• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 4,295 Views, 76 Comments

Bioshock: Equestria - BroSteve

And with the sweat of your brow, The Stable can become your city, as well.

  • ...

Chapter Four: Iron Sights

Chapter Four: Iron Sights
Live your life, the way you want.

By: BroSteve (Steven Rodriquez)

Twilight rose from the floor as the horrid stench of burnt flesh quickly overtook her senses. She rubbed her bleary eyes as everything was beginning to come into focus once more. Something felt different, she felt empowered. "Blue... what.. what just happened.." she asked, speaking through the ear piece to her companion.

"Twilight! Finally you've woken up! I was beginning to get worried about yah." He cleared his throat and continued "Thank Celestia you are okay!" Blue spoke in a truly thankful voice, putting a smile on Twilight's face. Suddenly she thought back to the horrible chase, the dreadful mutated pony that chased after her, spewing such horrid curses at her. The memories came flooding back of how she had jabbed the needle into her foreleg and the severe pain that followed. Her eyes wondered down to where she had injected the electric blue liquid.

"Blue.. what was that stuff?" She paused and looked toward the now charred pile of pony before her. "And how in the heavens did I do that? Did I do that..?" Her voice trailed off as the realization had finally hit her like a ton of bricks. She had a killed somepony. She had never even thought about killing anything before, let alone another pony. She began to tremble as the thought violently whipped around in her head. She could feel that all too familiar feeling of her heart sinking again, and tears were beginning to well up in her eyes.

"Now, now dear, I need you to breath for me. What you've gone and injected yourself with is something called MANA. Yah see, down here in The Stable.. scientists were free to experiment and create things that should have never seen the light of day. One of their first creations was MANA. MANA allows anypony to inject it into their bloodstream to gain a supercharged magical ability. This machine happened to contain that of electricity. There are tons of others out there. Now the first time you use a new MANA, it hurts quite a bit. You can only use one of the things at a time without killing yourself." Twilight listened intently as she looked back at the large vending machine now broken behind her. " The only difference between this kind of magic is it only last so many times. If you want to be able to keep using it, you must keep injecting the MANA into your body."

"That.. doesn't sound very safe." Twilight muttered wearily.

Blue laughed through the ear piece. "It's safe to a degree. The more and more you use it, you'll find yourself addicted. It changes your genetic code, so you're able to use the ability. You can still use it now, though I predict you will only be able to fire off another lightning bolt or two."

"Okay, next question.. what in the hay are these.. things." Twilight asked, her gaze now over toward what was left of the mutated pony before her.

Blue waited a little bit to respond to her. "These, dear. These are splicers. They were normal citizens of The Stable till all the testing mutated them, destroying any sense of morality that might have resided in their brains. Between the testing and effects from living under the sea, they've gone mad. It's truly a sad story. Nonetheless, they are extremely dangerous and extremely hostile towards anypony. Don't for a second think you can trust a single one of the bastards."

Twilight cringed at the description. They were insane cannibals.. awesome. She began to slowly walk past the splicer and down the hallway. "So, I now have to find and rescue you in an underground city, run by your arch enemy that is filled with these splicers?" This little venture down to the stable began to sound more and more like the most dangerous thing in her life.

"Precisely Twilight, my dear. Yet you shouldn't fear! You have me to safely guide you through this disaster of a city. I don't know everything though. There are still some areas that have been locked down from the inside that I do not have access to yet. Yah see, The Stable is broken down into five major sections. There is New Manehatten, the sector we are currently in. There is New Fillydelphia, The Gardens, Suburbia, and the engineering sector. Suburbia is a wasteland. A volatile suburban housing unit of death. Splicers run the joint over there. The Gardens, I don't really have any control over anything in there. I don't really even know if it's still there, it's completely locked down and off the radar for me. New Fillydelphia is the main business sector of the city. The engineering sector, is where I am."

"Okay.. that doesn't sound to difficult too remember. So I should do all I can to stay away from Suburbia. Got it." She continued walking till she reached the intersection she remembered barreling through a bit earlier. "So.. what do I do now?" Twilight asked Blue.

"Twi- he-wh-" static began to pour into the speaker distorting Blue's voice. "Ge- to fi- -el -ia."

Just like that, he was gone.

Twilight decided to go straight back at the intersection. The long grim looking hallways lined with a blood red carpet led her to a large open area. She looked around as she sat in the middle of the street. It looks like.. I'm outside.. or as outside as I can be without drowning. She thought to herself as she looked around the empty streets. Nothing but trash and make-shift barricades filled the streets. As she began to trot down the sidewalk, her stomach reminded her she hadn't eaten anything in over a day. Keeping a sharp eye out, she found what appeared to be a grocery store. She approached it cautiously, peering in through the window. It looked abandoned and completely run down. She pushed the door open slowly with a hoof making sure no more of those horrid splicers were in there. After the coast seemed to be clear, she trotted in examining everything. The room was barely lit, but the large posters on the wall stood out against the outside light.

Live your life, the way you want.

It was lined with pictures of smiling ponies, with one large brown coated stallion wearing a top hat, monocle, and a suit in the center. She turned her attention away from the poster, looking toward the food now. She quickly found some canned carrots and began to open them.

