• Published 19th Oct 2018
  • 2,596 Views, 66 Comments

The Cake Twins and a Baby Pie - Foal Star

Pinkie Pie was somehow regressed to a one year old foal by chaos magic. But the Cake twins also grew into adults as well. What can go wrong?

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Prolouge: Magic Muffins

Dozens of plushies and toys lay strewn throughout the nursery within Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie had been working on a new party cannon, it was smaller then her old one. The barrel was white and had little cute yellow ducks around it. Pinkie Pie wiped the sweat from her brow and proclaimed. “This one has to do it! I've tried everything else!” Pinkie had been trying to get as little power as she could into the cannon so she could shoot the twins across the room, onto a pillow of course. It was the only way she could think of to get them ready for a nap. The twins themselves were watching with foalish wonder in their eyes, chewing on teething rings. Pinkie looked down at the adorable foals and smiled. “Hey you two. Don’t worry, it’s almost done!”

Both foals babbled incoherent gibberish and started to crawl over to the little cannon, touching it with their hooves. Pinkie instantly placed both foals into the barrel of the cannon and squealed as she lit the fuse and shouted. “Ok! Ready…”

Both foals started to giggle and kick about in their diapers with anticipation. Pinkie hopped over and placed two little helmets on their heads as she cooed. “Set!”

Both foals were now squealing and wiggling their chubby hooves with anticipation. Pinkie then went to the back of the cannon, pulled the string back and shouted. “Fire!”

The foals blasted from the cannon with a loud boom and both flew across the nursery! But instead of landing on the pillows as anticipated, Mrs. Cake happened to open the door at the same time and the foals slammed into her face, making her fall backwards and plop onto her rump, making the foals burst into fits of laughter.

Pinkie quickly bounced over and apologized. “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Cake! I didn’t mean for that to happen. Really.”

Mrs. Cake just gave a big sigh as she got up, with the twins now crawling around in her mane. But then she waved a hoof, she could never stay mad at Pinkie. “It’s alright, nopony got hurt. I should’ve told you I was coming up. How about you just stay here and clean up the nursery? I’ll get these two clean and fed. Their diapers are a little wet.”

Pinkie gave a salute and chirped. “Okie dokey lokey!” She then jumped off to start cleaning up the nursery as Mrs. Cake went downstairs. She took her foals and quickly changed their diapers, then sat them into highchairs and began to feed them.

Mr. Cake poked his head out. “What was that loud boom, dear?”

Mrs .Cake just gave a big sigh and grumbled. “Pinkie Pie. Apparently she was firing the twins out of some kind of mini party cannon.”

Mr. Cake gave a sigh and whispered. “Look, sugar plum, we both know Pinkie Pie is a pretty good foalsitter when the situation calls for it. But are we sure can she really take care of the twins for a whole week all by herself?”

Mrs. Cake turned around, trying not to frown. “What other choice do we have? The wedding needs both of us and we can’t be doing that, and caring for the foals at the same time. Worst of all Twilight is so busy with her friendship studies that she doesn't have time to babysit, and you know we already asked the rest of Pinkie’s friends. They’re not gonna be available.”

Mr. Cake whispered. “But still... a whole week….with just Pinkie Pie and the twins...I mean, we may not even have a shop to come back to.”

“What are you two talking about?” Pinkie Pie chimed in, bouncing over with a big grin on her face.

The Cakes squeaked and stepped back in surprise at the sudden outburst. Mrs. Cake blushed as she explained. “Well...we...uh...were just discussing how you might need to ...uh…”

Mr. Cake gave a big sigh and explained. “Um..you know that there’s a wedding in Canterlot we’ve been hired to cater for, right? It’s a big deal and we’re going to be gone for an entire week.”

Pinkie clapped her hooves. “That sounds wonderful! Don’t worry, I can take care of things at Sugarcube Corner while you’re gone. It’ll be just like you left it.”

Mr. Cake gulped as Mrs. Cake explained. “Well...sweetie, that’s the thing. Sugarcube Corner will be closed this week, because you have a more important job to take care of.”

Pinkie’s face went white, she knew exactly what Mrs.Cake was implying. “Wait...you don’t mean…” Both ponies slowly nodded their heads as Pinkie shivered and whispered. “Fo...for a whole week?” She suddenly had flashbacks of her first time babysiting the Cake Twins by herself. How they’d run her ragged, reduced her to tears, and left messes that had taken hours to clean up.

Mrs. Cake had to shake Pinkie to get her to respond. “Pinkie? Are you alright? We could just take the twins to Canterlot and put them in daycare if you’re really not up to the task.”

But Pinkie shook her head and gave Mrs. Cake a big smile as she chirped. “What? Oh no no no, I’ll do it! I’m sure it won’t be that bad now that I know what to do.”

“Well, don't be mad, but we asked Twilight to come check in every day to make sure things are going well.” Mr. Cake cautioned.

Pinkie waved a hoof. “Don’t worry, I learned my lesson. If things get out of hoof, I’ll definitely call her.”

Mr and Mrs. Cake both gave each other small smiles of hope upon seeing that Pinkie had become more responsible. Mrs. Cake then turned to Pinkie and told her. “Hopefully that won’t be necessary, I have faith in you.”

Pinkie smiled and chirped. “It can’t be any worse than helping Rarity take care of Blueblood and Hoity Toity. Those two colts are a hoofful, believe me.”

A little later, Mr. and Mrs. Cake both had their suitcases ready near the door and were looking over things as Pinkie was dragging packages of diapers upstairs. Mrs. Cake chuckled as she saw Pinkie store them in the nursery. “Pinkie, we’re only going to be gone for one week. I’m sure you won’t need that many diapers.”

