• Published 14th Oct 2018
  • 17,676 Views, 1,579 Comments

The Symbiote - SpyroForLife

Twilight Sparkle investigates the Life Aura Center at Celestia's request, but what she finds there is far more than she expected.

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14. Advice and Concerns

Twilight's friends spent several minutes just hanging out and talking to her and Venom. They wanted to know everything about him, and he was honest with them just like he was to Twilight. But all too soon they were having to leave, as they all had chores or work they needed to do, but they enjoyed the visit and were glad Twilight was open with them about her situation.

“Yeah, of course,” she said as they prepared to leave. “You're my friends, there was no way I was keeping something this big from you. I'll let you know if we find out anything about where the other symbiotes were taken. See you later.”

They bid her farewell and headed out, except for Spike and Starlight, who stayed in the room to keep chatting with her and Venom.

“So what are you two gonna do once you find the symbiotes and Blazing's trial is wrapped up?” Spike asked curiously.

“Oh, you know, probably the same things I always do,” Twilight replied. “Though... Venom and I have talked about it, and we decided we should use our combined strength for good. By... heh, well basically by becoming a superhero.” Venom gave a toothy grin and nodded, and she smiled back.

“A superhero? Whoa, awesome! Do you need help coming up with a name? Or a costume?”

Twilight shook her head. “Spike, we already have a costume.” They transformed, and while Starlight pranced back, still unused to that, Spike stayed where he was.

“I know, but maybe you could do more with this! Like, hm...” He flew around them, rubbing his chin as he considered their appearance. “You could have a cape!”

“No capes, capes are fucking lame,” Venom replied.

Starlight giggled, and Spike said, “Um, alright then. No cape. Then how about... oh, you can change your shape, right? How about...” He grasped their shoulders, seeming to massage them, before tugging their skin upward. “How about big, intimidating shoulder spikes?”

They tilted their head, then formed their skin outward into spikes as if they were wearing a sharp collar.

“Yeah, there you go! And, hm...” Spike flew down to their hooves and pulled on one. “How about claws?”

“We can grow claws if they're needed,” Venom replied, extending them to demonstrate. “Unless you are suggesting we always keep them out.”

“Yeah, keep them out, that looks cool!” He flapped back up, examining them. “You already look scarier. The bad guys will really be afraid of you now.”

Venom smiled but smoothed their skin back down into its usual shape. “We appreciate the advice, but trust us, we look fearsome enough like this. And we won't need a name. We already have one. We are Venom.”

Spike tapped on his chin as he considered that. “I don't know, sounds kinda evil.”

“Well we certainly won't be doing things like most of the heroes in your comic books. We're willing to hurt and even kill dangerous ponies. So, Venom is a very fitting name for us.”

Spike's eyes widened in realization. “Ohh, so you're like, chaotic good!”

Venom chuckled. “Yes, Spike. We're chaotic good.”

“Wait, hurt and kill?” Starlight asked, walking up to them. “How does killing ponies make you any better than them?”

“You're kidding, right?” Venom demanded, turning toward her. “We'll fight to defend those who are being harmed. If that means we kill the one doing the harming, it'll be no big loss for Equestria. Sometimes, Starlight, it's not as easy as singing a little song and the bad guy becoming good. There are real villains out there, real nasty fuckers who torment others with no remorse. They will never change. They'll never become good. So the only way to protect others from them... is to destroy them.”

Starlight swallowed, ears laying back. “Please tell me that's all Venom talking and not you, Twilight.”

Part of Venom's face shifted aside, revealing half of Twilight's face underneath it. She gave Starlight a serious look. “Sorry, but... I do feel that way. I have for a while and just didn't really talk about it because I knew ponies wouldn't like it. But... while I know ponies as a people are good, and kind, there are still those who do nothing but hurt others. I've read about them, seen them in the news. They cause harm, get arrested, spend time in prison... get out and get right back to it. Plenty get rehabilitated, sure. But there's still that small percentage that just doesn't change. It's like they were born bad. What would you have me do? Let them keep going out and hurting people? Or do what nopony else wants to lift a hoof to do and get rid of them myself?”

Starlight gave her a long, hard look. Then she said, “At one time, I was one of those ponies you would have seen as beyond redemption. You had reached out to me once and I refused it. It took multiple tries for me to finally understand your side and join you. I'm glad you didn't have Venom back then, or I probably wouldn't be alive right now, huh?”

“What? Starlight, that's not-” Twilight started, but the other had already turned and walked away, and all Twilight could do was stand there and watch her go. She slammed the door behind her.

Venom sank back into her skin, and she abruptly sat down, feeling cold.

Spike patted her shoulder. “It's okay, I'm sure she'll come around. I agree with you. Somepony's gotta do the dirty work, you know?”

“What if she's right, though?” Twilight said quietly. “If I was with Venom way back when I was first dealing with her... would I have killed her?”

“If you had, I'm sure you would have done it believing it was the right thing to do.”

