• Published 21st Dec 2018
  • 15,166 Views, 1,115 Comments

Kitchen Nightmares: Equestrian Misadventures - Spettro138

Everyone's favorite raging Scotsman comes to Equestria at the request of Twilight Sparkle to sort out the country's bad restaurants and bad hotels.

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A Chef in a Pastel Colored World part 3

After an unusual dinner, Twilight, Spike, Gordon, and his production team shared many a story with each other about the things they had been through in recent times. Twilight could tell that Gordon was finding her world and all of the tales of magic and monsters a little much to handle all at once, so she allowed him to take over the storytelling. Gordon went on to tell her quite a number of stories about his time on his first few shows and some of the more crazy locations that he had visited all over America. Twilight had kept her notebook out to write down any important details she felt was significant enough to record.

Before long, the clock had struck twelve and Twilight decided that it would be a good idea for all of them to get some sleep. They would all need to be well rested for their trip to Canterlot to see Princess Celestia. After Twilight sent Spike to bed, she directed Gordon's crew to separate rooms that were set up with bunk beds. Gordon was given the royal guest room next to Twilight's and changed into his sleepwear that he had packed for the trip to Equestria. He fell asleep almost immediately after contemplating how he would successfully do his job in a world of ponies instead of a world of humans.

The following morning, Gordon woke up at the crack of dawn, fully expecting to be in his own bed back on Earth. Instead, he was thoroughly surprised to find out that he was still in the same nonsensical world.

"Ugh, either this is the longest fucking acid trip I've ever been on, or all of this is real," he concluded.

With a groan, he rolled out of bed and started doing his morning exercises to wake up his muscles and his body.

Afterwards, he quickly changed into his work clothes and began moving his way back towards the living room where he assumed everyone would come to meet when they woke up. After a few minutes of walking down a really long hallway with virtually identical doorways on either side, he made it to the living room where he found Spike sweeping up where his crew were sitting the previous night.

"Ah, Spike!" Gordon exclaimed cheerfully. "You seem to be up early."

"Oh hi Chef!" Spike greeted. "I was just doing some of my early morning chores. Its my turn to do this today."

"Pardon me for asking lad, but why is a prince of all things, doing things like cleaning and cooking? Don't you have castle staff for that sort of thing?" Gordon questioned. "A few servants, or a cleaning crew, a janitor?"


"Even if you are adopted to Twilight, the way it sounds, you are still legally her son. So wouldn't the son of a Princess be a Prince?"

"I...never thought of it like that." Spike admitted. "I admit it sounds nice, but I'm not cut out to be royalty. I learned that the hard way after trying to do Twilight's job a while back. Princess Cadance once offered me to be something called a Con Sort, when I came of age, but I turned her down. Besides, Twilight never believed in castle staff, and I enjoy being her number one assistant anyways. Twilight would run herself ragged and starve herself if I wasn't around doing all of the gritty stuff."

'I'd better ask Twilight if she knows this Cadence person, cause I didn't like where that was going,' he nervously thought.

"Well, its nice to see how dutiful Twilight's son is," Gordon replied. "Do you do all of her cooking here too?"

"Yeah!" he replied. "And I'm usually very good at it. Heck, with Pony food, I'm the best at my age. At least, I like to think I am. Human food just throws me off I guess. Twilight's friend tried to show me how to make something called a Ravee Oli, but I kept messing it up."

"Don't worry about it, it takes practice to learn a new form of cuisine." he encouraged.

"I just wish we had good equipment to use that didn't blow up in my face every week."

'I suppose re-hauling Twilight's castle can go into the "maybe section" on my to do list while i'm in this crazy country,' Gordon thought.

"Which reminds me. I need to wake up Twilight!" Spike exclaimed. "She DID want to get you guys to the train station early."

He then finished his sweeping and put the broom away in a nearby closet. He briefly told Gordon to stay in the living room while he woke the others up from their deep sleeps.

Meanwhile, Gordon took the opportunity to browse one of the small bookshelves that Twilight had set up in the living room for a temporary piece of reading material while waiting for the others. He came across a number of different books, including one with a main character, strikingly similar to America's own titular Indiana Jones. He went looking through quite a few of the books until he found a small book called A Brief History of Equestria that he cracked open and found a good spot that he could lay back on the couch with his legs crossed. For the twenty minutes that he had while he was reading, he learned a few basics about Equestria like its structure, who ruled it, and the things the different races of ponies had to deal with when they first founded the nation. He also learned that Celestia and Luna were picked to be the rulers of Equestria as opposed to forcing themselves to be, but the book didn't quite go into why they were picked or where they specifically came from.

