• Published 19th Oct 2018
  • 2,597 Views, 66 Comments

The Cake Twins and a Baby Pie - Foal Star

Pinkie Pie was somehow regressed to a one year old foal by chaos magic. But the Cake twins also grew into adults as well. What can go wrong?

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Chapter three: There's Chaos a Foot

The next day, the two big foals woke up in their parents’ bed (with Pinkie Pie sleeping in their crib they had been forced to sleep elsewhere). The two foals yawned as they both slowly got up, blushing and looking down to see that their diapers were sodden with giant yellow stains, seeing that they both soaked their padding. Pound Cake giggled. “Looks like we both still bed wetters.”

Pumpkin Cake smiled. “Yeah. Good ting we got these big diapees, our normal diapees would probably fall apart with this much pee. But at least we no have to use big scary potty.”

They then both turned to see on the bedside table that there was two big foal bottles filled with formula. The two adult sized foals quickly each grabbed a bottle and began to down the milk in large gulps.

Then Derpy came into the bedroom, smiled at the big foals and cooed. “Oh, just look at my big babies! Drinking big bottles of milk in soggy diapers!”

They both blushed as Pound Cake placed his hooves over his sodden diaper and whined. “So wha? We not supposed to be big ponies anyways. We just stuck like this until Twiwy can fix us.”

Derpy couldn't help but laugh as she responded. “I know, I’m just teasing you two. Twilight will find a cure in time, and if not I’m sure my husband will invent something to make everything right.” She then placed the two big foals on a large changing mat and began the diaper change.

While Derpy was getting Pound and Pumpkin Cake ready for the day, Dr. Whooves was busy trying to change Pinkie Pie. As he had very little experience with children (Dinky had been in the middle of potty training when he’d come unexpectedly into Derpy’s life) it was quite difficult. And Pinkie was no ordinary foal.

Not only did she still have her adult mind, but she was giggling and running around the twins’ old nursery diaperless and shouting. “Weee! Now I know why ta twins wike doing this! It's supew fun!” Meanwhile, Dr Whooves was running around trying to catch her.

The stallion growled. “Seriously, Pinkie Pie, get your rump over here! You need a diaper! I’d rather not be cleaning up puddles all day!”

Pinkie Pie just turned her head and stuck her tongue out. “Yous gotta catch me first, siwwy! Tat's how this game wowks with ta Cake Twins.”

Dr. Whooves took the opportunity to dive head first towards Pinkie, but the filly nimbly jumped out of the way. Dr Whooves squealed as he dove then crashed into a package of adult sized diapers, making the padding fly everywhere. Pinkie Pie was rolling around the ground, laughing. The stallion was quite dazed, unaware of the fact that one of the diapers was now around his waist for some reason.

Pinkie smirked as she quickly trotted over to the stallion and began to tape the diaper around his rump. She then stepped back as Dr Whooves got up. The stallion looked down at the laughing Pinkie Pie and asked. “What are you laughing at, missy?” He then looked around and saw the giant, thick diaper sticking out. The stallion growled as he stomped a hoof and glared at Pinkie Pie. “That's it, young lady! You're in big trouble!” Dr. Whooves waddled at Pinkie, trying to get used to his new padding, while Pinkie was laughing maniacally, leading the stallion down the hall and towards Mr. and Mrs. Cake's bedroom.

As Derpy finished getting the twins dressed in their outfits, the door burst open and they all turned around to see Dr. Whooves waddling, trying to catch Pinkie Pie, who was bursting into laughter.

Derpy smirked as she casually came over and asked. “So, how is our little energetic little pie, dear?”

Dr. Whooves grumbled irritably. “She is quite the mess maker. It took me nearly an hour to change her, and while I was trying to get a fresh diaper around her rump I somehow ended up diapering myself!” He showed off his rump, a big diaper strapped around it which made the Cake Twins burst into laughter.

Derpy giggled as she came over and gave it a pat, making it crinkle. She cooed. “Come on, lay down and I’ll take it off you. I can tell you’re new at this, it’s okay. Every first parent goes through similar struggles. Just be glad you’re not tackling potty training, they call it the terrible twos for a reason.”

