• Published 5th Aug 2012
  • 418 Views, 1 Comments

Slipstreams' Courage - Soarin13

A socially awkard pegasis must overcome his fears in order to save the mane 6 and all of equestria.

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Another day

After my conversation with with the mail mare i continued down my daily path. My path was soon surrounded by apple trees. "Yep, I'm on the right path", I said to myself.
I jumped up into the air and just hovered for a moment to look at the stallion who scare, I uh... mean, startled me. " Oh, it's just you Big Mac. Hope I didn't startle you to with my outburst."
"OH, well that's good. Anyway I have to go tell Granny I'm here but I'll catch up with you later, is that cool?"
Ok I'll just say it, that just kills me, the pony needs only those two words to survive in the world. I continued to make my way closer to the barn when I took a wiff of the air. That sweet sweet apple scent engulfing me to just smile. Out of the two jobs I had this was probably the most enjoyable. Not that I don't enjoy tutoring it's just there are so many reasons to love this job. I got this job not too long ago actually. It all started when my friend Ms. Cherilee asked me for my help. She had a student who was struggling with her homework and said that she couldn't ask her siblings or her grandma for help because they were too busy working out in the fields. Ms. Cherilee knew that I never let kids or their parents down when it came to helping them so I decided to meet her. Applebloom was her name, let me tell ya she is the most adorable filly I have ever met. She is kind, full of energy, and is really smart too, she just needs a little help with understanding certain things. We became really close friends. Somehow, she figured out that being only a tutor wasn't getting me a lot money so she talked about it with Granny Smith. I found this out the day they asked me if I wanted a job here. She told me they could only pay me what they could when they could but I didn't care. I still thank them to this day for allowing me to work here.

Another reason I like working here is because of another certain mare. That mare is Applejack. It wasn't like the typical love at first sight kinda thing, it was a way deeper feeling I had for her. Ever since we started working together we'd spend hours just talking. Whether it was work time or free time we would always be talking together. In all honesty, I like everything about her, the headstrong personality, the silly way she pretends to ignore me by fake-snoring, her athleticism, that undeniably cool hat, those cute freckles, those beautiful green eyes, and that adorable accent.

I was flying above the tree line when I saw her. From the looks of it, she was trying to carry some really heavy looking barrels so I did a quick barrel roll to try to impress her and swooped and just hoveredt in front of her.
"Hey there purty boy, fancy flyin up there!"
"Thanks AJ, thought I'd drop in and help you carry those barrels."
"That's mighty kinda of you but I'm fine."
"You sure about that?"
"I assure you, I am more than capable of...wow wowo Yipes!!!!"
All the barrels fell off her back. You could see her begin to blush as she tried to look calm after the accident. Amazing, she didn't even have to try to look cute the whole time.
"Still want to do it alone?"
"If you'd be so kind, I wouldn't mind a little help."
"Anything you say AJ."
"Thanks Sugarcube."

I helped her carry the barrels over to the barn where Granny was inspecting each of the apples from similar barrels to ours. When she saw AJ she gave a her that concerned look she gives to someone when something's wrong.
"You're ten minutes late AJ, what happened?"
"Sorry Granny, I dropped some of the barrels on the way over. Slip saw and helped me get them barrels over here. Aint that right Sugarcube?"

I wasn't quite paying attention to the conversation, more like I was staring at AJ again. I don't mean to be rude or creepy and stuff, I just sort of can't help it sometimes.
"Wha....oh sorry, I was just..." I tried to make up something on the spot. I couldn't. Then AJ spoke up."Hey Slip, why don'tch ya help me out and walk with me to the south field?"
"Uhh yeah sure. No problem." I was so glad she said that. I just couldn't stand those kinds of moments. The kind of moment when you and somepony have absolutely nothing to say to each other. It was just too awkward for comfort.
"Hey Slip, can I talk to you? It's kinda serious."
I knew not to take this lightly. When Applejack was serious, there was no joking it was of the utmost importance.
"Yeah AJ, what's up."
"Earlier this month, you asked me if I was busy and if I wanted to go do something with you."

At this point her cheeks were a bright glowing red, so were mine. Yeah, I tried asking her out once or twice, it could have gone better. She didn't flat out reject me, she said she was really busy and was sorry. Why would she bring this up though?

She chuckled,"Well, ya think that you'd still like to do something. This season's almost over and I'ma have myself a lot'a free time."
I couldn't believe it. She was asking me out! I stood there frozen, mentally gasping out for air. I didn't know what to say, so I just said,"Yes!! Of course!" Real smooth ace.
"Great, so have any place in mind."

No, absolutely not. Up to this point I never thought I'd actually get that date. I've actually never been on a date before and never knew what would be a good place for one. There was that one thing though.....
"How about a picnic near the park?"
"Why that sounds lovely Slip. I'd love that". The whole time my cheeks were blazing red. Seeing AJs' do the same relaxed me a bit though. The rest of my day I spent continuing to help AJ buck trees and later moved to help Big Mac take down old dead ones. It was time to go pick up Applebloom, just like on every Thursday. As soon as she saw me charged at me and gave me a terrific headlock which she claims to be a hug."Ready to go?"
"Can you fly me there, oh please please please please?"
"Well..oh alright. Get on."

She absolutely loved flying with me. The whole time we were up there she kept on screaming YAHOOOOOO! I brought her home in style, pegasus style. After our session I was invited to stay for dinner so I did. Oh sweat Celestia Granny Smith can cook, that apple pie with hay bacon strips hit the spot. After dinner I said goodbye to the Apples and headed home. The entire time with a big grin on my face. I just couldn't believe it, AJ wants to go out with me. As soon as I got home i headed straight to sleep on the bed, yet found myself lying on the floor. It didn't matter though, I just wanted to sleep. Besides, the floor was actually quite comfy. In my mind I kept thinking that nothing could possibly go wrong. I had no idea.