• Published 25th Nov 2018
  • 778 Views, 12 Comments

Ruler of Harmony Kingdom - Just A Random Pegasus

Starlight is promoted to be the fifth princess of Equestria. Her kingdom, you may ask? Her old town where she attempted to create her perfect society, which is now a vast land for any creature to reside in. Naturally, she is unsure about how to feel.

  • ...

I: Lifestyle Changes

It had been a day since Starlight's coronation, which, even though it was one of the best days of Starlight's life, it was long and utterly draining for the new alicorn. Especially the autographs - seriously, Starlight has no idea how the other princesses can put up with this stuff.

The sun slowly rose above the horizon, beaming into the castle and shining on the crystals on the walls. Like Twilight's castle, Starlight's had a lot of crystal walls that are blue and purple. And, like all castles, hers is cold and cavernous, way too much so. However, that didn't bother Starlight now as she slept on her bed, the lavish covers keeping her warm and safe. After the day yesterday, Starlight's body was ready to rest for a whole year.

Almost in a flash, the door to Starlight's room slammed open, Trixie waltzing in.

"Starlight!! Yoo-hoo!" She called, standing next to Starlight's bed. Starlight looked up at her friend before rolling her eyes and laying back down. Trixie rolled her eyes back in response. "Oh, come on, princess! You have a lot to do today!"

"Luike whuet?" Starlight muttered into her pillow.

"Lots of things!" Trixie answered. "You don't get to lay around and be lazy! That's my job! You have to go make impressions on the public!"

Starlight raised her head again. "I do?"

Trixie nodded. "Yeah! Think about it, Star. You need to change these villagers' views on you. Last time you were here, you sorta stripped them of their talents and were awful to them."

Starlight's ears fell back. "Yeah, thanks for that."

"Nonono, I'm not trying to bring up bad stuff!" She stopped. "Well, I mean, I did, but that's beside the point. What I'm trying to say is that, since you're a princess, you should make sure everyone likes you."

Starlight sighed, levitating the covers off. "Fair enough. You win," she said as she tried to stand up from the bed, but instead, immediately fell on the ground.

"Hahaha!" Trixie laughed. "Oh Starlight, you're priceless!"

Starlight stood back up, flexing her wings. "Yeah, thanks again. These wings are just... heavy. And a lot to get used to."

Trixie nodded. "And, speaking of those wings, don't you need to learn how to fly?"

Starlight blinked. "Oh. I kinda do. Maybe? I mean, I can levitate myself in the air, so isn't that-"

"Nope!" Trixie replied. "Starlight, what if you couldn't use magic-"

"Why wouldn't I be able to use magic?"

"I dunno, just a hypothetical situation!" Trixie replied. "...Anyways. And then, without magic, you had to chase after some super speedy villain. How would you catch them if you couldn't fly?"

Starlight blinked. "Alright, you win again." She paused. "Wait a second... it's like, the ass-crack of dawn. Why are you up so early anyway?"

"Why, I was just working on my latest magic act!" Trixie replied, smirking. "I mean, now that I live here, I kinda assumed I would be putting on magic shows for everyone in your kingdom!"

Starlight nodded. "Well, duh. It would be kinda rude for me to not let you."

"Eeeeeex-actly," Trixie said, walking out. "Now, you should probably find a pegasus around that can teach you how to fly. It's a great bonding experience!"

Starlight nodded, following her friend. "You're right."

Trixie looked back at Starlight as they exited the room, narrowing her eyes. "Um, aren't you forgetting something?"

Starlight tilted her head. "Huh?"

Trixie levitated a sparkly crown over to Starlight's head, gently setting it down. "Ta-da! You look like an actual princess now."

Starlight took it off, looking at the shimmery object for a few seconds. "Trixie, I don't need to wear my crown. It feels... weird. I guess I know now why Twilight never wears hers." She levitated it back to her room, placing it on her dresser. "I just... don't wanna appear fancy today. I mean, I'm not doing much besides learning how to fly."

Trixie shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense." She looked around. "This castle is really..."

"Empty," Starlight finished, sighing. "It's just weird, only the two of us in this big thing. It's even bigger than Twilight's castle!"

Trixie nodded. "Yeah. I much prefer my tight caravan, but at the same time, my bed in here is very nice and soft. And there's a lot of places to walk if you have insomnia."

Starlight chuckled. "I guess I never thought of it that way."

