• Published 25th Nov 2018
  • 773 Views, 12 Comments

Ruler of Harmony Kingdom - Just A Random Pegasus

Starlight is promoted to be the fifth princess of Equestria. Her kingdom, you may ask? Her old town where she attempted to create her perfect society, which is now a vast land for any creature to reside in. Naturally, she is unsure about how to feel.

  • ...

Prologue: Crowning

This past Sunday morning for Starlight started how Sunday mornings normally do for her: a nice, big breakfast accompanied by lots of coffee and donuts which are made by Pinkie Pie. And, like all Sundays, Starlight planned to take a nice, long day to relax.

After finishing her breakfast, she levitated her dirty plates and mug around her before walking over to Spike, who was currently washing a large number of dishes from the night before. He smiled when he saw Starlight enter.

"Hey Starlight! What's up?" He greeted as Starlight handed the dishes over to him.

"Uh, not too much," she said, smiling. "I'm just happy I can relax today. That dinner party with Discord last night was a bit too... what's the word..."


"Yeah. That's it," Starlight affirmed, slightly rolling her eyes. "So, what are you planning on doing today?"

Spike shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno. I'm probably just gonna do chores and - Oh! Rainbow wanted me to go flying with her today. Hopefully I don't keep her waiting."

"Well, I can help you finish your chores if you need. I know how impatient Rainbow can get," Starlight offered.

"Thanks Starlight! I appreciate it," Spike answered, placing a plate in the dishwasher. "But yeah, other than all that, I'm just gonna relax today. We all need a chill day every once in a while."

Starlight nodded. "Ugh, tell me about it. I feel like I've had wayyy too much going on recently. Taking a day to relax and recover is really what I need."

As soon as she said that, a bright flash of magic illuminated the room, quickly revealing Twilight.

"Starlight!!" Twilight exclaimed, getting in Starlight's face. "We need to go! Pronto!"

Starlight blinked. "What? Why?"

"Because!" Twilight said, hovering above the ground. "Princess Celestia needs us immediately!" She said as she flew around Starlight, beaming at the unicorn.

"Um... okay? Did something happen?"

"Nope! But we need to go!" Twilight said, landing back on the ground.

"Should I go too?" Spike asked as he finished scrubbing the last plate.

"Nope, but I do have a big list of things that need to get done around the castle today," Twilight said, levitating a rather large scroll over to the dragon. "I may be able to help you out later, but I have no idea when we're gonna get back today!"

Spike groaned as he perused the list. "And you say that enthusiastically?"

Twilight turned back to Starlight. "There's no time to waste! We have to go!" Twilight exclaimed before lighting her horn and teleporting the both of them. Spike looked at the spot where the two were before looking at his list again. He rolled his eyes.

"I've not seen Twilight this excited in a while. She probably went to the Canterlot library or something," he mused to himself before grabbing a broom.

When Starlight opened her eyes, she found herself in the Canterlot castle, light pouring in from all around. She looked up and found Princess Celestia on her throne, smiling down at her and Twilight.

Starlight blinked before quickly bowing. "Your majesty."

"There is no time for such formalities, Starlight. I have... something very important for you," Celestia said. Twilight ran up to Celestia's side, practically beaming.

"Well... alright. Is it bad?" Starlight asked.

Celestia shook her head. "No. Please do not worry yourself, I called you here for a very positive reason. And this will be a lot at one time, so I hope you are okay with that."

Starlight nodded her head. "Of course. I'm ready for whatever you throw at me, Princess."

Celestia smiled. "Starlight, since you met Princess Twilight, you've grown so much and have become a positive influence and amazing friend to be around. You are a leader, and are always wanting to help others. We - by we, I mean all the princesses in Equestria - think you are an inspiration, Starlight."

Starlight flushed, looking to Twilight before trying to cover her embarrassment. "Oh... I don't know what to say, Princess," Starlight said, looking to the ground.

"You don't need to say anything, Starlight. However, I do need you to be ready for your next step."

Starlight raised a brow. "...Next step?"

Celestia nodded. "Yes, Starlight."

Twilight smiled as well. "Starlight, you're ready. Believe me."

Starlight shook her head. "I... don't understand. Ready for what?"