Pinkie looked up and sighed. “Well, last time I watched the twins, diaper changing was something I had a hard time getting a handle of.”

Mrs. Cake giggled. “It can’t be worse than the first time I tried changing diapers in parenting class, I somehow got a diaper on my head and another on my rump. I was so glad Carrot didn’t take any pictures.”

Pinkie said nothing, she blushed. “Well, at least I’m not the only one who did that.” She thought to herself, before she showed the Cakes a huge diaper package. On the front was printed: “Silly Filly Diapers: The thickest, most poofy diapers on the market! So comfy your little ones will never wanna be potty trained.”

Mrs. Cake laughed. “Pinkie, it’s like you could read my mind. We were starting to run low on diapers. Though I prefer slightly less thick brands, less of a hassle. Now can you come down here for a few seconds? There’s a few more things we to discuss.”

Pinkie skipped back downstairs and into the kitchen. There, Mrs. Cake explained. “I just want to let you know, I’ve posted a list of emergency contacts on the fridge. If anything goes wrong, please ask for help. I assume you know when feeding, bath, and bedtimes are, right?”

Pinkie nodded and waved a hoof. “Don’t worry, we’ll be super duper fine! You two just go and have a good time in Canterlot! And say hi to the padded guard trio for me.”

Mr. Cake then came downstairs with the foals bouncing on his back, babbling together as he hoofed them over to Pinkie. “I just put them into fresh diapers, but they still need some lunch.”

Pinkie took the foals and snuggled them close to her belly. “Don’t worry, I can handle that,” The two parents were still very nervous as they saw Pinkie holding the twins, who were babbling and kicking about. But Pinkie reassured them. “Everything will be just fine. In fact, I might even take them over to Rarity’s for a playdate.

The Cakes then picked up their duffle bags and walked out of the door. Just before leaving though, Mrs. Cake paused and turned around and cooed at her children. “You two be good for your Auntie Pinkie, okay? I don’t want hear you gave her a hard time.” Both foals just kicked about and babbled gibberish, making Mrs. Cake coo a little.

But as soon as the plump mare had closed the door, both of the foals started to whimper and bawl. Pinkie Slumped to the floor, surprised at the sudden outburst by the foals and groaned. “Oh Celestia, what did I just get myself into? I get the feeling this is gonna be a long week.”

Only a hour after the Cakes haad left Pinkie with the twins, poor Pinkie was already struggling with the foals. They were in their highchairs, screaming and throwing a tantrum by hurling their mashed peas at the walls.

Pinkie was dodging the mush and had to duck! Then, with her hooves she slapped on an army helmet and shouted. “Alright, troops, that’s enough! Calm down, that’s an order! You have ten seconds to stop your whining, or it’s the time out corner for the both of you!”

But the foals were relentless as they continued to throw more peas at Pinkie, making it clear they would not that foul tasting slop! “Ugh! Where's a bag of flour when you need one?” Pinkie grumbled to herself.

The mare then turned to see an odd looking plate of muffins on top of the nearby counter, and scratched her head. “Huh, are those... muffins? I don’t remember us making muffins,” But just then a hoofful of mashed peas smacked into her mane, making her groan. “Looks like I don't have any other choice. I have to get the twins under control somehow,” She bounced towards the muffins, took a few, and started to mash them in a bowl. Then when the muffins had the consistency of mashed potatoes she jumped over to the cranky foals and chirped. “Look what I’ve got, Mashed Muffins!”

Both foals squealed in joy as Pinkie spoon fed the two her concoction, shoving spoonfuls of the mush into their tiny, eager mouths. They ate up the mush with satisfied coos as Pinkie sighed in relief. “Oh, good. At least I’m finally getting you two to eat something,” Then she eyed the mush and put some into her mouth without a second thought as she giggled. “Yum, that tastes good!”

She scooped a few more spoonfuls into her mouths, as the twins watched Pinkie devour the mashed muffins. They began to whine and kick about angrily as Pinkie resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Ugh. First it was throwing your throwing mashed peas all over the place and now you want more food,” Still, she continued to feed the foals and sighed, “I don’t understand how you foals could be so needy. I swear, you never do any of this when the Cakes are around.”

Pinkie finished feeding the foals the last of the mashed muffins and placed the bowl aside. That’s when she noticed something was off, she didn’t feel quite right. The party pony gasped upon seeing that she was shrinking and the counter was now above her head! The next thing she noticed was that she lost her balance and fell onto her rump. Luckily, she wasn’t hurt. Then she squeaked seeing her chubby little pink hooves and whispered. “Wh..what’s going on? Why am I so small now?!”

While Pinkie was shrinking the Cake Twins were growing. They both were stunned seeing their bodies begin to grow, as the seats underneath them groaned under the increased weight. Both foals squeaked as they grew up like magic! Now they were school foals and their diapers ripped apart underneath them. But the two only continued to grow and as they became as big as teenagers, the high chairs crumbled underneath the scared foals and broke apart with a loud crash!

Despite her small size, Pinkie still heard the loud crash! She turned around and gasped upon seeing the twins! They were now young adults sitting upon the splintered remnants of two high chairs. Pinkie looked up at the twins seeing that Pumpkin Cake was now a slim, light yellow coated unicorn mare with a cute, curly orange mane. And Pound Cake was now a big, chubby light tan coated pegasus stallion, with a short, thick crop of brown for his mane. Their eyes were much bigger, more like the size of their parents.

The twins both looked down at Pinkie with worried and confused looks, everything was hard to process. All Pinkie could do though, was blush and hold her chubby hooves up as she asked. “Uh...can one of you pick me up? I think things got a little mixed up.”