• Published 18th Oct 2018
  • 738 Views, 10 Comments

Chase - Farenth Vega

Racing through the woods, Twilight Sparkle tries to put as much ground as possible between her and her pursuer.

  • ...

Chapter 6

A generous hike later he gently deposits you on your sleeping bag. How is he not even winded? He'd just carried your well fed flank at least a mile.

He hums a little tune as he reattaches your chain then brings out the hoof cuffs again. Your ears flatten against your head when you see them.

"I thought we moved beyond those..."

He lifts one of your hooves and starts to secure secure it... At least he's gentle about it.

"Maybe tomorrow. Don't want you hurting yourself as the paralysis wears off."

"I'm not a foal. I can handle my own limbs."

"Tomorrow I promise. Here."

He scoots closer to you, and lifts you up into a sitting position. Aww yes, slow roasted sweet potato! Despite your mouth watering at the smell you refuse to open up like a foal for him.

"Untie me first."

"Be a good now sparky."

Your neck muscles ignore your commands but you can still stubbornly hold your mouth shut. You scrunch your nose as he pokes your muzzle with the potato. This vaguely reminds you of your first time with a colt... best to keep that to yourself.

"Now don't make me get mean sheila."

It's a threatening line in a light lighthearted tone. Still, you wonder what exactly 'mean' means to a human like Arnold.

You don't have to wait long to find out! The hand not supporting your neck puts down the potato and slowly approaches your vulnerable underbelly. He wouldn't... He can't!

You last a whole 3 seconds before the tickling makes you burst into hysterics!

Of course, the instant you open your mouth you get a muzzle full of sweet potato. Mmmm, it has just the right amount of salt and pepper.

Wait, you're supposed to be mad about him spoiling your hunger strike. You bite off the bit in your mouth and let the rest fall into his waiting hand.

"Gonna eat now?"

What a bully.

You blush when he takes you by the chin and gently opens your mouth for you! L-lewd! Guess you're getting fed whether you like it or not.

The good is undeniably delicious, but this is a new level of degradation.

When he comes back with a few other veggies you open your mouth yourself. The obedience burns a bit, but it's more dignified than the alternative.

"This isn't drugged is it?"

"It's not, but you've gotta choose. You can either take the drugs or we can use this."

He reaches into a pocket and pulls out a ring. Inhibitor rings existed long before humans showed up, but were limited to either the royal guard or kinky bedroom stuff. You make a conscience effort to convince yourself this is one from the armories.

"I-I'll take the ring."

"Suit yourself, but we can't play cat and mouse again without you taking a dose of your medicine first. It just isn't fair following someone who can vanish into thin air."

Having your magic sealed with a ring isn't exactly pleasant, but it's not your first time. Don't ask

"There ya go then, looking great."

Psh yeah, looking great your ass.

He gives your neck a rub as he brings a water bottle up to your lips. The muscles in your neck are still so weak he has to tilt you head back for you as he raises the bottle.

Some sight you must be: legs bound, bridled, chained, horn ring, and now having your head held for you while he pours liquid down your throat. At least nopony's around to see you handled like this.

You'll begrudgingly let him nurse you for now, but you'll not enjoy it.

You'll not enjoy it one bit!

Maybe you're enjoying this a bit too much. The thought comes completely out of nowhere as he hand feeds you grapes while you lay on your back.

True to his word, he unbound your hooves after the sedative wore off overnight. You're still chained, bridled, and magically suppressed, but your makeshift bed is soft and the fruit is sweet.

"Where did you even find grapes?"

"Just ran across them when I was following you."

"I don't understand how you had the time to scavenge, set up camp, and keep up with me..."

"Well, I am the best. It's just what I do."

The effect your deadpan stare might be lost since you're upside down... Whatever, you open your mouth to allow him to drop more food.

"You swear these aren't drugged?"

"Cross my heart. Haven't lied to you yet have I?"

"Well no. You've just kidnaped me and tied me up against my will..."

"As opposed to tying you up with your consent?"

"You know what I mean!"

