• Published 20th May 2019
  • 5,891 Views, 198 Comments

Fire Fox - Arceaion

When the DMMORPG Heroes of Heaven shut down some players stayed to the bitter sweet end vowing to see there world die this is the story of those who stayed.

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Chapter 5: Interlude - Of Monster and Ponies Part 2

It had been a month since Celestia had stripped the nobles of their power and since then the life of not just Equestrian Citizens but rather all of the races that lived in Equestria had improved; while the improvement was not a significant amount it still reaffirmed the choices of the royals and proved the balance of power was at last shifting. However despite such improvements an announcement the day prior had been sent out requesting all ponies to be present for a final announcement. For many ponies there was no need to wonder if this was the trial Princess Celestia spoke of Everypony gathered on the town squares or around Canterlot Castle waiting to see the final verdict of the trial; though many knew that with such crimes Equestria may very well have its first execution in over seven hundred years.

As they gathered they saw the screens already up and active when they reached the palace and for those that couldn't be there in person were waiting in anticipation as similar screens appeared around all of Equestria. Finally they saw Celestia however what drew their attention was the second Alicorn at her side. Walking beside Celestia was her sister, Princess Luna, however many of the ponies were shocked by her condition. The lunar sister appeared as if she were a skeleton with skin stretched over it, her wings drooped and feathers fell from them as she walked slowly each movement seeming to bring pain. Celestia stood beside her sister a sad look on her face as she guided her sister to her throne and set her down before facing the screens. "Greeting's my dear ponies, today I bring an announcement as well as news of the trial." She said in a tired voice.

"The Trial for former nobles Calling Card and Shining Ruby will be held later today as all but a few royals have arrived and the remaining ones will be arriving within the hour." She said a small smile playing on her face. "However at present I would like to announce the replacement for the six positions for noble titles." She said as she nodded her head and the sound of doors opening was heard. The first to enter the view of the screen were the seven houses that remained. The first to enter was Lord Fancy Pants of House Pants; next marching on to the screen was Major Sparkling Wolfhelm of House Wolfhelm followed closely by the mysterious Surprise Wingshadow of House Wingshadow. After her entrance Silver Blood of House Blood walked in followed by Abraham Van Helsing of House Helsing and lastly walked Fleur de Lis of House Fleur and Major Valkyrie Valor of House Valor. "Bring in the selected candidates." Celestia said and the sounds of hooves were heard with the first appearing being a stallion.

"Shinning Armor member of the Minor Noble House Sparkle, son of Lord Nightlight Armor and Lady Twilight Velvet, descendent of the great wizard Starswirl the Bearded; you stand before the crowns of Equestria in a time of great change. I ask you, will you take up the mantle of leadership and join the ranks of the Noble Class?" Celestia asked calmly.

Shinning Armor bowed. "I shall your majesty; I pledge myself and my decedents to serve under you and to protect the citizens of this great nation." He said calmly.

Celestia nodded. "Then I name you the first of the Noble House of Sparkle, my you guide Equestria with the strength and wisdom of your ancestors." She said as Shining Armor rose and took his place beside his fellow Nobles. Next to walk out was a stallion with a black mane and tail with a white coat and blood red eyes. "Record Scratch of the Minor Noble House Scratch, you and your ancestors have served this nation with duty guarding secrets withheld from any library but yours, I know you have many duties as it stand but I ask if you would honor the crown by taking up the charge of the Noble Class." Celestia asked as Record Scratch bowed.

"If it is the will of the crown I shall serve with conviction and honor your majesties." He said as he bowed.

Celestia nodded. "Then I name your house a member of the Nobility, may you guide Equestria with the wisdom of your ancestors." She said as Record Scratch rose and took his place beside his fellow Nobles.

Celestia sighed as she looked at her sister who nodded and rose. "With the next step forward?" She asked, her voice a harsh whisper that was amplified by a spell. Slowly a mare stepped forward, she bore a black mane and tale with a charcoal gray coat and her eyes were a piercing gold. The mare moved smoothly as if she exerted little effort or energy but the movement were not graceful but rather mechanical.

"You summoned me your majesties?" The Mare asked as she bowed.

Indeed; Lady Sharp Philharmonica of House Philharmonica, I ask you to take up the mantle of Nobility and server Equestria as your ancestors did long ago." Luna said calmly.

The Mare tilted her head in thought. "Are you sure your majesties? My family relinquished the title of Nobility three centuries ago for a reason, are you sure you wish to reinstate us as Nobles?" She asked.

Luna nodded. "We are; will you take up your ancient mantle?"

