• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 4,295 Views, 76 Comments

Bioshock: Equestria - BroSteve

And with the sweat of your brow, The Stable can become your city, as well.

  • ...

Chapter Ten: The Music Box

Chapter Ten: The Music Box
His eyes were a brilliant shade of green

By: BroSteve (Steven Rodriquez)

After what seemed like an eternity sleeping on the shanty hospital bed next to Twilight, Iron woke, stomach growling. He groaned, still wishing he could whisk himself away back to sleep and not have to worry about this wretched place. With blurry vision his eyes sprung open to see Twilight still laying there, breathing lightly in her restorative sleep. Something about seeing her lay there made him smile. Hell, he could even feel a slight tinge of red pop into his cheeks. Something he was growing to fond of around the mare. As most joyous things in Rapture, it was short lived as the wounds appeared back in his line of sight. The bandages were almost unusable at this point, he had to find more. Possibly some food as well. His stomach growled even louder this time. 'Don't worry Twi.. I'll be right back.'

He turned towards the door, removing just enough of the barricade to exit. Leaving the door vulnerable to attack and Twilight alone was incredibly risky. The thought of a splicer managing to get in sent a cold shiver through his body. He had to be quick. Taking a deep breath, he leaped forward and galloped down the hallway toward the kitchen he first found himself in. It didn't take him too long to find his way back. The hospital seemed.. empty now. Which was something Iron would not find himself complaining about. He rummaged through the kitchen only to find moldy and outdated food. Finally he managed to find a can of potatoes and carrots. 'Perfect!' He quickly threw them in his saddle and began his trot back toward their room. He made sure to stop by a few abandoned room in search of some more medical supplies.

"A half of a health potion and some bandages.. it'll have to do.."

It wasn't very long before the stallion returned to the mares side, trying to enter the room without waking her. After a quick rebarricading of the door, he made his way to her side.

"Twi.. Twilight, wake up.. I got some food!" He tried to keep his voice low, but the promise of actual food had him a little more excited than he should be.

Twilight stirred, her hooves twitching as the lay out in front of her. Her eyes slowly began to open. At first, her vision blurry not able to make out anything other than a large brown shape moving closer to her. She panicked, fearing it was a splicer. Iron made sure to stop until she recognized him, which didn't take long. Her vision focused and the brown stallion that smiled down at her. She couldn't help but give a smile, even if it was a weak one.

"I got some food, Twi! We need to get you eating if we want you healed up again and ready to go!" His voice, was positive. More positive than it had any right to be.

She nodded and tried to lift herself up, to no avail. She was still too weak to really even get up from her spot.

"Th... thank.. you Iron, sweet..ie." She managed to say with that same weak smile on her muzzle. Iron could feel that tinge in his cheeks again, being sure to hide it.

"Lemme just get these open somehow.. err..." He looked down at the cans in confusion. He hadn't really thought about how he was going to open them. His ears perked up as he remembered his smaller knife buried in his saddlebags. "Ah!" He dug through the messy bags and grabbed the knife and began to open the cans. "Now we just need someway to warm these up.. I mean we could eat them cold.. but that's not as good. Everyone likes their food at least a little warm.. but it depends on what it is.." He quickly realized he had started rambling to himself. Causing a small giggle from Twilight. He turned and tried to ignore it. "H-how about just cold?"

Twilight nodded.

'Oh Celestia.. how am I going to get her to eat if she's on her side.. uhh.. I could hold her up..' He liked the sound of that, though he would never admit it. "Okay Twi.. I know you're probably gonna have a hard time with this, but I'm gonna help yah!" He quickly sat next to her and wrapped his hooves around her as if she were a little foal. He lifted her just enough to rest her upper body against his. He was so lucky she couldn't see his bright red face right now. 'Sh-she's so.. soft..' He took haste in purging the thought from his mind. 'I'm doing this to help her eat and heal up faster!' He sighed 'Just keep telling yourself that Iron..'

Twilight went along with the stallions motions holding herself up against him, wrapping a hoof around his back and holding onto him with the little strength she had. Once she realized he was using himself to hold her up, she could relax and not have to exert her strength. Iron raised the can of carrots up to her mouth, letting a few slip out into her mouth. It took her a bit longer than usual to chew and swallow, but it was evident she was just as hungry as him.

