• Published 14th Oct 2018
  • 17,676 Views, 1,579 Comments

The Symbiote - SpyroForLife

Twilight Sparkle investigates the Life Aura Center at Celestia's request, but what she finds there is far more than she expected.

  • ...

18. Chat with Starlight

“So,” Starlight said conversationally as she set the paper down on Twilight’s desk.

“So,” Twilight replied.

“Notice anything interesting about this paper?”

Twilight looked down at it. “Beet prices are gonna be up this season? That kinda sucks but I’m not that into beets anyway.”

Starlight sighed. “Not the column, Twilight. The headline.”

Twilight read, “Fillydelphia massacre. Twenty-three found dead in apartment building. Aw, that’s depressing.”

“Well, they were all identified as gang members. Including the gang’s leader.”

“Oh? Well that’s not as sad.” Twilight pulled over the paper to read the article more thoroughly.

“Lots of them were missing heads. Nearly all of them had parts ripped off. Police say it looked like a huge animal mauled and then ate pieces off of them. Have any idea what sort of creature would do that? And could actually get that deep into Fillydelphia to do it without being caught?”

Twilight put the paper down. “I know why you’re bringing this up. We both know it wasn’t a wild animal. It was Venom and I. So let’s get to whatever you wanted to say about it.”

Starlight hesitated, then said, “I’m worried about you. This…” She tapped the paper. “This isn’t you. I’m worried that that thing is warping your mind.”

Venom popped out of her. “Thing?!”

“I understand your concerns, I really do,” Twilight said. “Under other circumstances, I would never do that sort of thing. But Venom gives me the power and the camouflage to fight evil without being hurt or recognized. Those gang members have been terrorizing Fillydelphia for years. I met one of them in a shop threatening the owner and ran him off, without hurting him. His gang later caught me and dragged me to their base. So I did what I had to to escape.” She looked down at the article again, which claimed one of the survivors had come forward about what had attacked them, but his claims were dismissed as panicked hallucinations, as no one else in the area saw such a thing. “They were going to torture me for interrupting their work. None of them lifted a hoof to save me. So I destroyed them.”

Starlight opened her mouth, but Venom interrupted with, “And don’t say we should have talked it out, because she tried, and she got knives in her wings for it. They didn’t want to talk. They wanted to hurt. Should have heard them. Talking about gouging her eyes out. Cutting her open. So we fought. And we won.” He settled back, growing arms just so he could cross them.

Starlight was silent for a few moments. Then she said, “I can’t fault you for fighting in self-defense. But twenty-three… twenty-three of them?!”

“They kept coming after us,” Twilight replied. “Look, these were very bad ponies. They were murderers. They’ve tortured and raped without remorse. They deserved it. And honestly, once we got going we killed most of them pretty quickly. None of them suffered. Long.”

Venom nodded in agreement.

Starlight collected the paper, reading through the article again. “I guess the police have been too afraid to go after these guys themselves… but what you did just doesn’t sit right with me. I still consider you my friend, but I can’t support this.”

“You don’t have to,” Twilight replied. “Friends don’t have to agree with each other on everything. You have your views and I respect them. All I ask is that you respect my right to choose my own views as well.”

“Of course. I just don't want you to go down a slippery slope to hurting, maybe killing everypony who slights you. Remember who you are. You're Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. You've turned countless 'bad guys' to good through your words and deeds. Remember that when you're writing somepony off as hopeless and deserving of death.”

Twilight was quiet for a bit. Then she said, “There's something I wanted to tell you yesterday, but you left before I could. About if I would have killed you if I was with Venom. And I wanted to say no, I wouldn't. I could see the good in you, could see that you just needed a friend. If I had Venom, he would have seen that too. We still would have helped you.” She reached across the desk to touch Starlight's hoof. “But I've also met creatures that I don't see good in. Who step all over others to build themselves up, who manipulate and hurt, who feel no remorse for it. And if I can remove them, well... I'm going to.”

“I see. Well... be careful, okay? Don't just immediately write ponies off as hopeless. I want you to still try getting through to them, just as you did for me, and Stygian, and countless others. As for you.” Starlight leaned across the desk, slapping one hoof down on it while she stuck the other in Venom's face. “I've got my eye on you. You better not hurt her, and you better not force her into anything she doesn't want to do. If I suspect for even a moment that you're taking advantage of her, I don't care what it takes, I will rip your squirming black carcass right out of her.”

Twilight felt a twinge of worry, but Venom didn't show it, just smoothly saying, “Whatever you say, Glim Glam.”

Starlight got up, picked up the newspaper, and headed for the door. She glanced back at them, then opened it and swept out, closing it behind her.

Twilight stared, and Venom said, “So she's a beacon of moral superiority all of a sudden? Okay then.”

“She's just worried about me,” Twilight said. “I've done a lot for her, I'm one of her best friends, she doesn't want to lose me.”

“Isn't that sweet. But she's not going to lose you. You're going to live a long, happy life, aren't you?” He curled around her, hugging her head close to himself. “We both are.”

“Of course. So uh...” Twilight pressed him back. “About her threatening you...”

“I'm not worried. But if I did ever hurt you, well, I'd deserve it. You mean so much to me, I never want to hurt you.”