He plops another grape in your mouth to silence you!

"I guess I might. Food's 100% natural though, see?"

He throws one in his own mouth.

Hey! Those are yours!

It's good to hear he isn't flooding your system with more unknown pharmaceuticals, but it also removes a possible excuse for why you're acting so compliant. Maybe compliant isn't the right word, but you' can't help but feel like you've lost your fight.

"Fine, I'll believe you... So what gave me away this time?"

"I'm not really sure I should be giving you tips on hiding from me."

"Oh, is 'Mr. World's greatest hunter' afraid I'll get too good for him to catch?"

"Oh no, of course not. Without your magic I can catch someone like you any day of the week."

"Tell me what happened this time then."

"Well you're fast, but you're easy to track. I'm sure you wore yourself out and had to take a break, but that's your problem. A human can follow for days and days. As long as I'm on the trail I'll find you eventually."

"I was pretty tired..."

He scoots closer and takes a forehoof in his hands.

"Running all out will do that."

What is he? Oh! Oh, that feels great! There's no denying your muscles are sore from both your extended run as well as your time tied up. How does he know how to massage ponies so well though? You're practically melting in his hands.

"Well what am - OH! - what am I supposed to do then?"

The way he hit that one sore spot really sends a shiver down your spine.

He just shrugs and gives you a wry smile.

"Hold still so I've got a better shot?"

"I don't like being shot!"

"Yeah, but you don't seem to mind how you're being treated right now."

"I am a prisoner! I have no choice, but to defer to my captor for my own safety!"

That makes him crack a smile.

"Do you want me to stop?"

Horseshoes, he's calling your bluff.

"N-not yet..."

What a jerk, he'll ruin your mane by ruffling it like that!

"If they ever make that river passable again, and we get out of here, I just might miss you sparkle."

You just might miss him too. It's been so long since you've had someone to talk to, much less someone to give you a little physical contact.

"We could just stay out here forever?"

"Nice try. If I can't bring you in they'll just send out someone else to finish the job."

You frown, but still accept the food he continues to offer.

"Fine. Well, when are we going to go again?"

"Tomorrow? You still seem tired."

"Yeah, tomorrow."

But first more food.

You aren't a fattie.

It's beginning to look like you just suck at this whole 'running' thing. 3 days later he tranqed you at a full gallop near the gorge. That one hurt a bit.

A few days after that you went to sleep under a rocky overhang, and woke up in your sleeping bag. Tied up of course.

Today you've just been yanked off the forest floor by a net trap. Yes, that's right, a hanging net trap.

Holy crap, did he fashion this thing himself out of vines? Now he's just showing off.

"Arnold! Come get me down!"

He makes you take a good dose of his magic suppression drugs before re-releasing you, so you're currently pretty helpless. Just where is that jerk? He better not make you wait here where a manticore could come eat you at any moment.

You probably only waited an hour or so, but you're still pretty annoyed when he finally arrives.

"Do you not check these things!?"

The suppressed laugh only makes you glare at him harder.

"To be honest I didn't think this would work. The mighty sparky defeated by vines."

"Just shut up and let me down."

"Your wish is my command."

Instead of moving to untie the trap he raises his gun!

"Woah! Come on do you really have to shoot me!"

"Afraid so. I know you, you'd kick me and be out of here the second I let you down."

He's not WRONG per say.



That thing stings at close range!

"You couldn't back up!? And why do you always shoot me in the flanks?!"

"Biggest target."

Oh. No. He. Did. Not.

"Take that back! I am not fat!"

Gods he's always laughing. Even as he lowers your now frozen form to the ground he's chuckling.

"You're very slim I promise."

He rubs a hand down your side, and gives you a reassuring pat before picking you up. At least you can't shiver from the contact due to your paralysis. He may say you're thin, but he definitely grunted as he hauled you over his shoulders.

You aren't fat...

You would describe yourself as... healthy. Maybe you did put on a few pounds in the past several days, but that's still well within acceptable ranges.

"... You better have something good for dinner at least."


Oh, fish!