Sharp Philharmonica bowed. "If the crown wills out return then we shall serve as we did long ago." She said and Luna nodded.

"Then rise and take your place." She said as Sharp Philharmonica rose and joined her fellow nobles. The next to walk out of the doors was two Pegasus both bowing to the princesses as they reached the thrones. "Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles, your family has served Equestria since the days of the Unification as warriors and protectors of Equestria. Today we ask you to be the first family in over one thousand years to ascend from civilian to Noble, do you accept?"

"It would be our honor, your majesty." Bow Hothoof said calmly.

Celestia nodded. "Then rise and take your place as Nobles of Equestria." She said as they two rose and Celestia smiled. "Commander Hurricane would be so proud right now." She said as the two joined the other nobles. The next to walk out the doors was an elderly pony with graying mane and tail with a light green coat. The Elderly mare was accompanied by a stallion with a red coat and orange mane and tail that looked no older than a teen. "Ah, Smith Apple, it is a pleasure to see you again." Celestia said as she bowed to the old mare who waved her hoof.

"Cut the bowing Celestia and come down here so I can get a look at ya!" The old Apple yelled happily. Celestia rose and approached the old mare who squinted at her. "Ya, better cut back on the Cake or yer flank is gonna get stuck in a door." She commented causing Celestia to blush as the old mare looked at the Luna sister. "And Luna, ya need to eat yer sisters’ cake, put some fat on them bones of yours before ya waist away."

Luna nodded. "Yes Miss Smith, I will" She said. "I assume you want to skip the formalities as always?" She asked.

The Elder Apple chuckled. "I accept, the apple family'll whip these boys back into the upstanding nobles I meber from my youth and if I can't I'll beat the reaper himself back till I do." She said as she pounded her cane on the marble floor. "Now if you'll excuse me I need to sit down; ol'hips ain't what they use to be." She said as she walked forward and sat on Celestias throne before immediately falling asleep. They young stallion seemed embarrassed as he slowly walked over and joined the other nobles however as he reached them he was greeted with respectful nods and pats on the shoulder. Every Equestrian know of the Apple family and their dedication to Equestria, none would dare talk ill of them lest they incur the wrath of all.

Celestia smiled as she turned to the doors. "Let the next pony in." She said calm.

As the pony entered many of the ponies in the room began to frown or mutter; the mare that entered walked with arrogance and pride that would make the former prince Blueblood to blush in envy. "You called me your majesties?" The mare asked as she saluted the rulers.

Celestia sighed. "We did Captain Spitfire, I asked you here to represent your house, House Blaze." She said.

Spitfire smirked. "Let me guess you want me to become a Noble like these other wash outs?" She asked.

Luna grit her teeth but Celestia simply frowned. "No, you're house has been called to temporarily fill the place of the Sunrise House." She said calmly. "At present House Sunrise is undergoing rehabilitation and I would ask that your house fill the position till she may return to her duties." Celestia said calmly.

Spitfire seemed to consider the offer before shrugging. "Sure." She said offhandedly.

"You litle- do you have any idea the honor it is to be considered for such a position!?" Shining Armor yelled angrily. "Did you even consider the reasonability of such a task?"

Spitfire shrugged. "I don't care." She said with a smirk. "Do you know how good this will look on my record? Hell this alone could get me a promotion in the Wonderbolts!" She said proudly.

Many of the Nobles stared in shock as Surprise, Major Wolfhelm and Abraham and eyed Spitfire with looks ranging from distaste to disgust; Fancy Pants was holding Shining armor back as he tried to charge the arrogant mare. Celestia sighed. "Very well, take your place among the other nobles." She said with a sigh. "There's always one she muttered as her sister paced a hoof on her shoulder. After several moments Celestia turned to the screens. "The Trial of Calling Card and Shining Ruby will be held in a few hours." She said in a tired voice as she motioned to somepony and the screens deactivated.

Several hours later the rulers of the many races of the world sat within a special court room; this room had been locked away centuries ago having last been used over three thousand years ago to charge the fallen Spirit of Chaos Discord for his crimes. If there was one thing a member of any race never wanted to be, it would be the defendant in the Court of the World; the Court of the World was held in Canterlot where High Queen Faust once ruled, here all races and beings from the lowest criminal to the highest of royalty were welcome with creatures of all walks of life flanking the wide aisle where the former Equestrian Nobles Calling Card and Shining Ruby were being escorted by four Royal Guards on four on each side and an equal number of Night Guards on the other.