Dr. Whooves went over to the pad and laid down with his legs in the air as Derpy went to work taking the diaper off. Afterwards Dr. Whooves smiled and explained. “Well, you should be happy to hear that the baking machine downstairs is completed. I think we’re ready to open the doors. And from now I think I’ll leave care of the foals to you.”

Derpy gave a nod of approval. “Yes it is, but we should talk about some things, honey.”

Dr. Whooves groaned as he got up. “I’m guessing it’s about Pinkie Pie, and keeping her up here and not make everypony freakout. “

Derpy sighed. “Look, I just want to make sure that you have everything you need to keep her under control. If she goes downstairs our whole cover story is blown.”

Dr. Whooves came over with a smile and explained. “Don’t worry, I have an idea to make sure she stays upstairs and is well behaved. Now go on and run this shop, I know you can do it.”

He handed her a remote with various buttons shaped as different pastries. Derpy looked down at it with a confused expression as her husband explained. “It’s very simple, the machine will make whatever you press. Just press it more for quantity. But don't press it too much at a single time, if the machine overloads it can cause major problems.”

Derpy gave a nod and replied. “Well, I think it's easy enough to understand. Just give a shout if you need my help.” She then kissed her husband on the cheek and led the adult sized foals downstairs. She couldn't help but look back, watching the two clumsily waddle about with their diapers shaking back and forth. She cooed. “Oh, you two are just so so adorable! I think I caught Rarity’s mommy fever from when she adopted Blueblood.”

Pound Cake had a small blush grow on his face as he asked. “Tanks, but you sure we should wear diapees? Is gonna make ponies tink we babies still, especially since we no use potty.”

Derpy shook her head and cooed. “Don't worry about that, just remember to tell ponies you have bladder problems. I’ve met some of those unfortunate ones and they’re always ashamed of it, even though nopony judges them for something they can’t control.”

Pumpkin Cake jabbed at her brother. “Yeah! Stop worrying, silly! This gonna be so much fun! We get to do Mommy and Daddy’s jobs!”

Her brother smiled. “Yeah! I gonna have wots of fun being a big pony! Ya watch, sissy, I gonna be more grown up ten ya!”

Pumpkin shouted back. “ Nah uh! I gonna be more grown up!”

Before the fight could escalate, Derpy stepped forward. “Stop that, you two! This isn’t a competition. Now I need to explain some things before we begin, ”Both ponies turned their attentions to Derpy. “Now, I'll go over your roles real fast. Pound Cake, just stand at the doorway and greet guests. Pumpkin, you'll serve guests as the food is made by my husband's machine. Just remember your fake names if anyone asks who you are, and just be nice and cheerful. You two got this?!”

The twins both gave nods and shouted. “You can count on us, Mrs. Derpy!” The two then gave each other glares, before both went about their duties with a determination to prove who was the most grown up.

Derpy soon took her spot at the cash register and was taking orders while she pressed buttons on the remote, and freshly baked pastries were produced through a window that connected to the kitchen. Things seem to be going smoothly as the customers seemed to be enjoying their meals. As more patrons began to go through the doors. Pound Cake nervously bowed frequently amd whimpered. “Good morning, welcome to Sugarcube Corner.”

At one point he squeaked, feeling his diaper hit the side of the door and causing it to poof out. It was a little embarrassing seeing many ponies chuckle or blush as they entered the room diaperless. Then all of a sudden Cheerilee came in as he bowed and repeated his line. “Good morning, welcome to Sugarcube Corner.”

Cheerilee couldn't help but coo. “Oh, that's an adorable look you’ve got!” Pound Cake blushed and looked down in embarrassment as Cheerilee blushed back and whispered. “Oh, I'm sorry, that must’ve been quite rude of me. It's just that you look cute in that diaper. Like one of those forever foals I hear about.”

The sized foal looked up and replied. “Well, is otay. I mean, ya just being nice. But I actually need diapees. My name is um, Cweam Cake, and is nice ta meet ya.”

Cheerilee giggled. “Oh, it's nice to meet you as well, cutie. And I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were incontinent. Most ponies who suffer from it tend to wear stuff so their diaper doesn’t stick out,” Then she observed. “It sounds like pronouncing your words could use some work. I can help you with that if you like. I am a teacher, the only one in town in fact.”