“We haven't known each other that long. You really feel that way about me?”

“Yes. I'll admit, I saw you as just a tool at first, a way to escape Blazing and his tests, but. You quickly grew on me. You're different from anyone else I've ever bonded with. And I plan to never give Starlight a reason to try and take me away from you.”

Twilight's cheeks grew hot. “Oh. Wow, I um... well, since we're in each other's heads anyway, I'll be honest. I really like you too. And I don't want her trying to separate us.”

He smiled, nuzzling her.

“Though I doubt she could,” Twilight continued. “Wouldn't you have to choose to leave my body?”

“Usually, though there are a couple things that would probably encourage me to flee just to get away from them. Like if you were to be set on fire. I'm sorry but I'm probably going to run.”


“Hey, I'd do everything in our power to put us out! But if we keep burning anyway I'm out of here! Also, loud, high-pitched noises. I'm not sure of the exact frequencies in your language but luckily Blazing never discovered that one. I can only imagine what he'd do to us if he did.”

“So fire and high pitches. Hm. Well, I'll try to stay away from stuff like that. But other than those sort of things driving you away, nothing could separate you from me against our will?”

“Nothing that I know of but I wouldn't be surprised if you could do it with magic, even going through your knowledge I still don't fully understand it. Oh, and another symbiote would be able to pull me out, but that's seen as rude.”

Twilight snorted and stood, crossing the room to the door. “Understandable. Okay, I'm gonna open the door, you mind?”

He hid, and she opened the door and checked the hall. No one was waiting for her, so she went back to her desk. She talked to Venom in thought while she read through and approved Applejack's lesson plan. But soon he quieted, retreating further to the back of her mind to indicate he wanted to be left to his thoughts. So she agreed and focused on her work.

It was nearly time for lunch when he finally spoke to her again.

I've got a crazy idea for how we could figure out where Blazing took the rest of the symbiotes, he said.

Oh? What's that?

Remember when we tapped into the memories of those gang members we were fighting? Here's what I'm thinking. We go talk to Blazing in the dungeons, and I shove a tendril right into his brain and drag the information out.

Oh, great idea! We can go do that after school instead of going to the museum, though if it turns out the symbiotes are there, we can head over there and get this all wrapped up!


Soon it was lunchtime, and Twilight met up with her friends and had lunch with them. They chose to eat in a corner of the library, a good way away from the students. They talked about what happened in Fillydelphia, with Twilight admitting she was behind all of it, to various reactions. But no one objected too strongly, especially once she explained what they were going to do to her. She also told them about her plan for finding the symbiotes, and they wished her luck.

“Seriously, when you're looking for hosts for them, I'm totally available,” Rainbow said.

Twilight chuckled. “Heh, I'll definitely let them know which of you are interested in helping them out.”

I feel like Slasher would like her, Venom whispered. He's into powerful hosts, and he'd be into Rainbow's strength and speed.

After a moment, Twilight said, “And according to Venom, one of the symbiotes might actually like bonding with you in particular.”

“Really? Awesome!”

“Ooh, what about me?” Pinkie asked happily.

Twilight consulted with Venom. She's so bubbly, so unlike many of my comrades, but I can think of one who has been frequently reprimanded for not taking things seriously and fooling around. Hysteria. She'd probably like her.

“One named Hysteria might like you,” Twilight said.

“Hysteria! Cute name, I love it!”

I'll be impressed if any of them manage to interest Riot though. He's old and serious and I've never heard him laugh. In fact he's probably going to be the most devoted to our mission. I'm not sure we'll be able to get him on our side. As soon as we free them he'll probably immediately start telling everyone to get back to the mission. Fix our ship, go home for reinforcements, and conquer the planet. Honestly, he's an ass.

Twilight mulled that over as conversation turned to plans for the second half of the day. She idly stirred her salad around, and said, But we'll try to talk to him anyway, right?

If you want. I'm just saying, don't expect to convince him. We'll probably just have to kill him. Because this? What we have going on between us, sharing your body instead of me just crushing your free will and using you for my own gain? This isn't how my team operates. I'll be seen as weak for this. He's always seen me as pathetic. Too sympathetic, too gentle. Hmph. You've seen me at work, I am not gentle.

True, you're not gentle to the bad guys. But with me? You're very gentle, she teased.

She felt mild embarrassment from the other. So I believe in treating my host well, so what? It's proven that the stronger the emotional bond between symbiote and host, the stronger they are physically. We're at our best when we work together. A miserable, controlled host will just weaken me. Besides, I like talking to you. I like hearing your voice in my mind, and feeling your happiness at what we can do together. If that makes me pathetic then fine, Riot, I'm pathetic!

Twilight chuckled. Her friends gave her confused looks, and she explained, “Sorry, just talking to Venom about something. Hey, you guys looking forward to the end of the year dance?”

Rarity and Pinkie's eyes lit up, and both of them launched into overlapping plans for the venue and what they were going to wear and how they were going to decorate. Twilight listened on in amusement, occasionally offering input but mostly just letting them talk. She couldn't wait until the end of the school year. Being headmare was a rewarding job but she was looking forward to summer break, when she'll have much more free time.

And judging from that eager swirling all down her spine, Venom was looking forward to it too.