• Published 20th May 2019
  • 5,886 Views, 198 Comments

Fire Fox - Arceaion

When the DMMORPG Heroes of Heaven shut down some players stayed to the bitter sweet end vowing to see there world die this is the story of those who stayed.

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Chapter 1: A New World

Neburasuka rose and turned to the NPC's hesitantly. "Ecx, Occhi, exit the Shrine and determine our surroundings." he said in a commanding voice.

"As you command." Ecx said as she turned and exited the throne room Occhi following quietly behind.

"Red, Blue, help Artificius to her room and stay with her." He said as he turned to the two slimes. The slimes saluted and turned helped their creator to her feet before leading her away. As they did Neburasuka turned to the other guardians who watched him calmly though he could tell they were confused and scared. "Ariel, check on the Vault once it is secured I want you to coordinate the defenses and monitor the perimeter, place Shrine defenses on Omega 1."

"As you wish Father." Ariel said as she teleported away.

"The rest of you must have questions so you may ask." Neburasuka said calmly.

"I believe our first question is what has happened?" Saer asked concerned.

Neburasuka nodded. "How much do you know of who and what you are?" He asked.

All the NPC's looked at each other for a moment before Cain spoke up. "We were all programmed with basic knowledge on what we are." Cain said calmly. "We are NPC's or as were better known Non-Player Characters for the Video Game known as Heroes of Heaven. We were created to be the children of our creators."

Neburasuka nodded. "Correct, today at 24:00, midnight, all servers of Heroes of Heaven were shut down and the game was to end. I and all of your parents thought it would simply end and as such we planned to see each other one last time. I and Artificius stayed to the end, we planned to stay till we were ejected from the game however as you can tell that didn't happen."

"Instead something changed." Ladneaf said. "I can actually feel it in myself; we are no longer NPC's or simply programs. We’ve become flesh and blood."

"If I am correct something that was thought impossible has happened." Neburasuka said. "Until we have more information I'd suggest we take a break, we need to wait for Artificius to recover and I need some time to think." He said. "Guardians, you are dismissed to your floors. Return here in one day that will give us time to recuperate." Neburasuka said as he walked to the throne and sat down.
All the guardians bowed and exited the throne room leaving Neburasuka and Aurora who stood to the right of the throne shuffling her feet. "Um... father, do you wish me to go as well?" She asked.

Neburasuka shook his head. "Come here Aurora." He said as he gestured for her to approach. Aurora slowly walked over to her father and he pulled her into a hug. Aurora hesitated for a moment but slowly melted in to the embrace and smiled happily. "The moment I get a chance I'm getting you and your sisters and we are having some family time." He sighed.

Aurora smiled as he let her go and she sat down in his lap. "I doubt we'll get that any time soon." She sighed. "Besides don't you want to go back to where you came from?"

Neburasuka stopped for a moment and pulled away from Aurora in thought before chuckling. "Usually in comics and stuff when the main character ends up in another world, they try their best to find a way home right?" Aurora nodded as she listened however Neburasuka seemed lost in what he was saying. "But why would they want to go back to a world if its total... shit?" Aurora gasped in surprise as he turned to her with a smile. "This world means more to me than my old one ever did, here I have a family and something worth protecting. If Artificius wants to leave I’ll help her return home but I'm staying here."

Aurora sniffled as tears began to run down her face and she hugged Neburasuka harder. "Thank you Daddy." she whispered and Neburasuka smiled as he returned the hug.

"Want to come to the Vault with me? I need to check on something." He asked.

"Yes!" Aurora exclaimed excitedly. Neburasuka chuckled as he snapped his fingers and the two teleported.

The Guild Vault was a massive chamber divided into four parts. The first was the Main Hall which housed every piece of information on everything that Shoten Shita Guntai had acquired, to the left was the treasury and to the right the armory. Neburasuka walked past all this continuing forward till he reached a completely black wall. Standing before the wall was Ariel, the hilts of her sheathed rapiers shinning in the light of the vault. "Aurora!" The skeleton exclaimed happily as she leaped at her sister and hugged her before realizing who else was there and blushing. Quickly she rose and trying to look presentable however her attempts were wasted as Neburasuka simply laughed. "Welcome to the Guild Vault Father. I've checked all the relics and secured the more dangerous ones." She said as she pulled Aurora into another hug.