It wasn't long before the food was gone, most of it going to Twilight. Iron only took a few carrots for himself and let her eat the rest. He knew she needed it far more than himself. After the makeshift meal Iron went to lower Twi back down onto the bed.

"N-no.. can I.. stay here..?" She said softly, but with a little more energy in her voice than before.

Of course, Iron lit up like a Hearth's Warming tree. With a smile, that again he's happy she couldn't see, he held onto her. "Of course.." Twilight took no time to nuzzler herself into his coat and closed her eyes, letting sleep soon sweep over her.

"I think we pretty much drained this place of any usable supplies or food at this point." Iron chuckled as Twi sat there looking at him.

"Yeah.. sorry about that.." Twilight said, a somber look worked it's way onto her face.

"Hey now.. it wasn't your fault or anything! I really didn't mind caring for you an.." He stopped himself after saying that. "You know, healing you up and stuff.. I'd do it a million times over if I had to."

Twilight smiled at him and stood up, still a little shaky and sat next to him and leaned on him. "Thanks, Iron.."

A few days had passed as Twilight and Iron got a much deserved rest and healing time. Twilight was still sore, and the bandages still needed to be on just in case. No running or doing anything crazy, but she could walk and actually feed herself now. Which Iron would never admit to her that he would miss being able to help with that.

"Can we please get out of this place..? I think I've spent enough time here.." She said nudging him, trying to get him to finally say she was healed enough to leave. With a long sigh, Iron looked down at her. "I guess so.. isn't too much else here to use anyway.. we're gonna take it nice and slow okay? Make sure we find a place to sleep before the sun goes down and try to not get caught by splicers as we're so exceptional at doing." She couldn't help but give a little laugh.

The two gathered what supplies they had left, fitting everything in Iron's saddlebags since twilight couldn't wear hers. They made their way out toward the main entrance.

"It's open..? When did that happen?" Twilight said curiously as they approached the large metal doors.

Pop! Bzzt!

"Bout time you two made your way outta there, hmm loves?" That familiar voice sprung to life over the intercom system in a teasing tone of voice. Even if it sounded like it was coming from a robot.

"Blue!" Twilight practically yelled at him with an over excited look on her face. "Where have you been!" Her excitement and happiness turned to what sounded like anger. You could almost hear Blue shrink back at the sudden shift in moods.

"S-sorry, Love. I didn't want to wake you from yellin' about through the intercoms, besides.. you two needed your alone time." He said with a chuckle causing Iron to scrunch his nose and look away from Twi, hiding his red cheeks yet again. 'What is wrong with me..'

Twilight sighed. "Oh shush you." She looked over at Iron and held back a laugh. He was never very good at hiding his blushes and it was just as easy to read what was on his mind. 'Like Mom said.. stallions are the easiest things to read..'

"I am quite glad to see that you're in tip top shape though! I'll admit, yah had me mighty worried. Looks like ol' Iron Sights here is more helpful than I originally thought!" Iron scoffed

"H-hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Blue just laughed.

"Seein' as you two are both alright.. I saw we get a move on here! We're getting closer and closer to finally meeting. Might have to give Iron here a stern talking too." Iron growled at Blue's playful antics with the two. "You're next stop is going to be New Fillydelphia. That's all that's standing between us at this point! It's hard to believe really."

Twilight nodded happily. "I can't wait to finally meet yah!" She looked over to Iron again, who regained his cool and was looking up at the intercom speaker.

"Well let's go!" Iron said with a burst of confidence, hoping to meet Blue as well.

"Perfect! Ah can't wait to se-"

Just like that, Blue's signal was gone and silence quickly fell over the entrance hall. Twilight sighed "Looks like he lost connection again, ah well.." She looked at Iron and nudged him playfully. "Shall we get moving?" Iron smiled in agreement and the two began to walk toward Fillydelphia.

Twilight and Iron walked side by side, the two going at a much slower pace due to Twilight's injuries still slowing her down. All around them the once beautiful city of New Manehatten lay in ruins under the deep blue ocean. The air was damp and it was common to find overflowed areas from broken pipes, spilling into the streets. It was getting closer to the evening hours as the simulated sunset now began to pour an orange light across the hollowed out buildings and flooded streets.