Celestia's horn started glowing a light but powerful gold. "You will see in a second, Starlight," she said, spreading her wings as she charged more magic up in her horn. Starlight's ears folded back as she saw Celestia fire a beam of magic at her. The magic quickly enveloped her, continuously pulsing into her. Next thing Starlight knew, she, Celestia, and Twilight were all teleported to a very familiar place, or at least, that's what it felt like. As she opened her eyes, she couldn't tell exactly where in Equestria she was, besides the fact that she could feel the cold ground below her as well as her muscles tensing.

"...Starlight?" A raspy voice called. Starlight rubbed her eyes, looking up. She saw Night Glider looking down at her from above, her eyes wide. Starlight also took a quick look around, recognizing the old village she once wanted to control so dearly.

Starlight's heart stopped. She was teleported here, certainly for a reason. But... why? She stood up, her legs wobbly.

Double Diamond was in front of her next. "Wow... what happened, Star?"

Starlight rubbed her head. "I... don't know," she said, looking back at Celestia and Twilight. "What exactly did happen? Is there really something different about me?"

Celestia giggled as Twilight answered. "Starlight, you're a dork. Can't you feel your new... additions?" She asked, smirking.

Starlight started looking at herself. "My new..." She turned around, seeing a pair of large wings at her back. "...Wings?" She said, giving them a short flap as she stared at them.

"Starlight, we need to go flying!" Night Glider said, flying up to her and giving her a hug. "This is so cool, dude! You're an alicorn!"

Starlight gave her friend a short smile. "Well... I guess I am an alicorn..."

Double Diamond nodded. "Yeah. It's like you're a princess or something," he said.

Starlight shook her head, giggling. "Oh, nah. I'm not a princess."

"Are you sure about that, Starlight?" Celestia asked. Starlight whipped her head around, her jaw dropping.

"I'm... wait... what?" She said, her voice squeaking.

Twilight squealed. "Isn't it great?!" She exclaimed, hugging Starlight as tight as she could. "We're princess buddies now! We can write to each other about our experiences and boring meetings and-"

Starlight pushed Twilight off. "I'm sorry, but... why am I a princess?" She asked, her eyes still wide.

"Starlight, are you aware of how much leadership you have shown to not only your friends, but to all of Equestria?" Celestia proposed. "You've helped save all of Equestria a number of times, and even attempted to reform Queen Chrysalis, a foe who no one would give a chance... except for you." She stepped closer to Starlight. "Starlight, you exhibit exceptional qualities that all princesses should: you're a leader, you're brave, you're kind, you're accepting, and you are always willing to put yourself in danger for others. Us Princesses aren't just public figures, as you know. We have to be the strongest defenders of Equestria, and that power is only given to those who can responsibly handle it."

Starlight shook her head. "But... what if I can't handle it? I've casted a spell on my friends before, and I-"

Celestia put a hoof over Starlight's mouth. "Starlight, I would never have suggested making you a princess if I didn't feel exceptionally confident that you could handle it. Twilight has been updating me, and it has all been good news. Sure, you've made mistakes, but you learned from them, and, in the end, learning from mistakes is one of the strongest things you can do."

"I guess... you're right," Starlight said, giving Celestia a smile. "Thank you... Princess."

Celestia smiled back. "No need to thank me, Starlight. This was meant to happen, I was just the one who cast the spell."

Twilight raised a brow. "Wait... what do you mean by that?"

"I cannot say, Twilight," Celestia said, causing Twilight to furrow her brow.

Starlight looked around as Twilight and Celestia were talking, seeing that now almost everyone who lives in the village was nearby, looking at her and the other princesses.

"So... as a princess... do I have a kingdom?" Starlight asked.

Celestia nodded. "Indeed, Starlight. It is this village."

Starlight blinked. "Wait, what?!"

Celestia nodded. Starlight looked from Celestia to the village, her ears pinning back onto her skull.

"No... I can't do this. Last time I had a leadership position over this town, I wanted full control. I can't trust myself, what if I-"

This time, Twilight put a hoof over Starlight's mouth. "Starlight, you'll be fine. Think about it, just being remorseful about your past is a sign that you've changed."

Starlight smiled. "Well... when you put it that way..."

Night Glider walked up to Starlight. "Starlight, I know you've changed. We all do. We would love to have you as our leader again, Princess," she said, bowing. Everyone in the village followed suit, giving Starlight a bow.

