• Published 21st Dec 2018
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Kitchen Nightmares: Equestrian Misadventures - Spettro138

Everyone's favorite raging Scotsman comes to Equestria at the request of Twilight Sparkle to sort out the country's bad restaurants and bad hotels.

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End of the First Nightmare part 2

The next day, convinced that Zesty and Flambe are now fully aware that change is their only option, Chef Ramsay goes into Stage 1 of his plan. Which includes changing the bland drab decor of Zesty's restaurant. With Celestia's help, Gordon and his team gathered a few ponies while Zesty and the rest of the staff were out, to begin tearing down the interior of the restaurant. They worked tirelessly, conversing with each other on how to come up with a design for the eatery that would not only actually draw in ponies instead of pushing them away, but also reconfiguring parts of the kitchen to better suit Flambe and the rest of the staff.

Spike, Pinkie, and Princess Luna arrived to assist the group with the reconstruction of the restaurant. Their efforts ultimately had mixed results that set them back a few hours. Spike started out helping well enough when he did some of the painting and polishing. However, when he tried using the paint mixer to get the right color for the walls, the machine proved to be too powerful for the minuscule drake as it shook him like an earthquake and launched his head through the ceiling.

Luna only made things worse when she tried hammering nails by throwing the hammers at the wall as if they were axes. Gordon's crew had to duck and dodge just to remain safe from the overzealous attempts at what she thought was helping. Twilight even had to bring up her strongest magic shield when Luna was accidentally introduced to the staple gun and hot glue guns brought over by Gordon's crew. Gordon himself even had to join in when she brought her new immortal pet possum Tiberius who tried scurrying into the kitchen when nobody was looking.

Pinkie Pie's efforts to assist with the reconstruction were no less problematic. Trying to quickly paint the whole restaurant in a quick amount of time, she dunked her mane in a paint bucket and then began using it as a large brush as she dragged her head against every inch of the wall and ceiling, only to realize afterward she had used the wrong color. It took Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity together to tie up the trio and sit them down in a closet on time out until the night was done to get them to stop.

"Was that really necessary?" Gordon asked concerned. "Isn't that like unlawful imprisonment?"

"Details darling, besides, they'll be fine." Rarity brushed off. "Besides, Twilight's owl said Spikey has always wanted to be tied up by me and thrown into a dark room."

Gordon struggled to hold in a belly laugh as he shoved his fist in his mouth, while Twilight felt her face heat up and turn brick red. Rarity simply looked at the two in utter confusion.

At least twelve hours passed, as Gordon finally completed the new design of the restaurant with the help of Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight who assisted the human and pony crews with the construction. The next part to come would be to bring Zesty and the staff back in to see how it fits the owner's liking.

Bringing Zesty and the rest of the staff back into the restaurant with blindfolds across their face, Gordon prepared to unveil the result of all of their hard work.

"Morning," Gordon greeted.

"Good morning chef," they all replied.

"Before we begin today, I'd just like to welcome you all to the new and improved Subtilité Du Goût. We all worked tirelessly the past night and day turning Zesty Gourmand's restaurant into something that will draw more business and ponies to you."

"And ya'll have done it without us Gordon, don't you forget it," Applejack said proudly.

With a signal from Gordon, Rarity gently pulled off their blindfolds allowing them to see what had been changed.

Twilight smiled as she witnessed all of the wide range of positive emotions emitted by the entire staff. Even though Zesty's reaction wasn't extravagant, she could tell that she was impressed with their work.

"Oh my goodness!" Senko exclaimed.

"Are you seeing this?" Flambe said excitedly.

"This is great!" Lemon Drop said proudly.

"It is quite....different," Zesty admitted with a vague hint of gratitude.

The restaurant was completely different from the ground up. Old tables had been changed out for new ones, the curtains had been removed in place of different colored ones, even dining ware had been changed out. The interior color design had gone from stale white everywhere to cream-colored walls and a sharp granite ceiling. Tiny porcelain pots carrying various herbs lined one of the walls giving it a fresh inviting feel. Even the sterile white floor tiles had been changed out for a slightly darker tan.

"Look at how not only bright and refreshing but also comforting and inviting everything is," Gordon proclaimed.

"I love it, Chef," Flambe said gratefully.

"Gone is that simple white color, we've freshened up the walls, the ceilings, that beautiful cream color, and that beautiful granite dark grey that makes a stunning contrast."