In a half hour, his production crew came out to the living room fully dressed back into their own work wear with Twilight in tow.

"Oh, there you are Gordon! I see you took to researching our history," Twilight said cheerfully. "I can get you a more recent version of that if you'd like. That edition is a little old. The 32nd edition by Lilac Quill has all of the updated history right from the princess herself"

"Maybe later Twilight. But I did find your history rather...unique and interesting. Not bad, but interesting. I just might come back here later to look into it more."

"Well I'm glad you think so. Maybe when we can come back here to have a break, I can set you up with a few more."

"Well thank you Twilight. I think that would be lovely."

"Are you all ready?" she asked. "Princess Celestia wanted me to bring you to meet her first thing today. She said that she wanted to have breakfast with you and your team while we give you the full story on what has been going on here."

"As ready as I will ever be. But how will we get to this Canterlot if I may ask?" Gordon inquired.

Out of nowhere, a pair of blue eyes and a big toothy smile exploded out from under a couch cushion to answer his question.


"HOLY FUCK!" Gordon screamed. "You scared the fucking shit out of me."

"PINKIE! What are you doing here? Twilight exclaimed.

"The Princess called me too silly filly! Spike gave me a letter last night while I was making my Peppermint Peanut Butter Pastries for Gordon's Welcome to Equestria party!" Pinkie rambled happily. "Although I still need to tinker with some of the ingredients a little bit. It's a new recipe after all. Hey, that's a funny word. Tinker! Tinker, Tinker, Tinker, Tinker, Tinker, Minker, Pinker, Linker, Shrinker, Dinker-"

Twilight notice that Gordon was beginning to lose it the more Pinkie rambled on and on just by his expression. She jumped in before things could get nasty.

"Alright!" Twilight shouted. "Th-That's fine Pinkie. Why don't we head over to the train station so we can get to Canterlot?"

"Okie Dokie Lokie!"

She happily hopped out of the room leaving them all with an awkward silence.

"There are SO many things wrong with that girl," Gordon said as he breathed heavily. "I nearly shat myself from that."

"Yeah, but she means well," Twilight replied sheepishly. "Its best you don't question her, you'll just get a headache trying to figure her out."

They gradually made their way across town greeting the citizens of Ponyville that hadn't met Gordon and his team. A few of them were somewhat wary of the humans, but most of the ponies were very friendly, much to Gordon's delight. When they finally made it to the other side of town where the Ponyville Station was located. Five other ponies were their to meet them, two of which Gordon had already met. The sophisticated white coated unicorn Rarity Belle and the cray pink coated pony Pinkie Pie. There was also a light blue pony with wings and a rainbow mane, a gold coated pony with a Stetson, and a timid yellow coated winged pony with a bright pink mane.

"Twilight darling, you made it just in time!" Rarity exclaimed happily.

"We just had to pack a few things before heading out." she replied.

"Why don't you introduce us to yer friend Twi?" the gold-coated pony asked. "Rainbow, Flutershy, and I had to stay here to deal with the poisoned crops here in Ponyville while you, Pinkie, and Rarity went to Earth.

"Alright then, girls I'd like you to meet the man who is going to help us figure out what exactly is going on," Twilight explained. "Chef Gordon Ramsay of Earth. World class chef, businessman, health inspector, animal rights activist, and therapist. Gordon, I'd like you to meet my other friends Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy."

"Sup," Rainbow Dash greeted. "I bet you haven't heard of me yet on Earth, but I think you will know me soon enough. I'm kind of like a big deal around here. Like a REALLY big deal. I'm the fastest thing anywhere. From what I hear, humans line up around those "tee vee" thingies just to see how awesome I am. Maybe I can show you my favorite carrot dog joint here. Get you some more cred."

'Oh, great. One of THOSE kinds of people' Gordon thought. 'I guess pretentious people are a constant thing in every world. Just nod and pretend you are listening,' he thought.

"Well, I look forward to it," Gordon replied politely.

Then the gold coated pony with the Stetson stepped forward with a hearty smile on her face.

"Howdy there Gordon. Ahm Applejack," she said happily as she stuck her hoof out to shake Gordon's hand. "Mah family runs the major apple crop here in Ponyville. We supply everything apple-related to every corner of Equestria."

'Well, I guess standards in this batshit insane country are different than on Earth, cause naming your daughter after an alcohol usually doesn't go over well in the long run. This girl seems pleasant enough in any case.'

He decided to reciprocate the greeting as he grabbed Applejack's hoof and shook it firmly. All of the other ponies present winced as they prepared for Gordon to receive the shaking of his life. However, they were immediately surprised after a few seconds of nothing happening.