Starlight's cheeks grew red as she smiled. "You all really think so?"

They all nodded, Starlight's smile growing bigger as a result. She turned to Celestia. "But... isn't this village a little... small to be a kingdom? I mean, there isn't too much to rule."

"I figured you would ask that," Celestia said. "Follow me a few paces back. This little village has more to it than it seems."

Starlight nodded, following Celestia to a spot near a few large rocks. Celestia looked down at Starlight. "Now... intertwine your magic with mine, and we will touch our horns to the ground. It should produce a spectacular result."

Starlight nodded. "Alright," she said before charging up her horn. She felt much more magic flowing to her horn than she ever had before. She put her horn to Celestia's, and the two bowed their heads to the soft earth beneath them. The magic quickly seeped into the ground, the earth rumbling and shaking under them. The two jumped out of the way, watching as a large castle started to peak out of the ground. To the left of the castle and village houses, many new houses and amenities started sprouting as well. Soon, the castle was completely out of the ground, standing tall and capturing the glances of all the villagers. Starlight took a look around, her jaw wide open.

"Wait... where did all this come from?" Twilight asked, hovering into the air.

Celestia raised a brow at Twilight. "It was meant to be, Twilight. Like I said before, I just was the one who cast the spell." She then turned to Starlight.

"Welcome to your kingdom, Princess Starlight," Celestia said, gesturing to the left. "All of these new buildings are for the other villagers that will live here. This kingdom will not only inhabit ponies, but any other creature that wants to live here. That's why multiple accommodations have sprouted, such as a lava pool and caves for dragons and a hive-like section for changelings."

Starlight looked back to Celestia. "You... really want me to rule over multiple species?"

Celestia nodded. "If anyone could do it, it would be you, Starlight," she said. Starlight smiled.

"Well... th-"

"STARLIGHT!!" A piercing voice boomed from the far side of the village. Starlight turned her head to find Trixie running as fast as she could, panting for breath by the time she reached Starlight. "I came here as fast as I can when I heard the news!"

Starlight blinked. "Wait... there's news already?!"

Trixie nodded. "Yep! Princess Luna sure has her way of getting important information out!" She said, breathing heavily. "Starlight, I'm... I... Ieugh..." She stammered, tears brimming her eyes. "I'm... gonna miss... you were such an important showmate and... I..."

"Trixie, you act as though you'll never see me again-"

"That's because I won't!" Trixie exclaimed, tears freely falling down her cheeks. "You're a princess now, so you won't have time for friendships! You-"

"Trixie!" Starlight interjected. "I would never, ever stop being your friend. Royal duties will never break up my friendships."

Trixie blinked. "Are you sure?"

Starlight nodded. "Of course. And... if you want... so we aren't so far apart... you could maybe stay in my castle with me? Maybe even be my... assistant?" She turned to Celestia. "Can she?"

Celestia smiled. "This isn't my castle; it is yours now, Princess. You may do what you like."

Trixie beamed. "So... I can really stay with you?!"

Starlight nodded. "Of course you can! This is much more comfortable than your caravan-"

Trixie hugged her, smiling. "Oh my gosh, thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!" She squealed before letting go of Starlight. "Oh, and speaking of caravan. I can still keep it here, right? I can't completely get rid of it."

Starlight nodded. "Of course, Trix."

Trixie beamed. "You really are a great friend, Starlight. And just so ya know, I'll end up being the most great and powerful castle assistant there is." She giggled. "Also, you look like a total dork with those wings."

Starlight rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah."

"Sorry to interrupt, but there is something you have to do, Starlight," Celestia said. Starlight turned to her.

"Oh, sorry! What is it?"

"Well, your kingdom needs a name, doesn't it?"

Starlight blinked. "You're right. Hm..." She thought. After a few seconds, her ears perked. "How about... Harmony Kingdom? I mean, it fits, since many creatures will soon live here in harmony... maybe?"

Celestia smiled. "I think that's a wonderful name, Starlight. Also, speaking of... I'll be setting you up with a royal meeting with the leaders of the other lands. You are the one who must relay to them the information about this village and ask if they want to send their subjects to live here."

Starlight blinked. "Uh... yes, Princess. I will do that."

"I would hope so, Starlight." She spread her wings. "Now... you have a coronation to attend."

Starlight smiled, looking around at all her friends nearby. "I... guess I do."