As the two defendants reached the podium the guards chained them to the ground and left as they did a pony stepped forward and cleared her throat. "Announcing the Arrival of the Rulers and judges of this trial..." He paused and looked at the list in his hoof. "Representing the Pegasus, Earth Pony and Unicorn Races; Princess Celestia of the Sun." He said as Celestia calmly walked out and took her seat at the center throne. "Representing the Thestral, Arcania Golem and Reaper Races; Princess Luna of the Moon." As Luna stepped forward she many of the ponies present murmured as it was rare for her to make appearances and two in a single day must have been taxing.

"From the Chaos Races we have Queen Sekhmet representing the Sphinx, Lady Eris representing the Draconequus, Prince Neddur representing the Gargoyle, Lady Gaia Representing the Deer and King Seishi representing the Goats." He said as they all exited the back room and made their way to the thrones provided.

"Next we have the representatives of the tribal and nomadic races; presenting High Shaman Alchimeía of the Zebra Tribes, King Acadone of the Seaponies and Siren, Queen Nova of the Hippogriff Race, Chancellor Valhorn of the Minotaur Republic, King Talon of the Griffon Empire, Dragon Lord Torch of the Dragon Lands, Queen Titania of the Flutter Ponies, Breezie and Changeling Hives, Black Ash of the Phoenix and Wendigo Races and finally King Dainn of the Caribou." As The Pony finished his list he took a deep breath and collapsed as the last of the rulers entered and took their seats.

Celestia sighed and looked at her fellow rulers. "It's been to long since many of us have spoken and I wish it was under better circumstances." She said sadly before turning to the defendants. "Now let the tria-" A sudden light ripped through the room and everyone froze as a figure appeared on the highest throne.

The Figure was an Alicorn with a red mane and tail, cream colored fur and a cutie mark of an inkwell and quill. At the mares side stood two beings, one a Pegasus like creature in golden armor however she appeared like an angle with a pure white coat and mane as well as six wings; the second was a demonic being, bearing three horns and bat like wings with a whip like tail. "Forgive the lateness." She said calmly. "I had matters of which required my attention."

As she spoke all the creatures in the room as well as the royals bowed low as the announcer rose and cleared his throat as he shook slightly. "Announcing the appearance of her royal highness, High Queen Faust; Represented of the Angelic and Demonic Races of Eques..." He said in a shaky voice.

Faust looked over the rulers and frowned. "hmm, I'd have thought he'd come for this... then again it doesn't concern him yet so I suppose he'll simply be content to watch for now." She muttered before shaking her head. "Princess Celestia you may proceed with the Trial, I'm simply here as representative and observer." She said calmly.

Celestia bowed. "As you wish, Your Majesty." She said as the other rulers rose and turned back to face the two ponies in chains. "To day before all of Eques has gathered, the evidence of your crimes laid bare, your sins shown and the masks you've worn torn away. With all this evidence your guilt is a foregone conclusion in the eyes of all and your sentence decided. However we must follow tradition. Calling Card, you have been charged with the manipulation of both foreign and domestic politics of Equestria. We hold both evidence and testimonies that you are responsible for hiring mercenaries to antagonize other nations and instigate unrest and conflict. The results of your actions has been the destabilization of the Griffon Empires entire political structure, continued unrest and segregation between Minotaur Tribes, and an Unconfirmed Death count of over twenty-eight thousand individuals by indirect action and that is a conservative estimate. However as we, the collective rulers, pooled our knowledge we have found an additional slave ring selling all manner of races including your own to members of Saddle Arabia, Dragonia, Japonie, Mexicolt and Prance. A deeper and more in-depth joined investigation collaborated by all nations is currently underway however the evidence as it stands is enough to convict you to execution. How do you plead Calling Card?"

Calling Card grits his teeth as he glared at the princesses. "I did what I did for the betterment of Equestria." He said calmly. "Perhaps I was misguided in my ideals but I will not change them. All I ask is that I not be executed as no matter how depraved I may seem I never executed anyone willingly or directly."

Celestia sighed. "Calling Card, despite your crimes this counsel has deemed that execution is stills a punishment unfit for your crimes. You have lied, cheat, stolen and conned your way through life and as such we know that even death will not hold you." She stated calmly.

As she finished Prince Neddur of the Gargoyles and Lady Eris of the Draconequus rose and spoke. "This counsel has deemed you a threat to the stability of the world and Harmony as a whole." She said.