"I remember back when these streets were bustling with life.. everypony was so happy and hopeful.." Iron spoke in a quiet and somber tone. "At least the simulated sunset still looks beautiful, heh."

Twilight looked over at him, their pace beginning to slow as he spoke. She wondered how he had gotten here.. why he was here. Did he choose to? She didn't know if asking would appropriate.. but then again, when didn't Twilight ask when she wanted to know something?

"How did you.. uh.. end up in the Stable..?" She wanted to kick herself for just being blunt.. but she wanted to know more about him. Ever since they met, he had opened up more and more with every passing day. When they first met he seemed like a hardened soldier.. but now.. she was beginning to see who he really was.

He let out a deep sigh as they were almost standing still now close to the middle of an intersection.

"I grew up in the real Manehatten.. with my mother and father. It was a pretty normal life, yah know? We had a decent sized home, I was popular in school. All till I was about 10. That's when my Mom got sick." Twilight looked up at him, knowing this wasn't going to end happily. "It wasn't bad at first, just seemed like the common cold.. but soon she couldn't work.. she couldn't do anything around the house.. and she eventually couldn't get out of her own bed. My Dad had done his best to take care of her, and get all the medicine she needed, working crazy amounts of overtime. Then things just got worse.. she ended up in the hospital. The sickness was pretty far in it's cycle, but they said an operation might be able to save her. Only about a 30% success rate. The only thing was.. despite my Dad working non-stop.. we didn't have the money. We had tried reaching out for help from insurances and health care.. but none of them wanted anything to do with us."

He paused, taking in a deep breath.

"We got to watch her die. I pretty much dropped out of school and went right to work to try and help us keep the house.. which we weren't able to do. We ended up living in a small, crappy apartment. I think my father coped worse than I did. He began drinking.. a lot. Any money we would get, went towards alcohol. I wish it had stayed there though. Soon it grew to things I'd never seen before. Needles. Drugs." The word needles made Twilight cringe. The thoughts of the MANA and how amazing they felt crept into the back of her mind. That wasn't a drug though? Right?

"They just.. ate him away. It wasn't until we were completely broke and he lashed out during one of his withdrawl days. He beat on me, saying I was the reason Mom had died. It was then I knew I had to leave, his mind was gone and I no longer had a home. That led me to working and staying with a friend. Which of course didn't last long. That's when I heard of The Stable. Some place to start fresh. Where artists weren't limited. Doctors would help no matter what it took. What they played up to be a paradise. So I ran. Celestia knows good things never last for me though, the place went downhill quickly." He was sitting on his haunches now, looking toward the group as he sighed. "Sorry.. probably more than you really wanted to know.."

Twilight was trying to hold back the tears that were starting to form in her eyes. She looked up at him, never realizing how troubled a a past he could have possibly had. Yet he was still so cheery at times, and confident. While she.. was a miserable wreck who ran away from everything.

"I.. I'm s-sorry Iron.." She wrapped her hooves around him and buried herself into his coat again, something she was becoming all too familiar with. Iron was slightly taken back, why was she crying? He smiled and hugged her back gently, nuzzling into her mane.

"Don't you be sad now.. it's all okay really.. like I told you back when we first met. I made it my job to protect everypony who ends up down here.. that is including you." He said as he looked down at the unicorn, still crying onto him. It didn't take long for the waterworks to slow down. She pulled away and saw the wet spot on him, which he didn't mind.

"I'm sorry.. I just.. I know how it feels. I lost my parents when I was just a filly. I saw it all happen.. and that's why I ran. That's why I was on that flight.. I just never pictured I would have ended up here.." They both knew how the other felt. Iron wrapped a hoof around her, holding her. "Even though I ran.. I'm glad I did now. I felt weak for running.. and I still do. But everypony has their limits, and everypony deserve the right to find something new and start fresh. While it may not be paradise.. at least.. I found you.." Iron leaned down and gently kissed the top of her head, eliciting a bright blush from the mare. They stayed there for a moment, holding onto one another.

