• Published 18th Oct 2018
  • 212 Views, 2 Comments

Niras Beginning: Skyshines Story - Nira Lightshine

A pony is forced into a new role and doesn't know what to do

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Chapter 1: Loss

---Ink Blots place---

Skyshine would stare up at the home of her coltfriend. She would feel a hoof wrap around her shoulders as Cadance said, “It’ll be fine Sky. I’ll be here every step of the way.” Sky would nod at this, walking up the walkway to the door then. She would knock upon the door backing up a bit.

As they stood there, she would shuffle her wings nervously, before gently placing a hoof on her belly, knowing that a small life grew within her. But as she heard the door locks unlock, she would put her hoof back on the ground. As the door opened, there would stand a purple and blue furred stallion with a reddish/brown mane that would be a few years older then she was. He had a bit of an air of superiority to him but would look in shock at the two mares bowing to Cadance who grunted at this, she really hated ponies bowing to her. But as he turned his head to Sky, he would tilt his head in confusion.

“Sky? What’s going on? Our date isn’t supposed to be until later in the day.” He said, the air of superiority dropping a bit when he spotted her, smiling a bit at her now. It was obvious it was a façade when it came to her.

“We need to talk love. It’s important today that we talk before the date.” Sky would say looking very worried about what she needed to talk to him. She feared what he was going to say. And as he nodded, he moved to the side to let them both in.

As Ink closed the door behind them, he would walk toward the living room and they would follow him into the room. He was well off after his parents had passed away. He would sit upon the chair in the living room. And they would hop up onto the couch, “So what is it you need to talk to me about that couldn’t wait until tonight?” He looked perplexed, especially with how scared she looked.

“Ink, before I tell you what’s going on. Please, promise me you won’t be mad.” Sky said, her eyes down and her wings down upon the couch. Cadance would even hug her with a foreleg as she whispered a word of comfort.

He though would pipe up a bit smiling, “What are you leaving me for a princess?” He asked, making Sky squeak in response at this and blush while Cadance blushed too before shaking her head at this and sitting up a bit. Ink would smile a bit; he always loved the squeak she made when she was nervous or shy about something.

Sky though after a minute, would stare at him with tears in her eyes. Ears down as she said, “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t expecting this to happen to us…not yet anyway. I would prefer to have been married first.” She said before she backed up a bit then as Ink Blot jumped off the chair, he was on to come to her and give her a nuzzle.

“Love, whatever the matter is. I am here for you. We will get through this together.” He said giving her a kiss, though Cadance felt doubt in his heart. Something was starting to click to his head and fear had risen to his mind.

This would be when Sky pulled away, fear obvious in her eyes as she finally told her news, “I took a test this morning. You know how I’ve been feeling sick lately?” She asked, and he nodded, “It wasn’t the flu like we thought. I’m…pregnant.” She whispered this word, so low that she thought maybe he wouldn’t hear her.

His reaction though would prove to her that he’d heard exactly what she said. And this made him back up and look at her with resentment…and what looked to be anger in is eyes now, “What do you mean your pregnant? How could you be pregnant.” He said as he got into her face, would feel magic push him back slightly as Cadance pushed him away.

She would climb down from the couch to stand in front of him, pushing her face to stare into his eyes, “How else do you think this happened! It takes two ponies for this to happen, and you are the other responsible party for this.” She said.

Sky would whimper in the background saying to them both, “Please don’t fight! This foal is going to come into the world. Please, I want the both of you in his or her life.” She said getting up from her laying position, “I am keeping this foal too.” She said putting a hoof on her belly.

But now as she finished this, he would push past Cadance and said to her then, “NO you will not keep the foal. I refuse to raise a foal at my age. You either get rid of him or her. Or we’re through!” He shouted now and put a hoof against her chest, “You should have been on birth control of some kind.” He said, “I shouldn’t have to be responsible for brat.” He said.

The glare that met his eyes though, were that of pure anger. And she would stand up to stare into his eyes now, climbing down now from the couch, “You bastard. You aren’t going to help me raise the foal? And you promised you were using a contraceptive spell.” She said and would stare into his eyes with such ferocity.

