• Published 18th Oct 2018
  • 737 Views, 10 Comments

Chase - Farenth Vega

Racing through the woods, Twilight Sparkle tries to put as much ground as possible between her and her pursuer.

  • ...

Chapter 7

What is this like the 5th time you've found yourself in this position? Your body lays powerless while you're supported and hand fed by this human.

You tell yourself you aren't developing a complex, but this is almost starting to feel natural.

You swallow the latest bite and speak up before he can bring you more "Couldn't you have just put the cuffs on me before letting me down?"

"If the cuffs weren't back here at camp maybe."

"I think you just like shooting poor defenseless animals..."

"Eh, call it a habit." he shrugs.

Really, not even going to deny it.

"That has to be abuse. They don't shoot ponies on earth do they?"

"Nah, don't worry about that. You behave and they'll treat you right."

"Fine... Still stings though."

He looks down towards your lower body momentarily, "It's on the other side right? Want me to take a look?

Uhhh no. No, you don't want him inspecting your cutie mark, "N-no, no it's fine."

"So you're just making a fuss huh?

"I am not making a fuss! This is a serious issue! I-"

And he shoved your mouth full of fish. Jerk.

You munch.

That night brings something new to the camp, rain. Not just a sprinkling either, but a real downpour.

Arnold's initial plans to set up a tarp over your sleeping area doesn't cut it when the water starts coming in sideways. You can't help but begin to panic as more and more water builds up when you aren't totally able to move. The effects of the tranquilizing dart is wearing off, but not quickly enough. Wiggling your hooves and neck works again but full scale muscular control doesn't.

"Can't we find a cave or something!?"

"Didn't see any and it's too late to go looking now!"

Giving up on the tarp he returns to your side and scoops you up.

"New plan!"

New plan? Whats...? Oh! He's carrying you towards his tent! A-are you two going to share it? It's awfully tiny...

That's a yes. He slips the both of you inside and zips the door behind you.

"Are we both umm...?"

"Sorry sparky but I guess we got to. No way I can leave you outside in that mess."

Oh boy.

"U-umm yeah, thanks."

"It's no big deal. Late already though, why don't we just try and turn in?"


Oh sweet Celestia there's only one sleeping bag. What happens now? Even he looks a bit awkward.

"Uh how about we...", he starts.

"I can just... Over here should be...", You scootch to one side as best you can.

"You sure? We can share or-"

"No! No, it's fine! I'll be fine! If you could just give me a bit of help..."

"Yeah yeah, sure."

Stupid body, stupid tranquilizer, stupid Arnold. He reaches over to help you curl your limbs in and side a bit further into the corner.


"Great, yeah. I'll just turn in then I i reckon."

You manage to scooch a little further, but your back is still touching his. Not that you aren't thankful for the shelter from the rain, but this thing is clearly not meant for two.

"Well, gnight then."

"Right... Goodnight."

It's not that you don't trust the ape. It's just that you couldn't be more vulnerable, and now you're trapped in a small enclosed space sleeping right beside your captor... Oh boy.

Morning comes too soon.

Positive news: you can move your limbs now.
Negative news: They're still cuffed together so raising your forehooves to block the light isn't very effective.

You attempt to squirm further down into the sleeping bag for some much needed darkness, but run into a few problems:

  1. You're in a sleeping bag when you distinctly remember not going to sleep in one.
  2. There's something firmly wrapped around your barrel holding you in place.

Oh Celestia the something is breathing! Help!

Attempting to squirm away only gets you hugged tighter. You feel a bit like a teddy bear, his powerful arms completely surround and squeeze your body. So close!

You feel his breath on the back of your mane, and even his heartbeat along the back of your neck.

It's... Strong...

Further maneuvering fails to get you any more out of his grasp. The fact that you're still cuffed doesn't exactly help.

You huff in resignation.

At least it's a nice morning. The light drizzle still hitting the tent makes you thankful you're inside, even if it involves being a little too close for comfort.

Maybe you can just... No. What if you? No.

Nothing you try gets you any closer to freedom. Wow he's a really heavy sleeper isn't he?

You let yourself collapse in futility.

All in all it could be worse. You could be stuck outside in the rain with no mobility or magic.

Wait, Magic. In the past you've woken up to find yourself already sporting your horn ring but not today.

Have the drugs worn off yet?