"I assume the flavor text and descriptions of the items were brought to life as well when we were teleported here?" Neburasuka asked a smirk on his face as he watched his eldest daughter.

Ariel nodded. "Yeah, my job may get a bit more exciting from here on out." She said with a smile before becoming serious. "I assume you’re here to check the on the more important things personally?" She asked.

Neburasuka nodded. "Yes." He said calmly and he turned to Aurora. "Beyond this gate lies a hall of weapons, armor and items with the classification of God Level and Unique. All of the equipment is locked behind thick glass that can only be unlocked by your sister, the member of the guild that placed the item in the case or the Gild Master, me."

Aurora looked at Ariel her eyes sparkling. "Wow, so you can unlock things that only the Guild Members can!?" She asked in amazement.

Ariel chuckled and nodded. “Yes, however what lies beyond the hall is the true reason why I was created and what I protect." She said with Pride. “Everything in these halls pales in comparison to what lies beyond this gate.”

"The inner most sanctum of the Shrine," Neburasuka said and Ariel nodded.

"What's the inner most sanctum?" Aurora asked.

Neburasuka smiled. "It is here all the World Class Level Items that the Guild has are placed." Neburasuka explained to her before returning to look at the wall before placing his hand on the door.

The moment he did this letters inscribed into the wall began to glow 'Through this gate you will obtain all the secrets of the world and through it gain the power to change Fate.' It read and Neburasuka took a deep breath. "Open the Gates of Eternity and unleash the power of the Ascended." He said. The wall lit up as magic circuits glowed and the wall began to lower slowly. When the gate lowered all the way Neburasuka stepped forward with Ariel and Aurora following behind.

The two NPC's were awestruck as they walked through the door and found themselves in a hall decorated with tapestries however what was most incredible was all the niches in the walls that had glass over them. As they walked forward the two NPC's realized that each niche contained a set of armor, weapon, or item that was extremely powerful. "This is where we placed the most powerful of our equipment, locked away and protected so that none but us my use them." Neburasuka explained as they exited the hall and entered the inner most sanctum of the Shrine. The inner sanctum was circular and the walls were lined with pedestals that held a World Class Level Items floating in an anti-gravity field however at the center floating behind a thick cylinder made of glass was the Guild Weapon.

Ariel and Aurora stood in awe at what they saw. Neburasuka chucked and walked to a world class item that had prominence in the center and when Aurora saw it she gasped. "That's not possible!" She said in shock.

Aurora turned to look at the weapon her father stood before but only looked confused. "What is it?" She asked as she looked at her sister.

"That sword is the World Item known as Caliburn; it is a sacred relic that was thought to have never been found!" She said as she approached the pedestal.

"Officially it never was." Neburasuka said with a smirk. "Caliburn is a special item as once it is found it will register to the players Account ID. This meant that only the Player who found it would be able to wield it and I just do happen to acquire all the necessary clues to find it first."

"What do you mean?" Aurora asked confused.

"To find Caliburn one had to go on a bit of a scavenger hunt and it was hard. However it was worth it and I was able to find the legendary sword." Neburasuka replied.

"Was the rumor about it true father?" Ariel asked excitedly. "Was it with Avalon?"

"Yes." He said and Ariel squealed excitedly.

"Um...What's Avalon?" Aurora asked before sighing. "I'm sounding like a broken record." she said sadly.

Ariel patted her shoulder in a comforting manner. "Your young sis, I've been around for a looong time so I know a thing or two." She said with a wink. "As for your question, Caliburn had three perks. The first was that it could only be used by the one who found it first. Second was that it has a duel form that allows it to become Excalibur. And finally it supposedly came with a God Level Item, the scabbard Avalon!" Ariel said excitedly.