Suddenly a loud blast tore through the air around her, as cans exploded, sending canned beans around the room. A sharp pain ripped through Twilight's hind leg as she collapsed. Another blast tore through the air, ripping apart the boxes behind her. Twilight screamed in pain as blood began to drip from the wound. A bullet had grazed her skin, but tore a chunk away. Twilight didn't know what was happening. What did this to her? How did it? There was nothing around. She lay on the ground clutching her hind leg, she scooted back against a wall. There was nowhere to go. She looked up from her wound, to see another one. A splicer. It was standing at the end of the isle, a metal portable looking cannon glowing in a sickening green magic just like the splicers horn.

"Oh! Look what I found!" The splicer croaked as it slowly began to walk forward.

"What a beautiful little mare!"

His head twitched to the side as his grin was unlike anything she'd seen. His eyes, heart and soul were filled with such hatred and evil. Twilight cringed, as she curled up in against the wall. She was too injured to run and too scared to even cry for help. As the splicer drew closer, another loud bang tore through the air.

In an instant, the splicer pony's head was reduced to nothing.

Blood splattered against every wall around them, including Twilight. The splicer dropped like a stone. Behind it stood a large earth stallion, with a larger version of what the splicer pony had, in his mouth. He had a dark brown coat and a light brown and orange mane that stuck out to the side. Twilight was stunned. Horrified. She was now covered in the thick, warm substance as the now headless splicer lay bleeding profusely in front of her. Her eyes wide, pupils dilated she began to cry to herself.

The brown stallion stepped over the dead splicer and put his gun back in his saddle. "Hey there.. don't worry... I'm not gonna hurt you." the stallion chose his words carefully, and spoke in a soft tone towards the mare. Twilight shakily stood up, and held back her tears. She wasn't able to make it more than a step before falling. As she fell, the loss of blood and overwhelming emotions of the situation were just too much for her, she passed out.

Her eyes slowly began to open again. I need to stop doing that. She thought to herself. After her vision focused in more, she discovered she was not where she had been. There was no decapitated splicer in front of her. She looked around to find a very dimly lit room surrounded by metal walls. Towers of canned food were stacked all over. She sat up, feeling something soft underneath her, it was then she realized she must have been laying in the stallions bed. She was interrupted by his voice

"Finally awake I see!" his tone was very upbeat as he spoke to her.

"Y-yeah.. th-thank you.." she couldn't process any other words in her head. She had that feeling of wanting to vomit again. She quickly put her head in her hooves and sighed. She then reached down to see her hind leg all wrapped up in medical bandages.

"So.. wh-who are you?" she looked up at him as she spoke "you don't look like one of.. them. Blue didn't say anything about there being others out here who were.. sane."

"My name's Iron Sights." he said as he took a few steps closer to her.

"Who are you? A better question is.. how did you end up in here? You certainly don't look like you belong here." He glanced over her, scared and a rather small mare as well. He could swear she was pretty cute, if it hadn't been for all the now dried blood all over her. He turned away from her, waiting for a response and grabbed a pot from the top of a small fire. He brought it over and poured what looked like more canned carrots into a bowl in front of her. He gently pushed the bowl forward with his muzzle.

Twilight carefully looked at the pony, then realized he was even making her food. "My name.. is Twilight. I was on a plane that crashed right above this place almost. I found the tower, and Blue let me in. I'm not supposed to be here.." she trailed off as she thought about all the events that had happened prior to this. A shiver found its way down her spine at the thought.

"What a nice name, Twilight. You looked pretty beat up when I found you. It's a good thing I did or that splicer would have had it's way. So you're the one who came in on the Bathysphere, eh? I saw it descending into the area." He sat back on his haunches and released a sigh of relief. It seemed as if he was happy to rescue her.

"Who's this Blue fellah?"

Twilight devoured the carrots rather quickly. She hadn't really had a chance to enjoy her last meal. She then blushed, realizing how fast she ate her food in front of him. She set the bowl down and looked over at him. She sighed "I'm not entirely sure. He helped me out when I first arrived. He said he was a captive of John Colt.. stuck in the engineering sector. From what I understand, they are enemies. He wanted me to help him escape, so that way we could both leave here." She stared off as she realized how crazy the words coming out of her mouth were sounding. She did think it was crazy at first, but to put complete trust in a stranger, especially one she'd never seen, was insane. "It's because of him, and now you, I'm still alive though." her head sunk, feeling powerless.

Iron smirked "I've never heard of the character before. I've lived here ever since the beginning of all this as well. At least he helped you. Can't let a pretty mare such as yourself be left to die out here I suppose." With a chuckle he stood up and said "Think you can walk yet?"

Twilight pondered what he had said. If he's lived here.. as long as it's been here.. why has he never heard of someone as capable as Blue. The thought bounced back and forth in her head. She wasn't quite sure what to believe but not everything in this place added up. Suddenly, she heard Iron ask if she could walk. "I suppose.." she began to stand, shaky, but able. She smiled and shook her head.

Iron waved a hoof over towards a metal door behind him.

"I wanna show you something."

Author's Note:

Revised edition of Chapter Four :D This one was mainly stylistic things. It's at this point I got a pre-reader. DawnFade. Awesome guy! You guys should totally check him out. :D