Pound Cake started to bounce up and down, growing a bit excited. “Oh, tat would be fun! I always wanted to learn my ABCs!” Everypony around was quite stunned at what the stallion had just said, and Pound Cake squeaked as he stood up and corrected. “I mean um...I know ABCs and 123s, sowie. Sometimes I forget.”

Cheerilee gave him a pat on the head. “Oh, it’s alright, sweetheart, I’m sure you’ll get it down one day. If you ever need lessons, just ask me.” She then went off to order some breakfast as Pound Cake turned to see his sister snickering at him. He turned away and grumbled irritably, ashamed at his embarrassing slip up.

As her brother continued to greet guests, Pumpkin Cake waddled around clumsily, making her diaper crinkle even more than her brother's. Several ponies also gave her odd looks, but most quickly went back to either eating, or drinking their coffee. She then passed over a pink coated unicorn mare who was drinking a latte. Pumpkin waddled over and gave her a small piece of cheesecake.

The mare then looked up with a smile. “Thank you, sweetie…” She then blushed seeing the cute mare and asked in her accent. “So um...what is your name? I haven't seen you around here, or have I?”

Pumpkin Cake responded. “Well, I from...uh...I tink, Appleloosa.”

The mare laughed. “Oh that must be why you and your brother don't speak well. That's understandable, the town was settled not too long ago and they probably haven’t found a suitable teacher yet. My name is Aloe and I run the spa here in Ponyville with my sister, Lotus.”

Pumpkin Cake gave her a cheerful smile. “Oh really, is tat like a bubble bath?! Do you have rubber duckies and big fluffy towels?!”

This made everypony in the room burst into laughter as Pumpkin blushed, realizing what she’d just said. Aloe looked up and explained in her accent. “Oh no, sweetie. It's more of a hot bath filled with special soaps that help you relax.”

Pumpkin Cake then looked over at her brother, who was now smirking at her. She growled, not wanting her brother to win. She gave Aloe a smile. “Oh, otay tat sounds like fun! But I gots to stay here to work and stuff. Maybe I come by later.”

Aloe waved a hoof. “Okay, sweetie, just don’t work too hard. And we’ll need something special to accommodate your um… ‘protection’.”

Pumpkin Cake quickly waddled off to continue serving.

Suddenly, Pound Cake gasped upon seeing Rarity walk in with her two sons in a two seated stroller, and they all looked up with surprised looks at the big pony in a diaper. The stallion meekly bowed with his diaper crinkling as he whimpered. “G...good morning, Rarity.”

Rarity tried not to giggle as she greeted. “Oh, hello, darling. Who might you be? I don't believe we have met before.”

The stallion whimpered as he responded. “I Cream Cake…um…Cup Cake’s cousin, from Appleloosa.”

Rarity waved a hoof and cooed. “Oh my, I see! Well, it is quite nice to meet you, Cream Cake. Forgive me for mentioning this, darling, but you look a lot like your little cousin Pound Cake if he were all grown up,” Pound blushed as his back legs came close together, scrunching his diaper and making odd crinkling noises. Rarity blushed when she saw it. “Oh my! You even have a …” She paused before she could blurt it out, but she couldn’t believe what she was hearing and stepped back.

Her foals giggled and Blueblood looked up and commented. “He wooks a wot wike my friend, Pound Cake! He even wears diapees wike him!”

Pound Cake looked down at Blueblood and whined. “Nah uh! I Cream Cake, a big pony!”

Blueblood babbled. “Yeah wight! Big ponies dun wear diapees, my mommy says so!”

Pound Cake looked away as he grumbled. “Is not a diapee, you just tink it wooks wike one ‘cause you a baby! Now stop being such a meanie poopy head, I taught you were nicer since turning into a foal!” He walked off, grumbling to himself.

Rarity looked down at Blueblood. “That was quite rude, young colt. You apologize to the grown-up, or there’ll be no sweets for you and no potty time later.”

Blueblood grumbled and apologized. “Sowie Cweamy Cake.”

Many ponies around burst into laughter and coos as Pound Cake waddled back over and grumbled. “Is alright, I hope you have a nice day.”