Neburasuka reached out and pulled the sword from its pedestal eyeing it carefully. "Caliburn was the Guilds greatest asset, if I can no longer wield it then..." He trailed off slowly a look of concern on his muzzle as he grasped the hilt. Slowly he tugged it and with a click the sword was unlocked. The two NPC's watched in awe as Neburasuka drew the sword from its scabbard and held it out. To the NPC's the blade looked as if it was masked in a shimmering mist however Neburasuka saw the polished silver blade that lay underneath the illusion. He smiled and sheath the weapon before placing it back on its pedestal.

"You’re not taking it with you?" Aurora asked.

"Not yet, once we know what lies in this new world I will take it out but for now Caliburn will remain here where it is safe." Neburasuka said as he turned to Ariel. "Ariel I would like you to fetch Vulcan's gear and pass it to Cain and Kreig."

Ariel bowed. "At once father." She said and walked away.

Neburasuka watched her leave when a ping went off causing him to jump in surprise. 'The message function works?' He thought as he opened the connection. ["Yes?"] He asked.

["Father we've scouted the terrain, it's not good from what we can tell."] Ecx Said concern etched in her voice.

["The land around the mountain is grasslands."] Occhi said calmly.

["What do you mean grasslands?!"] Neburasuka asked concerned.

["She means just that, the mountain that the Shrine is on is still here as well as all the plant and animal life that were on it however the mountains and valleys that surrounded us and protected us are gone. We are completely exposed and I'm concerned."] Ecx explained.

Neburasuka stood there for a moment in thought before a look of determination crossed his face. "Return to the shrine immediately and head for the eighth floor, I'm having the defenses of the shrine set to Maximum and all guardians will be in full alert."

["Yes Father/Emperor."] Ecx and Occhi said before cutting the Message.

Neburasuka sighed. ["Message - Artificius"] Neburasuka said as he activated the complication system.

After a moment there was a beep and the connection activated. ["Nebura that you?"] Arty asked tiredly.

["Yes, I need you to come to the eighth floor, the situation has escalated."] Neburasuka said in concern.

["On my way."] Arty said and the connection ended.

Floor eight, also known as the Wells of Life was a perfect Zen Garden; the floor was a single acre of beauty for those who live in the upper floors of the shrine. There was a calm stream that feed into a small pond filled with Koi and a beautiful orchard of fruit trees all magically maintained. Beautiful flowers filled the ground and if one were to look off into the distance they would see all the previous floors on the shrine. This meant that while one could not see the ninth floor or higher they could still see the rest of the shrine as if they were looking upon the world from the sky.

At the heart of this floor was the World Class Item known as the Bowl of Hygiei, the Bowl of Hygiei was a massive fountain shaped as a chalice with a snake twined around its stem and poised above it, anyone who drink from it were restore. However there is a limit to its power. Any injuries, conditions, and mental ailments that are gained inside the shrine are restored but any injuries from outside the shrine do not heal.

As Neburasuka teleported to the room he smiled as a feeling of content covered him. In the past it was here that the other Guild Members would gather. Here they had discussed everything from philosophy to politics however this floor also held a special place in each Guild Members heart as it was here that their Guild, Shoten Shita Guntai, had been come to be. "This place brings back memories." A voice said behind Neburasuka causing him to jump and turn in surprise, behind him stood Artificius, a smile on her face showed her amusement.

Neburasuka smiled. "Good to see you old friend." He said.

Artificius smiled and walked to the cliffs looking over the realms they now ruled. "Remember when we founded the Guild." She asked.

"How could I forget?" Neburasuka asked with a nod. "I still feel you made the wrong choice in leadership."

Artificius chuckled. "I think we chose right." She said with a smile before turning to Neburasuka, a serious look on her face. "So what's the problem?"

"Ecx and Occhi reported in." Neburasuka said as he joined her and looked out over the other floors.

Artificius nodded. "I assume it's bad if you called me here, what did they find?"

"They'll be here shortly to give a full report." Neburasuka said as he continued to watch the realms. "I think I need to change my name."

Artificius chuckled. "Why would you want to do that?" She asked. "The name Neburasuka was feared throughout the seven realms realms of Hell and even many of the Angles from Heaven feared you."