It didn't take long for the cascading light to fade into a darkening purple as night approached. "We better find somewhere to camp for the night. We wouldn't want to be caught in the dark aga-" Irons words were cut short as both of their ears perked up. The distant sound of a music box sang in the distance.

The two ponies started walking the direction of the faded music, somewhat enchanted by the sounds. They found themselves at the doorstep of an abandoned school house. It was a small time school house closer to the edge of the city where the business of it settled down. The sky starting to transition into the cool dark blue of night as the fake stars twinkled overhead. The two made their way inside and found the source of the music. A small white box, covered with light purple and iron colored stars. As the music faded, they examined their surroundings.

"Well.. guess we could stay here the night. Just do some quick barricading and we should be perfectly fine here, sound good?" He said with a soft smile as he turned to Twilight. She nodded in agreement, her gaze still focused on the music box in her forehooves. Iron began pushing all of the furniture up towards the doors and windows, closing any windows he could trying to hid themselves as best as they could. The decided to search for a place to hide out inside of the school. They entered the larger classroom toward the back of the buliding to find row after row of empty desks all facing the front chalk board and the larger teachers desk. The room and entire building was in a better state than they expected, being on the outskirts must have done well for preserving it. The chalkboard still managed to have writing on it "2+2=4 4+4=8" and so on. Seems like this was mainly for fillies and colts. They pushed the teachers desk over toward the corner, making a small fort out of it. Childhood memories of blanket and pillows forts came flooding back to both of them. They couldn't help but smile at the thought of how many years later, both grown ponies, and they are making a fort together. The thought quickly turned to more of a blush. Twilight quickly took her place underneath the desk and laid her head on her hooves and let out a sigh, closing her eyes for a moment before reopening them and examining the music box. She turned the dial and the beautiful melody filled the air once more. Iron was making sure everything was as locked down as it could be before heading back into the classroom. He looked over as the music began to ring through the air and smiled at the mare on the ground. He trotted over toward her and took his spot right next to her, both of their sides touching eliciting blushes from both of them. As the music hummed along the two began to talk.

"I just.. want to say.. thank Iron.. thank you for everything. Keeping me alive.. caring for me.." Twilight said as she leaned her head against him. She was beginning to like having someone around to lean her weary head on.

With a confident, yet warm smile Iron nuzzled right back. "No need to thank me.. I was more than happy to.. and I'd be more than happy to keep doing so.." With that he instantly felt Twilight get warm.

"I.. I think I'd like that.." She looked up at him, meeting his gaze. She never had time to notice before, but his eyes were a brilliant shade of green. He looked down and began to slowly lower his head towards hers. Suddenly her heart was pounding, trying to rip right out of her chest. She slowly closed her eyes, lifting her head to meet his half way.

Just like that their lips met. Everything around the two seemed to melt and drift away. Flares of pleasure and happiness tore through her body. She lifted a hoof and put it to his chest as they held their embrace. Iron felt like he might fly right through the ceiling as her soft lips were pressed softly against his own.

The two continued, neither one wanting to stop. A fiery passion now growing quickly between the two as each kiss became harder and harder. The music box's music slowly came to a stop, but the air was not silent. Not tonight.

Author's Note:

Thank you everybody for reading! Wowowow, this chapter gives me some feels man. When I started this, I didn't plan this, but it just started to feel organic as I kept writing. It started to feel much more real than I thought it would. I hope you guys are enjoying everything so far! I know things are taking a much softer turn for now, but theirs gotta be some breaks in the heartbreak, sadness, and gruesome world they're trapped in. <3

Comments ( 8 )

When do you think the next chapter will be out ?

Probably another week! That's how long these usually take.

4715598 Okie dokie lokie !

Just caught up from Ch 8. I gotta say, this is a very neat rendition of Bioshock. Like you said yourself, it's more organic! It's not just something that goes point A to B, it has nice stuff all in between, more flesh.

Thanks! Stuff like this makes me feel 100% better about the fic. I feel super confident when writing, but then afterwards I'm like "oh god this sucks.."

4716628 No problem. I was the same way until I lost interest in writing. I'm still iffy when it comes to structured writing. I enjoy freeform a lot, though.

Yah gotta like.. be used to putting yourself int he public view, and even after doing it for years I'm still not used to it. ESPECIALLY WRITING, haha.

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