“But it wouldn't have been. Look at what an amazing, inspiring pony she's become. In fact, if it weren't for her, my friends and I might not have ever been rescued from the Changeling hive. She's the one that rallied Discord, Trixie, and Thorax to come save us. Maybe they could have done it on their own. But maybe not. Her leadership is what allowed them to come together and save us. I'm glad I kept reaching out to her and finally became her friend.” Twilight gazed into space. “What if we kill ponies who could be like her? Who, yeah, have done bad things, but they have potential to be greater?”

Venom huffed, resting his head on top of hers. “It's not like we're going to eat everyone we catch robbing a convenience store or roughing someone up in an alley somewhere. We're going to go after those who truly deserve it. Rapists. Murderers. Thugs. I would have understood what you saw in Starlight, that there was good deep down inside that you just needed to bring out. There are ponies who don't even have that, and we'll know when we see them. And they will be our meals.”

Twilight sighed. “Right. I guess so. You think we should talk to Starlight?”

“I'd give her some time to cool off,” Spike said. “I'm sure if she spends some time thinking about it, she'll realize she's different from the kind of ponies you'd go after. After all, aside from some cutie mark stealing, some brainwashing, did she really do anything that bad?”

Twilight barked out a laugh. “Hah. No, not really. Okay, I'll give her some time alone.” She stood, and while part of her wanted to go lay down, another part of her was greatly motivated by that argument with Starlight. “In the meantime, Venom and I are going out.”

“Oh? Out where?”

She gave him a sly smile as she stepped past him. “To be the hero only we can be.”

“Alright!” He clapped, and she put an extra pep in her step as she opened the door. Maybe Starlight didn't agree with her, but she was glad she had Spike's support.

They headed for the train station, and Venom said, So where are we going?

I'm thinking Fillydelphia. The crime there is pretty high, I guarantee if we spend some time just walking around, we'll find somepony doing something disgusting and can take them down. You can feed and Equestria will be just a little safer.

He purred. Marvelous. Also, I'd just like to say you have good friends. They care about you. They take the time to understand you, and they support you. It's more than I ever had back on my planet.

We have good friends, Venom. We.

She felt him coil warmly in her chest, knowing he was smiling even while hiding below her skin. She trotted the rest of the way to the train station and checked to see when the next train to Fillydelphia would be arriving. The next one was going to Baltimare, but the train after that would go to Fillydelphia. It should be about twenty minutes until it arrived. She thanked the station employee and sat down to wait.

She passed the time talking to Venom, who asked her about various aspects of Equestrian society, wanting to understand the kingdom better. She explained that taxes paid for all the rail systems and travel by train was extremely cheap and mostly went toward paying the conductors. He scoffed at the trains being steam-powered and straight up laughed at Twilight telling him trains in more rural areas were even pulled by ponies.

So what would you power a train with? Twilight inquired.

Magnetism, obviously. Magnet-propelled trains can go hundreds of miles per hour. Specifically, ones that use magnetism to levitate them and also move them forward. Without friction from the ground, they can obtain incredible speeds. Though of course, the technology is quite complicated and expensive. Running a track through a vacuum tube would also have promise.

Huh. Well then, maybe you can help us create all this complicated technology. You and the other symbiotes could really help us advance as a species. As a planet, really.

That is the usual modus operandi of my kind. The peaceful ones, that is. We ally with other planets, help them with their problems, bring them gifts of knowledge. Carefully, of course. We don't want to overwhelm anyone. Too much change too fast can be a dangerous thing. But I'm sure the Klyntar would love to ally with Equus. They would prefer if you gave them something in return, but it's not a requirement.

Something in return. Like what?

Usually something of yours that we don't have. Like all that magically powered tech, we would love to examine that and figure it out. We don't have magic on our planet. Or at least, if we do, our kind has never sensed it and, I will assume, are not adapted to manipulate it. But an Equestrian style of art, or music, or things of that nature would also suffice as a gift.

I see. Hm. I feel like a meeting between our planets would be very interesting.

That's one way to put it. Beneficial for both of us, though.


They talked a while longer about the differences in technology between their planets, and Twilight made a lot of notes on things she could possibly try to bring about in Equestria. Apparently, the symbiotes had a form of Internet just like the humans did! Twilight definitely needed to get computers on the market, and then they could have their own version of the Internet.

I don't think you want that.

Why not? Imagine how great it would be if everypony had ready access to libraries of information!

...That's not all such a network would be used for. Trust me.

What do you-

They heard the loud whistle of their train arriving, and got up to move to the edge of the platform, watching as it came around the bend and slowly came to a stop.

You don't want to know. Or perhaps you do.

Twilight waited for people to stop leaving the train, and went in, finding a window seat and sitting down. I kinda do.

Alright. The Internet is great for the exchange of information, sure. It's also full of porn. So.

Twilight blinked. Oh. She thought back to some of the unfortunate images she had come across while exploring the Internet in the human dimension and sighed. Right. It is.

Oh yes. You could save ponies from that horror, he teased.

Well, who cares. I think the learning opportunities more than make up for it. Not to mention, we can finally share cat videos across the world!

I approve.

Twilight looked out the window as the train started to move again, heading northeast. Only a couple hours until she and Venom could hunt together. Until they could fight like they did when they escaped the Life Aura Center. She was actually pretty excited for it.

As am I, Princess.