They were at the front of the castle now, opening the door to the outside. There weren't many ponies out, mostly because of how early it was. However, she did see a cloud not far above the village, which most certainly had a pegasus on it.

Trixie pointed up. "Starlight, there's someone on that cloud that can teach you how to fly! I mean, I can't see who it is, I just see someone up there."

Starlight nodded. "Yeah. Whoever they are, I think they're some of the only ones awake," she said. "Wait, so what are you gonna do, Trix?"

Trixie gestured to her caravan parked beside the castle. "Why, I'm just gonna practice some more of my magic. I want to make sure my new act will completely blow everyone away!"

Starlight smirked. "Well, okay then. I'm excited to see what you have in store."

Trixie nodded. "Yeah you are! So... you do your princess stuff, and I'll see ya later!" She said before running back to the caravan. Starlight watched her run before sighing. She looked at her wings, and then back up at the cloud above the village. Still unable to decipher who it was, she walked forward until she was closer to the cloud.

"Hello?" She called. There was no answer. Her ears perked as she ignited her horn, enveloping herself with a levitation spell and moving herself up. As she reached the cloud, she noticed Night Glider resting, reading a book.

"Hey, Night Glider!"

"Uh-what?" Night Glider jumped, looking behind to see Starlight. "Oh, Starlight! I mean... your highness!"

Starlight blinked. "Uhh-"

"Did you need anything? I was just finishing a super good book! I spent all night reading it! I can let you borrow it if you wanna check it out!"

Starlight smiled. "Maybe! But anyways, I came to ask if, you're not too tired from reading all night... maybe... you can teach me how to fly?"

Night Glider beamed, putting her book in her bag and hovering into the air. "Well, of course, Princess Starlight! Here, let's land on the ground first, then I can show you."

Night Glider zipped down, Starlight following after. "Um... you-"

"Alright, so first, you need to flex your wings! They are muscles after all, and like any others, need stretching."

Starlight blinked before spreading her wings and giving them a quick flex. "Alright... that's easy."

"Next, you have to find your perfect stance before flying. To get off the ground, you have to start with a jump, and then your wings will catch you and bring you into the air!"

Starlight raised a brow. "That sounds a little scary."

Night Glider waved a hoof. "It's not, trust me.

Starlight took a breath. "Alright. So first, I leap off the ground, and then I flap my wings to push me up?"

Night Glider nodded. "Yep! It's a lot easier than it sounds."

"Alright... here we go," she said, jumping off the ground, flapping her wings as hard as she can... and falling right on her face.

Night Glider covered up a laugh. "Nice try, Princess-"

"Don't call me that," Starlight snapped, getting up and dusting herself off. Her ears folded back as she turned to Night Glider. "I mean... please. Don't call me that. We're friends, right? I don't want my friends having to use my title."

Night Glider blinked. "Well, alright! I'm more than fine with that! It was kinda weird talking to my friend that way," she said, smiling.

Starlight smiled back. "Thank you. I appreciate it." She aired out her wings. "So... back to flying." Starlight lowered herself closer to the ground before pushing off, instantly flapping her wings, but, this time, with less force than before. She looked down, noticing she was hovering a bit above the ground. She looked to Night Glider and smiled.

"Night Glider, I'm flying! Wow!" She said. Night rolled her eyes.

"Uh, more like hovering." She flew up to Starlight. "Try flapping with more force and pointing your body in a certain direction. Also, rotate your wings so they push the air behind where you want to go. That's what flying actually is."

Starlight nodded. "Alright, I'll try," she said, looking back to her wings. "These things are already sore though."

Night chuckled. "Oh, Star. They're new, that's why. Now... fly forward."

Starlight took a breath. "Alright. I can do this," she said, flapping her wings harder which pushed her higher into the air. She then moved her wings before pointing forward, pushing the air behind her. She went a bit forward before her wings lost rhythm, causing her to fall to the ground.

"Star, that was good! This time, when you take off, jump with more force. You'll get it!" Night exclaimed.

Starlight nodded. "Alright!" She said, standing up and spreading her wings again. She pushed off from the ground as hard as she could, letting her wings take her. She was now flying forward, feeling the breeze hitting her face. She turned back to Night Glider.

"Hey, this is fun!"

Night Glider's ears fell back. "Starlight! Turn!"

"What?" Starlight said before turning back around, seeing a house getting closer and closer to her. She shrieked before quickly turning to the left, barely avoiding the building.

"Night, I keep speeding up!" Starlight yelled as she flew through the town. "How do I slow down once I get going?"