Rarity then pushed her stroller up to Derpy, who who smiled at her. “Oh, hello Rarity. Here with your little ones, I see. What would you like today?”

Rarity yawned and replied. “Oh, just a nice cup of tea, darling. And two powdered donuts for my foals. They kept me awake last night because Hoity Toity had a nightmare, and Blueblood kept teasing him about it. Honestly, even though he’s a lot better now than he was before he changed, Blueblood is still a hoofful. He still insists on trying to dress and feed himself.”

Derpy wrote the order down. “That’s okay, all little ones are different. Dinky was never too much of a problem for me, but I know many ponies whose foals were real hooffuls,” Then she told Rarity. “I have your order: Tea and two powdered donuts will be right up. Now go on and take a seat, please.”

Rarity gave a small bow. “Thank you, Derpy, darling. And make sure to tell Pinkie Pie I hope she gets better soon. So unfortunate for her to come down with the horsey hives now.”

The three sat down around a small table as Rarity helped her foals into highchairs. Pumpkin Cake soon came over and gave the donuts to the two foals and a tea cup to front of Rarity.

The fashionista smiled upon seeing the mare. “Hello, Pumpkin Cake,” She whispered. “Looks like you and your brother are doing well.”

Pumpkin squeaked in surprise and whispered back. “Yeah. Don’t tell any pony we trying to pass off as big ponies. Is only until Twiwy can find a cure.”

Rarity cooed. “It’s okay, darling, I won’t tell anypony. In fact, Twilight told me to come over and make sure you two are doing okay. She figured that since I’m caring for two victims of the foal pandemic, it would help if I was in the loop so to speak.”

Pumpkin smiled as Hoity chriped. “Yeah. You two have nice clothes, but Mommy and me can make ya better clothes! We wanna make big pony clothes to hide ya diapees! Mommy says they’ll also be good for other big ponies who need diapees.”

Rarity giggled as she ruffled her son's mane, before turning back to Pumpkin Cake. “Oh yes. I would love to make you some cute dresses, Pumpkin. And maybe a nice suit for your brother.”

Pumpkin Cake was now giddy with excitement. “Oh, tat would be super cool! But ya gotta wait until I done helping Derpy, okay?”

Rarity gave a nod. “That's fine with me, darling. Now go on and show what a big pony you are. You musn’t keep the other customers waiting.”

Pumpkin waddled of to serve others their order while chirping. “Oh, I can't wait to wear a pretty dress!”

While things were going rather smoothly downstairs, Dr. Whooves was running around in circles in the nursery, just trying to keep up with the little Pinkie Pie who had made quite a mess of things. She’d done such naughty thinks as spray foal powder all over the place causing the floor to be covered in the powdery substance.

Dr Whooves gasped as he sighed, “You know what, I’m going to pull out my secret weapon on you!”

Pinkie giggled. “Oh weally, what might tat be?”

Dr. Whooves smirked as he took out a remote, pressed a button, slowly regressed into a school foal and replied. “See, I’m now a four year old colt and I’m like your older brother.”

Pinkie Pie squealed as she clapped her hooves and replied. “Yay! Tat’s so cool! Now we can pway wike friends!”

Dr. Whooves rolled his eyes as he took out some puzzles. “Now, I have some puzzles and games we can play! But ya gots to stay here, promise?”

Pinkie bounced over to the colt and began to chant. “Cwoss my heawt and hope to fwy, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

Dr Whooves scratched his mane and replied. “I dun know what tat means, but I'll take tat as a yes.”

Pinkie plopped down on the seat of her diaper as they began to move the pieces around on a gameboard called Rainbows and Pegasi.

The two played for quite some time as Dr. Whooves sighed in relief. Pinkie Pie was now focused on the board game instead of driving him crazy.

Pinkie Pie suddenly smirked as she asked. “So how does your age remote works?”

Dr. Whooves was rolling the dice as he replied. “Oh it’s very simple, it just changes your age for a hour, tat’s all. It won’t work with magic though, as it might have some strange effects.”

Pinkie Pie giggled a she then pulled the remote out of her diaper. “But it only affects those tat I point at with tis? Is that right?!”