Cadance was surprised at the anger coming off her friend, but as she was about to step in to stop the fighting. Ink growled into her face, “Get out! I don’t want you around here anymore! For all I know this foal isn’t even mine! You probably been sleeping around with other stallions around the village.” He said, which caused Sky to back up.

She gasped at the words he would say to her and backed up. Before standing up shoulders back, “Fine! If you are going to feel this way toward me and our foal. Then I don’t want you in his or her life!” She shouted and as she would turn toward the door, tears would fly out of her eyes as she ran out of the door. Ink smirking, but then getting hit hard across the cheek by Cadance.

“You monster, you really would doubt her love for you? You aren’t worth trying to be in the foal’s life or hers.” She said and ran out after Sky, leaving Ink alone, shocked by the hit by his former friend.


As Cadance came outside, she wouldn’t see Sky anywhere. She knew her friend was a skilled and fast flier. But she didn’t expect her to have disappeared already. She had a feeling though where her friend would be. And would fly toward the park near the center of their town.

As she would fly into the park, she would land near the small lake there. She would see her friend there. Sky sitting at the shore stroking her stomach as she looked at the water. As she walked up to her, she would sit next to her and wrap a wing around her friend, which would cause Sky to start crying, “Why did he have to be like that! I am not ready to raise a foal on my own, oh Cadance. I’m scared.” She said hiding her face in her wings as she laid down, “What am I going to do? Nopony’s going to hire me. I’m a pregnant mare and alone.” She said, “Maybe he’s right. Maybe I should give him or her up for adoption. I won’t kill my foal, but I don’t know if I can raise it.”

Cadance laid her head down on her friends’ neck and gave her a nuzzle, “Sky, everything will be okay. I am going to help you. You know how I am living in Canterlot right now. I’m being trained to be a princess and out of all my friends here still. You are the only one who doesn’t treat me differently. I want to help you and your foal. Come with me to Canterlot. I don’t need one but having a handmaiden or as I would look at it as a friend being my advisor and making sure I have a place to rest at night well. I can pay you too and you can live in the castle until you find a home to live in.” She offered.

Sky looked shocked and pulled her head up as she looked at Cadance, “I wasn’t treating you differently expecting something in return like this Cadance! You’re my oldest friend, you and I were friends since kindergarten. You and your parents both were there to help me find a home when I was too old to live in the orphanage.” She looked down unsure of what she should do now.

Cadance though moved a wing to force her to look at her, “Sky, it’s not just you you have to worry about now. It’s your foal’s health and life you have to worry about now too.” She said and gave her a kiss on the head before getting up, “If you are to leave this village and that poor excuse for a stallion. Then we need to start getting you ready to go now. Aunty knows how long it’ll be until that stallion says stuff that will make you seem like the bad pony.” She says as she and Sky would now head toward her house.

Sky would stop her with a wing as she answers, “Cadance…thank you for this. I will make you proud of me.” And thus, they would begin the next step of Skyshines life.

Author's Note:

I know this is a long time coming, but I have been busy. And I know the chapters short. But its hard for me to be able to write long chapters.

Comments ( 2 )

Things I liked. It was a solid, well presented piece, with grammar and spellings all correct, a rare treat on this site.

Things I didn't like so much. Why was Cadance there? Never really explained.

Also, and this bothered me a little, in just 1.6k words, we aren't given an insight into Sky and Ink's relationship. It's not delved into any further than she's nervous and he's an asshole. Why is he an asshole? Has he had a bad day at work? Is he angry at something? We don't know. He just goes from zero to 11 at Sky, like he's an ass for the sake of being an ass.

Which is fine, we the readers don't get to see the quality of the relationship though, so it's hard to sympathise and empathise, other than, have a hug, he's a douche.

Apart from that, as I say in my opinion it's a decent chapter, could've been twice as long though.

Ty for the help bro. I am keeping htat in mind when I write the next chapters.

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