"As such it has been decided for your crimes of trickery the races of tricks and chaos are permitted your punishment." Prince Neddur said as he opened his hand and under him a portal opened releasing rusted chains that latched onto his hooves. "As a punishment for your trickery, we sentence you to the first floor of Tartarus Prison; here you shall be forced to roll a boulder endlessly up a steep hill. You may not be assisted; you may not be given any tools to help you." He said as his hand glowed and a brand appeared on Calling Cards back. "Furthermore I brand you with a Gargoyle Curse, until you can role the boulder to the top and keep it there you cannot die but you will still age." He said calmly as the stallion screamed in agony as he was dragged into the portal. Celestia looked away sadly while the other leaders watched the stallion be dragged into the portal with cold stares. Once the portal closed Shining Ruby was shoved up to the podium.

Luna rose and addressed the convicted mare with a look of hate. "Shinning Ruby, you have been charged with the murders of one thousand and seventy-five confirmed ponies across Equestria and an estimated twenty-thousand more, forty-three confirmed destroyed cities in the Minotaur Republic with the murder of four tribes and estimated seventy-two more, almost two hundred Griffon villages burned to the ground and over thirty Griffon Chicks rape and murder." Luna smiled as he looked at the mare. "Furthermore we have confirmed the planned assassination of the princesses of Equestria, the enchanted daggers would have been a good attempt by the way." she said with a smirk. "We as the collective rulers pooled our knowledge and have found you guilty of the crimes of racism, treason, piracy, grand larceny, murder of the first degree, rape and sexual actions against multiple minors." She finished as Celestia rose.

"Sinning Ruby, you are not given right to plead your case, you are not given right to dispute charges, as for his moment all rights given by the Laws of Sentience have been removed from you." Celestia said calmly. "For your crimes you are to be executed immediately and your corpse left to rot where it is killed. There will be no burial, no funeral or any form of last request." She said coldly as her horn began to glow. "Of course there won't be a need for any of that anyway." She sad with distaste as she released a beam of solar magic at the mare who screamed in pain as her flesh melted away and she turned to ash.

Celestia sighed a she sat down and the other rulers nodded. Slowly Faust rose and addressed the crowd who stood in shocked silence at what they had witnessed. "Let this be both a lesson and reminder to all; there are lines to be drawn, crimes so horrid that they are erased form the records of history. Many tiles we choose to conceal or hide these criminals as it is they that bring out our darkest side; however this trial was permitted to be public under mush debate. Though I act as observer the fact I permitted these forms of punishment to be used should state enough. With these criminals punished I adjourn this court." She said calmly causing those present to bow and leave. Once all in the crowed left the rulers rose however Faust cleared her throat causing them to look to her. "I ask you all to stay, there is a presence her that wishes an audience." She said as a figure dropped from the rafters and landed before the rulers.

As the figure landed the rulers quickly noticed she was young female though her species was unknown as none had ever seen one of her kind before. The women had long rust red hair and from her lower back sprouted two metal wings. As she rose they saw her eyes were faintly glowing silver however they had as strange unnatural appearance to them and the left eyes pupal appearing to be a targeting crosshair. She wore a form fitting black suit with glowing blue electrical lines around it and on her chest was a black chest plate. Her boots were a pair of extremely light black and around her neck was a black camo scarf; a pair of goggles rested on her forehead keeping the hair out of her face. The women were silent as she landed almost as if she was not even there.

The women eyes the rulers for a time before she reached behind her back and pulled a rolled up parchment and placed it on the ground in front of her. For a moment none of the rulers moved before Luna spoke. "Will you speak?" She asked only to receive a nonverbal rely in the form the women shaking her head. "I see is this a message for us?" The Women nodded and rose from her bow.

For a moment none of the rulers know what to do before the letter was lifted and a glowing orange aura and drawn toward Queen Sekhmet of the Sphinx. As it reached her she took it and unrolled it before reading aloud. "Greetings rulers of this realm, I am Emperor Nebula ruler of Yusei no Jinja. Though I have yet to make myself or my realms known I bring to you greetings form the Ascended. Despite my desire to remain out of your worlds conflicts certain events have forced my hand to reveal myself and I felt that this gathering was the most appropriate time to do so. When the time is right I shall send an emissary to the land of Equestria; in this world’s darkest hour. Till then I shall remain hidden but be warned; on the longest day of the thousandth year the stars shall align and aid a great Darkness in their escape. When the day comes I shall send my representative to your aid but know that all actions hold a price and I will demand something in exchange for this act of assistance." She finished calmly.

As she finished the women bowed and stepped backward her body disappearing as she activated her active camouflage and lefty the room the rulers staring in shock at what had just transpired.

Author's Note:

Well this took longer than I thought but it was worth it. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I will see you in the next one.