Dr. Hooves gasped and shouted. “Hey, how did you get tat?!”

Pinkie just giggled some more as she pointed the remote at Dr. Whooves, and he started to grow smaller. Now his cutie mark was on a thick, white diaper, making Pinkie burst into laughter.

Dr. Whooves blushed as he placed his hooves over his diaper and whined. “Stop tat! Turn me back to a school foal, now!”

Pinkie stuck her tongue out. “Nah uh! You the baby now! Tat means ta Pinkie Promise is void! Mwhahaha!” The little filly then ran off laughing as Dr. Whooves growled. “Hey, get back here! I gonna tell Derpy on you!”

He had trouble wadling as he chased Pinkie out of the nursery and into the hall.

As the day dragged on Pound and Pumpkin did a good job of acting like adults, however their diapers started to sag and smell a little as time went on. Customers started to complain.

Derpy groaned as she came over to the two and whispered. “Hey, let’s go upstairs and get those diapers changed, pronto. You’re gonna chase away all the customers with your stink.”

They both blushed as they gave nods and Derpy led them upstairs. She went into the bedroom and closed the door as both Dr. Whooves and Pinkie Pie ran down the stairs, and they squeaked as they both tripped and fell down onto the ground. They accidently hit the buttons on the remote and Dr Whooves’s coat turned pink as Pinkie Pie’s was now brown.

Everypony looked around as they both blushed, and Rarity’s shadow came over the two foals. The two looked up as she asked. “So, where did you two come from? And why do you look so familiar?”

Meanwhile, an unaware Derpy changed the twins. She gave them both a pat on the head and cooed. “Well done, you two. You cooperated so nicely. I think you both are doing a great job acting like big ponies.”

The two adult foals smiled and they both hugged Derpy, who dawwed and nuzzled them back as she whispered. “Thanks.” She then led them out and down the stairs, and that's when she saw Rarity coming up with four foals on her back, all bouncing amd babbling. The unicorn mare sighed. “Derpy, I need to talk with your for a second. It’s urgent.”

The mare gave a nod, seeing that Pinkie Pie was now brown coated while Dr. Whooves’ coat was now a bright pink color. She and Rarity went back upstairs, entering the destroyed nursery covered in foal powder and adult diapers.

Derpy almost out pulled her mane and shouted. “Seriously, what is going on here?!”

Blueblood went over and talked to Dr. Whooves. They spoke in baby babble for a while before Blueblood turned around and explained. “Well, it seems tat Dr. Whooves has a wegwession wemote, and he used it to pway with Pinkie Pie. But she was naughty and stowe it, ten he chased her. Ta chase ended downstaiws whewe tey both wanded on top of ta wemote, causing the magic to misfire, and it changed the cowor of teir coats.”

Rarity blinked in surprise and whispered. “Oh, wow. And I thought you and Hoity were a hoofful, Blueblood. Especially after you both got flushed.”

“Onwy cause big potty is swippery! I wasn’t scawed of it wike Hoity Toity!” Blueblood humphed.

Derpy, meanwhile, looked down at the remote and asked. “Can we turn my husband back to normal? I can’t manage the store and take care of all the little ones on my own.”

Dr. Whooves squeaked as he jumped up and down in his diaper. Blueblood explained. “He says to be cawefuw with ta magic infused in ta remote, it may make tings wowse.”

Derpy squealed as the remote fell from her hooves and it shot out a laser at both Pinkie Pie and Dr. Whooves! The doctor grew up rapidly into an adult, but his diaper stayed and it now had a animated clock printed on the back, with rain clouds, smiling suns, and smell lines replacing numbers. While Pinkie Pie got her pink coat back but her diaper now exploded with confetti as she waddled about, squealing as the diaper crinkles were replaced with the sound of an accordian.

Dr. Whooves whined. “Seriously! What is going on here?! This shouldn’t have happened even with my remote!”

Rarity sighed. “Darlings, I may not be that versed in magic but I can tell chaos magic when I see it. Those muffins that the Cake Twins and Pinkie Pie ate, I’m betting they were placed there by Discord. And if that’s true, let’s just say Twilight won’t be finding a cure as easy as she expects.”