to drain all ze magic from Equestria vas inspired!!" The eccentric earth mare exclaimed.

"Um, thanks?" Cozy awkwardly replied as she noticed the mare was rummaging through her saddlebags and with some kind of odd prehensile hair power she'd only ever seen Pinkie use before this new Earth mare pulled out Cozy's medication.

"Ohh, Vats diz?" The mare asked.

"H-hey give those back!!" Cozy nervously shouted as the mare mumbled the label & ingredients to herself.

"Well Encessa what is it?" Hexspeak asked.

"Seems to be some form of anti-psychotic. Aww, poor frauline are you a tad bit of the crazy-wazy?" Encessa chuckled.

"Well if she is who she says she is, then she deffinently is" Hexspeak chuckled.

"I-I AM NOT CRAZY!!' Cozy shrieked, causing the rest of the students in the room to noticeably tense-up. Realizing how loud she had been Cozy just blushed and did her best to hold back her tears. "I'm not crazy" she rasped "p-please give it back" she mumbled as she bit her lip.

"Hmm, I dunno" Hexspeak taunted levitating the bottle with her magic. "What do you guys think" she cackled.

"OK. That's it" Gallus huffed as he got up and sternly walked towards the group. "Unless you want your uncle to find out what a brat you are give Cozy back her medicine. Or did you forget Head Mare Twilight has him on speed-dial in the fancy spell phone in her office." Gallus deviously smiled back.

Hexspeak just grunted and with a sigh uttered "fine!" As she dropped the bottle, Cozy quickly zooming in to catch it.

"Not like I need a psycho foal and her pet chicken on my case anyway!" Hexspeak growled. "Just remember this Cozy Glow. You may have been a big shot before, but this is my school now! So just be on the lookout ex-empress of friendship, because these losers won't always be around to defend you!" She snarled as she began to stomp off, her enterouge following close behind.

"T-thank you Gallus" Cozy stuttered.

"Eh, don't mention it. Brats like her are all bark and no bite, besides the only one allowed to pick on you is me, got it!" Gallus awkwardly chuckled.

"OK" Cozy softly smiled as she wiped the tears from her cheeks. Gallus just looking down at the foal with a blush.

"Hey, don't even think about it. I mean it's not like I like you or anything, just because the others are soft enough to forgive you off the bat doesn't mean I am!" He tried to exclaim.

"Sure, whatever you say" Cozy chuckled as she swooped in for a hug.

"D'aww" Silverstream stated as she leaped across the table and began to tightly hug Gallus as well, eventually the rest of the Student seven joining in.

"This is soo embarrassing and I literally hate all of you right now." Gallus stated as his blush grew brighter. The rest of the group just chuckling even harder. Meanwhile the three bullies looked on from across the room.

"Well, isn't that cute" Hexspeak growled. "Cozy Glow eh, uncle told me about you, but it doesn't matter, I won't let you being here ruin my plans, I'll just have to work harder and make sure you learn your proper place." She deviously smiled as she continued to look on.

Author's Note:

New chapter finally! Yay!! Sorry it took so long! Anywho enjoy and I'll come fix errors later as I'm able.

Anywho next time Cozy deals with crazy school bullies, party planning stress and the chaos of living with Trixie & Starlight! See yea!