"Flap less!" Night suggested, appearing beside Starlight. "I mean, you aren't going too fast."

"Oka-AH!" She shrieked as she saw herself about to run into another building, pulling up and going higher up in the air. Starlight turned back around, now attempting to fly to the entrance of her castle. However, one of her wings lost sync with another, causing her to fall to the earth below. Quickly, she lit her horn and teleported safely to the ground, panting. Night Glider caught up with her.

"Well... you avoided the houses!" She said, smiling. "You're making really good progress, Star!"

Starlight looked to her wings. "I don't know. I mean, I reacted most with nerves."

"Well, that's what you have to work past. You have to... not think about it to fly well. Flying is just like walking. It's kinda hard to walk if you're intensely thinking of your leg motions," Night Glider advised.

Starlight nodded. "That... makes enough sense."

Night smiled. "Cool! Because I want you to keep trying!"

Starlight's ears fell back. "Oh. Yay."

Starlight slammed the door open to her castle, her wings drooping at her sides. Every now and again, they would twitch. She groaned as she closed the door walked back and into the kitchen. As she stepped in, she noticed Trixie, who was eating a large pie.

"Oh, Starlight!" Trixie exclaimed, blushing before hiding the pie behind her. "How... are you?"

Starlight sighed. "Well, I can't fly well. And now my wings are in pain," she said as she filled a cup up with water. "I always thought flying was easy. Or, at least, compared to magic, it looked easy." She smirked at Trixie. "Also, you don't need to hide that pie from me if you give me a little piece."

Trixie's ears flopped. "Ugh, fine," she teased, levitating Starlight a piece. "Oh, also, I got some groceries."

Starlight swallowed her pie, raising a brow. "You did?"

Trixie nodded. "Yeah! What? Did you not expect me to do that or something?"

Starlight blinked. "Oh, no! It's just... I didn't think you had money?"

Trixie laughed. "Oh Starlight, I didn't pay anything."

"Wait, you stole?! Trixie!"

Trixie shook her head. "Nah. Well, not exactly. I just... told everyone I was buying things for the new princess. Which is true. So they offered to give everything to me for free and I didn't protest."

Starlight narrowed her eyes. "Well, obviously, you didn't just get things for me."

Trixie blushed as she swallowed the bit of pie she was eating. "Well - I mean, I shared it?"

Starlight rolled her eyes. "Ugh. Trixie, you're gonna give me a bad name!"

Trixie shook her head. "Nah. From what I gathered in that shopping trip, everyone wants to make a good impression on you like you do on them."

Starlight raised a brow. "Why would they want to do that?"

"Well, it's simple. You are Equestrian royalty, and one of the most powerful beings in this world. If they want their ass saved in a tough situation, they'll act nice to ya."

"But I'll save anyone, not just those I like," Starlight sternly replied.

Trixie laughed. "And that, Star, is why you're the princess and not me." As she said that, the castle doorbell rung, echoing throughout the cavernous palace. "I got it!" Trixie offered, walking to the door. Starlight followed, preparing herself to put on her best visitor smile.

Trixie opened the door, smirking. "Hello, this is the castle of - wait. Sunburst?"

As Starlight got to the door, she saw Sunburst standing at the doorway with a small bag. As he saw Starlight, he immediately lowered to the ground. "Your highness."

Trixie laughed, but Starlight's ears fell back. "Sunburst, get off the ground! I won't let you address me that way!" Starlight ordered.

Sunburst stood up. "Uh, yes, Princess-"

Starlight smacked herself in the face. "Ughhhh. Sunburst, I meant that you shouldn't address me like I'm a princess!" She shook her head. "Sorry I'm being so stern about this, it's just... we've been best friends since forever. I don't want you having to address me as royalty. Even though that's kinda what I am. I just... want you to treat me like you always have? I'm no different... besides my new title and wings."

Sunburst smiled. "Well, I understand that, Starlight! He stepped in the castle. "Okay, so, I brought you a few little things."

Starlight smiled. "Oh, you didn't have to, Sunburst! I mean, you were just at my coronation yesterday."

Sunburst nodded. "Well, I didn't have time to bring you something yesterday, so here you go!" He said, levitating the bag over to her. Starlight opened it, her eyes widening. She levitated out a bouquet of crystal flowers.

"Oh, you didn't have to," she said, hugging him. "Thank you. I'll put these upstairs."