"This is just all wonderful!"

"Gone are those hideous tables in the middle, replaced with centralized, beautiful and rustic but clean glossed white oak tables, courtesy of Miss Applejack and Rarity."

Rarity and Applejack seemed to beam with pride as they received compliments from every member of the restaurant staff.

"Making tables seems to be an unusual talent of that charming brother of yours Applejack," Rarity added. "Along with archery for some odd reason."

"He inherited Uncle Pine Apple's skill for carpentry too. I got Aunt Fuji Apple's knack for makin wooden stuff looks perty." she shrugged. " Maybe later I ought to tell you how Uncle Pine got stranded on an island for five years. I think he owns some big multi-billion-bit company now or something. It's been a while since I've seen him."

"Well I can safely say they look great Applejack," Twilight complimented.

The next thing Gordon drew their attention to, was something in the back by the entrance to the kitchen.

"And over there, we got a little bit creative, adding something to catch everyponies eye in a welcoming way. We decorated the wall in cherry wood cutting boards."

"Typically, I would never sully myself in such a manner to compliment somebody else's work, but....this is all....splendid, I must say," Zesty admitted to the interviewer. "I'm just speechless on the new condition of my restaurant and as most ponies could tell you, I'm never speechless."

Gordon then came over to the front counter by the entrance to something that was covered by a large cloth. Twilight seemed to be excited as he approached the counter.

"When I first arrived here, this area, in particular, has been heavily suffering, especially since your P.O.S system or lack thereof is primitive even by this world's standards. What I am about to show you, is unique. This will be a game-changer. Cause you have now, a state of the art, brand new P.O.S system made by Princess Twilight here herself."

When he pulled off the cloth, it revealed what appeared to be a silver pony-type writer with special prompts for different orders in the restaurant.

"May I take over for a moment Chef?" Twilight asked respectfully.

Gordon gave her the floor allowing her to bask in pride and explain her invention.

"This pony-type writer is inspired by the "computer P.O.S" systems I witnessed back on earth." Twilight explained. "And while we are prohibited from bringing any sort of human technology over in an effort for us to discover and invent such technology ourselves, that doesn't mean I can't draw influence. I used Auto Pen's typeset spell and Ink Well's mind to hoof writing spell as a base and with a bit of tinkering thanks to The Doc- I mean Ponyville's resident machinist Clock Work, I attached a compact printer to the typewriter so you can take orders and run them back to the kitchen with ease."

When she was finished, she stepped back and motioned for Gordon to continue.

"With it, you can also track your inventory, you can adjust your costs, what you need to hit every week, and trust me, chefs will be so much less of confusion in your kitchen. This thing is going to be an absolute dream for you." Gordon proclaimed. "Are you all excited?"

The entire staff exploded into affirmatives and applause as pleasure at their hard work reverberated throughout the room. For a moment, Gordon and Rarity could even swear that they saw Zesty Gourmand herself put a small smile upon her face.

"This is absolutely amazing!" Lemon Drop exclaimed. "Thank you so much, Chef."

"My restaurant definitely looks a lot better than it has in quite a long time. I suppose it took another actual expert in my craft to remind me of what true perfection looks like." Zesty admitted. "I am quite thrilled with how it turned out."

Next, Gordon took the group over to one of the tables where there seemed to be an assortment of dishes lined up for all to eat. Twilight and Applejack blushed when their stomachs began to loudly growl like a pair of tigers.

"Girls, try to stay composed and keep your stomachs under control," Rarity whispered.

"Take a good look at Subtilité Du Goût's new menu," he stated. "If you please Miss Gourmand, take a menu and pass them along."

Zesty simply nodded as she grabbed the stack of menus with her mouth and passed them over to the others while Gordon drew their attention to the first delectable dish.

"The first course, Steamed Mussels. Fresh. When the shells are opened, they are cooked, and you send them out. Simple as that. That is how you should be serving a bowl of mussels."

"Amazing, really amazing," Lemon said.

"The next one we have is a nice Cavatelli with Sauteed broccoli and garlic sauce. Light and creamy. Next to that, you have a nice rich tomato soup with a basil pesto drizzled across the top and served with a slice of toasted sourdough bread. Then, you have a nice pan-seared Salmon served on a bed of risotto and sprinkled with tomatoes and parmesan and drizzled with an olive oil vinaigrette."

"Everything looks pretty good!" Applejack beamed. "I wouldn't mind shoving all that down my gullet myself."