Neburasuka nodded. "This isn't Heroes of Heaven any longer though and if we meet any of the locals of this new world I'd rather not have the name Neburasuka, it’s too long and hard to pronounce."

Artificius shrugged. "I honestly don't care."

Neburasuka nodded. "Honestly I'll probably just change it to the English translation for what it meant." He said with a shrug.

Artificius groaned and face palmed. "You are so lazy!" She groaned as Neburasuka laughed.

"Honestly who wouldn't want a name like Shadow Nebula?" Neburasuka asked as he crossed his arms. Artificius sighed and shook her head as Neburasuka laughed again.

As the two Players spoke Ecx and Occhi teleported in, when they saw the two talking Occhi stopped to wait however Ecx continued onward and hugged Neburasuka.

Neburasuka paused and looked down at Ecx before smiling and hugging the Automaton. "Hello Ecx." He said before turning to see Occhi. "Looks like it's time for the meeting." He said with a sigh before opening up the menu and quickly typing something up.

FROM: Neburasuka
TO: Shadow Nebula

Celestia groaned and looked up to see a strange bipedal creature with nine tales and wearing heavy armor approaches her. "It didn't have to be this way Celestia." The creature said in a sad tone. "All we wanted was to live in peace but you ponies just couldn't let that happen now could you?"

Celestia rose and flared her wings as she looked at the creature in anger. "It doesn't have to be like this, we can still find peace!" She cried out however the creature shook his head.

"Perhaps in another time we could have been friends but I fear that time has long since passed." He said as he drew his blade. "I fight to protect my people just as you fight to protect yours.

Celestia lit her horn as the creature raised his blade, a sword that looked to be forged from darkness itself, and with a cry the two charged, the battle was over in a single strike and Celestia fell. As she lay on the ground the creature approached and raised his blade. "I will not ask for your forgiveness but I ask that you not hold anger for me. I will pay for taking your life and all others I have taken when my time comes, I only pray you find peace where ever you go." He said as his blade fell.

Celestia gasped for breath as she shot from her bed and looked around. She sat in her bed and as she looked around she saw it was night out. After taking a moment to calm herself she rose and went to the window however half way there a knock came from the door. "Enter." She said and the heavy doors opened with a slight squeak as Luna entered. "Hello Luna." She said as she reached the window and sat down.

"Hello sister." Luan said as she joined Celestia. "I assume you saw it, the vision?" She asked and Celestia nodded.

"A male bipedal creature with nine tails battled me and I fell." She said as she took a breath. "Though from what he said he did not wish to fight, I feel we should be cautious of this vision."

Luna nodded. "I saw a creature similar to yours, but they appeared to be female." She replied. "Like in yours they seemed to regret our battle but refused to stand down."

Celestia sighed. "This vision is obscure; if we intemperate wrong we face a foe we know could have been an allied with." Celestia said thoughtfully. "In my vision the creature said, ‘All we wanted was to live in peace but you ponies just couldn't let that happen now could you?’, I feel that the fight we have is brought about by our ponies... fear of the unknown."

Luna paused and looked at Celestia with a harsh glare. "Sister, I've met Griffons more tolerant than our ponies." She said angrily. "For all your talk of love and tolerance the fact is our ponies are the most xenophobic."

Celestia sighed. "What do I do Luna, I don't want war or conflict but we both know that in the end the noble council will have the final say."

"If you would just disband the bloody council and restored the noble houses to what they once were then we wouldn't ever have trouble." Luna growled

"And what would you have me do Luna, strip them of power?" Celestia asked with a sigh. "If I were to do that then it would only add weight to the council’s depiction of me as a tyrannical monster. They already see me as that though the keep it to themselves, if I were to do that I would be stripped of my title and power faster than Hurricane could fly!"

Luna smiled. "I have been having some of my night guards watching the nobles, many of them could easily be dismissed on accounts of corruption and abuse of their station." She said with a giggle.

Celestia sighed. "Do you have proof?" She asked and Luna nodded causing the solar sister to smile. "Then I will need it, tomorrow we remove the thorn that has become the council and nobility."