You light your horn and discover access to a fair amount of power. It might not be enough to teleport out but it's enough for some telekinesis, and you know the exact target.

He stores his backpack at the back of the tent, that had to be where the horn ring was. It takes a few minutes of careful searching but you manage to find it!

There was never a chance to examine it before, since the only time you saw it was when he was locking it in place.

It's a robust design. Most *ahem* 'fun' rings weren't exactly designed for durability, but they'd clearly copied this a guard blueprint for this one.

It's easily capable of holding back even the most powerful unicorns, including yourself.

The good news is horn rings are designed to work when equipped, not to be durable when off. With no horn to draw power from for it's protective enchantments the device was simply a frail piece of metal with runes carved in it.

You make a few 'adjustments'. When the time comes, and the drugs have been flushed out of your system, you'll be able to break it and make a real escape.

You're pretty much a genius.

Dr. Twilight 'Genius' Sparkle stiffens when the creature behind her starts to grumble in it's sleep.

Crap! You quickly return the ring to his pack and move it back to it's original location.

The human yawns loudly and removes an arm to rub his eye.

"Aw man, must have overslept."

"Yeah... Could you uhh...", He cranes his head to look down at what he has gathered in his arms.

"If you wanted to cuddle sheila all you had to do was ask."


You squirm like a mad mare to escape the slightly too warm chest you're pinned too! He laughs when he lets go and you squirm like a two legged caterpillar across the tent.

"So you don't want me to untie you?"

You glare back at him over your shoulder before rolling your body over to face him and wiggling your legs at him impatiently.

"What do we say?"

"Release me.", He pokes you in the snout! Ugh!

"Fine! Release me please!"

"Close enough. First things first though."

He fishes the horn ring out of his bag and slips it back over your horn. Despite the flaw you introduced it will still work until you decide the time is right. The sudden and intense snuffing out of your magic still makes you whine and curl up into a tiny purple ball.

Unfortunately he takes the opportunity to stand and pick up his curled up captive by the scruff of her neck!

Not the scruff! The instinctual pressure point forces you to go perfectly still as he carries you outside and chains you to your post. Your brain starts to reboot only when he finally releases the back of your neck.

Ugh act cool Twilight. It's odd enough that that spot affects mares so oddly, but the effect is particularly powerful on you.

"You there sparky?"

Ok, acting casual has failed. He snaps his fingers in front of your face.

]"J-just don't grab me there."

"What? Here?"

Eeep! Higher brain functions grind to a halt when he reapplies pressure to the base of your mane. Your mind shrinks down to two basic tasks: breath and hold still.


He rotates you and waves a hand in front of your face. You're gonna kick the crap out of him for this!

"You know kittens do this too."

Buck him, you aren't a cat! He even has the nerve to poke you in your sensitive belly before putting you back down! You shake your head and whirl around on him angrily.

"Don't do that!"

"Alright, I'm sorry. I was just curious... Do all ponies do that?"

"Shut up..."

He laughs and starts peeling some juicy looking fruit.

"That a sore subject? I'll make it up to you then, want to come with me today to check out the river?"

Sounds more fun than being tied to a post all by yourself.


A quick breakfast later and he's clipped your chain to his belt. The two of you start off through the woods with him taking the lead.

The terrain's a bit rough, but with his larger body clearing the way it's manageable.

"You do know where your going right?"

"Of course. Just head east, it's not exactly rocket science."

What the buck is rocket science? Unfortunately you never get a chance to ask. The sound of rushing water tells you he's at least picked the right direction.

"Hmm, looks like it might be improving a bit. Let me see if I can get anyone on the horn."

He pulls a device out of his backpack before you can point out he has no horn. Must be some kind of artificial horn? Surely humans can't do magic like ponies though?

He proceeds to talk to the artificial horn, but so little of it makes sense to you that you ignore it. Must have some kind of communication spell built in.

You start to trot closer to the river to get a better view when you trip over something.

Dumb rock! You give it a firm kick only to receive a spike of pain up your leg!

Wow thats solid!

You peer down to see what you hit.


What might appear to be a rock to the untrained eye looks a bit different to you. The edges are a bit too flat and angular to be natural, also a magically inclined individual such as yourself can feel the tiny spark of life inside it.

That's not a rock not a rock. That's an egg.

A hydra egg.