"There are a few more dishes I want to go through before I have you try to make them yourself," Gordon instructed. "We have a long day ahead of us preparing for the dinner rush tonight and I want you all to be more than ready. First, though, I have something special to do. I wanted to give Zesty Gourmand the chance to enjoy the food that I have created for your restaurant. At first, I didn't know how to properly do that. Until Miss Twilight Sparkle here hit me with a rather interesting idea."

Twilight stepped forward as she pulled a large silver chain necklace with small peridot hanging off the end of it.

"When you told us you were a supertaster, I went through a couple of books on ways we might be able to help you or incorporate your tastes into your menu, and I came up with this," Twilight said proudly as she displayed the piece of jewelry to the mare.

"What might that be your majesty?" Zesty asked curiously.

"It is an enchanted necklace with the specific purpose of diminishing your taste sense to a point where you can taste normal food. It took some doing to come up with, but I worked it out with the help of an old professor of mine here in the city. Peridot in Equestria has a unique effect on a ponies senses when enchanted a certain way."

With her magic, she strung it around Zesty's neck as she motioned for her to eat one of the dishes that had been set out on the table.

Zesty reluctantly stepped forward as she inched towards a plate carrying a seared salmon and proceeded to pick up a fork and gingerly cut and stab a piece of the salmon off. She picked the fork up and slowly inched it towards her mouth as she smelled it carefully, before letting it go into her mouth. Everyone waited impatiently to see what her reaction would be as she started to chew.

Her entire mouth seemed to be shocked with a million pleasant sensations as the enchanted peridot did its job and kept her condition in check. She looked around the room as she continued to chew down the food in front of everyone present, tears of joy began to stream down her cheeks as she began to smile. A face that Flambe had not seen on his mother in many, many years.

"It is wonderful, truly wonderful," Zesty stated happily.

The room burst into applause as Twilight beamed with accomplishment at her magical inventions success with helping Zesty.

"I can tell you one thing, after all of this, I am never serving frozen food here ever again." Flambe said excitedly. "Fresh, clean food with fresh clean ingredients from here on out. Especially now I know my Ma can properly try my food."

That evening, Gordon, Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity decided to organize a relaunch night for the restaurant and they were determined to change Subtilité Du Goût's negative reputation for the better.

The first order of business was for Gordon to invite back all of the unhappy customers that had arrived at the public gathering the day prior. Even at Twilight's request, Ms. Harshwhinny and Fancy Pants took the time to come around.

Very early in the service, Flambe Briquette's attention to detail and leadership in the kitchen is finally paying off in the kitchen. He is managing to give out orders and have his staff take them in a timely fashion as more and more ponies flood into the restaurant. As dishes go out, customers seem to be thoroughly enjoying Chef Ramsay's new menu.

Unfortunately, just midway into service, Flambe is overwhelmed by the constant rush of tickets coming into the kitchen.

"I need Steamed Mussels at table 4!" Lemon barked out.

"I'm working on it!" Flambe snapped back as he looked at the tickets. "Now which table did she say needed the mussels at?"

"COME ON!" Gordon yelled at them.

Suddenly, the relaunch that had started on such a positive note is in jeopardy. Thirty minutes had passed and Flambe was struggling to get out three separate orders. Lemon ran back into the kitchen to see what was wrong.

"I'm still waiting on table 4, what's going on guys?"

"It's gonna be a little bit longer unless you want a well-done prawn plate?" Flambe replied with a hint of snark.

The kitchen crew spent the next minute trying to get organized as Gordon supervised them and tried to motivate them until one of the orders came up to the line. Unfortunately, what Gordon saw did not please him in the slightest. It was a bowl of Equestrian Ciopinno or Seafood Stew that that felt cold to the touch and looked undercooked.


The kitchen crew shuffled to his side of the line where he began to rail on every one of the staff there.


"Yes, chef!" they all replied meekly. "Let's get this right."

Grabbing Flambe by the mane, he pulled him outside into the alleyway to get an explanation from him.

"Come here you," Gordon growled. "Is that what you personally answer for?"

"No, No, No," Flambe insisted. "Absolutely not."



"There are two ways a kitchen functions, either you run it, or it runs you!"

"Yes, absolutely, this won't happen again."

"I sure fucking hope so!"

Gordon then threw the plate against the wall, shattering it into a thousand pieces next to the dumpster as he went back inside.