"Wow, that's a mighty strong grip you got there Chef. Along with a set of nicely built arms" Applejack complimented. "Most new people and ponies get shaken up like mah famous Cinnamon Appletinis in an earthquake."

"Well, I'm a bit more firmly built than most," he admitted.

Then the yellow coated pony stepped forward timidly with half of her face completely obscured by her bright pink mane.

"He-hello. I'm Fluttershy" Fluttershy muttered.

"Sorry darling, didn't quite catch that."

"Come on Fluttershy," Pinkie urged as she pushed the pegasi's cheeks together with her hooves and stared deeply into her eyes. "Its been 8 seasons and over a hundred issues of our comic. You can trust the nice human."

The pony known as Fluttershy lightly pushed Pinkie aside and gave her a raised eyebrow.

"I'm STILL older than you are Pinkie. You know that right?," the yellow pony said vaguely irritated. "Sorry. I'm Fluttershy. Its nice to meet you Mr. Ramsay I take care of the animals and local wildlife around Ponyville and provide ponies with any animal related service."

"Ah, so you're the town gamekeeper?" Gordon asked.

"More like Animal Caretaker and veterinarian, but yes," she replied happily.

'A little timid, but I think she will be nice enough to work with,' he thought as he shook her hoof gently.

"Well then, Miss Shy, I think we are going to work just fine together."

A few minutes later, the train arrived at the station with a loud shrill coming from the engine signaling the group of humans and ponies to board. When the conductor saw Twilight and the rest of their group, he personally saw to giving them an entire first class car to fit the rather large group. When they got inside, they each found their seats, with Gordon being given a window seat right next to Twilight. After fifteen minutes of other ponies boarding, the train finally got underway to begin its two hour journey all the way to Canterlot.

Meanwhile, back in Canterlot...

The castle was all abuzz with activity. After hearing of Twilight's journey by train to the city, Princess Luna took it upon herself to start five hours before the Sun came up to gather the best chefs from Equestria, Griffonstone, Zebrica, and the Woodland Kingdom to prepare a large banquet for the group of humans and ponies. Celestia had just woken up to attend to her Day Court when she found the throne room ablaze with activity. A large table adorned with the finest cloths, flowers, and food was being set up along the length of the room. On the Throne of Midnight, she found Luna directing the entire castle staff.

"Garcon! Send word to Wolfgang Buck on the other side of town. His princess requests his presence," she barked.

"Yes your majesty," one of the servants replied.

"Prim Prop, head over to our royal seamstress to repair our dress." Luna boomed. "We must look our best when the great guru Ramsay arrives."

"Right away your eminence!"

Celestia walked up to the throne with an awkward smile on her face.

"Luna? What's going on if its okay to ask?" Celestia questioned.

"Dear Sister! We are glad to see you have awoken from your slumber!" Luna exclaimed. "We are preparing a grand "break of the fast" banquet for dear Twilight and the great Ramsay! Tis our royal tradition to welcome an esteemed figure from another realm in such a manner is it not?"

"Couldn't we just have a simple, calm breakfast?" Celestia asked.

"I should think not!" Luna huffed. "We have a reputation to uphold dear sister! We must show the humans we are worthy to be their friends!"

Celestia just rolled her eyes and slowly went over to her throne before sitting down with a big thump.

"Well, if you insist on going through with this, I'm going to have a bit of tea before heading out to the train station," she said calmly.

As if on cue, her personal butler brought out a small tray with a pot of tea and her favorite silver teacup.

"Oh! Thank you Penn Worth," Celestia accepted happily. "You have always been very helpful."

"Of course Madam," the aging grey coated stallion replied stoically. "I live to serve."

Celestia picked up the teacup from the tray in her golden glow and began to sip gingerly as she watched the ponies rushing about from each of her orders.

"Penn Worth, you have my permission to speak freely, so please. What do you think of...my sister's little endeavor here?" Celestia asked nervously. "All of the ponies here look beyond uncomfortable."

For a moment, the butler said nothing, until he breathed out sharply and leaned his head discreetly towards her.

"Its become maddening my lady," the colt replied wearily. "I have come to adore your sister just as I adore you my lady, but this whole thing has gotten a little out of hoof! And over something as trivial as a famous human Chef from Earth."

"Luna has always clung to the old ways of honor and distinction," she agreed. "Even after 2 years of being back, she still has to adjust. I think this is just her own way of coping."

"Well, I do hope it doesn't go TOO far," Penn Worth replied.

Then suddenly an explosion of food and smoke came flying out of the hallway.


"That may already be too late," Celestia replied sheepishly.

Next Time:
A Royal Kitchen Nightmare

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