"Starlight, there's more in the bag!" Sunburst said, a wide grin on his face. "This is the best part!"

Starlight levitated two books out of the bag. "Wow, these look old. What are they?"

"Old spellbooks I found while antiquing!" Sunburst said, pointing at the covers. "And, they are all spells that require strong magic abilities, so I immediately thought of you! Not only with your talent, but with your new alicorn magic!"

Starlight quickly scanned through the book, her wings spreading with excitement. "Sunburst... thank you! I've been wanting to learn some new spells."

Sunburst smiled. "No problem, Starlight!" He paused for a moment. "But also... another question."

"Sure! What's up?"

"Well... I was wondering if I may... stay here for a few days," he quietly said, looking around. "I mean, I don't really feel like taking a train right back to the crystal empire since I was just on a five hour train ride. And-"

"Of course, Sunburst," Starlight interjected. "You could always stay here. This castle has one too many rooms."

"Well, thank you!" He said. "Do you have anything important things going on in the next few days that I can't in the castle for? Just wondering."

Starlight thought. "Hmm... I-" Her pupils dilated as her wings flared. "I have the royal meeting with all the other nations tomorrow!" Starlight exclaimed as she started pacing. "Oh no, that's tomorrow! How could I have forgotten already?!"

Sunburst's eyes darted. "Well.. I could maybe leave if-"

"No, you can stay," Starlight hurriedly replied, hovering into the air. "But I have to get working on what I'm gonna say! I have no time!" She said, flying off to her room.

Trixie yelled to Starlight as she disappeared. "I thought you said you couldn't fly!"

Sunburst laughed. "Oh, Starlight." He looked to Trixie. "So, Trixie, what are you doing tomorrow?"

Trixie shrugged her shoulders. "Eh, not much. Maybe you and I could hang out tomorrow while Starlight's doing her boring royal meeting thing." Her ears perked. "Wait... did you wanna see the magic I was working on this morning?"

Sunburst nodded. "Of course!" He replied, following Trixie out of the castle and to her caravan.

Comments ( 9 )

An interesting idea, Star Horse deserves to live up to her full potential. I will add, however, that extra-bold text, even to emphasize shouting, it generally artefacts of weak writing. Typically, it's used when one doesn't know how to create emphasis and volume in a conversation through their words. Keep working, but be careful on that point moving onward.

That's an interesting point I haven't thought about before, thank you for bringing that up! :)

YOU'RE BACK! You have utterly no idea how much I missed you, my friend!


YES!!! I don't know how long I'll be back, but I wanna keep updating this story, so hopefully I don't completely disappear again lol

That's good. Of course, I still really love your Chosen Love story, even if it's not exactly aligned with the canonicity of the show anymore. Personally, I like your choices of shipping over ones officially picked in the show.


That’s a very good point! Personally, i wanted her to be in a kinda similar situation that Twilight is in, in the sense that they were both suddenly crowned and given royal duties. For Twilight, I see her kingdom as all of Equestria, and she may not be doing the heavy work and meetings Celestia and Luna are, but she still has a lot on her plate because she’s the one who keeps the kingdom happy and healthy, with being the princess of friendship and all. So, I think that she was thrown into a lot, maybe not having a whole kingdom to herself, but instead having to rule over a vast land and even beyond and having to take even more responsibility than the sisters at times. That’s just how I’ve interpreted it (what I love about this show is how everyone can have a different interpretation for events! It makes it fun lol). For Starlight and her rule, I picture her kingdom as being fairly small, about the size of the crystal empire, but maybe even a little smaller than that. So, overall, it’s pretty manageable, and since everyone living there now knows her/everyone moving in will have to want to move in instead of being forced, she won’t be ruling over creatures that completely hate her. That’s been my thought process for this story and why I made it so sudden, also because I think Starlight as a character is a strong leader, especially considering she’s been responsible to save all of Equestria. I think she knows a lot about other species because of her role in the school of friendship as well(or maybe not, I haven’t watched much of the new season so I could be completely off lol)

But thanks for the insightful comment! :) this is probably a rly long response but I appreciate you challenging my writing! Your comment will help me continue building this story to be stronger and more enjoyable. :))

JARP! Before I say anything else this story is off to a good start I think. NOW I read your blog post and I figured you were in high school and had stuff to do. In all honesty I didn't expect you to post again, especially after I read that you're in marching band. It's nice to see you post again.

I really Love this story! I hope you update soon!

Will be new chapter?

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