He finds Zesty in the front where she should be, overseeing all of the restaurant's operations, as he tries to get her to fix the problems that are beginning to arise in the kitchen.

"Ms. Gourmand! I need to speak with you for a moment."

Excusing herself from one of the nobles she was conversing with, Zesty approaches Gordon with a more controlled, more stoic face. He is somewhat pleased that the reality check he gave her the other night got through to her. Only time will tell if she truly takes his lessons to heart.

"Your son makes one tiny little mistake and BOOM! He sinks to oblivion," Gordon stated. "Get in there, and get him to lift himself. You here me?"

She strutted into the kitchen with an irritated look on her face, determined to see what was going on.

"We have over a hundred guests pouring into our restaurant. More than we have had in a very long time. I expect the greatest quality out of you, especially tonight Flambe. Do not let a small mistake get in the way of that!" she snapped harshly. "We are finally getting the chance for greatness, do not screw it up!"

"My....son is under a lot of pressure as my head chef, I am fully aware of that. But I chose him, partially because I knew he could handle all of that pressure," Zesty explained to her interviewer. "What I am hoping for tonight is that he does not prove me wrong in all of this."

Finally, after all of their forceful encouragement and work, it seemed like things were finally starting to turn for the better. Flambe was coordinating his kitchen staff and quickly and properly-getting dishes out to customers in a timely fashion. Even the members of the staff who couldn't stand Flambe, to begin with, we're finally beginning to warm up to him.

"I need a Hoovington Delight up, I need a Cavatelli at table 4! I need a seared salmon with brown rice sent to Miss Harshwhinny at table 7! I need appetizers sent out to table 9! Let's go! go! go!" Flambe barked out. "Slap Chop! Get me a walnut pasty to table 2 on the double! Fancy Pants is here with all of his friends and I want to make a good impression!"

"Coming right up! They're gonna love my nuts," she exclaimed excitedly.

"I had never seen anything like this since I first started working here!" Lemon exclaimed. "It is certainly jarring to see Flambe finally grow a spine and a voice to boot! I can only hope that it lasts."

After successful dinner service, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Zesty personally thanked satisfied ponies for giving the restaurant another chance as they left the building. Many of them stated that it had been their first time visiting the restaurant and trying its food, but it would not be their last. When they gave Zesty compliments and praises, she felt a sense of pride in herself and her restaurant that she had not felt in a long time. Even Ms. Harshwhinny, took the time to give her a stoic congratulations, albeit a rather emotionless one before she left the restaurant.

When all of the guests had left, Gordon gathered all of the staff and his new pony friends together for a proper farewell.

"Let's be honest here. Tonight, was not perfect in the slightest, but I can safely say that you all have come a long way to impressing the people of this city" Gordon complimented.

He turned his attention to Flambe who had improved greatly in the past night.

"Young man, I finally heard your voice tonight. And I can say that it is strong and confident. But it has got to be there, from the beginning, and onwards. You cannot have your head up your ass anymore. Cause this place is going to be busy. While I am leaving right now, the princess is going to be sending ponies here regularly to check up on your progress. It is your behind if ponies start dropping like flies eating your food after all."

"Thank you very much chef," Zesty said respectfully as she gave him a deep bow. "Thank you very much for your assistance."

Flambe stepped forward and stuck his hoof out as he shared a handshake with Gordon.

"Thanks a lot, Chef, I really mean it," Flambe said happily.

As Gordon and the rest of the girls were about to say their farewells to the staff, they heard a whooshing sound coming from the nearby broom closet and a bright blue glow coming from under the door as it exploded outwards.

Luna, Spike, and Pinkie hopped out still wrapped in ropes as faces of pure terror were plastered over their faces.


They hopped off to the side as a eldritch horror made of cheese and feathers came out of the closet and began roaring at everybody in the restaurant. Leaving Gordon and Twilight to share only two words.

"Oh fuck".

Author's Note:

references galore I've slipped into this chapter here. Let's see if you can spot them XD

As always, give me your thoughts and anything I can add or subtract to improve upon it.

I hope that is a nice conclusion to my first "episode of Kitchen Nightmares: Equestrian Misadventures. I will be doing a lot more episodes, focusing on a lot of great and funny topics. The next official Kitchen Nightmare in Equestria, will touch upon our favorite Griffon in the cover art.

If you wish to dislike, please at least give me the courtesy for me to at the very least know why so I can properly improve myself and my fics.

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